#rss-bot | Logs for 2024-04-16

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[09:12:05] <Regurgitator> [MIT Tech Review] AI was supposed to make police bodycams better. What happened? - https://www.technologyreview.com
[10:12:05] <Regurgitator> [MIT Tech Review] Three reasons robots are about to become more way usefulĀ  - https://www.technologyreview.com
[11:38:03] <Regurgitator> [Krebs] Who Stole 3.6M Tax Records from South Carolina? - https://krebsonsecurity.com
[12:42:05] <Regurgitator> [MIT Tech Review] The Download: the problem with police bodycams, and how to make useful robots - https://www.technologyreview.com
[12:42:05] <Regurgitator> [BBC Tech] Wearable AI gadget faces onslaught of bad reviews - https://www.bbc.com
[14:42:05] <Regurgitator> [MIT Tech Review] Crossword answers revealed - https://www.technologyreview.com
[22:17:05] <Regurgitator> [BBC Tech] Apple update addresses Jerusalem emoji controversy - https://www.bbc.co.uk
[22:18:19] <chromas> lol
[22:19:58] <chromas> predictive text is antisemitic. truly hard times
[23:29:02] -!- systemd has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[23:30:22] -!- systemd [systemd!~systemd@pid1] has joined #rss-bot