#soylent | Logs for 2024-05-03

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[00:39:29] <chromas> xcopy predates Windows too, right?
[00:40:19] <chromas> https://www.cnet.com
[00:40:20] <systemd> ^ 03Google's Apparently Adding 'Emoji Audio,' Including a Fart Noise, to Android. Here's How to Use
[00:41:16] <chromas> Shirley using airpods will give it extra gas
[00:51:51] <Runaway> Didn't realize just how anal Google really is.
[01:00:09] <ted-ious> It's like they're trying really hard to make the unibomber seem like the wisest old man ever.
[01:00:41] <ted-ious> If any phone I control starts making farting noises it's going in the trash.
[01:08:47] <Runaway> I'm sure there are settings somewhere to disable the stupid.
[01:41:59] <drussell> I know it didn't exist back in DOS 2.11, but maybe sometime in the 3.x or 4.x era. I think our first 286 had 3.1 stock, it was a really early 3.x I think; I would have to dig out the manual or the disks to be sure.
[01:42:37] <drussell> I know it came with Ontrack's DIsk Manager software for the original drive because the DOS version could still only do maximum 32MB partitions
[01:43:06] <drussell> We still ran it as two 20MB partitions, but Disk Manager still had some helpful advantages
[01:46:24] <drussell> According to Wikipedia, DOS 3.3 was the first version to include xcopy.exe
[01:46:57] <drussell> That sounds about right... It was still pertty limited, but at least it could copy subdirectories.
[01:51:01] <drussell> That's about the time I started to run DoubleDos so I could leave the BBS running on the second "virtual machine" and the family could still run WordPerfect, or whatever on the first instance of DOS
[02:20:16] <chromas> Google loves anal
[04:59:19] <chromas> http://itwire.com
[04:59:22] <systemd> ^ 03iTWire - Poettering announces tool in new systemd version to replace sudo ( https://itwire.com )
[04:59:42] <chromas> Didn't we already overreact to that a couple years ago?
[05:02:55] <chromas> Plus there's already a few sudo alternatives
[05:06:00] <ted-ious> So why not build it into the init system?
[05:06:51] <ted-ious> I'm sure nothing will ever go wrong and there will never be any privilege escalations because of this carefully thought out idea.
[05:39:43] <chromas> it's not in the init system
[05:39:57] <chromas> systemd is init plus a bunch of other stuff under the same umbrella
[05:40:09] <chromas> like we have soylent irc but it's (surprisingly) not part of slashd
[05:42:13] <chromas> They should do like kde and rename the main thing their group is named after
[06:04:46] <ted-ious> privilegeescalationdexploit?
[06:14:28] <chromas> uh, that's systemd-privilegeescalationdexploitd to you, mister!
[10:19:43] -!- drussell has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[10:20:33] -!- drussell [drussell!~drussell@a4627691kd3g1a0z4.wk.shawcable.net] has joined #soylent
[10:34:30] <Ingar> systemctl enable pwned
[12:14:32] -!- anontor has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[12:14:50] -!- anontor [anontor!~anontor@185.243.xoz.hvr] has joined #soylent
[12:47:01] <AlwaysNever> systemd is not an init system, systemd is an SML, System Management Layer, I just invented the term
[12:47:46] <AlwaysNever> So it will be: kernel, above it systemd, above it Bash (o user processes).
[12:48:14] <AlwaysNever> therefore anything which is not the kernel or user initiated processes, will be replaced by systemd
[12:49:12] <AlwaysNever> I can't wait to see it all going down in flames!
[12:53:32] <AlwaysNever> Also, Debian should change its name: from "Debian GNU/Linux", to "Debian systemd/Linux".
[12:54:12] <AlwaysNever> o better yet: "Another systemd/Linux"
[12:56:22] <Ingar> A is already taken by Arch
[12:56:28] <AlwaysNever> what about renaming User ID 0 (a.k.a. "root") to "systemd"? I can see it coming... root is so old fashion!
[16:07:46] <Ingar> Weekends!
[16:24:17] <drussell> * * * DING DING DING * * *
[16:24:19] <drussell> Only 35.5h until site certificate meltdown
[16:24:20] <drussell> * * * DING DING DING * * *
[16:36:54] <Ingar> drop https use http
[16:37:11] <Ingar> it's freeze peach anyway, so why would you want to hide it!
[17:34:52] <fab23> Ingar: MitM can change the content on the way to you, or are able to see what I am reading. This is only my and SNs business.
[17:35:57] <janrinok> drussell, I have spoken to audioguy yesterday - he is aware. Thanks for the reminder!
[17:37:33] <janrinok> of course, being aware and remembering to do it are not necessarily the same thing.....
[18:02:53] <Ingar> fab23: true. please remind me to fix certbot on my personal website.
[18:17:43] <drussell> I just renewed some of my primary certs this morning :)
[18:18:36] <drussell> I could probably automate the process on each server somehow, but meh...
[18:19:07] <drussell> I just do it manually and transfer it around everywhere in one big batch, restart a couple sendmails, etc.
[18:19:25] <drussell> It only takes a few minutes, I just have to actually do it.
[18:41:00] <Runaway> Unearthly noises in the distance - sounds like old-time flying saucer sound effects.
[18:41:26] <Runaway> The sound comes and goes, I was beginning to doubt my senses.
[18:41:55] <Runaway> Finally, I mentioned it to Dear Wife, and she says it's cicada season.
[18:42:17] <Runaway> I'm like, "OK, but why aren't they right here, on our place?"
[18:42:59] <Runaway> If bugs were singing all around me, I could track one down, and see what it was, these all sound like they are half a mile or more away.
[18:44:26] <Runaway> Besides, my poultry is cheated, not having any of the bugs to catch!
[19:01:03] -!- aristarchus [aristarchus!~aristarch@185.191.sxs.yw] has joined #soylent
[19:03:25] <aristarchus> Runaway attacked by bugs, nostyle's journal has been deleted.  Signs of the Pocky Clipse.
[19:11:04] <aristarchus> And, if #governance is locked down, it might as well be removed.  Transparency, in the dark.
[19:11:16] -!- aristarchus has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[19:17:45] <Ingar> that's me
[19:17:56] <Ingar> setting up telescope outside
[19:20:25] <Ingar> (them motors make weird noises)
[20:12:02] <drussell> Ari, you dipshit schmuck... nostyle said right in his journal that he was going to delete it after a couple days.
[20:13:13] <drussell> (/troll food mode off)
[21:08:43] -!- drussell has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[21:09:34] -!- drussell [drussell!~drussell@a4627691kd3g1a0z4.wk.shawcable.net] has joined #soylent
[23:05:43] <Bytram> audioguy: When you are planning to update the site's certs, please let me know. TMB showed me how to do it and then I did it myself alone a few times. Once he knew that I could do it myself, alone, he took back over the cert updating. At that time, we had something like a half dozen servers. Now, I have no idea what servers we have. I'd like to be able to do it and free you up from having to do it every time. Some redundancy is a
[23:05:44] <Bytram> good thing and it would then be possible to remove you from the critical path! :^)
[23:12:00] <Bytram> FYI: I'll be unavailable from 0900-1200 (EDT).