#rss-bot | Logs for 2016-02-16

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[00:00:30] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Better water management could halve the global food gap - http://phys.org
[00:00:36] <Bender> [SecurityWeek] - Digital Shadows Raises $14 Million - http://feedproxy.google.com
[00:01:54] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Ransomware scum infect Tinseltown hospital, demand US$3.6m - http://go.theregister.com
[00:04:57] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Building a Startup in 45 Minutes per Day While Deployed in Iraq - http://mattmazur.com
[00:10:02] <Bender> [HackerNews] - An 'in' operator for Ruby - http://rubyhacker.com
[00:15:05] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Kanye West asks Facebook's Zuckerberg for $1B for his 'ideas' - http://www.reuters.com
[00:30:17] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Ordnance Survey releases digital map of Mars surface - http://www.bbc.com
[00:40:09] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - Report: If your PC’s not up to snuff, Street Fighter V will punish you - http://arstechnica.com
[00:40:10] <Bender> [BBCTech] - Porn site age check plans reviewed - http://www.bbc.co.uk
[00:45:14] <Bender> [BBCTech] - Star Citizen edges towards blast off - http://www.bbc.co.uk
[00:51:21] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - The Research Pirates of the Dark Web - http://sylnt.us
[00:55:22] <Bender> [BBCTech] - Can tech bring lawyers into the 21st Century? - http://www.bbc.co.uk
[00:55:36] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Steps Toward Robust Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2016 President's Address [pdf] - http://web.engr.oregonstate.edu
[01:02:39] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Router configurations suck (power out of mobile devices, that is) - http://go.theregister.com
[01:05:43] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Lab and HCL Color Spaces - http://bl.ocks.org
[01:20:53] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - India's Startup Ecosystem Mimics Action In China - http://www.forbes.com
[01:25:59] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Search Hillary Clinton’s Emails - http://graphics.wsj.com
[01:26:03] <Bender> [HackerNews] - AppFS, a FUSE file system via HTTP for running software without installing it - http://appfs.rkeene.org
[01:26:07] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The fall and rise and rise of chat networks - http://arstechnica.com
[01:33:03] <Bender> [TheRegister] - European Space Agency lights up new Australian antenna - http://go.theregister.com
[01:51:18] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Bad Things I've Wanted to Say About Lean and Agile - http://adaptechsolutions.ca
[01:56:22] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The Piracy Box Sellers and YouTube Promoters Are Killing Kodi - http://kodi.tv
[02:03:26] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Debian 6.0 about to take flying leap off long term support cliff - http://go.theregister.com
[02:16:37] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Zesty (YC W14) is hiring software engineers - https://www.zesty.com
[02:22:21] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Better water management could halve the global food gap - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[02:22:30] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - U.S. DoD Attempts to Sell F-16s to Pakistan in Disputed Deal - http://sylnt.us
[02:32:29] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - To encourage physical activity, potential to lose a financial reward is more effective than gaining one - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[02:36:53] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Sydney startup Curbit lets users pick up someone’s unwanted goods from the kerb - http://www.startupdaily.net
[02:37:33] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Visualizing a parasite crossing the blood brain barrier - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[02:37:37] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - How humans impacted the Everglades - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[02:47:41] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - New subgroups of ILC immune cells discovered through single-cell RNA sequencing - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[02:47:45] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - New study finds clear differences between organic and non-organic milk and meat - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[02:52:44] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - New way bacterial infections spread in the body: Hitchhiking on our own immune cells - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[02:52:49] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Threat of cytomegalovirus far outweighs Zika risk, researcher says - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[03:02:12] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Process Stripe Payments Through AWS Lambda - http://sylnt.us
[03:02:52] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Immigration not to blame for terrorism, UK study indicates - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[03:02:56] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Freezing steak improves tenderness of some cuts - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[03:07:56] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Discovery lays the foundation to expand personalized chemotherapy for leukemia patients - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[03:08:00] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Using light to control protein transport from cell nucleus - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[03:08:04] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Heart attack patients with cardiogenic shock fair well 60 days post-discharge - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[03:09:16] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Cisco customers on alert over new vulns - http://go.theregister.com
[03:17:23] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Ava is a virtual assistant for professional services - http://heyava.com?refcode=5338d4d9f0c3
[03:23:07] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Garden plant residues can improve soil - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[03:23:16] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[03:47:46] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Ava is a virtual assistant for professional services - http://heyava.com
[03:53:39] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - CERN Engineer Accidentally Leaks Details of AMD 32-Core Zen Dual CPU - http://sylnt.us
[03:59:54] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Idiot e-tailers falling for fake patch that exploits year-old Magento hole - http://go.theregister.com
[04:02:56] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Xbox Live Down: Microsoft Confirms Problems - http://www.forbes.com
[04:38:25] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Hyperledger on GitHub - http://sylnt.us
[04:38:29] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Why I stopped using StartSSL (Hint: it involves a Chinese company) - https://pierrekim.github.io
[05:05:44] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Big Brother's pet unicorn Palantir closes the Kimono - http://go.theregister.com
[05:08:46] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - IBM's New Cyberframe Is The World's Most Secure Server - http://www.forbes.com
[05:08:56] <Bender> [MITTech] - Technical Roadblock Might Shatter Bitcoin Dreams - https://www.technologyreview.com
[05:24:00] <Bender> [HackerNews] - When Women Stopped Coding (2014) - http://www.npr.org
[05:44:15] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Hey Berlin, Close.io wants to hire you - http://jobs.close.io
[05:45:16] Bytram is now known as Bytram|away
[05:54:23] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Close.io is hiring in Berlin - http://jobs.close.io
[05:55:12] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Password Cracking Attacks on Bitcoin Wallets Net $103,000 - http://sylnt.us
[05:59:19] <Bender> [CNET] - Rapper Lupe Fiasco beats Street Fighter legend Daigo Umehara at his own game - CNET - http://feedproxy.google.com
[06:06:30] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Backdoors are bad, Euro security wonks ENISA tell governments - http://go.theregister.com
[06:09:32] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Samsung's Indonesia Branch Has Accidentally Leaked The Galaxy S7, Water-proof Feature Confirmed - http://www.forbes.com
[06:14:38] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Don't Alienate Open Source Contributors - https://www.linkedin.com
[06:34:54] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Poly1305 Revised - https://www.openssl.org
[07:12:20] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Review sites commit to address regulator's concerns - http://go.theregister.com
[07:20:28] <Bender> [HackerNews] - How to Edit Video in Blender - http://slackermedia.info
[07:25:34] <Bender> [ITWorld] - IBM unveils z13s mainframe focused on security and hybrid clouds - http://www.itworld.com
[07:26:21] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Two Alleged Teen Hackers Cuffed: CIA Director Brennan Email Hacker, and French XMPP Server Operator - http://sylnt.us
[07:32:36] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Xen forgets recent patches in new maintenance release - http://go.theregister.com
[07:35:40] <Bender> [HackerNews] - A list of Elasticsearch tutorials, videos, tools and resources - http://sylnt.us
[07:50:51] <Bender> [HackerNews] - SourceTree 2.2 Major Release - https://www.sourcetreeapp.com
[08:06:01] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Bandai Namco Halts New Arcade Development As Sales Slump - http://www.forbes.com
[08:06:05] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - The Economist Predicts Robots Will Replace Contact Centers - http://www.forbes.com
[08:08:03] <Bender> [TheRegister] - 'Hobbit' heads aren't human says bone boffin - http://go.theregister.com
[08:13:13] <Bender> [UCLAHealth] - Electronic health records can help catch undiagnosed cases of Type 2 diabetes, UCLA researchers find - http://newsroom.ucla.edu
[08:16:47] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Growers despair as disease ravages timeless olive groves of Italy - http://phys.org
[08:16:51] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Pakistan scientists 'find 1.1 million year-old stegodon tusk' - http://phys.org
[08:16:55] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - In Congo, a war for Africa's elephants - http://phys.org
[08:16:59] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - China's space telescope to displace humans in search for aliens - http://phys.org
[08:17:03] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Alphabet's X lab chief sees Internet reaching billions - http://phys.org
[08:21:14] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Bot-controlled piano emulating spoken voice (2009) [video] - https://www.youtube.com
[08:21:18] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Moore’s law really is dead this time - http://arstechnica.com
[08:26:04] <Bender> [BBCTech] - Doctors 3D-print 'living' body parts - http://www.bbc.co.uk
[08:26:18] <Bender> [HackerNews] - How to Safely Store a Password in 2016 - https://paragonie.com
[08:31:58] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Visions of the future unleashed at TED - http://phys.org
[08:33:22] <Bender> [TheRegister] - UK to stop children looking at online porn. How? - http://go.theregister.com
[08:38:26] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Ransomware scum infect Tinseltown hospital, demand $3.6m - http://go.theregister.com
[08:42:39] -!- richardboegli has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[08:43:30] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Review sites commit to address UK regulator's concerns - http://go.theregister.com
[08:51:36] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - 'The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD' Just Keeps Looking Better And Better - http://www.forbes.com
[08:51:38] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Fish Shell Design Principles - http://fishshell.com
[08:56:40] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Does Dutch Telecom Merger Signal An Age Of Reason Or Managed Retreat? - http://www.forbes.com
[08:56:41] <Bender> [HackerNews] - In Praise of Short-Term Thinking (on replacing humans with machines) - http://pubs.aeaweb.org
[08:56:45] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Live Object Programming in Pharo MOOC Is Open for Registration - https://www.france-universite-numerique-mooc.fr
[08:56:49] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Which countries are mentioned the most on Hacker News? - http://www.bemmu.com
[09:01:45] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Memory Management with Ada 2012 - https://fosdem.org
[09:01:49] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The History of Technological Anxiety and the Future of Economic Growth [pdf] - http://pubs.aeaweb.org
[09:02:21] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Easter Island not destroyed by war, analysis of 'spear points' shows - http://phys.org
[09:08:49] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Samsung now pushing Marshmallows into the Galaxy S6, Edge - http://go.theregister.com
[09:11:53] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Virtual therapy 'helps with depression', researchers say - http://www.bbc.com
[09:11:57] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Stack traces on ESP8266: a GDB server stub - https://blog.cesanta.com
[09:27:47] <Bender> [SecurityWeek] - VoIP Phone Users Warned About Risks of Default Settings - http://feedproxy.google.com
[09:27:53] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Art Institute of Chicago Exhibition Shows All Versions of Vincent van Gogh's "Bedroom in Arles" - http://sylnt.us
[09:34:08] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Are you a Salesforce or an Uber? Choose wisely, devs - http://go.theregister.com
[09:37:12] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Women considered better coders – but only if they hide their gender - http://www.theguardian.com
[09:37:16] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Why Modern Makers Are Bringing Back Ham Radio - https://www.yahoo.com
[09:42:16] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The NSA’s machine learning algorithm may be killing thousands of innocent people - http://arstechnica.co.uk
[09:47:20] <Bender> [HackerNews] - TSMC will begin 10nm production this year, claims 5nm by 2020 - http://www.extremetech.com
[09:47:24] <Bender> [HackerNews] - IBM Launches New Mainframe with Focus on Security and Hybrid Cloud - http://techcrunch.com
[09:57:28] <Bender> [HackerNews] - GNU TeXmacs: a scientific editing platform (2006) [pdf] - http://www.texmacs.org
[10:03:08] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Advance could aid development of nanoscale biosensors - http://phys.org
[10:04:32] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Virgin posts increase in profits and sales amid 900 jobs chop - http://go.theregister.com
[10:07:35] <Bender> [HackerNews] - How to make polished Jupyter presentations with optional code visibility - http://chris-said.io
[10:12:39] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Extinct plant species discovered in amber - http://www.bbc.co.uk
[10:12:43] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Reedsy Book Editor – Professionally designed books in seconds - https://reedsy.com
[10:17:43] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Physical Unclonable Function - https://en.wikipedia.org
[10:17:47] <Bender> [HackerNews] - ZeroCater Is Hiring a Head of Product and VP of Engineering - http://zerocater.com
[10:29:51] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Hey cellcos: Guess who's got your backhaul still? That's right. Big daddy BT - http://go.theregister.com
[10:36:56] -!- richardboegli [richardboegli!~r@508-086-420-595.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #rss-bot
[10:37:59] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Follower: the “creepiest social network” that follows you in real life - https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com
[10:38:35] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Breaking the strongest link triggered big Baja earthquake - http://phys.org
[10:43:39] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Train smarter and coach better with IOFIT smart shoes - http://phys.org
[10:43:43] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Lasers reveal 'lost' Roman roads - http://phys.org
[10:48:05] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - IBM's New Cyberframe Is The World's Most Secure Server For Data Centers, Cloud And Mobile - http://www.forbes.com
[10:48:12] <Bender> [InnovationsReport] - Better water management could halve the global food gap - http://www.innovations-report.com
[10:48:16] <Bender> [InnovationsReport] - Stealth effect of nanocarriers for drug delivery vehicles conferred more efficiently - http://www.innovations-report.com
[10:48:20] <Bender> [InnovationsReport] - HSF1 – in case of emergency - http://www.innovations-report.com
[10:48:24] <Bender> [InnovationsReport] - CT-Automat: Fully automatic serial testing of materials and components - http://www.innovations-report.com
[10:48:28] <Bender> [InnovationsReport] - Using Light To Control Protein Transport From Cell Nucleus - http://www.innovations-report.com
[10:48:43] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Impact of climate change on parasite infections depends on host immunity - http://phys.org
[10:53:10] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Explorable Explanations - http://explorableexplanations.com
[10:58:48] <Bender> [Nature] - Howard Hughes' next president: "Promote under-represented groups in science" - http://feeds.nature.com
[10:58:56] <Bender> [SecurityWeek] - Attackers Use Fake Patch to Hack Magento Sites - http://feedproxy.google.com
[10:59:03] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Maru OS: an Android ROM that Turns into Debian when it Senses Connected PC Peripherals - http://sylnt.us
[11:00:14] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Big, fat fail? Here's how to avoid that: Microservices and you - http://go.theregister.com
[11:03:12] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - How to use locate and grep to find files on a Linux (or OS X) system - http://rss.computerworld.com
[11:03:16] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - Report ranks 100 enterprise IT products based on user reviews - http://rss.computerworld.com
[11:03:18] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Ransomware takes Hollywood hospital offline, $3.6M demanded by attackers - http://www.csoonline.com
[11:03:20] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - Bet it would've made a LOT bigger impact in person - http://rss.computerworld.com
[11:03:22] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Ask HN: Best minimal CSS Framework for side project - https://news.ycombinator.com
[11:03:30] <Bender> [MosaicScience] - The animals that sniff out TB, cancer and landmines - http://mosaicscience.com
[11:03:54] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - All dressed up with somewhere to go - http://phys.org
[11:03:58] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - How do we stop people falling through the gaps in a digitally connected city? - http://phys.org
[11:04:02] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Mutual mistrust may have added a few X-files to the UFO era - http://phys.org
[11:04:06] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Communications research should abandon 'framing' term, study says - http://phys.org
[11:08:20] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Israeli Entrepreneurs' Touchless Phones Gain Traction With Help From Google - http://www.forbes.com
[11:08:22] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Ordnance Survey map of Mars - https://www.flickr.com
[11:08:24] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - OracleVoice: Dramatic Turnaround: 6 Lessons From The UK Driver And Vehicle Licensing Agency's Digital Shift - http://www.forbes.com
[11:08:58] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - New global strategy to save sharks and rays - http://phys.org
[11:09:02] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - New technique for turning sunlight into hydrogen - http://phys.org
[11:13:26] <Bender> [HackerNews] - UK Ordnance Survey map of Mars - https://www.flickr.com
[11:14:02] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Engineering graduate student developing heated pavement system for airfield runways - http://phys.org
[11:14:06] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Study discounts alleged link between sharks, rays and bivalves - http://phys.org
[11:23:33] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Graph.no – Weather forecast via finger (2014) - https://0p.no
[11:28:37] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Show HN: Turn Trump's retoric into Hitler's anywhere on the web. Freak out - https://chrome.google.com
[11:28:41] <Bender> [HackerNews] - شبكه المعرفه - http://www.elm3rfa.com
[11:30:38] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Ordnance Survey unfolds handy Mars map - http://go.theregister.com
[11:33:35] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - Samsung Galaxy S7 fully leaked on this website... by Samsung! - http://rss.computerworld.com
[11:33:39] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - IBM unveils z13s mainframe focused on security and hybrid clouds - http://rss.computerworld.com
[11:33:39] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Village Capital Is The New Emerging Market Game In Town - http://www.forbes.com
[11:33:41] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Looking forward to GCC6 – Many new warnings - https://gnu.wildebeest.org
[11:33:43] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - Open source: Career-maker, or wipeout? - http://rss.computerworld.com
[11:34:17] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Harvesting model rescues castoff food to feed the hungry - http://phys.org
[11:39:21] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Shaping tomorrow's smart machines—Q&A with bioethicist Wendell Wallach - http://phys.org
[11:43:49] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Elixirscript: 1 year and beyond - http://bryaninspired.com
[11:44:25] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Google's X lab chief sees Internet reaching billions - http://phys.org
[11:44:29] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Epidemics, warming oceans rock lobster, sea star populations - http://phys.org
[11:48:47] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - Samsung Galaxy S7 fully leaked... by Samsung itself - http://rss.computerworld.com
[11:48:53] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Russia's improved ballistic missiles to be tested as asteroid killers - http://tass.ru
[11:50:52] <Bender> [TheRegister] - EMC's Chad Sakac once made a Gangnam Style parody music video - http://go.theregister.com
[11:53:55] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - The Pros And Cons Of Twelve Remote Work Office Environments - http://www.forbes.com
[11:53:56] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The Parmesan Cheese You Sprinkle on Your Penne Could Be Wood - http://www.bloomberg.com
[11:54:01] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Elixir Forum - http://www.elixirforum.com
[11:54:33] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - We could 3D print buildings using robots and drones - http://phys.org
[11:54:37] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Engineers use network science to predict how ligaments fail - http://phys.org
[11:54:41] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Stick insect's propulsion joint discovered - http://phys.org
[11:58:59] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - UNICEF Steps Into A Venture Capitalist's Shoes To Invest In Open Source Technologies For Children - http://www.forbes.com
[11:59:37] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Graphene becomes superconductive—Electrons with 'no mass' flow with 'no resistance' - http://phys.org
[11:59:41] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Paper down to fibre level - http://phys.org
[12:03:54] <Bender> [Bugtraq] - Bugtraq: CyberCop Scanner Smbgrind v5.5 Buffer Overflow - http://www.securityfocus.com
[12:03:58] <Bender> [Bugtraq] - Bugtraq: phpMyBackupPro v.2.5 Remote Command Execution / CSRF - http://www.securityfocus.com
[12:04:02] <Bender> [Bugtraq] - Bugtraq: phpMyBackupPro v.2.5 XSS - http://www.securityfocus.com
[12:04:06] <Bender> [Bugtraq] - Bugtraq: phpMyBackupPro v.2.5 Arbitrary File Upload - http://www.securityfocus.com
[12:06:07] <Bender> [Threatpost] - Disabled PadCrypt Ransomware Includes Live Chat, Uninstaller - http://threatpost.com
[12:09:08] <Bender> [HackerNews] - 'Hobbits' found on Flores island are not Homo sapiens, but mystery remains - http://www.abc.net.au
[12:11:08] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Toshiba denies it will exit the PC market - http://go.theregister.com
[12:14:48] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Why you should stay on the grid, even with your solar-powered batteries - http://phys.org
[12:14:52] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Opinion: Wikipedia activism and diversity in science - http://phys.org
[12:16:24] <Bender> [WiredScience] - The Quiet Epidemic of Mental Disorders in Refugees - http://feeds.wired.com
[12:16:28] <Bender> [WiredScience] - The 12 Greatest Challenges for Space Exploration - http://feeds.wired.com
[12:19:14] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Apple Watch Price Cut - Next-Generation Announcement Imminent? - http://www.forbes.com
[12:21:16] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Facebook tells 2Viz to f**k right off - http://go.theregister.com
[12:21:26] <Bender> [WiredEnterprise] - Why Wall Street Is Embracing the Blockchain—Its Biggest Threat - http://feeds.wired.com
[12:24:06] <Bender> [BBCTech] - Kanye album 'pirated 500,000 times' - http://www.bbc.co.uk
[12:24:20] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Uber's Atomic Meltdown - http://www.elischiff.com
[12:24:56] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - How to handle zeroes in ecological data - http://phys.org
[12:29:10] <Bender> [BBCTech] - Sex attack report system launched - http://www.bbc.co.uk
[12:29:24] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Mpmath – Python library for arbitrary-precision floating-point arithmetic - http://mpmath.org
[12:30:00] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Mussels fight back against oceanic acidification - http://phys.org
[12:31:14] <Bender> [Schneier] - Fear and Anxiety - https://www.schneier.com
[12:34:22] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - How to stop shadow IT - http://rss.computerworld.com
[12:35:02] <Bender> [Nature] - Young scientists poised to ride the gravitational wave - http://feeds.nature.com
[12:35:04] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Disbelieve it or not, ancient history suggests that atheism is as natural to humans as religion - http://phys.org
[12:35:06] <Bender> [Nature] - Gravitational waves: How LIGO forged the path to victory - http://feeds.nature.com
[12:39:37] <Bender> [InnovationsReport] - A new spin on quantum computing: Scientists train electrons with microwaves - http://www.innovations-report.com
[12:39:41] <Bender> [InnovationsReport] - When the Brain Grows, the IQ Rises - http://www.innovations-report.com
[12:39:45] <Bender> [InnovationsReport] - Advance could aid development of nanoscale biosensors - http://www.innovations-report.com
[12:41:31] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Follow ESA's intercontinental ballistic missile launch live today - http://go.theregister.com
[12:44:34] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Amy Doherty's Path From Interim To Permanent CIO Of AARP - http://www.forbes.com
[12:44:35] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Why you shouldn’t trust Gmail’s new TLS icon - https://halon.io
[12:45:12] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Combating the rise of the urban gull - http://phys.org
[12:45:16] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Cockatoos win, swallows lose when roos come to town - http://phys.org
[12:47:46] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[12:50:15] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - World's first encryption technology able to match multi-source data encrypted with different keys - http://phys.org
[12:50:21] <Bender> [SecurityWeek] - What is the Difference Between Information and Intelligence? - http://feedproxy.google.com
[12:54:43] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Steps Toward Robust Artificial Intelligence [pdf] - http://web.engr.oregonstate.edu
[12:54:48] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Show HN: Go-git a low level and highly extensible Git client library in Go - http://sylnt.us
[12:55:19] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Think more broadly to predict wildlife climate change survival, scientists say - http://phys.org
[12:55:23] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - New protocol to detect three species of Legionella in just eight hours - http://phys.org
[12:55:27] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Sequencing the genome of the endangered kakapo - http://phys.org
[12:56:43] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Volvo offloads IT biz to HCL, then outsources own IT to.... HCL - http://go.theregister.com
[12:59:45] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Kroger's Click-And-Collect Breaks Through - http://www.forbes.com
[13:00:23] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Ugly vegetables and fruit are making a comeback – here's why - http://phys.org
[13:00:27] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Forever young—how stem cells resist change - http://phys.org
[13:00:31] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - An afternoon walk and a mammoth find - http://phys.org
[13:00:36] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - GitHub to Devs: 'We ignored you but we never stopped caring' - http://sylnt.us
[13:04:51] <Bender> [HackerNews] - China Loses Control of the Economic Story Line - http://www.wsj.com
[13:04:55] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Excitement at new cancer treatment - http://www.bbc.com
[13:05:25] <Bender> [Nature] - Biologists urged to hug a preprint - http://feeds.nature.com
[13:05:27] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Fujitsu develops new deep learning technology to analyze time-series data with high precision - http://phys.org
[13:06:51] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Official: Seagate notebook drive has shingles - http://go.theregister.com
[13:09:55] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Millennials have a higher opinion of socialism than of capitalism - https://www.washingtonpost.com
[13:10:31] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Labs to investigate new approach to engines - http://phys.org
[13:14:57] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - We All Need To Get Serious About Protecting Company Data With Hardened, Multi-Factor Authentication - http://www.forbes.com
[13:14:59] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Sort improvements in PostgreSQL since 1997 [pdf] - https://wiki.postgresql.org
[13:15:35] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - New anti-biofilm compounds show promise against drug-resistant bacteria linked to hospital infections - http://phys.org
[13:19:57] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - Water-resistant Galaxy S7 Edge makes unofficial debut - http://rss.computerworld.com
[13:20:03] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Saudi Arabia, Russia to Freeze Oil Output Near Record Levels - http://www.bloomberg.com
[13:20:05] <Bender> [ITWorld] - Water-resistant Galaxy S7 Edge makes unofficial debut - http://www.itworld.com
[13:20:08] <Bender> [InnovationsReport] - All eyes on the conductor - http://www.innovations-report.com
[13:20:12] <Bender> [InnovationsReport] - Scientists discover new microbes that thrive deep in the earth - http://www.innovations-report.com
[13:20:16] <Bender> [InnovationsReport] - Making molecules that twinkle - http://www.innovations-report.com
[13:20:39] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Physicists zoom in on gluons' contribution to proton spin - http://phys.org
[13:20:43] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Video: Sentinel-3 for oceans - http://phys.org
[13:20:47] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Messier 3 (M3) – the NGC 5272 globular cluster - http://phys.org
[13:20:51] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Why the IRS was just hacked – again – and what the feds can do about it - http://phys.org
[13:25:04] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - 5 Good Reasons To Buy The Sony Xperia Z5 Premium Over The Competition - http://www.forbes.com
[13:25:09] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Competition Offers $100,000 For iPhone 6S Hack -- But There's A Patch Catch - http://www.forbes.com
[13:30:08] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - 5 Reasons To Buy The Sony Xperia Z5 Premium - http://www.forbes.com
[13:30:46] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Flint crisis opens door on water problems around US - http://phys.org
[13:32:10] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Brit bit barn and hosting slinger C4L Group sold for £23m - http://go.theregister.com
[13:35:08] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - The CSI Effect comes to RSA Conference - http://rss.computerworld.com
[13:35:14] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Algorithm lets planning systems generate backup plans efficiently - http://news.mit.edu
[13:35:50] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Peer review system for awarding NIH grants is flawed, researchers say - http://phys.org
[13:35:54] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Indian Kashmir begins bird census at Himalayan wetlands - http://phys.org
[13:40:04] <Bender> [BBCTech] - Android SMS malware 'can wipe phones' - http://www.bbc.co.uk
[13:40:18] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The fine art of wireless design: what on earth is a cavity resonator? - https://eengenious.com
[13:40:22] <Bender> [HackerNews] - An introduction to variable and feature selection [pdf] - http://www.jmlr.org
[13:40:54] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - The animals that sniff out TB, cancer and landmines - http://phys.org
[13:40:58] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Freezing steak improves tenderness of some cuts, according to study - http://phys.org
[13:45:14] <Bender> [CNET] - Samsung Galaxy S6, S6 Edge bite into Android Marshmallow - CNET - http://feedproxy.google.com
[13:45:20] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - 'Battlebots' And 'Big Robot' Lead The Fighting Robot Trend At New York Toy Fair - http://www.forbes.com
[13:45:22] <Bender> [HackerNews] - German Underground Analysis [DE] [pdf] - http://www.trendmicro.de
[13:45:26] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Android Mazar malware that can 'wipe phones' spread via SMS - http://www.bbc.co.uk
[13:45:30] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Show HN: Find the best recipe for any two foods, based on over 600,000 recipes - http://www.foodpairing.ninja
[13:51:08] <Bender> [SecurityWeek] - IBM Launches Hardened z13s Mainframe for Hybrid Clouds - http://feedproxy.google.com
[13:55:29] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Google’s ‘Project Loon’ Balloon Internet Experiment Floats into Sri Lanka - http://www.wsj.com
[13:55:33] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The Leica Q: A six month field test - http://craigmod.com
[14:00:31] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Nutanix Sells 'Invisible' Cloud Technology, Is Not Seeing Believing? - http://www.forbes.com
[14:00:33] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Leading Android scientific calculator now requires Caller ID - https://www.reddit.com
[14:00:35] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Stop Killing Good Design: Open Letter To Stakeholders - http://www.forbes.com
[14:01:09] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Plant breeders, growers should pay attention to flush in fight against citrus greening disease - http://phys.org
[14:02:11] -!- richardboegli has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[14:02:33] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Nutanix updates its stack, not just to distract you from EMC's big day - http://go.theregister.com
[14:05:35] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Nutanix Sells 'Invisible' Cloud Technology: Is Not Seeing, The New Believing? - http://www.forbes.com
[14:05:37] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Show HN: Visualize and inspect custom algorithms with time-travel - http://sylnt.us
[14:05:39] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Could Aliens See Heat-Based Signs Of Life On Earth? - http://www.forbes.com
[14:05:44] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Show HN: Linenoise NG – GNU Readline Replacement, with UTF8 and Windows (BSD) - http://sylnt.us
[14:05:48] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Generic binary trees in ES6 - https://casualjavascript.com
[14:10:39] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Nutanix 'Invisible' Cloud Technology: Is Not Seeing, The New Believing? - http://www.forbes.com
[14:10:41] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Khronos releases Vulkan 1.0 specification - https://www.khronos.org
[14:15:45] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The £50M yacht: Benetti FB265 M/Y 11∙11 - http://www.spearswms.com
[14:15:49] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Nvidia Vulkan driver - https://developer.nvidia.com
[14:15:53] <Bender> [HackerNews] - It's Time to Kill the €500 Note - https://www.washingtonpost.com
[14:15:57] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Vulkan (OpenGL Successor) Is Now Available - https://www.khronos.org
[14:16:25] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Delirium, muscle weakness among overlooked symptoms of sepsis - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[14:20:49] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Ensemble Methods:Elegant Techniques to Produce Improved Machine Learning Results - http://www.pybloggers.com
[14:20:53] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Raw WebGL - http://nickdesaulniers.github.io
[14:20:57] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Boomtown, USA: An Historical Look at Fracking (2015) - https://notevenpast.org
[14:21:01] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Should I Optimize? (EC2 vs. Programmer Time) - http://www.shouldioptimize.com
[14:21:05] <Bender> [HackerNews] - 9 out of 10 young people under 35 in UK will not be able to afford a house - http://www.vice.com
[14:21:29] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Genetic variation shown in patients with severe vascular complications of infection - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[14:21:31] <Bender> [SecurityWeek] - Most Bitcoin Brain Wallets Drained by Attackers - http://feedproxy.google.com
[14:22:58] <Bender> [WiredEnterprise] - The Best AI Still Flunks 8th Grade Science - http://feeds.wired.com
[14:25:14] Bytram is now known as Bytram|away
[14:25:51] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - 10 Business Storytellers Who Win Hearts And Minds - http://www.forbes.com
[14:25:53] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Download real-time images of Earth from the Himawari-8 satellite - http://sylnt.us
[14:25:55] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - How Storytelling Hooks Your Audience - http://www.forbes.com
[14:25:57] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Intel Open Source Graphics Drivers Now Support Vulkan - http://blogs.intel.com
[14:25:59] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - The Biggest Changes In iOS 9 - http://www.forbes.com
[14:26:01] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Glibc bug allowing remote exploitation by rogue DNS servers - https://sourceware.org
[14:26:03] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Apple Confirms iOS Problem Breaks iPhones - http://www.forbes.com
[14:26:07] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - iPhone 7 Leak Reveals Headphone Jack Replacement - http://www.forbes.com
[14:26:11] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Apple Joins America's Biggest Dividend Payers - http://www.forbes.com
[14:26:28] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Alibaba buys nearly 33 million shares of Groupon - http://phys.org
[14:26:32] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Dying epithelial cells regulate the immune system - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[14:26:32] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Kill the rabbit - http://phys.org
[14:26:36] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Readmission rates at children's hospitals influenced by patients' characteristics - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[14:26:40] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Peer review system for awarding NIH grants is flawed, analysis suggests - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[14:27:52] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Khronos releases Vulkan 1.0 open graphics specification - http://go.theregister.com
[14:30:40] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - Vulkan now official, with 1.0 API release and AMD driver - http://arstechnica.com
[14:30:54] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Keeping Your Team Motivated When There's No Pay, Little Motivation, and A Commitment to School - http://www.forbes.com
[14:31:32] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Astronomers detect five new 'hot Jupiters' - http://phys.org
[14:31:36] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Electronic health records can help catch undiagnosed cases of Type 2 diabetes - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[14:31:41] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Easter Island not destroyed by war, analysis of 'spear points' shows - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[14:31:45] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Extinct Plant Species Found Trapped in Amber - http://sylnt.us
[14:35:58] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Extracting Fuel From Thin Air - http://www.forbes.com
[14:36:00] <Bender> [HackerNews] - CVE-2015-7547: glibc getaddrinfo stack-based buffer overflow - https://googleonlinesecurity.blogspot.com
[14:36:16] -!- richardboegli [richardboegli!~r@508-086-420-595.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #rss-bot
[14:36:48] <Bender> [TheScientist] - Opinion: On Animal Emotions - http://www.the-scientist.com
[14:41:40] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Colville tribes' risky bid: bring back pronghorn antelope - http://phys.org
[14:41:44] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Childhood obesity, rapid growth linked to pregnant moms eating lots of fish - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[14:41:48] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - New protocol to detect three species of Legionella in just eight hours - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[14:41:52] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Forever young: How stem cells resist change - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[14:41:56] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Male cancer survivors less likely to reproduce - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[14:42:00] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - There are always bacteria lurking in dental equipment, suggests research - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[14:42:04] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - New anti-biofilm compounds show promise against drug-resistant bacteria linked to hospital infections - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[14:46:06] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - MedidataVoice: How Will Clinical Trials Evolve? - http://www.forbes.com
[14:46:08] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Using Scala in Amazon Lambda for Processing Fastly Logs - https://tech.iheart.com
[14:46:12] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Rocketrip is hiring interns for the summer - https://www.rocketrip.com
[14:51:06] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - Samsung Galaxy S7 fully leaked... by Samsung itself - http://rss.computerworld.com
[14:51:12] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Why I love node.js! enough fatigue posts - https://medium.com
[14:51:48] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Guam research fills voids - http://phys.org
[14:51:52] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Ice sheet modeling of Greenland, Antarctica helps predict sea-level rise - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[14:56:14] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - The Social Media Spend-Impact Disconnect - http://www.forbes.com
[14:56:18] <Bender> [ITWorld] - Apple replaces defective MacBook cables - http://www.itworld.com
[14:56:22] <Bender> [ITWorld] - Xen's latest hypervisor updates are missing some security patches - http://www.itworld.com
[14:56:23] <Bender> [Krebs] - The Great EMV Fake-Out: No Chip For You! - http://krebsonsecurity.com
[14:56:52] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Microplastics on the seabed inadequately mapped - http://phys.org
[15:06:07] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - Space combat is cheaper than ever with Elite Dangerous: Arena - http://arstechnica.com
[15:06:18] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - Apple replaces defective MacBook cables - http://rss.computerworld.com
[15:06:22] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - No, Human Embryos Won't Be Genetically Modified To Create Designer Babies - http://www.forbes.com
[15:06:23] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Viking Ships (1999) - http://www.hurstwic.org
[15:06:26] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Former Mozilla CTO Is Making A Security Camera That Understands What It Sees - http://www.forbes.com
[15:08:23] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Stray electronic-magnetic leaks used to harvest PC crypto keys - http://go.theregister.com
[15:16:31] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Want Viagra? Proposed Kentucky Law Would Require Note from Spouse - http://www.nytimes.com
[15:16:35] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Fired for Cursing on the Job, Testing the Limits of Labor Law Applied Science - http://www.nytimes.com
[15:16:39] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Can Science Survive? - https://themultidisciplinarian.com
[15:16:43] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Serverless WSGI with AWS Lambda and API Gateway - http://sylnt.us
[15:16:47] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Everyone’s offended these days - http://eev.ee
[15:16:52] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Why is the UK still printing its laws on vellum? - http://www.bbc.co.uk
[15:18:35] <Bender> [Threatpost] - Steve Adegbite on Data Integrity - http://threatpost.com
[15:21:35] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Update on a Side Project - http://njgeo.org
[15:21:39] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Meet Kocho – Our Bootstrapping Tool for CoreOS Clusters on AWS - https://blog.giantswarm.io
[15:26:25] <Bender> [BBCTech] - Google boss on stuff that failed - http://www.bbc.co.uk
[15:26:37] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Apple Confirms Bizarre iOS 8 And iOS 9 Problem - http://www.forbes.com
[15:26:39] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Anti-bullying program focused on bystanders helps students who need it most - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[15:26:41] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - How Gravitational Waves Connect To Quantum Optics - http://www.forbes.com
[15:27:21] <Bender> [SecurityWeek] - DB Networks Unveils Layer 7 Database Security for OEMs - http://feedproxy.google.com
[15:28:39] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Ah, that new 'baby' mainframe smell: IBM shows off z13s - http://go.theregister.com
[15:36:31] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - Astronomers have detected a Super-Earth atmosphere for the first time - http://arstechnica.com
[15:36:45] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Apple iOS 9, iOS 8 Share Strange But Serious Problem - http://www.forbes.com
[15:36:46] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The Husband-And-Wife Team Behind the Web’s Most Infuriating Outdoor Retailer - http://www.outsideonline.com
[15:36:49] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - What Hope Is There For Cybersecurity If The Government Can't Protect Its Own Secrets? - http://www.forbes.com
[15:36:53] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - How To Explain Gravitational Waves To Any Fourth Grader - http://www.forbes.com
[15:37:21] <Bender> [Nature] - A mouse’s house may ruin experiments - http://feeds.nature.com
[15:37:23] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Test cubes floating freely inside LISA Pathfinder - http://phys.org
[15:37:25] <Bender> [Nature] - What sparked the Cambrian explosion? - http://feeds.nature.com
[15:41:49] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - 7 Mistakes Leaders Make That Make Everyone Miserable - http://www.forbes.com
[15:46:54] <Bender> [HackerNews] - How to win an online argument: lessons from Reddit - http://www.theage.com.au
[15:51:50] <Bender> [CNET] - Drug dealer mocks judge on Facebook, faces resentencing - CNET - http://feedproxy.google.com
[15:52:34] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Making cancer-fighting cells in the lab - http://phys.org
[15:56:46] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - Is D-Wave’s quantum processor really 10⁸ times faster than a normal computer? - http://arstechnica.com
[15:57:42] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Membership of social/community groups after retirement linked to longer life - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[15:57:46] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Wide and stubborn variations in longevity across Europe over past 20 years - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[16:02:06] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Sony launches universal remote control with e-ink screen - http://home.bt.com
[16:02:42] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Ocean oases: How islands support more sea-life - http://phys.org
[16:02:46] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Tailored acupuncture lessens pain intensity in chronic pain (fibromyalgia) - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[16:02:50] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Arachnophobes overestimate spider sizes, say researchers - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[16:04:06] <Bender> [TheRegister] - EMC's hardware 'quantum leap' is more of a brisk catchup stroll - http://go.theregister.com
[16:06:54] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - Vulkan now official, with 1.0 API release and AMD driver (Updated) - http://arstechnica.com
[16:06:56] <Bender> [BBCTech] - The man making genes democratic - http://www.bbc.co.uk
[16:07:08] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Lead Writer Of 'Mass Effect Andromeda' Leaves Bioware To Work On 'Destiny' - http://www.forbes.com
[16:12:06] <Bender> [CNET] - This startup wants to boost your smart home's IQ - CNET - http://feedproxy.google.com
[16:12:10] <Bender> [CNET] - 'Ghostbusters' teaser trailer exposes danger in the streets - CNET - http://feedproxy.google.com
[16:12:54] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Making cancer-fighting cells in the lab - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[16:12:58] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - First detection of gases at super-Earth show a light-weight, dry atmosphere - with a hint of carbon too? - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[16:17:18] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Reassembling TCP streams using libtins - http://libtins.github.io
[16:17:22] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Visual API Tooling. Mock, document, and test your way to API nirvana - http://www.stoplight.io
[16:22:16] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - Elgato's Eve Energy opens up the HomeKit home - http://rss.computerworld.com
[16:22:20] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Hints Of Apple's Futuristic iPhone Interface Revealed - http://www.forbes.com
[16:22:21] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Giphy Closes $55M Series C at a $300M Post-Money Valuation - http://techcrunch.com
[16:23:02] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Slavery carried bilharzia parasites from West Africa to the Caribbean, genomics confirms - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[16:23:06] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Plant breeders, growers should pay attention to flush in fight against citrus greening disease - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[16:27:25] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Are We Web Yet? has been forked - http://www.arewewebyet.org
[16:27:29] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Nissan's self-parking chairs - http://www.engadget.com
[16:32:27] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Hideo Kojima Teases Reunion With The Walking Dead's Norman Reedus - http://www.forbes.com
[16:32:31] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Comcast BusinessVoice: 6 Ways To Speed Up Your Wi-Fi And Make Working From Home More Productive - http://www.forbes.com
[16:33:03] <Bender> [Nature] - Put innovation science at the heart of discovery - http://feeds.nature.com
[16:33:09] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Graphene becomes superconductive: Electrons with 'no mass' flow with 'no resistance' - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[16:33:13] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - New technique for turning sunlight into hydrogen - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[16:33:18] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Complete, "Living" 3D-Printed Body Parts Created - http://sylnt.us
[16:37:31] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Comcast BusinessVoice: Leverage WiFi To Grow Your Business [Interactive] - http://www.forbes.com
[16:37:33] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Hard Drive Reliability Review for 2015 - https://www.backblaze.com
[16:37:35] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Comcast BusinessVoice: Building A Real-World Technology Vision - http://www.forbes.com
[16:37:38] <Bender> [HackerNews] - C++ is a hack - http://sylnt.us
[16:39:33] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Google? Great firm, lovely people, says Microsoft-backed ICOMP - http://go.theregister.com
[16:42:35] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Bethesda Is Jacking Up The Price Of The 'Fallout 4' Season Pass Due To 'Expanded DLC Plan' - http://www.forbes.com
[16:42:37] <Bender> [HackerNews] - How Catherine de Medici Made Gloves Laced with Poison Fashionable - http://www.atlasobscura.com
[16:42:41] <Bender> [HackerNews] - India’s Economic Data ‘Manipulated,’ Chinese Scholars Write - http://blogs.wsj.com
[16:42:45] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Show HN: Bachelor Apt. Stylish and affordable prints from $12.95 - http://bachelorapt.com
[16:47:41] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Automatically inferring file syntax with afl-analyze - https://lcamtuf.blogspot.com
[16:47:45] <Bender> [HackerNews] - I Was the Most Wanted Man in China - http://lithub.com
[16:48:21] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Advance could aid development of nanoscale biosensors - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[16:48:25] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Early family system types predict children’s emotional attention - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[16:48:29] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - What happens to unused metals extracted from Earth's crust? - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[16:48:33] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Animals revived after being in a frozen state for over 30 years - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[16:48:37] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - In a U.S. first, team measures lightning-produced ozone with lidar - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[16:48:41] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Chewing sugar free gum could save millions a year - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[16:48:45] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Scientists: Think more broadly to predict wildlife climate change survival - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[16:48:49] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Observing brain diseases in real time - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[16:52:45] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Missing Malaysia Jet MH370 Weeks Away from Keeping Secrets Forever - http://www.bloomberg.com
[16:52:49] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Getting Started with .NET on Ubuntu Linux - http://xameeramir.github.io
[16:57:49] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Watch New Yorkers Hurry Across Union Square in Real-Time - http://www.citylab.com
[16:58:31] <Bender> [SecurityWeek] - Remote Code Execution Flaw Patched in glibc Library - http://feedproxy.google.com
[16:59:50] <Bender> [Threatpost] - APTs, Hospital Hacks, and More: Reflecting on SAS 2016 - http://threatpost.com
[17:02:42] <Bender> [Bugtraq] - Bugtraq: [SECURITY] [DSA 3480-1] eglibc security update - http://www.securityfocus.com
[17:02:46] <Bender> [Bugtraq] - Bugtraq: [SECURITY] [DSA 3481-1] glibc security update - http://www.securityfocus.com
[17:02:51] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - How Birdhouse Helps Caregivers Of Children With Developmental Disabilities - http://www.forbes.com
[17:02:52] <Bender> [HackerNews] - US Marshals arresting people for not paying their federal student loans - http://www.fox26houston.com
[17:02:56] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Show HN: ReportDash – Reports and Dashboards for Digital Marketers Made Easy - http://www.reportdash.com
[17:04:52] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Quotemehappy? No, I'm furious: Insurance site loses customer details - http://go.theregister.com
[17:04:54] <Bender> [Threatpost] - Critical glibc Vulnerability Puts All Linux Machines at Risk - http://threatpost.com
[17:07:55] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Blink: Making Home Security Cameras Very Easy to Use - http://www.forbes.com
[17:08:31] <Bender> [Nature] - Howard Hughes’s next president: ‘Promote under-represented groups in science’ - http://feeds.nature.com
[17:13:00] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Who Says Michelangelo Was Right? Conflicting Visions of the Past - http://publicdomainreview.org
[17:18:04] <Bender> [HackerNews] - E-Commerce: Convenience Built on a Mountain of Cardboard - http://www.nytimes.com
[17:18:06] <Bender> [ITWorld] - Seagate releases the first 2TB ultra-slim HDD - http://www.itworld.com
[17:23:02] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - Seagate releases the first 2TB ultra-slim HDD - http://rss.computerworld.com
[17:23:06] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - How I 'upgraded' my mom's Windows XP computer - http://rss.computerworld.com
[17:23:08] <Bender> [HackerNews] - E-Commerce: Convenience Built on a Mountain of Cardboard - http://www.nytimes.com
[17:23:48] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Kill the rabbit - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[17:28:14] <Bender> [ITWorld] - LG details its mid-range Stylus 2 in advance of Mobile World Congress - http://www.itworld.com
[17:28:48] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Slavery carried bilharzia parasites from West Africa to the Caribbean, genomics confirms - http://phys.org
[17:28:52] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Animals revived after being in a frozen state for over 30 years - http://phys.org
[17:28:56] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Research offers new evidence about the Gulf of Mexico's past - http://phys.org
[17:33:08] <Bender> [CNET] - Apple Pay arrives in China this week - CNET - http://feedproxy.google.com
[17:33:12] <Bender> [CNET] - 'Daredevil' season 2 gets a bloody, brooding trailer - CNET - http://feedproxy.google.com
[17:33:14] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Cisco Says 'It's Curtains For You, Cyber Crime!' - http://www.forbes.com
[17:33:16] <Bender> [CNET] - 'Twin Peaks' could add Ashley Judd and more original cast to revival - CNET - http://feedproxy.google.com
[17:33:16] <Bender> [HackerNews] - JavaScript Safe Navigation Using Proxies - http://sylnt.us
[17:33:18] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Apple Debt Offering: How Much Stock Could It Buy - http://www.forbes.com
[17:33:20] <Bender> [CNET] - Pee-wee Herman tries to be cool, hits the road in Netflix trailer - CNET - http://feedproxy.google.com
[17:33:20] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Neutrinos continue run of odd behavior at Daya Bay - http://arstechnica.com
[17:33:24] <Bender> [CNET] - Astronauts bust the myth of space ice cream - CNET - http://feedproxy.google.com
[17:33:52] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Tiny red crystals dramatically increase biogas production - http://phys.org
[17:33:56] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Team synthesizes georgeite for first time - http://phys.org
[17:38:14] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - Xen's latest hypervisor updates are missing some security patches - http://rss.computerworld.com
[17:38:19] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Comparing Rails and Phoenix: Part I - http://blog.codeship.com
[17:38:22] <Bender> [ITWorld] - Apple sharpens focus on India with new maps development center - http://www.itworld.com
[17:38:56] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - 'Swiss army knife' molecule - http://phys.org
[17:39:00] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Cambits, a modular imaging system that can transform into many different cameras - http://phys.org
[17:43:21] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - 4K For All? Sony Reveals Aggressive Pricing For Its 2016 TVs - http://www.forbes.com
[17:43:59] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - The science of jet noise - http://phys.org
[17:44:01] <Bender> [Pipedot] - Google Is Finally Killing Picasa - http://pipedot.org
[17:44:03] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Solar cells help purify water in remote areas - http://phys.org
[17:44:07] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Scientists discover new way bacterial infections spread in the body - http://phys.org
[17:48:25] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Former Mozilla CTO Is Making A Security Camera That Detects Faces - http://www.forbes.com
[17:48:27] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Unlimited Clubbing/Shows with Monthly Subscription - http://www.joinlisted.com
[17:53:29] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Former Mozilla CTO Is Making A Qualcomm-Powered Security Camera That Detects Faces - http://www.forbes.com
[17:53:31] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The Vulkan Graphics API Is Here–and Your Nvidia GPU Is Ready - http://blogs.nvidia.com
[17:53:33] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Leaked Hints Of Apple's Futuristic iPhone Interface - http://www.forbes.com
[17:53:35] <Bender> [HackerNews] - When it came to robotic probes, the Soviets got to the Moon first - http://www.bbc.com
[17:53:37] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - OracleVoice: Oracle CEO Safra Catz: Oracle Makes New Investments 'In India' - http://www.forbes.com
[17:53:39] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Vulkan Is Now Available - https://www.khronos.org
[17:58:33] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - New iPhone Leak Points To Apple's Futuristic Interface - http://www.forbes.com
[17:58:35] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The Hardest IQ Question Ever: The Work of John Milnor - http://www.abelprize.no
[17:58:39] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Show HN: Find the best recipe for any two foods, based on over 600k recipes - http://www.foodpairing.ninja
[17:58:43] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Glibc getaddrinfo stack-based buffer overflow - https://googleonlinesecurity.blogspot.com
[17:58:47] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Vulkan is Here - https://www.khronos.org
[17:59:17] <Bender> [SecurityWeek] - Unpatched Flaw Plagues Cisco Industrial Switches - http://feedproxy.google.com
[18:03:28] <Bender> [Bugtraq] - Bugtraq: Redaxo CMS contains multiple vulnerabilities - http://www.securityfocus.com
[18:03:39] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Show HN: AllOrigins – Pull content from any page as JSON via API - http://allorigins.pw
[18:03:43] <Bender> [HackerNews] - AWS Lambda now allows access to your VPC - http://docs.aws.amazon.com
[18:03:47] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Dear Startups: Here’s How to Stay Alive - http://heidiroizen.tumblr.com
[18:04:27] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Apple Wants Court To Rule If It Can Be Forced To Unlock iPhones - http://sylnt.us
[18:09:17] <Bender> [Nature] - New cause for Lyme disease complicates already murky diagnosis - http://feeds.nature.com
[18:10:36] <Bender> [SingularityHub] - In the Future, Ownerless Companies Will Live on the Blockchain - http://singularityhub.com
[18:13:46] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Hunting down phantom write spikes in RDS Postgres - http://blog.pixlee.com
[18:13:50] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Programming computer animation in 1964 [video] - https://www.youtube.com
[18:13:54] <Bender> [HackerNews] - When does peer review make no sense? - http://andrewgelman.com
[18:23:38] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - Handheld ZX Spectrum brings ‘80s gaming to your morning commute - http://arstechnica.com
[18:23:42] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - Dealmaster: Save 50 percent on Dell Venue 7000 series tablets - http://arstechnica.com
[18:28:44] <Bender> [BBCTech] - Handheld ZX Spectrum project announced - http://www.bbc.co.uk
[18:34:02] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Two Poems by J.R.R. Tolkien Found in School Publication in England - http://artsbeat.blogs.nytimes.com
[18:34:06] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Show HN: Stoplight – Visual API Tooling - http://www.stoplight.io
[18:34:10] <Bender> [HackerNews] - NexTravel (YC W15) Is Hiring a VP of Engineering - http://nextravel.com
[18:39:04] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Energy Efficient Buildings: The Last Bridge for Bipartisan Cooperation in 2016? - http://www.forbes.com
[18:39:42] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Enhanced levels of carbon dioxide are likely cause of global dryland greening, study says - http://phys.org
[18:44:09] <Bender> [HackerNews] - In Search of Forty Winks - http://www.newyorker.com
[18:44:13] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Unilateral Israeli changes to Stuxnet caused its exposure, angering US - http://www.jpost.com
[18:44:17] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Uber's Design Meltdown - http://www.elischiff.com
[18:44:45] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - What do the world's leading shark researchers think of shark conservation policy? - http://phys.org
[18:49:11] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - SunPower Q4 Preview: Distributed Solar, Post-ITC Extension Outlook In Focus - http://www.forbes.com
[18:49:15] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Nvidia's Q4'16 Earnings Preview: PC Gaming & Automotive To Drive Growth - http://www.forbes.com
[18:54:17] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Reproducible bioinformatics pipelines using Make - https://bsmith89.github.io
[18:59:19] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Feedzai Stops Financial Fraud With Machine Learning - http://www.forbes.com
[18:59:21] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The Essayification of Everything (2013) - http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com
[18:59:25] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Under-35s in the UK face becoming permanent renters, warns thinktank - http://www.theguardian.com
[19:04:25] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Dashboards: A GUI for application lifecycle management - https://www.distelli.com
[19:04:29] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Kocho – Bootstrapping Tool for CoreOS Clusters on AWS - https://blog.giantswarm.io
[19:06:24] <Bender> [TheRegister] - $30m contract to run all .org domains put out to tender - http://go.theregister.com
[19:09:13] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - GameStop CEO suggests PlayStation VR has been delayed to fall 2016 - http://arstechnica.com
[19:09:17] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - Extremely severe bug leaves dizzying number of apps and devices vulnerable - http://arstechnica.com
[19:09:27] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - The Hottest Startups Of 2015 - http://www.forbes.com
[19:09:28] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Show HN: Go-git – low-level and extensible Git client library in Go - http://sylnt.us
[19:09:31] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Stealth Startup Juno Will Take On Uber By Treating Drivers Better - http://www.forbes.com
[19:10:05] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Losing the fight against antibiotic resistance - http://phys.org
[19:10:09] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Predicting if young men will live with their kids - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[19:10:13] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Correcting a misconception: Stick insect's propulsion joint discovered - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[19:11:28] <Bender> [TheRegister] - $30m stands between you and the contract to run all .org domains - http://go.theregister.com
[19:14:24] <Bender> [CNET] - These Nissan office chair prototypes move all by themselves - CNET - http://feedproxy.google.com
[19:14:28] <Bender> [CNET] - Guzzling soda after soda doesn't do a body good, science shows - CNET - http://feedproxy.google.com
[19:14:31] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Why Should Senior Engineers Balance Trees in an Interview? - http://www.forbes.com
[19:14:32] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Lessons from the Crisis: Ending Too Big to Fail - https://www.minneapolisfed.org
[19:15:08] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - What does turbulence have in common with an epidemic? - http://phys.org
[19:19:34] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Uber's Kalanick On Self-Driving Cars: It's Likely To Take A Lot Longer - http://www.forbes.com
[19:20:16] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Immune response to flu vaccine linked to recipients' ethnic background - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[19:24:34] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - Repeat Mac app mess forces some to reinstall purchased programs - http://rss.computerworld.com
[19:24:40] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The Hardest IQ Question Ever: The Work of John Milnor [pdf] - http://www.abelprize.no
[19:25:16] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - First detection of super-earth atmosphere - http://phys.org
[19:25:20] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Cyber thieves making millions in profits - http://phys.org
[19:29:44] <Bender> [HackerNews] - In Search of Forty Winks: Gizmos for a good night’s sleep - http://www.newyorker.com
[19:29:46] <Bender> [ITWorld] - Repeat Mac app mess forces some to reinstall purchased programs - http://www.itworld.com
[19:30:24] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - How do children around the world feel about their lives? - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[19:31:44] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Comcast celebrates Presidents Day with Gerald Ford impression - http://go.theregister.com
[19:34:32] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - Extremely severe bug leaves dizzying number of software and devices vulnerable - http://arstechnica.com
[19:34:36] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - Reading tea leaves: Scalia’s death gives new life to Obama’s climate plan - http://arstechnica.com
[19:34:48] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Anonymous: Hacker releases 17.8GB of data from a Turkish national police server - http://www.ibtimes.co.uk
[19:35:24] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Oxygen was present in the atmosphere much earlier than previously assumed - http://phys.org
[19:35:25] -!- Deucalion has quit [Quit: ~Quit~]
[19:35:28] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - ReFlex: Revolutionary flexible smartphone allows users to feel the buzz by bending their apps - http://phys.org
[19:35:37] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Meta: User-to-User Messaging - http://sylnt.us
[19:40:28] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Social media face threats affect relationships; communication helps - http://phys.org
[19:40:32] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Disease, warming oceans, rock lobster and sea star populations - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[19:40:32] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Beavers bring environmental benefits - http://phys.org
[19:40:36] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Enhanced levels of carbon dioxide are likely cause of global dryland greening, study says - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[19:40:36] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - NASA sees a stronger Tropical Cyclone Uriah - http://phys.org
[19:40:40] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - A penny for our thoughts? Copper influx key to brain cell development - https://www.sciencedaily.com
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[19:49:43] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - Fallout 4 PC players can beta test upcoming DLC—and keep it for free - http://arstechnica.com
[19:49:58] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - GameStop Says It Isn't Selling PlayStation VR Until This Fall, Contradicting Sony - http://www.forbes.com
[19:49:59] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Dart, Angular 2, and Polymer Together - https://dart.academy
[19:50:02] <Bender> [ITWorld] - This simple labelling trick could make gadgets last longer -- and help save the planet - http://www.itworld.com
[19:50:36] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Portion of ancient Australian chert microstructures definitively pseudo-fossils - http://phys.org
[19:50:39] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Aerobic fitness may protect liver against chronic alcohol use - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[19:50:40] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Benefits associated with the reduction of mercury emissions far outweigh industry cost - http://phys.org
[19:50:44] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Newly identified genes impact how transplanted stem cells give rise to blood cells - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[19:50:44] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Livestock donations to Zambian households yield higher income, improved diet - http://phys.org
[19:51:49] <Bender> [Schneier] - Using Eagles to Intercept Drones - https://www.schneier.com
[19:51:59] <Bender> [TheRegister] - EMC energizes 2Star Trek-style matter-phasing warp field coils, emits VxRack Neutrinos - http://go.theregister.com
[19:55:39] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - DICE Summit a chance for game creators to recharge, reflect - http://phys.org
[19:55:43] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Running helps mice slow cancer growth - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[19:55:43] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - US firm's Chinese subsidiaries to pay $14.5M to resolve case - http://phys.org
[19:55:47] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Professor designs explosives detector to rival a dog's nose - http://phys.org
[20:00:47] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Researchers highlight brain region as 'ground zero' of Alzheimer's disease - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[20:00:51] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Fossil analysis pushes back human split from other primates by two million years - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[20:05:11] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Morocco to switch on first phase of world's largest solar plant - http://www.theguardian.com
[20:05:15] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Japanese firm to open world’s first robot-run farm - http://www.theguardian.com
[20:09:59] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - New Monopoly edition goes paperless, ruins everyone’s fun - http://arstechnica.com
[20:10:13] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Energy Efficient Buildings: The Last Bridge For Bipartisan Cooperation In 2016? - http://www.forbes.com
[20:10:15] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Django React Redux JWT Base Project - http://sylnt.us
[20:10:17] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - GameStop CEO Says Company Isn't Selling PlayStation VR Until This Fall, Contradicting Sony - http://www.forbes.com
[20:10:17] <Bender> [ITWorld] - Does your company need a chief data officer? - http://www.itworld.com
[20:10:19] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The Work of John Milnor, a giant in modern mathematics [pdf] - http://www.abelprize.no
[20:10:23] <Bender> [MITTech] - Robot Art Raises Questions about Human Creativity - https://www.technologyreview.com
[20:10:27] <Bender> [MITTech] - Scalia’s Death Boosts Chances for Obama’s Clean Power Plan - https://www.technologyreview.com
[20:10:55] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Ocean oases: How islands support more sea-life - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[20:10:59] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Improve winter road safety in Canada to decrease number of deaths - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[20:11:03] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Adderall misuse rising among young adults - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[20:11:07] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Scientists show how cancerous cells evade a potent targeted therapy - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[20:15:11] <Bender> [CNET] - BB-8 car charger gives you an adorable droid co-pilot - CNET - http://feedproxy.google.com
[20:15:15] <Bender> [CNET] - GM brings back Saab and Saturn...for the Takata recall - Roadshow - http://feedproxy.google.com
[20:15:17] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Apple Confirms iOS 9.2.1 Has Seriously Strange Problem - http://www.forbes.com
[20:15:19] <Bender> [CNET] - Samsung's Galaxy S7 phone may be water resistant - CNET - http://feedproxy.google.com
[20:15:21] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - OracleVoice: Oracle CEO Safra Catz: Oracle Makes New Investments In India - http://www.forbes.com
[20:17:18] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Patch ASAP: Tons of Linux apps can be hijacked by evil DNS servers, man-in-the-middle miscreants - http://go.theregister.com
[20:20:21] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - iPhone 7 Leak Reveals Biggest Design Change - http://www.forbes.com
[20:20:22] <Bender> [HackerNews] - R, the master troll of statistical languages (2012) - http://www.talyarkoni.org
[20:20:25] <Bender> [ITWorld] - New Office 365 profiles help people get to know their coworkers - http://www.itworld.com
[20:23:47] -!- juggs has quit [Quit: ~Quit~]
[20:25:10] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - GameStop CEO suggests PlayStation VR has been delayed to fall 2016 [Updated] - http://arstechnica.com
[20:25:20] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - IDG Contributor Network: To move forward with data visualization, look backwards - http://rss.computerworld.com
[20:25:24] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - IBMVoice: Making Transactions More Secure In A Data-Driven, Digital Economy - http://www.forbes.com
[20:25:28] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Ruthless and Sober in Syria - http://www.forbes.com
[20:26:06] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Are we losing the fight against antibiotic resistance? - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[20:26:10] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Beavers bring environmental benefits - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[20:26:14] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Care, disease management and sociobehavioral interventions in China and Australia - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[20:26:18] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Cyber thieves making millions in profits - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[20:26:22] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Scientists discover genetic changes linked to a major risk factor for blinding trachoma - https://www.sciencedaily.com
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[20:36:10] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Researchers devise more efficient materials for solar fuel cells - http://phys.org
[20:39:12] juggs is now known as Deucalion
[20:40:22] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - Uber CEO: history repeats itself when we resist transportation innovation - http://arstechnica.com
[20:45:26] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - Uber CEO: History repeats itself when we resist transportation innovation - http://arstechnica.com
[20:50:45] <Bender> [HackerNews] - What it looks like to process 3.5M books in Google’s cloud - http://googlecloudplatform.blogspot.com
[20:52:46] <Bender> [TheRegister] - RSA: Fraud may double as 2017 Oz snap bank transfers cut safety nets - http://go.theregister.com
[20:55:44] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - Getting the most out of conferences - http://rss.computerworld.com
[21:00:45] <Bender> [CNET] - Before signing up to go to Mars, consider all the ways to die there - CNET - http://feedproxy.google.com
[21:00:53] <Bender> [HackerNews] - FlatCam: Thin, Bare-Sensor Cameras Using Coded Aperture and Computation - http://arxiv.org
[21:01:02] <Bender> [MITTech] - Hospital Forced Back to Pre-Computer Era Shows the Power of Ransomware - https://www.technologyreview.com
[21:05:55] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Can LIGO test Quantum Gravity? - http://www.forbes.com
[21:06:46] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Masdar City: The UAE's "Zero-Carbon" Ghost Town - http://sylnt.us
[21:10:55] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - Bedtime stories for robots could teach them to be human - http://rss.computerworld.com
[21:10:59] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - Samsung Galaxy S7 laid bare, via Samsung fat finger -- oops! - http://rss.computerworld.com
[21:11:01] <Bender> [HackerNews] - When to stop dating and settle down, according to math - https://www.washingtonpost.com
[21:11:05] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Random tweet – see one random tweet at a time - http://tweet.onerandom.com
[21:11:37] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Better, faster tsunami warnings possible with GPS - http://phys.org
[21:15:57] <Bender> [CNET] - Fallout 4 expansions detailed, season pass price increasing to $50 - CNET - http://feedproxy.google.com
[21:16:01] <Bender> [CNET] - How a bunch of cat GIFs won the Grammys - CNET - http://feedproxy.google.com
[21:16:05] <Bender> [CNET] - Next Metal Gear Solid 5 patch, new MGO character Quiet detailed - CNET - http://feedproxy.google.com
[21:16:09] <Bender> [CNET] - The Division will include eye tracking functionality at launch - CNET - http://feedproxy.google.com
[21:16:13] <Bender> [CNET] - Doom's campaign Is about 13 hours, dev says - CNET - http://feedproxy.google.com
[21:16:17] <Bender> [CNET] - Street Fighter 5 server stabilty is key priority for Capcom, says Ono - CNET - http://feedproxy.google.com
[21:16:21] <Bender> [CNET] - Watch two Teslas drag race in speed-loving 'Ludicrous mode' - Roadshow - http://feedproxy.google.com
[21:18:05] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Public enemies: Azure, Amazon, Google, Oracle, OpenStack, SoftLayer will murder private IT - http://go.theregister.com
[21:21:03] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - New Office 365 profiles help people get to know their coworkers - http://rss.computerworld.com
[21:21:07] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - Mattel remakes '60s ThingMaker toy as an easy-to-use $300 3D printer - http://rss.computerworld.com
[21:21:11] <Bender> [ITWorld] - Mattel remakes '60s ThingMaker toy as an easy-to-use $300 3D printer - http://www.itworld.com
[21:36:14] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - Does your company need a chief data officer? - http://rss.computerworld.com
[21:36:19] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - IDG Contributor Network: Apttus is doing fine, SteelBrick acquisition notwithstanding - http://rss.computerworld.com
[21:41:08] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - Recent St Louis flooding made worse by human changes to landscape - http://arstechnica.com
[21:41:23] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Does Social Media Actually Reflect Reality? - http://www.forbes.com
[21:41:27] <Bender> [ITWorld] - Data visualization vendor Zoomdata raises $25 million - http://www.itworld.com
[21:48:28] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Europe whips out tool so you can get a grip on govts warping the web - http://go.theregister.com
[21:51:32] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Le Tote (YC S13) Is Hiring a Sr. DevOps Engineer Disrupt Fashion with Us - http://grnh.se
[21:56:36] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Hillary and Bernie’s Quiet Cyber Battle - http://bizzy.io
[21:57:12] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Simplifying supersonic nozzle pressure monitoring - http://phys.org
[21:57:16] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - A novel canonical transformation provides insights into many-particle physics - http://phys.org
[22:06:44] <Bender> [HackerNews] - In an ancient workshop, discovering modern ideas (2015) - http://magazine.columbia.edu
[22:06:48] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Hillary and Bernie’s Quiet Email Battle - http://bizzy.io
[22:06:52] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Le Tote (YC S13) Is Hiring a Senior DevOps Engineer - http://grnh.se
[22:07:20] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Nocturnal migrating songbirds drift with crosswinds and compensate near coastal areas - http://phys.org
[22:08:50] <Bender> [UCLAHealth] - Injuries and other health concerns are more common in older people after certain cancer surgeries - http://newsroom.ucla.edu
[22:11:50] <Bender> [ITWorld] - IBM goes all in on blockchain, offers cloud-based service - http://www.itworld.com
[22:12:24] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - New RNA letter regulates gene expression - http://phys.org
[22:12:28] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Watch your step—forensics close in on footwear analysis - http://phys.org
[22:12:32] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Renewable fuels from algae boosted by NREL refinery process - http://phys.org
[22:13:48] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Europe whips out tool to get a grip on govts jerking around the web - http://go.theregister.com
[22:16:36] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - Vulkan now official, with 1.0 API release and AMD driver [Updated] - http://arstechnica.com
[22:16:51] <Bender> [HackerNews] - When to stop dating and settle down - https://www.washingtonpost.com
[22:17:28] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - RNA modification discovery suggests new code for control of gene expression - http://phys.org
[22:17:32] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Ride and home sharing painted as old ideas made new - http://phys.org
[22:17:36] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - NASA sees Tropical Cyclone Winston threatening Tonga and American Samoa - http://phys.org
[22:21:47] <Bender> [CNET] - Coleco is back! - CNET - http://feedproxy.google.com
[22:22:32] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Supercomputer probes depths of biofuel's biggest barrier - http://phys.org
[22:22:36] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - A new method to dramatically improve the sequencing of metagenomes - http://phys.org
[22:26:59] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Show HN: Urubu – A micro CMS for static websites - http://urubu.jandecaluwe.com
[22:27:35] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - NASA helps power grids weather geomagnetic storms - http://phys.org
[22:27:39] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Scientists create vaccine against dangerous designer opioids - http://phys.org
[22:31:52] <Bender> [BerkeleyIT] - Social Science Matrix sponsors Research Seminar on Berkeley Prosopography Services - http://research-it.berkeley.edu
[22:32:06] <Bender> [ITWorld] - Use Linux? Stop what you're doing and apply this patch - http://www.itworld.com
[22:32:39] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Pentagon supports restarting tests involving runaway blimp - http://phys.org
[22:32:44] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Report: Three of five Californians may have had data stolen in 2015 - http://phys.org
[22:32:48] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Researchers study Arctic beluga whales with dive data - http://phys.org
[22:34:03] <Bender> [TheRegister] - US software biz fined $28 million for bribing Chinese buyers with free vacations, gifts - http://go.theregister.com
[22:37:43] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Biofuel researchers employ Titan to probe 'lignin shield' - http://phys.org
[22:37:47] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Glow from the Big Bang allows discovery of distant black hole jet - http://phys.org
[22:37:56] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - How Far Can You Trust Health Advice? - http://sylnt.us
[22:42:47] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Satellite boosts Europe's environmental, border surveillance - http://phys.org
[22:52:19] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Any smooth cubic surface contains 27 lines - http://blogs.ams.org
[22:57:07] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - HGST hard disks still super reliable, Seagates have greatly improved - http://arstechnica.com
[22:57:15] <Bender> [CNET] - Saturn's rings slice a moon in two in lovely optical illusion - CNET - http://feedproxy.google.com
[22:57:19] <Bender> [CNET] - Before signing up for Mars, consider all the ways you could die there - CNET - http://feedproxy.google.com
[22:57:23] <Bender> [CNET] - Watch two Teslas drag race in speed-loving 'Ludicrous mode' - CNET - http://feedproxy.google.com
[22:57:27] <Bender> [CNET] - Barbie still better than you, gets fully loaded smart dream home (Tomorrow Daily 315 show notes) - CNET - http://feedproxy.google.com
[22:57:31] <Bender> [CNET] - Star Wars toys awaken at the New York Toy Fair (pictures) - CNET - http://feedproxy.google.com
[22:57:35] <Bender> [CNET] - Rey's Star Wars Monopoly token unveiled - CNET - http://feedproxy.google.com
[23:03:03] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Journal to publish paper by video-gamers based on Stanford online RNA game - http://phys.org
[23:07:30] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Patent Owners Can Prevent You from Owning Anything - https://www.eff.org
[23:10:19] -!- Deucalion has quit [Quit: ~Quit~]
[23:12:18] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - Inside the 2016 New York Toy Fair: Every kid’s dream expo - http://arstechnica.com
[23:12:34] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Audit logging support for teams who feature flag - http://blog.launchdarkly.com
[23:17:30] <Bender> [CNET] - Live from Detroit (AutoComplete Podcast, Ep. 1) - Roadshow - http://feedproxy.google.com
[23:17:34] <Bender> [CNET] - GM wants some of you to borrow a car instead of buy one (AutoComplete Podcast, Ep. 2) - Roadshow - http://feedproxy.google.com
[23:17:36] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - How The Grammys Performed On Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vine, Shazam And TV - http://www.forbes.com
[23:22:50] <Bender> [MITTech] - Why Talking Computers are Tough to Listen to - https://www.technologyreview.com
[23:27:30] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - Gogo stock drops 27 percent after being hit with lawsuit by American Airlines - http://arstechnica.com
[23:27:54] <Bender> [MITTech] - Why Talking Computers Are Tough to Listen To - https://www.technologyreview.com
[23:32:50] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Vulcan in 30 minutes - https://renderdoc.org
[23:38:34] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Functional biomarker for age-related macular degeneration found - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[23:38:38] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Brain structural effects of psychopharmacological treatment in bipolar disorder - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[23:38:42] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Engineers use network science to predict how ligaments fail - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[23:38:42] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - The RTR Turborocket Combines the Best of Both Rockets and Jets - http://sylnt.us
[23:38:46] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Watch your step: Forensics close in on footwear analysis - https://www.sciencedaily.com
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[23:42:42] juggs is now known as Deucalion
[23:42:56] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Nutanix Gunning for VMware Customers With App Mobility Fabric - http://www.forbes.com
[23:42:57] <Bender> [HackerNews] - TensorFlow Serving - http://googleresearch.blogspot.com
[23:43:00] <Bender> [ITWorld] - LTE shows it can slim down like the cool kids for IoT - http://www.itworld.com
[23:48:41] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Slight change to antibacterial drug may improve TB treatments - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[23:48:46] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Tiny red crystals dramatically increase biogas production - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[23:53:05] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Big Data techniques to prevent terrorist attacks - http://iniwall.com
[23:53:45] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Good survival of 'blue babies,' children with congenital heart defects - https://www.sciencedaily.com