#soylent | Logs for 2024-04-28

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[01:48:23] -!- AlwaysNever has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[01:49:26] -!- AlwaysNever [AlwaysNever!~donaldo@] has joined #soylent
[01:49:27] * AlwaysNever is gone. Gone since Sun Apr 7 19:01:00 2024
[06:37:40] <chromas> it's so lively in here
[06:37:43] <chromas> =quote
[06:37:43] <systemd> ❝Please feel free to elaborate.❞
[06:38:22] <chromas> =quote explosion
[06:38:22] <systemd> ❝Literally every character except a wise-cracking robot is gonna die in an explosion.❞
[06:56:29] <chromas> I always get Rolling Stones and Aerosmith confused for some reason
[06:56:49] <chromas> Probably 'cause they're both rock bands with old giant-mouthed singers
[06:56:53] <chromas> https://www.youtube.com
[06:56:54] <systemd> ^ 03The Rolling Stones - You Can't Always Get What You Want (Violet Orlandi COVER)
[07:07:00] <chromas> https://www.youtube.com
[07:07:01] <systemd> ^ 03Steven Seagal's Flight Of Fury Is So Bad It Killed Santa - Worst Movie Ever
[07:07:22] <chromas> with a "Top Gut" thumbnail
[08:01:57] -!- Runaway [Runaway!~OldGuy@the.abyss.stares.back] has joined #soylent
[08:03:56] -!- gussie [gussie!~gussie@y6e8x728.vpn.njalla.net] has joined #soylent
[08:04:22] -!- Runaway1956 has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[08:08:51] <chromas> hm, mighty sus
[08:09:21] <chromas> I was just thinking about how hollywood's gone downhill since Weinstein was put away and now I'm starting to see posts about it
[08:09:34] <chromas> https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net
[08:09:42] <Ingar> hollywood, isn't that where they print dollars?
[08:09:50] <chromas> "objectively speaking he kept Ashley Judd out of Lord of the Rings"
[08:10:42] <chromas> in the past they at least tried to make movies good sometimes, but now we've got Disney owning most studios and actively investing extra money specifically to make their movies worse
[08:11:54] <Ingar> it's like how in games, Indie is wiping the floor with AAA
[08:12:32] <Ingar> (Indie, or AAA without al the usual monitization)
[08:12:45] <chromas> Anyone else got a Factorio addiction?
[08:12:52] <Ingar> hah
[08:12:58] <Ingar> that;s one game I never got into
[08:13:04] <Ingar> I did play Satisfactory though
[08:13:18] <Ingar> Maybe I should pick it up again
[08:13:19] <chromas> satisfactory is basicall 3d factorio
[08:13:25] <Ingar> yeah
[08:13:41] <Ingar> I like the 'wanering around in the world'
[08:13:44] <Ingar> visit my factories
[08:13:47] <Ingar> emjoy the beaches
[08:13:50] <Ingar> *enjoy
[08:14:01] <chromas> launching doggos
[08:14:06] <Ingar> :-D
[08:14:37] <Ingar> if you're into RPG stuff, you might want to take a look at WarTales
[08:15:13] <chromas> I don't think I've even tried satisfactory since I upgraded my pc last. I should see how well it runs on loonix with amdgpu
[08:15:32] <Ingar> well FYI I do have amdgpu
[08:15:35] <chromas> all the games I've tried run on it now
[08:15:39] <Ingar> 6900XT though, so pretty beefy
[08:15:44] <chromas> same here
[08:15:56] <chromas> actually they ran on the nvidia but never as smooth as on winders
[08:16:22] <Ingar> none of the games I tried so far run as smooth on loonix as in windooze
[08:16:39] <Ingar> e.g. satisfactory, elden ring, valheim
[08:17:01] <chromas> one thing that was weird was doing multiplayer. as soon as someone joins the game it would get choppy, like what happens when the vram is overflowing, and turning down the graphics would help
[08:17:10] <Ingar> proton performance is useable, but native windows is sttill better
[08:17:43] <chromas> the best part is since I'm running wayland now, I can't turn off compositing
[08:17:54] <chromas> which, doing that on X would about double performance
[08:17:56] * Ingar is still on X11
[08:18:03] <Ingar> I'll let the crowd iron out the wayland bugs first
[08:18:18] <Ingar> and I'm tinkering with retroarch :-D
[08:18:24] <chromas> wayland's probably almost as old as ipv6. it'll be ready any day now
[08:18:24] <Ingar> got some oldskool sega games
[08:18:38] <Ingar> chromas: just like nuclear fission!
[08:18:50] <chromas> fusion?
[08:18:54] <Ingar> fusion
[08:18:59] <chromas> I thought fission was the one we do have
[08:19:00] <Ingar> I always confuse those two
[08:19:05] <Ingar> yeah it is
[08:19:22] <chromas> we need both, so one can take things apart and the other can put it back together
[08:19:32] <chromas> unlimited free energyss!!!
[08:19:33] <Ingar> it's confusing that "fuse" is usually the first thing to blow things apart
[08:19:40] <Ingar> and "fusion" puts the mtogether
[08:20:08] <chromas> a fuse puts your flame together with an explosive
[08:20:11] <Ingar> not to mention fissure
[08:20:16] <chromas> separated by time
[08:20:20] <Ingar> chromas: :D
[08:20:48] <chromas> I have a collection of all the snes games somewhere
[08:20:57] -!- gussie has quit [Quit: leaving]
[08:21:05] <chromas> a few sega, but I barely played sega in real life
[08:21:17] * chromas types in an abacabb
[08:21:24] <Ingar> only played a few games when we had a sega on loan
[08:21:26] <Ingar> but they stuck
[08:23:02] <Ingar> some playstation games, and some arcades from the 80's
[08:23:05] <Ingar> dang nostalgia
[08:48:30] -!- aristarchus [aristarchus!~aristarch@128.1.lgv.vmj] has joined #soylent
[08:56:04] <aristarchus> =asub https://www.aljazeera.com
[08:58:53] <janrinok> Ingar, did you get your bicycle fully repaired yesterday?
[09:14:00] -!- aristarchus has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[09:27:53] <Ingar> janrinok: the brakes yes, the gears I was just about to begin
[09:29:03] <janrinok> good luck! (i.e. I hope that while fixing the gears you do not find something else that also needs doing....!)
[09:29:03] <Ingar> got two hooks haning from the ceiling in the garage to make the work a bit convenient
[11:11:05] -!- anontor has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[11:32:35] -!- anontor [anontor!~anontor@iej-vrif-91.for-privacy.net] has joined #soylent
[12:13:00] <Ingar> janrinok: replaced front derailer cable \o/
[12:13:25] <Ingar> I should probabely tune my gears now but I'm not rly in the mood for that
[12:29:31] <janrinok> recall that I said - a "5 minute job turns into a much longer one"
[12:30:28] <janrinok> have you oiled/greased the new cable?
[12:41:56] <Ingar> right I knew I forgot something :D
[12:42:27] <Ingar> but not really an issue, cable must last till the next large maintenance
[12:55:29] <janrinok> ... by which time you will have forgotten that you didn't do it when you fitted it and you will assume that it will be OK until the next large maintenance :D
[12:56:06] <janrinok> been there, seen it, wear the t-shirt...
[13:22:43] <Ingar> the next large maintenance will be SOON (tm)
[13:23:00] <Ingar> this was just emergency repairs
[13:23:09] <Ingar> and some cleaning
[13:28:28] <janrinok> I know - I am only joking because I am recalling when I made similar mistakes!
[14:17:49] <Ingar> at least it looks cleaner
[14:25:05] <janrinok> it'll probably go fast too - using a similar logic to painting go-faster stripes on cars....
[14:38:46] <fab23> https://www.geekculture.com
[14:38:46] <systemd> ^ 03TikTok gets banned!
[14:54:16] -!- anontor has quit [Quit: anontor]
[17:47:19] <chromas> fixed https://i.imgur.com
[21:15:44] <ted-ious> Fixed what?
[22:43:32] <chromas> the comic
[23:05:56] <ted-ious> What's different?
[23:16:15] <chromas> I took out the parts that weren't funny :D
[23:16:34] <ted-ious> LOL
[23:16:40] <ted-ious> Oh ok. :)
[23:16:52] <chromas> compare it to the geekculture link above
[23:17:08] <ted-ious> I usually don't bother since they are behind cloudflare.
[23:17:12] * chromas likes ruining other people's stuff
[23:21:01] <chromas> cloudflare--