#soylent | Logs for 2024-05-04

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[01:20:09] <chromas> Nobody knows
[02:15:35] <Runaway> Yellow pages suck ass. I called a businessman two days ago, most highly rated in his field, in the area. I wondered why I hadn't heard from him.
[02:16:28] <Runaway> Just got a SMS explaining he retired five years ago, he ain't doing no work for me or anyone else. He did recommend a former competitor though, for which I thanked him.
[02:16:57] <Runaway> But, you would think that any reputable phone directory would know that the businessman was no longer in business.
[06:12:38] <chromas> What reputable phone book still even exists?
[06:12:57] -!- aristarchus [aristarchus!~aristarch@216.238.orx.tp] has joined #soylent
[06:13:01] <chromas> Only one I ever see is some weirdo rando off-brand
[06:13:18] -!- aristarchus was kicked from #soylent by chromas!~chromas@Soylent/Staph/Infector/chromas [no impersonation]
[06:13:52] -!- soylentil89 [soylentil89!~soylentil@216.238.orx.tp] has joined #soylent
[06:17:24] <soylentil89> drussell seems easily triggered.  Yes, nostyle did say that.  But these days, where whole chunks of SN can just fall off the plate, how can we know if it was voluntary or not.  Shades of Athanasius Kircher, noble Soylentil of the past, who left under similar circumstances.   Prove to me that this is not censorship by janrinok.   And, the
[06:17:24] <soylentil89> bugs are going to overwhelm Runaway's intellect, nearly immediately.
[06:20:54] <soylentil89> Thanks to chromas for kicking me, when I attempted to impersonate aristarchus.  Am I the first one caught doing that?
[06:33:48] -!- soylentil89 has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[06:41:50] <Runaway> Some shade of red, I think. Maroon, maybe.
[06:54:53] -!- esainane has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[06:56:53] -!- esainane [esainane!esainane@sendjocq.space] has joined #soylent
[08:40:59] -!- aristarchus [aristarchus!~aristarch@82.102.gw.kko] has joined #soylent
[08:41:08] <aristarchus> chromas in a wicked mood?
[08:51:04] <aristarchus> And, no.  Runaway1956 was caught impersonating me, and was punished and determined to be a very naughty boy. Did not reform him, however, he is still just as much an ignorant moron.
[08:55:46] -!- aristarchus has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[09:05:05] <chromas> /nick MaxButthurt
[09:06:29] -!- mode/#soylent [+r #soylent] by chromas
[10:45:30] <fab23> Fast Wi-Fi in train travelling south with 300km/h :)
[11:58:56] -!- anontor has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[12:41:54] <AlwaysNever> fab23: fuck the wifi, enjoy the ride
[13:06:18] <fab23> AlwaysNever: I also do, there is plenty of time in the train.
[15:55:28] -!- mode/#soylent [-r #soylent] by chromas
[19:33:01] -!- aristarchus [aristarchus!~aristarch@146.70.zth.om] has joined #soylent
[19:33:32] <aristarchus> Down shutting we are?
[19:50:51] -!- aristarchus has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[23:40:37] <chromas> https://earthsky.org
[23:40:38] <systemd> ^ 03| EarthSky
[23:40:57] <chromas> Boeing Starliner 1st crew to launch on Monday
[23:41:22] <ted-ious> Hopefully no whistleblowers died for that.
[23:47:04] <AlwaysNever> Boeing is MBA's apotheosis.
[23:47:51] <ted-ious> I don't think it's just a few mba's that are causing the problem.
[23:48:23] <AlwaysNever> MBA are the worker ants for the financial economy
[23:49:02] <ted-ious> MBA's aren't the ones actually building the planes.
[23:49:14] <AlwaysNever> profits for capital owners (shareholders) over quality of work
[23:49:50] <ted-ious> Nothing about that has changed.
[23:49:51] <AlwaysNever> MBA are the one giving orders to the builders
[23:50:04] <ted-ious> Boeing moved the headquarters across the entire country and hired a completely different work force.
[23:50:36] <ted-ious> The mba problem just relocated from one place to another.
[23:50:53] <ted-ious> It didn't just appear out of nowhere in south carolina.
[23:51:47] <AlwaysNever> a real business controller by MBAs is doom to Boeing's fate
[23:52:10] <AlwaysNever> MBA are only good for dealing with fictional goods
[23:52:24] <ted-ious> Why wasn't it doomed 30 years ago?
[23:52:49] <AlwaysNever> because MBA's had not reached yet top echelon inside Boeing
[23:53:11] <ted-ious> I don't think that's correct.
[23:53:18] <AlwaysNever> I think it is
[23:53:47] <ted-ious> They were already taking over corporate america by 1990.
[23:55:00] <AlwaysNever> But only when their jobs is complete, the real work takes seconde place
[23:55:08] <AlwaysNever> it takes time to unfold
[23:55:59] <AlwaysNever> people have to retiree or get fired for the inertia to change
[23:56:02] <ted-ious> 35 years?
[23:56:19] <AlwaysNever> yeah
[23:56:26] <ted-ious> I agree with you that mba's are a big part of what's wrong with business everywhere.
[23:56:57] <ted-ious> But you're missing an enormous change that boeing made that is documented as causing problems.
[23:57:44] <AlwaysNever> those changes had a cause, and MBA's were the driving force for that change
[23:57:59] <ted-ious> When gulf arab states say they won't accept delivery of planes unless they are assembled in washington state despite the headquarters and assembly locations moving to south carolina you have your answer.
[23:58:27] <ted-ious> No I'm afraid you're missing a huge political aspect to the history over here.
[23:58:55] <ted-ious> Read up on nikki haley and the deals that made that change happen.
[23:58:59] <AlwaysNever> I'm afraid you are heeding a narrative full of intoxication
[23:59:23] <ted-ious> I assure you I do not get intoxicated. :)