#soylent | Logs for 2024-04-27

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[00:09:54] <drussell> Nothing is broken. Pointless, off-topic ari-style "submissions" are being denied. The systems are working as designed.
[07:18:07] -!- soylent007 [soylent007!~soylent00@209.38.svh.vor] has joined #soylent
[07:19:25] <soylent007> " Pointless, off-topic ari-style "submissions" are being denied."?   Unless, they are pointed, on topic submissions that the Alt-right Canadians do not want to see boosted to the front page, eh?
[07:21:31] <soylent007> =submit https://www.rferl.org
[07:22:26] <soylent007> drussell can go move south of the border, as far as I am concerned.
[07:37:07] -!- soylent007 has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[08:15:25] <janrinok> mornin' world!
[08:17:31] <chromas> g'day
[08:17:45] <janrinok> g'day chromas, sup?
[08:18:14] <chromas> Chillin'. Adding quotes to the db
[08:18:18] <chromas> I added moar search to the bot
[08:19:10] <chromas> it's got google, ddg, yacy, searxng, plus wikipedia and stuff
[08:21:00] <chromas> How're python and systemd?
[08:24:41] <Ingar> snaked
[08:24:57] <Ingar> 'morning soylent geezers
[08:25:05] <chromas> g'day Ingar
[08:28:54] <janrinok> systemd I do not even notice - it just works for me without any major issues. Python is still enjoyable and that is what I spend most of my programming time doing.
[08:29:07] <chromas> How 'bout Wayland?
[08:31:26] <janrinok> I think Wayland is still WIP on Mate. All the apps are compatible but the desktop might not be ready yet. I don't notice these things unless something stops working.
[08:31:57] <janrinok> And I have no issues at all with it at the moment.
[08:33:07] <janrinok> AMDGPUs are now in the kernel. All I have to do is include rocm, which is optional, and stable diffusion 'just works'. No pissing about for days trying to find a magic combination.
[08:50:56] -!- systemd has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[08:51:11] -!- systemd [systemd!~systemd@pid1] has joined #soylent
[09:27:37] -!- soylentil2654 [soylentil2654!~soylentil@195.146.t.nqx] has joined #soylent
[09:28:19] <soylentil2654> Really, janrinok has no idea how bad things in America have gotten.  Runaway ain't half of it.
[09:28:26] <soylentil2654> =submit https://newrepublic.com
[09:29:26] <soylentil2654> =submit https://newrepublic.com
[09:29:52] <soylentil2654> OK, doom is inevitable.
[09:29:59] -!- soylentil2654 has quit [Client Quit]
[09:31:54] <janrinok> as if calling someone names is going to change the situation. Wrong approach, wrong target.
[09:37:46] <Ingar> maybe from here on, we should collectively refer to Ari as 'That Kid'
[09:38:26] <Ingar> without capital K even
[09:40:21] <janrinok> That would be insulting most children, wouldn't it?
[09:41:50] <janrinok> anyway, good morning Ingar - way your waste water flow away, may your night skies be cloudless, and may the beer fairy look kindly upon you...
[09:43:14] <Ingar> janrinok: may your future bring islands filled with naked women
[09:43:48] <Ingar> (or men, if that's your thing)
[09:45:38] <janrinok> women would be fine, but if I am not being churlish by asking, could they come to the house please?
[09:47:31] <Ingar> janrinok: I'll see what I can arrange! ;-)
[09:48:27] <Ingar> but for now, I'll go fix my bicycle breaks
[09:53:47] <Ingar> brakes :-p
[09:53:56] <janrinok> :)
[09:54:08] <Ingar> so how do you call them brake-blocks in english ?
[09:55:09] <janrinok> we call them brake-blocks on a bicylcle, or brake discs or brake pads on larger vehicles.
[09:55:51] <Ingar> we do too in Dutch, "brake-blocks" "disc-brake"
[09:56:10] <Ingar> but, apparently in English, I have to replace the friction pad of the rim brake
[09:57:03] <janrinok> I've never heard of that being done - but I haven't owned or rode a bicycle for over 30 years. Things might have progressed since I owned a bicycle!
[09:58:30] <janrinok> "Apparently, this technique is not widely seen outside the trials competition. There are other ways to improve the braking efficiency (better pads, cables, housings and technique) worth trying before messing with power tools. Not to forget that decreasing rim's thickness shortens its lifespan."
[09:58:39] <Ingar> janrinok: afaik it was similar 30 years ago :p
[09:58:48] <Ingar> these days need to be replaced regularly
[09:58:52] <Ingar> like once or twice a year
[09:58:58] <Ingar> *these things
[10:00:30] <janrinok> ok, we might be talking at cross purposes. The break blocks haven't changed significantly. The rim of the wheel can be roughened to increase the friction between the brake block and the wheel but that is something that is usually only done on trial bikes etc
[10:02:15] <janrinok> Increasing the amount of pressure of the brake block to the rim by using different calipers or adjusting your existing ones can be done but usually decreases the life of the brake blocks. You decide....
[10:02:43] <Ingar> there's not much block left, so no choice but replacing
[10:03:09] <janrinok> I've not heard of a special coating that is fixed to the wheel rim, but that doesn't mean such a thing does not exist.
[10:03:32] <janrinok> Yeah, a few euros should see you fixed then
[10:04:29] <Ingar> got the parts, now need to do the work
[10:05:00] <janrinok> Shouldn't be a long job - but we both know how these things go.....
[10:05:05] <Ingar> #procrastination
[10:05:27] <janrinok> I tend to put all my procrastination off for another time
[10:05:39] <Ingar> :-D
[10:53:18] <Ingar> replaced all 4 blocks
[10:53:23] <Ingar> it seemed like the smart thing to do
[10:53:55] <Ingar> brakes instantly now
[10:54:45] <janrinok> not too instantly I hope...
[10:55:32] <janrinok> remember rear brakes before front brakes wherever possible!
[10:56:10] <janrinok> you could end up chewing the road surface.
[10:56:59] <Ingar> janrinok: I've been commuting by bicycle every day for the past decade ;)
[10:57:14] <janrinok> I still have a chipped tooth (repaired, but still..) from learning that lesson over 60 years ago.
[10:58:11] <Ingar> I had the mudflap on my front wheel fold in two, locking my front wheel and launching me over the handlebar
[10:58:34] <Ingar> janrinok: if it wasn't for my helmet, I would have chipped teeth (or less teeth)
[10:59:12] <janrinok> man has often dreamed of flight - but it never seems to happen when I want it to, only when I really don't need it at all.
[10:59:44] <Ingar> the second time I've flown was when a dog wanted to fetch my back wheel
[11:00:16] <janrinok> and yet bicycle travel is often touted as a way of keeping fit!
[11:00:40] <Ingar> well I did make some improvements to my setup
[11:00:49] <janrinok> you shot the dog?
[11:00:49] <Ingar> I have flodlights now, and I wear fluo yellow
[11:00:55] <Ingar> floodlights
[11:01:00] <Ingar> can shine people off the road
[11:01:22] <Ingar> great way to scare pedestrians when it's dark
[11:01:46] <Ingar> also, helmet light, recommended
[11:01:46] <janrinok> so there is still some enjoyment left in this old method of travel :)
[11:02:11] <Ingar> janrinok: there definitely is!
[11:02:49] <Ingar> every time cars are stuck in a traffic jam!
[11:02:59] <janrinok> yep, that too
[11:03:24] <Ingar> and half the village knows me as that guy in the bike
[11:03:31] <Ingar> *on the bike
[11:03:41] <Ingar> ("in" would be rather painful)
[11:03:54] <janrinok> famous in your own lifetime!
[11:04:12] <Ingar> it's a social hack
[11:04:40] <Ingar> every store owner along the road goes like "yeah I see you almost every day" so I must be ok
[11:05:01] <janrinok> I'm known as the 'Englishman' although I am not the only one. But I seem to have inherited the right to that moniker, particularly after being made an honorary citizen of the village!
[11:05:12] <Ingar> congratulations :D
[11:05:45] <janrinok> I got invited to open a new memorial by cutting the ribbon!
[11:06:26] <janrinok> It seems that, on balance, I amuse them more than I annoy them ;)
[11:06:53] <Ingar> :-D
[11:07:42] <Ingar> going for a test drive
[11:07:51] <Ingar> I'll let you know if I screwed up ;-)
[11:07:52] <janrinok> travel safely
[11:09:17] * Ingar wears reflective vest
[11:09:54] <janrinok> and more besides I hope....
[11:24:56] <Ingar> sunglasses, evidently
[11:25:20] <Ingar> brakes work fine, but I noticed the cable from my front derailer is about to snap
[11:43:40] -!- anontor has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[11:44:05] -!- anontor [anontor!~anontor@68.tor-exit.nothingtohide.nl] has joined #soylent
[12:24:07] <janrinok> and this is how a 5 minute job grows to fill your entire afternoon :)
[17:34:06] <chromas> I've only ever heard them called breakpads
[17:52:03] <janrinok> You need to get out more :)
[18:06:36] <chromas> but muh social distancing
[18:39:36] <drussell> BRAKE pads
[18:40:03] <chromas> sure, if you want them to work
[18:40:31] <drussell> I prefer my braking systems to not break, TYVM...
[18:40:36] <chromas> what happens when you need an extra five minutes for your coffee or tea?
[18:40:52] <drussell> You mean a coffee break?
[18:41:00] <chromas> yeah, just pad it out a little :D
[18:41:33] <drussell> That reminds me... While I have the van up on the hoist, I should re-weld the bracket for the emergency brake cables to the frame...
[18:41:43] <drussell> That whole interface looks incredibly suspect
[18:42:16] <janrinok> where were they fastened before?
[18:43:03] <chromas> the brokepad
[18:43:22] <drussell> The angley bracket is just spot welded to the frame from the factory, but since it is 40+ years old now, and I have every possible welding apparatus available to me at the shop I'm renting, I should .. umm... enstiffen that bracket?
[18:43:49] <drussell> I need to re-weld my driveshaft also...
[18:44:04] <drussell> It has cracks all the way around where I had it shortened ~25 years ago...
[18:44:21] <drussell> Need to pull that, grind into it and then re-weld all the way around...
[18:44:35] <drussell> Unfortunately, I don't currently have a way to re-balance it afterwards
[18:44:56] <janrinok> you are working on a 40 year old car?
[18:45:14] <drussell> I'll just try to keep the weld as symmetrical as possible, I guess until I can get it properly balanaced or buy a balancer.
[18:45:24] <drussell> Yeah, my daily drivers are OLD
[18:45:39] <drussell> My newest 'mobile is a 2001
[18:45:48] <drussell> and I inherited that one when my aunt died...
[18:46:15] <drussell> P.S. I'm not a fan of "modern" 'mobiles
[18:46:59] <janrinok> yes, you've said that before in other conversations. So what kind of car are you working on?
[18:47:25] <drussell> The van has all the fancy features you need. Power assisted brakes, Power assisted steering. ELECTRONIC ignition. It has a TRANSISTOR!
[18:47:55] <janrinok> just the one?
[18:48:33] <drussell> I even added INTERMITTENT WIPERS a few years ago... Got the control boxes from a 1979 van at the junkyard... My They didn't offer those on my 1978 mode, didn't start until 1979 but I spliced it into the wiring harness
[18:48:44] <chromas> How many transistors do you really need?
[18:49:04] <drussell> Well, one big external TO-3 transistor, there might be one or two more inside the box as pre-amplifiers I suppose...
[18:49:11] <chromas> Take a hit and pass it onto the next guy
[18:49:51] <drussell> I should have bought a few extras of that box when Mopar Performance still made them. It's the "racing" chrome box...
[18:50:04] <drussell> They don't even make the high-performance orange one anymore... :(
[18:50:11] <drussell> The chinese ones are all garbage.
[18:50:40] <drussell> When my 1992? chrome box dies, I'll dissect it and re-produce the circuitry
[18:51:47] <drussell> This box is supposedly good to 10,000 or 11,00 RPM and can drive one of those giant yellow Accel ignition coils WITHOUT a ballast resistor...
[18:52:17] <drussell> but you're not supposed to operate it below 2500-3500 RPM...
[18:53:06] <drussell> I used to run that way, even on the street, without a resistor but if you idle for too long or leave the ignition on for more than about 90 seconds without the engine running, it will blow up the coil...
[18:53:22] <drussell> I've blown open primaries... I've even had them crack open and leak the oil all over the place...
[18:53:42] <drussell> so I started actually running it with the ballast resistor hahaha :)
[18:54:09] <drussell> The box has still survived, though... over 30 years now haha
[18:57:01] <drussell> janrinok: It is a full size Dodge Maxi-Van... many parts are from the original 1978 3/4-ton van my family bought in 87 or 88, with some parts from another 1-ton 1984 "parts" van I bought in about 1994 and melded it together into one rebuilt monster van.
[18:57:30] <drussell> As fasr as I know, the windshield is even the original 1978 glass...
[18:57:32] <drussell> far
[18:58:31] <drussell> The engine makes over twice the HP that it left the factory with in 1978, though... And I added a 4-speed overdrive transmission in about 1996...
[18:58:54] <drussell> It is a very fin, very ginormous fire breathing monster.
[18:58:57] <drussell> fun
[18:59:01] <janrinok> Is the bodywork in good condition?
[18:59:11] <chromas> Can you install a switch to swap the resistor in and out? Put one of those raised fist logos on the switch that says "resist!" or "fight the power!"
[18:59:34] <drussell> It bypasses the resistor during cranking.
[19:00:01] <drussell> The ignition is hot enough with the 140001 coil and the chrome box that I really don't need a bypass button.
[19:00:31] <drussell> I'd rather jst get a Sneaky-Pete 50HP nitrous kit if I want turbo-action
[19:00:59] <drussell> Or add an electric motor alongside the driveshaft somehow for slow city traffic and extra SUPER BOOST on the highway.
[19:01:45] <drussell> Much of the body is in OK condition, part of the reason I bought the newer body was because it had been repainted at least twice.
[19:02:39] <drussell> The lower quarters, etc. where the always rust are rough, but apparently I have access to plasma cutters and many welders so I should not be wasting time here on my laptop, but rather be over at the shop cutting, grinding and welding.
[19:03:13] <drussell> Many of the panels are still available in the aftermarket, if I get my ass in gear I don't even need to fabricate much, just order the damn parts and weld them in.
[19:04:05] <drussell> Most importantly, the frame is solid, good condition.
[19:04:41] <janrinok> go and enjoy yourself in the workshop - weekends are valuable time!
[19:04:49] <drussell> Just replaced the steering box for the second time about a year ago... The last time was in about '94.
[19:05:19] <drussell> So are weekdays... :)
[19:05:29] <janrinok> I've got to go to bed anyway!
[19:05:35] <drussell> GN
[19:05:42] <janrinok> laters
[19:05:47] <fab23> so drussell can go to work on his van :)
[19:06:07] <janrinok> hi fab23, and goodnight!
[19:06:24] <fab23> janrinok: sleep well!
[19:06:38] <janrinok> I always try to!
[19:06:44] <drussell> Today I'm working on cleaning up the yard more... Had an arbourist here to take down 3 dead trees and top one of my 200+ year old Ponderosa Pines where the top had died...
[19:07:11] <drussell> I have very, very much chainsawing to do still to clean up. 100+ foot tall trees make much debris...
[19:07:34] <drussell> I'm keeping all the long pieces though to try ripping with my little Alaskan chainsaw mill....
[19:07:48] <drussell> Need a second person on the other end of the apparatus, though on these giant logs
[19:08:35] <drussell> but it's showering today, so I've been waiting for it to clear... It looks like it will be good for the next couple hours so I'm going to go do some Bzzzz BZZZZting
[19:09:15] <fab23> have fun
[19:09:45] <drussell> Yes. "fun" Sure, thats what we'll call it... :)
[19:09:54] <drussell> Stupid homeownership causing work :)
[19:10:16] <fab23> drussell: you could outsource the work :)
[19:10:27] <drussell> That would require a surplus of $$
[19:10:49] <fab23> I see
[19:10:57] <drussell> Instead, drussell will fire up the Jonsered 630 on his own. :)
[19:11:28] <drussell> I outsourced the climbing of the trees and sectioning down, etc.....
[19:11:46] <drussell> Dude gave me a steal of a deal... It was half what I expected to pay.
[19:12:08] <drussell> He's my TREE GUY now, for sure...
[19:13:46] <fab23> drussell: hey may have realized that there is a lot more work for him to do for you
[19:14:47] <drussell> Definitely. He will be back, even if I manage to keep the other hundred+ trees alive, there are dozens more of old-growth that need maintenance.
[19:15:00] <drussell> I just want to stop having DEAD ones...
[19:15:25] <fab23> I guess they may also be a risk with storms.
[19:15:59] <drussell> I've got several hundred feet of irrigation tubing and fittings and whatnow now, that's this year's project. Get them self-watering for this new climate reality. No more dead 200, 300 year-old trees on my property, PLEASE!
[19:16:16] <drussell> That's why I topped the giant pine...
[19:16:30] <drussell> The top was dying/dead... not dangerous YET, but I had him here anyway...
[19:16:34] <drussell> It looks much happier now...
[19:16:43] <fab23> perfect
[19:16:52] <drussell> I told him to knock off or cut off anything dead that he could as he climbed it...
[19:17:04] <drussell> It's a MUCH happier looking tree now...
[19:17:06] <drussell> :)
[19:17:09] <drussell> Happy trees!
[19:17:24] <drussell> Like Bob Ross, but in actual 3-D forest, in real life! :)
[19:17:48] <drussell> He spent nearly 2 hours in that one tree.
[19:18:20] <fab23> probably enjoying the view :)
[19:19:35] <drussell> Not the worst part of the job, I'm sure... :)
[19:23:39] <drussell> CRITICAL - Certificate *.soylentnews.org expires in 7 day(s) (Sun 05 May 2024 03:53:45 AM GMT +0000)
[19:23:56] <drussell> ding ding *** ^G^G^G *** dung ding
[19:24:02] <drussell> ding ding
[19:24:06] <fab23> plenty of time :) But staff is aware, my bot is reporting it in their channel
[19:24:26] <drussell> Aware does not a certificate renew
[19:24:35] <fab23> :)
[19:24:53] <fab23> drussell: I guess it will be as usual at the last minute
[19:26:02] <drussell> Or maybe ~1000+ minutes after again... ;)
[19:27:08] <requerdanos> psh, 7 days isn't even *near* the end of the cert.
[19:27:33] <drussell> Indeed. I'm just as guilty with my own certs. :)
[19:27:42] <fab23> Let's Encrypt recommends to renew when there are still 30 days left. :)
[19:27:57] <drussell> Bah! That's only 60 day IN!
[19:28:04] <requerdanos> Maybe that's just to inflate their numbers?
[19:29:22] <fab23> I have a periodic weekly which does check and renew with the recommended 30 days, so usually it is somewhere between 23 - 30 days left, and still enough to retry next week if it for some reason failed.
[19:31:04] <fab23> my monitoring starts to warn when 21 days left, and to alert when 14 days or less left.
[19:31:38] <fab23> so a lot of things need to go wrong before the certificate really does expire
[19:33:52] <requerdanos> I only have one server with certs to renew, and I am honestly not sure when the **cough, cough cronjob cough, cough** runs to automatically renew the cert.
[19:36:58] <fab23> :)
[19:38:03] <fab23> look into the /etc/cron.* directories
[19:39:23] <requerdanos> # Important Note! This cronjob will NOT be executed if you are
[19:39:23] <requerdanos> # running systemd as your init system. If you are running systemd,
[19:39:23] <requerdanos> # the cronjob.timer function takes precedence over this cronjob.
[19:39:47] <chromas> I don't even have /etc/cron
[19:39:49] <requerdanos> So I was barking up the wrong automation solution the whole time
[19:39:50] <fab23> so systemd is doing it :)
[19:40:27] <chromas> You can still install a cron daemon but you can use systemd timers if you want to make it more complicated
[19:40:38] <requerdanos> That bugs me. Me and cron go way back, we have a pleasant history. Me and systemd, just strife and complaints.
[19:40:53] -!- soylentil26 [soylentil26!~soylentil@107.155.hw.kky] has joined #soylent
[19:40:59] * fab23 shows requerdanos FreeBSD
[19:40:59] <chromas> install cronie or whatever
[19:41:33] <requerdanos> Nah, one of my rules is to get my fat fingers out of things that are working already.
[19:41:53] <requerdanos> it can bug me; I will survive that pretty well I imagine.
[19:47:52] <requerdanos> Interesting timing "● certbot.timer - Run certbot twice daily"
[19:47:56] <prg> I never had any issues with systemd.
[19:48:09] <prg> ...then again, I'm running gentoo with openrc. that might be related.
[19:48:45] <requerdanos> I am neck deep in debian, I run debian on everything. When they switched to systemd I came along for better/worse
[19:48:54] <soylentil26> =submit https://boingboing.net
[19:49:03] <chromas> I first misread that as "bitter/worse"
[19:49:22] <requerdanos> it was not sweet, so that would work as well
[19:50:28] <soylentil26> Systemd.submit is down?
[19:52:29] <fab23> soylentil26: you could always use https://soylentnews.org
[19:52:30] <systemd> ^ 03SoylentNews Submissions
[19:54:52] <drussell> Why the fuck would your init system try to replace cron and crontabs?!
[19:55:12] * drussell seconds fab23's pointer to FreeBSD where the sane people hang out
[19:55:36] <chromas> init starts things. cron starts thing. at starts things. that's like the one thing systemd should have taken over
[19:56:03] <fab23> the only thing missing in systemd is the kernel itself :)
[19:56:17] <chromas> and an editor
[19:56:41] <requerdanos> This page seems to make the case for systemd timers. I am unmoved, however. https://www.howtogeek.com
[19:56:42] <systemd> ^ 03How (and Why) to Replace cron Jobs With systemd Timers
[19:56:58] <chromas> The great thing about timers is you get to make two files instead of one
[19:57:06] <fab23> \o/
[19:58:10] <fab23> the other thing I was recently reading somewhere, that systemd does restart crashed daemons automatically. So it could be the case that you never realize that it even crashes, and so are unable to debug.
[19:58:33] <requerdanos> and no worries about having learned crontab syntax in 1985, because that's no longer a thing in the new systemd world.
[19:58:41] <chromas> it restarts them if you tell it to
[19:59:09] <fab23> or the package mantainer does?
[19:59:17] <chromas> right
[19:59:36] <chromas> system also took from daemontools and similar whatevers
[19:59:52] <chromas> so it's got restarts and you can have it notify you if you want
[19:59:58] <requerdanos> I mean, I personally have cronjobs running on this host that process my logs into properly mangled form, so it's not all systemd this and timers that.
[20:00:07] <drussell> There is a reason unix doesn't normally do things in a stupid monolythic style.
[20:00:21] <drussell> That bullshit should be fired into a volcano.
[20:00:38] <requerdanos> I can't help but agree on the volcano bit.
[20:00:48] <chromas> "do one thing and do it well". it starts things. that's one thing :D
[20:01:02] <chromas> also that's not a real unix philisophy
[20:01:18] <chromas> the word was read and yet I sent the message anyway
[20:01:39] * chromas clogs the channel with typeos
[20:02:01] <fab23> on *BSD you can put stuff into the inittab, and it will also restart when terminated
[20:02:25] <chromas> "So it could be the case that you never realize that it even crashes, and so are unable to debug."
[20:03:15] <requerdanos> you could look into the logs periodically. They're plain text, right?
[20:03:32] <fab23> requerdanos: lol :)
[20:03:55] <chromas> if you're using a crond
[20:06:29] <chromas> I made a drop-in replacement for systemd-journal a couple years ago that writes to xml :)
[20:06:43] <fab23> I have one Debian system with systemd and nagios, I am used from my FreeBSD that when I restart Nagios and the config is not fine, it complains before restarting. On the Debian it tries to restart, fails and tells me I need to check with some systemctl whatever command
[20:07:16] <fab23> with lines wider then my terminal
[20:07:35] <chromas> journalctl -u nahios
[20:07:41] <chromas> that is pretty long
[20:07:53] * chromas cuts off mistyping finger
[20:07:56] <fab23> ah yes, probably journalctl
[20:08:12] <fab23> chromas: with the chainsaw? :)
[20:08:48] <fab23> On the Debian I have now learned to run 'nagios4 -v /etc/nagios4/nagios.cfg' before restarting after config change.
[20:09:23] <chromas> see, debian made you a better person by convincing you to check your work before running it
[20:09:55] <fab23> chromas: FreeBSD does it automatically and tells it to me direclty
[20:10:17] <chromas> oh add that command into the systemd unit and then debian will also automatically check it
[20:10:21] <requerdanos> and with the power of systemd at your command, you can even look at the binary logs to see why it isn't working, etc, etc
[20:10:32] <fab23> chromas: until the next udpate :)
[20:10:58] <chromas> that's your fault for running a distro that overwrites your customizations
[20:11:05] * fab23 really thinks that he should migrate all his private servers to FreeBSD only.
[20:11:52] <fab23> I just have to keep one Debian, to be allowed on the local Debian Meetup :)
[20:12:02] <chromas> virtual machine
[20:12:25] <chromas> or container
[20:12:32] <chromas> run it with systemd-nspawn
[20:13:19] <fab23> all the Debian I have are virtual anyway, 1 on a Gentoo with QEMU/KVM and 2 as VM on two different hoster
[20:14:14] <requerdanos> I have nice mix of bare metal (workstation, dev, prod) and VPS (prod), all debian.
[20:16:38] <fab23> at least all Debian, I have a zoo of OSes :(
[20:17:23] <requerdanos> that used to be a website, the free os zoo, downloads of VM images
[20:19:11] <fab23> oh, I didn't now
[20:19:16] <fab23> s/now/know/
[20:21:10] <fab23> my zoo also has a non-free OS, but at least its FreeBSD based :)
[20:33:57] <chromas> Windows 12?
[20:35:08] <fab23> oh forbot, but yes Microsoft is also using the TCP/IP stack from FreeBSD :)
[20:35:15] <fab23> s/forbot/forgot/
[20:35:29] * fab23 makes typos like drussell :)
[20:36:27] <chromas> sounds like you know your chicken
[20:36:39] <chromas> https://www.youtube.com
[20:36:40] <systemd> ^ 03Cibo Matto - Know Your Chicken (Video)
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[22:58:33] -!- mode/#soylent [+v requerdanos] by Imogen
[23:43:25] <chromas> https://www.digitalinformationworld.com
[23:43:26] <systemd> ^ 03Bad Bots Made 49.6% of the Internet Traffic in 2023 with Human Internet Traffic Decreasing Drastically
[23:43:34] <chromas> Naughty bots
[23:52:04] -!- Runaway1956 [Runaway1956!~OldGuy@the.abyss.stares.back] has joined #soylent