#soylent | Logs for 2024-05-02

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[00:10:11] <chromas> https://npr.org
[00:10:11] <systemd> ^ 03The people behind online scams may be scam victims themselves ( https://www.npr.org )
[00:10:56] <chromas> "Tens of thousands of people have been trafficked into remote, Southeast Asian compounds and forced to scam others."
[03:19:01] <Runaway> Yeah, well, the more intelligent scammers should figure out how to scam their way out of those Southease Asian compounds.
[03:19:09] <Runaway> Survival of the fittest, right?
[03:49:19] -!- lld has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[03:55:37] -!- lld [lld!~lld@2001:f40:thm::ywni] has joined #soylent
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[04:45:36] <chromas> https://www.neowin.net
[04:45:38] <systemd> ^ 03Microsoft admits it can't fix Windows 10 KB5034441 "0x80070643 - ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE"
[04:45:46] <chromas> That's the error I just ran into a couple weeks ago
[04:46:10] <chromas> "just make the partition bigger" but Windows won't let you
[05:07:03] -!- pinchy has quit []
[10:41:26] -!- cosurgi has quit [Changing host]
[10:41:26] -!- cosurgi [cosurgi!~cosurgi@Soylent/Staff/Misc/cosurgi] has joined #soylent
[11:37:05] <AlwaysNever> chromas: it looks like deleting the WinRE partition would solve the problem, as the update which causes the error only applies to systems which have such WinRE partition
[11:37:54] <AlwaysNever> my Windows 10 x64 Pro system does not have such WinRE partition
[12:25:11] -!- anontor has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[15:09:14] <chromas> AlwaysNever: oh cool. Wish I'd know that before I gave the computer back to the person ;d
[15:09:15] <chromas> :D
[15:10:19] <chromas> The Windows installer put the partition there, and it put it at the end, so Windows can't do anything about it since it can't move partitions for some reason
[15:10:40] <chromas> But deleting would have been fine
[15:11:05] <chromas> (if I had more time, I would have used linux to move it)
[16:02:36] <Ingar> I did actually fix that
[16:02:50] <Ingar> but it took a linux install, some dark magic, and dd
[16:03:10] <Ingar> (in essence, rsize partition, dump old data on it, then resize fs)
[16:04:40] <chromas> it just doesn't make sense that they'd run into such an error when they're the ones deciding the partition size and making it so windows itself can't do anything about it
[16:04:53] <chromas> why not just make the update not use up all the partition?
[16:05:07] <Ingar> why use windows
[16:05:21] <AlwaysNever> Windows 11 is a rolling release, they move fast, the break things; you then go fix them.
[16:05:31] <Ingar> Arch Windows
[16:05:35] <chromas> all the software that doesn't run on anything else, mainly
[16:05:36] <AlwaysNever> And Windows 10 is also a rolling release
[16:05:41] <Ingar> tbh, my arch breaks less then windows
[16:06:05] <chromas> windows 10, especially. it's the last windows
[16:06:55] <AlwaysNever> they SAID Win10 as the last Windos -- a forever rolling Windows release -- then Windows 11 came along
[16:07:07] <Ingar> today I had an issue
[16:07:08] <chromas> sounds like fake news
[16:07:14] <Ingar> had to copy about 2K folders
[16:07:34] <Ingar> it was _impossible_ to select them all and copy/paste or dragndrop them had to copy them in blocks
[16:07:54] <Ingar> turns out the last-mins-one dir was inaccessible
[16:08:23] <Ingar> found that out after 4hrs of copying
[16:08:48] <chromas> next, try copying xp folders ;)
[16:09:12] <Ingar> I'd shut down the XP, hook up the disk to a linux machine and use rsync
[16:09:55] <chromas> that's a lot to select. the proper, extra steps method would be to open a terminal, move the folders into another folder, then drag that new folder over
[16:10:00] <AlwaysNever> When copying many folders in Windows, it's easier to ZIP them up witn 7zip, than using Explorer.exe and having the operation blow up mid-term
[16:10:22] <Ingar> but rather painful with 500GiB of data
[16:11:05] <chromas> I'm okay with that "i" I guess, but ain't no way I'm saying "gibibyte"
[16:11:11] <chromas> oh shit I just did
[16:11:32] <Ingar> I prounounce it "gigabyte"
[16:11:52] <chromas> 1.21 jiggabytes?
[16:12:39] <AlwaysNever> It's GB -- GiB if your are an idle IT person
[16:12:53] <chromas> GiBs me dat
[16:13:06] <Ingar> I stopped caring
[16:13:10] <Ingar> "it's a lot of data"
[16:13:45] <chromas> half a ter
[16:14:01] <Ingar> that's jsut part of that particular job though
[16:14:38] <Ingar> old city archives, stuff +100yr old
[16:15:48] <Ingar> AlwaysNever: apparently mine has
[16:15:52] <Ingar> AlwaysNever: apparently mine has
[16:15:55] <Ingar> wops
[16:16:07] <Ingar> ignore that :p
[16:17:56] <chromas> no
[16:23:38] <fab23> Ingar: next time when not able to select & copy all, just select half of it, if that works fine and then take the other half. When it fails, start taking half of it again and so on. Kind of narrowing down where the problem may be.
[17:12:47] <Ingar> fab23: yeah eventually I did something like that
[17:21:15] <ted-ious> rsync?
[17:46:13] <chromas> https://www.youtube.com
[17:46:14] <systemd> ^ 03French Woodturning
[18:00:16] <Ingar> ted-ious: alas, windows
[18:04:18] <ted-ious> Ingar: What about WSL or that other project I can't remember the name of from many years ago?
[18:32:41] <Ingar> msys2?
[18:46:25] <ted-ious> Cygwin was what I was thinking of.
[20:11:46] -!- Freeman [Freeman!~Freeman_S@CanHazVHOST/Freeman] has joined #soylent
[21:51:09] -!- Freeman has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[23:16:48] <Fnord666> TeraCopy is much better than explorer.exe at copying files if you have to use windows.
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[23:38:01] -!- drussell [drussell!~drussell@a4627691kd3g1a0z4.wk.shawcable.net] has joined #soylent
[23:44:39] <drussell> God damn xcopy.exe is better than explorer.exe at copying files if you have to use windows!
[23:46:45] <drussell> Ingar's problem would likely have been avoided just by incanting xcopy with a parameter string that included /C
[23:47:12] <drussell> "Continues copying even if errors occur."