#rss-bot | Logs for 2015-11-14

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[00:03:26] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Coronavirus Breakthrough: Protein Mutation Affects Spread and Virulence of Respiratory Virus - http://sylnt.us || Paris Attacks: Dozens Dead and Hostages Held at Bataclan - http://sylnt.us
[00:09:40] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - iPhone 6 Plus vs Nexus 6 - http://www.forbes.com
[00:09:42] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Rio: Design of a Concurrent Window System (2000) [pdf] - http://herpolhode.com
[00:09:44] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Android Circuit: Tragic BlackBerry Priv Reviewed, Android One Has Failed, Apple's Android Invasion - http://www.forbes.com
[00:09:46] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Spire (YC W15) is looking for a Head of Operations to join our team - https://news.ycombinator.com
[00:14:45] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Professor Frisby's Mostly Adequate Guide to Functional Programming - https://drboolean.gitbooks.io
[00:19:41] <Bender> [CNET] - First impressions of the iPad Pro, Apple Watch 2 rumors and more (Apple Byte Extra Crunchy Podcast) - http://feedproxy.google.com
[00:24:51] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - iPhone 6 Plus vs Nexus 6 - http://www.forbes.com
[00:24:55] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Android Circuit: Unique BlackBerry Priv Reviewed, Android One Has Failed, Apple's Android Invasion - http://www.forbes.com
[00:24:59] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - The Biggest Changes In iOS 9 - http://www.forbes.com
[00:25:03] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Apple Loop: iPhone 7 Leak Is Bad News, iPad Pro Review, Tim Cook Attacks Microsoft - http://www.forbes.com
[00:29:55] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - iPhone 6 Plus vs Nexus 6 - http://www.forbes.com
[00:29:57] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Drug makers need to disclose more clinical trial data - http://www.statnews.com
[00:40:03] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Android Circuit: Awkward BlackBerry Priv Reviewed, Android One Has Failed, Apple's Android Invasion - http://www.forbes.com
[00:40:05] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Paris Attacks Kill Dozens - http://www.wsj.com
[00:40:07] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - iPhone 6 Plus vs Nexus 6 - http://www.forbes.com
[00:40:09] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Paris Attacks Kill Dozens in Night of Deadly Terror - http://www.nytimes.com
[00:45:07] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - iPhone 6 Plus vs Nexus 6 - http://www.forbes.com
[00:45:11] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Android Circuit: Android Fights Apple Music, Android One Has Failed, BlackBerry's Final Gamble - http://www.forbes.com
[00:55:16] <Bender> [HackerNews] - A Recipe for Witchcraft in Seventeenth-Century Ireland - http://recipes.hypotheses.org
[01:05:22] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Android Circuit: Android Defeats Apple Music, Google's Smartphone Plans, BlackBerry's Final Gamble - http://www.forbes.com
[01:05:26] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - iPhone 6 Plus vs Nexus 6 - http://www.forbes.com
[01:15:31] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Deep Drone: A Flying Object Detector with Caffe, Dronekit, and Zeromq - http://dirkgorissen.com
[01:20:35] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Paris Shootings and Explosions Kill Over 100, Police Say - http://www.nytimes.com
[01:25:37] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - iPhone 6 Plus vs Nexus 6 - http://www.forbes.com
[01:25:41] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Android Circuit: Android Fights Apple Music, Android One Has Failed, BlackBerry Priv Gamble - http://www.forbes.com
[01:34:35] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Breaking News: Paris Attacks: Dozens Dead and Hostages Held at Bataclan [UPDATED] - http://sylnt.us || Functionality of Smartphones Integrated into Ordinary Glasses - http://sylnt.us
[01:35:47] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Mutability and Persistent Data Structures: Retroactivity - http://www.alexkyte.me
[01:50:58] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Neurotic Styles of Management (2010) - https://gbr.pepperdine.edu
[01:56:02] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Devmag.io: A network for software developers - https://devmag.io
[01:58:38] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[02:01:12] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Housing in the twenty-first century - http://www.economist.com
[02:06:18] <Bender> [MITTech] - Recommended Reads on the Mobile Beat This Week - http://www.technologyreview.com
[02:16:09] <Bender> [CNET] - Facebook activates safety status tool after deadly Paris attacks - http://feedproxy.google.com
[02:16:17] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Birds, Apps, and Users: Scalable Factorization Machines - http://yahoolabs.tumblr.com
[02:30:06] Bytram is now known as Bytram|away
[02:36:33] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Memories of a printer - http://changelog.complete.org
[02:36:35] <Bender> [InnovationsReport] - Joining technology for composite constructions made of metal and fiber-reinforced plastic compounds - http://www.innovations-report.com
[02:36:37] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Strange Things That Have Been Happening in Financial Markets - http://www.bloomberg.com
[02:36:39] <Bender> [InnovationsReport] - Access to novel p-hydroxy styrene polymer building blocks - http://www.innovations-report.com
[02:36:43] <Bender> [InnovationsReport] - Phospholipids against American foulbrood and European foulbrood in honeybees - http://www.innovations-report.com
[02:36:47] <Bender> [InnovationsReport] - New Enzymes for production of aldehydes – Enzymatic alkene cleavage - http://www.innovations-report.com
[02:36:51] <Bender> [InnovationsReport] - Inhibitors of Adipose Triglyceride Lipase (ATGL) for the treatment of Diabetes II and tumour-induced cachexia - http://www.innovations-report.com
[02:43:16] Deucalion is now known as juggs
[02:43:52] juggs is now known as Deucalion
[02:52:29] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - First gamma-ray pulsar detected in another galaxy - http://www.sciencedaily.com
[02:56:52] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Otto: Meet the Successor to Vagrant - https://ottoproject.io
[03:01:52] <Bender> [HackerNews] - An Oddball in YouTube's World - http://priceonomics.com
[03:01:56] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Photos NASA picked to explain our world to aliens - http://www.vox.com
[03:22:07] <Bender> [HackerNews] - A Boy Who Became a World War II Veteran at 13 Years Old - http://www.smithsonianmag.com
[03:27:11] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Benchling (YC S12) is hiring full stack engineers to accelerate biotech research - https://jobs.lever.co
[03:36:06] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Morphine? Nope. Centipede Venom a Much Less Addictive Way to Kill Pain, Says Chinese Team - http://sylnt.us
[03:42:23] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Usernames reveal the age and psychology of game players - http://www.sciencedirect.com
[04:02:38] <Bender> [HackerNews] - When is one thing equal to some other thing? (2007) [pdf] - http://www.math.harvard.edu
[04:27:57] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Mindfulness meditation trumps placebo in pain reduction - http://www.sciencedaily.com
[04:32:59] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Happy Tech-Giving: 3 Gifts to Consider - http://www.forbes.com
[04:48:12] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Larry Wall's Perl 6 Release Talk [video] - https://www.youtube.com
[04:54:07] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Conficker is back,it's infecting police body cams - http://go.theregister.com
[05:07:16] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - PC Players Better in Bed - http://sylnt.us
[05:13:32] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Custom pattern-matching and advanced macrology - http://luxlang.blogspot.com
[05:33:47] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Wish rumored to have rejected acquisition offers from Amazon and Alibaba - http://www.businessinsider.com
[05:54:03] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Ariso: Contactless connector for data and power - https://www.arrow.com
[06:09:22] <Bender> [MITTech] - Other Interesting arXiv Papers (Week ending November 14, 2015) - http://www.technologyreview.com
[06:14:18] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Show HN: Wheretocredit API - Display miles earned with flight search results - http://www.wheretocredit.com
[06:38:25] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Gene Amdahl, Architect of the IBM System/360, Has Died - http://sylnt.us
[06:39:37] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Survey on Topological Methods in Distributed Computing [pdf] - https://www.ideals.illinois.edu
[06:39:41] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Jack Yufe dies at 82; he was raised Jewish, his identical twin as a Nazi - http://www.latimes.com
[06:49:45] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Remote volunteer and internship opportunities at Zidisha (YC W14) - https://www.zidisha.org
[06:59:53] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Oil prices are responding to supply and demand, not OPEC - http://www.economist.com
[07:20:08] <Bender> [HackerNews] - BtrPlace – open-source flexible virtual machine scheduler - http://www.btrplace.org
[07:36:11] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Conficker is back – and it's infecting police body cams - http://go.theregister.com
[07:45:27] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Tufte CSS - https://edwardtufte.github.io
[07:50:31] <Bender> [HackerNews] - How Filipino WWII Soldiers Were Written Out of History - http://priceonomics.com
[08:05:42] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Let’s Encrypt Public Beta: December 3, 2015 - https://letsencrypt.org
[08:05:46] <Bender> [HackerNews] - 100 years of general relativity - http://motls.blogspot.com
[08:09:34] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - No Woman 'Totally Straight', Study Says - http://sylnt.us
[08:10:47] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Gitwatch: Watch a Git repository for changes - http://sylnt.us
[08:31:02] <Bender> [HackerNews] - When Military School Offers the Right Kind of Discipline for At-Risk Students - http://www.theatlantic.com
[08:31:06] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Software Totemism - http://250bpm.com
[08:51:17] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Map of Detroit's digital divide - http://detroitography.com
[08:51:21] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Entropy Attacks (2014) - http://blog.cr.yp.to
[08:51:25] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Optimal Marketing Strategies Over Social Networks [pdf] - http://people.csail.mit.edu
[08:51:29] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Vector Approximation Based Indexing for High-Dimensional Multimedia Databases [pdf] - http://www.engineeringletters.com
[09:01:23] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - iPhone 6 Plus vs Nexus 6 - http://www.forbes.com
[09:01:27] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Android Circuit: Blackberry's Misguided Priv, Google Challenging Manufacturers, Top Marshmallow Tips - http://www.forbes.com
[09:06:27] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - iPhone 6 Plus vs Nexus 6 - http://www.forbes.com
[09:11:33] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Haskell in ES6: Part 1 - http://casualjavascript.com
[09:31:34] <Bender> [BBCTech] - #Paris: Power, horror, and lies - http://www.bbc.co.uk
[09:36:52] <Bender> [HackerNews] - AdvanceDB, an in-memory database based on the CouchDB REST API - http://sylnt.us
[09:46:46] <Bender> [BBCTech] - #Paris: Power, horror, and distortions - http://www.bbc.co.uk
[09:52:04] <Bender> [HackerNews] - State of emergency in France - http://sylnt.us
[09:57:07] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Paris attacks: Bataclan and other assaults leave many dead - http://www.bbc.co.uk
[09:57:11] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Computer Hackers – Rebels with a Cause (1994) - http://readtext.org
[09:57:15] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Gaming company provide their overworked programmers with back rubs - http://shanghaiist.com.proxy.parle.co
[10:11:07] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Why New York Subway Lines Are Missing Countdown Clocks - http://sylnt.us
[10:22:27] <Bender> [HackerNews] - 1958 Lituya Bay megatsunami - https://en.wikipedia.org
[10:22:31] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Freeciv founded 20 years ago today - http://play.freeciv.org
[10:32:35] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Sequence the code in millions of apps at SourceDNA (YC S15) - https://sourcedna.com
[10:37:38] <Bender> [HackerNews] - How Apple Is Giving Design a Bad Name - http://fastcompany.com
[10:37:43] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Eager.io: An App Store for Your Website - https://eager.io
[10:57:48] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - Tor hacked via FBI fund: CMU “researchers” got $1M, it’s alleged [updated] - http://rss.computerworld.com
[10:57:54] <Bender> [HackerNews] - YouTube Music - http://www.theverge.com
[11:08:44] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Review: YouTube Music keeps the video groove going - http://phys.org
[11:08:48] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Facebook sets up safety check for Paris friends - http://phys.org
[11:18:09] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Diamonds Born in Santa Clara - http://techcrunch.com
[11:23:13] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The Realities of Installing iBeacon to Scale - https://www.brooklynmuseum.org
[11:23:17] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Gene Amdahl has died - http://www.nytimes.com
[11:23:21] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Death in Airbnb Rental Raises Liability Questions - http://www.nytimes.com
[11:23:55] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - French seek friends, shelter on social media after Paris attacks - http://phys.org
[11:42:16] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Google Autonomous Vehicle Creates Problem on Road While Google Team Shrugs Off Results - http://sylnt.us
[11:43:28] <Bender> [HackerNews] - A Measure of Sacrifice (2005) - http://szabo.best.vwh.net
[11:58:38] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Six Spectacular Ways To Protect Your Precious iPhone 6S - http://www.forbes.com
[12:03:44] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Show HN: Hello distributed language user guide [pdf] - http://www.amsdec.com
[12:19:54] <Bender> [WiredScience] - Security News This Week: Someone’s Cutting Fiber Optic Cables in the Bay Area - http://feeds.wired.com
[12:19:58] <Bender> [WiredScience] - Space Photos of the Week: Pluto Gets a Little Psychedelic - http://feeds.wired.com
[12:23:59] <Bender> [HackerNews] - I’ve been delivering for Postmates and DoorDash - https://medium.com
[12:24:03] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Screenshot-sharing performance comparison (Dropbox is the slowest) - http://www.peterbe.com
[12:28:57] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - Windows 10 disk images let users skip wait for November upgrade - http://rss.computerworld.com
[12:44:15] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Learning Scalaz - http://eed3si9n.com
[12:49:19] <Bender> [HackerNews] - BadBarcode: Start a shell by scanning a boarding pass - http://motherboard.vice.com
[13:04:16] <Bender> [BBCTech] - YouTube's new music app launches - http://www.bbc.co.uk
[13:05:13] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - French search for friends, shelter online after Paris attacks - http://phys.org
[13:05:17] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Ohio zoo staff cares for newborn polar bear; second cub died - http://phys.org
[13:09:18] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - The messy reality of science revealed by the long hunt for a missing planet - http://arstechnica.com
[13:09:34] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Impacto: a wearable that simulates physical impact in VR - https://hpi.de
[13:13:26] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - The Dispersants Used After the BP Blowout Did More Harm Than Good - http://sylnt.us
[13:25:28] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Fermi mission finds hints of gamma-ray cycle in an active galaxy - http://phys.org
[13:25:32] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Xbox One update plays up the 'game' part of console - http://phys.org
[13:29:48] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Paris Under Attack: The Threat To Carefree Days - http://www.forbes.com
[13:29:50] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The Design and Implementation of Microdrivers (2008) [pdf] - http://www.cs.rutgers.edu
[13:34:52] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Seven Twitter Profiles That Have Something Important To Say - http://www.forbes.com
[13:40:39] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Snapchat to charge 99 cents each for visual effects - http://phys.org
[13:50:05] <Bender> [HackerNews] - LeadGenius Is Hiring a Front End Engineer - https://jobs.lever.co
[13:50:47] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - As bitcoin's value surges, backers say the currency may soon go mainstream - http://phys.org
[13:55:01] <Bender> [CNET] - Sony announces hi-res listening stations at Best Buy (hands-on) - http://feedproxy.google.com
[13:55:09] <Bender> [HackerNews] - “Patient hotels” provide an alternative to hospitals in Scandinavia - http://qz.com
[14:00:55] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Coming set-top box mandate may help break pay TV firms' hold over viewers - http://phys.org
[14:05:15] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Apple Forays Into Payments: Could The US Finally Have Easy Peer-to-Peer Payments? - http://www.forbes.com
[14:05:16] <Bender> [HackerNews] - SHA-256 in x86/x86-64 assembly – 588 bytes - https://odzhan.wordpress.com
[14:05:20] <Bender> [HackerNews] - SHA-3 in x86 assembly – 761 bytes - https://odzhan.wordpress.com
[14:11:02] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - DNA from Inca boy sacrificed 500 years ago shows how humans spread to South America - http://phys.org
[14:11:06] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Review: New Apple TV has promise, but doesn't reach it yet - http://phys.org
[14:15:24] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Bipscript: a simple programming environment for music creation - http://bipscript.org
[14:20:26] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - A Report From The Hot And Cool Nordic Venture Scene - http://www.forbes.com
[14:21:10] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Netflix for live, local TV? It could happen - http://phys.org
[14:31:18] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Review: Lost something? Tile can help you find it - http://phys.org
[14:35:39] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Virtual Reality Journalism - https://towcenter.gitbooks.io
[14:40:27] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - Heads in the cloud: the future of computing is 16 and only maturing faster - http://arstechnica.com
[14:40:43] <Bender> [HackerNews] - RSA Signatures in Emacs Lisp - http://nullprogram.com
[14:41:25] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - EPA bans sale of pesticide that's toxic to honeybees - http://phys.org
[14:42:02] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[14:45:31] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - The direction of computing is only going in one way—to the cloud - http://arstechnica.com
[14:55:55] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Airbnb introduces dynamic pricing to meet surging demand - http://www.ft.com
[15:05:47] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - Op-ed: (How) did they break Diffie-Hellman? - http://arstechnica.com
[15:06:03] <Bender> [HackerNews] - What Can You Put in a Refrigerator? - http://prog21.dadgum.com
[15:14:58] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Dispersants Used after BP Blowout did More Harm than Good - http://sylnt.us || Android OEM Using Rogue Fork of Device-Mapper Code for Device Encryption - http://sylnt.us
[15:16:02] <Bender> [CNET] - How to watch the Democrats duke it out online - http://feedproxy.google.com
[15:16:11] <Bender> [HackerNews] - S3renity: Easy batch operations in S3 (forEach, map, reduce, filter) - http://sylnt.us
[15:21:14] <Bender> [HackerNews] - High-Output Management - http://www.bhorowitz.com
[15:21:18] <Bender> [HackerNews] - IBM’s Design-Centered Strategy to Set Free the Squares - http://www.nytimes.com
[15:36:26] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Microsoft Invented Google Earth in the 90s Then Totally Blew It - http://motherboard.vice.com
[15:41:30] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Offline Data Composition at Nextdoor - https://engblog.nextdoor.com
[15:41:34] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Show HN: Record a podcast completely in the browser - http://www.epishow.com
[15:46:32] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Apple Forays Into Payments: Could The US Finally Have Easy Peer-To-Peer Payments? - http://www.forbes.com
[15:46:36] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Attacks In Paris Highlight The Worst And Best Of Social Media - http://www.forbes.com
[15:51:37] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The Math Behind the Rolling Shutter Phenomenon - http://petapixel.com
[15:56:39] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - OracleVoice: Cloud And Internet Of Things Fuel Java's Ongoing Momentum - http://www.forbes.com
[16:06:49] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Polybolos - https://en.wikipedia.org
[16:06:53] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Edward Snowden and spread of encryption blamed after Paris terror attacks - http://www.dailydot.com
[16:22:00] <Bender> [HackerNews] - When WordPress was b2/cafelog (2004) - http://cafelog.com
[16:27:04] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The Benefits of 'Mob Programming' - http://www.infoq.com
[16:30:24] Bytram is now known as Bytram|away
[16:32:06] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - What Will Bungie Learn From Destiny's 'The Taken King'? - http://www.forbes.com
[16:37:10] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Windows 10: Best And Worst New Features - http://www.forbes.com
[16:37:14] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Massive Windows 10 Update Has Three Nasty Surprises - http://www.forbes.com
[16:37:18] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Microsoft's Biggest Hits And Flops - http://www.forbes.com
[16:37:22] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Massive Windows 10 Update Has 10 Great Surprises - http://www.forbes.com
[16:42:00] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - Ars Cardboard: Codenames, the secret agent party game you’ve been seeking - http://arstechnica.com
[16:46:07] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - University With Record of 100% Accuracy for Picking the Winning Party Says Sanders Will Win - http://sylnt.us
[16:47:20] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The Exotic Taste of Rice - http://recipes.hypotheses.org
[16:52:22] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Swisscom Bolsters Its In-Field Customer Service Through Crowd Sourcing - http://www.forbes.com
[16:57:26] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Ask Ethan: Can We See Our Galaxy's Supermassive Black Hole? - http://www.forbes.com
[17:02:31] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The Culling of the Herd - http://techcrunch.com
[17:07:35] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Understanding Monads - http://jezenthomas.com
[17:12:39] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Yahoo and FreeBSD (1997) - http://zer0.org
[17:13:30] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Pope instructs followers to put the iPhone away during dinner - http://go.theregister.com
[17:17:41] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - The Dumbest Innovation Mistakes Ever - http://www.forbes.com
[17:17:45] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - OracleVoice: Oracle Vs. Amazon: How Larry Ellison Sees It - http://www.forbes.com
[17:22:47] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Lime Text is a powerful text editor primarily developed in Go - http://limetext.org
[17:27:50] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Actively practicing Muslims, what goes through your mind on a day like today? - https://www.reddit.com
[17:27:54] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Slit Scan Photography - http://people.rit.edu
[17:32:54] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Altera Discloses Heterogeneous SiP Devices That Integrate HBM2 DRAM with FPGAs - http://newsroom.altera.com
[17:32:58] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Shoptiques Is Hiring Senior Email Marketing Manager (NYC) - http://www.shoptiques.com
[17:37:58] <Bender> [HackerNews] - How to send and reply to email - http://matt.might.net
[17:38:02] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The Other France - http://www.newyorker.com
[17:58:12] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Massive Windows 10 Update Has 10 Great Secret Features - http://www.forbes.com
[18:13:25] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Theory Testing in Psychology and Physics: A Methodological Paradox (1967) - http://www.jstor.org
[18:17:17] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Gambling Can Save Science! - http://sylnt.us
[18:23:33] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Deep Neural Decision Forests [pdf] - http://research.microsoft.com
[18:34:29] <Bender> [SingularityHub] - This Week’s Awesome Stories from Around the Web (Through Nov 14) - http://singularityhub.com
[18:38:44] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Implantable wireless devices trigger, and may block, pain signals - http://www.sciencedaily.com
[18:43:48] <Bender> [HackerNews] - CVE-2015-8126 Multiple buffer overflows in libpng - https://web.nvd.nist.gov
[18:48:50] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Search Your Feelings: 'Star Wars Battlefront' Isn't Worth $60 - http://www.forbes.com
[18:59:00] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Decoding old Nibs: A sad tale of vendor lock-in and abandonment - http://www.mulle-kybernetik.com
[18:59:04] <Bender> [HackerNews] - CVE-2015-8126: Multiple buffer overflows in libpng - https://web.nvd.nist.gov
[18:59:08] <Bender> [HackerNews] - WordPress was b2/cafelog (2004) - http://cafelog.com
[19:04:04] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Foreword to “High-Output Management”, Second Edition - http://www.bhorowitz.com
[19:09:08] <Bender> [HackerNews] - In L.A., One Way to Beat Traffic Runs into Backlash - http://www.wsj.com
[19:14:12] <Bender> [HackerNews] - What it's Like - http://www.xaprb.com
[19:15:10] <Bender> [WiredScience] - Watch Part of the Old Bay Bridge Implode - http://feeds.wired.com
[19:24:19] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Ex VMware, Microsoft and Citrix workers set up application container company - http://www.networkworld.com
[19:39:29] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - The Five Biggest Things In Tech You Missed This Week: 11/14 - http://www.forbes.com
[19:39:31] <Bender> [HackerNews] - A Savings App Designed by a Behavioral Economist - http://www.theatlantic.com
[19:49:39] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Why New York Subway Lines Are Missing Countdown Clocks - http://www.theatlantic.com
[19:49:43] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Minimal password manager for OS X and Linux - http://sylnt.us
[19:54:42] <Bender> [HackerNews] - How the KGB handled Hezbollah hostage takers - https://www.chroniclesmagazine.org
[19:59:38] <Bender> [CNET] - Tim Cook insists Apple is 'open' after black teens asked to leave store, report says - http://feedproxy.google.com
[19:59:46] <Bender> [HackerNews] - ESR: Why Hackers Must Eject the SJWs - http://esr.ibiblio.org
[19:59:50] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Another big reveal on Theranos: Safeway execs questioned accuracy of blood tests - https://www.washingtonpost.com
[19:59:54] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Hundreds of Nude Photos Jolt Colorado School - http://www.nytimes.com
[19:59:58] <Bender> [HackerNews] - KLOS: Kernel-Less Operating System Architecture (2005) [pdf] - http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu
[20:04:50] <Bender> [HackerNews] - How Apple Is Giving Design a Bad Name - http://www.fastcodesign.com
[20:14:58] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Get Ready for Your Digital Model - http://www.wsj.com
[20:18:50] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - DIY 250 lb Giant Mobile Railgun, 27,000 joules. - http://sylnt.us
[20:20:02] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The Exploitation of Paris - http://www.nytimes.com
[20:25:06] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Show HN: Mechanical Turk cost calculator - https://morninj.github.io
[20:25:10] <Bender> [HackerNews] - In a world where all terrorist attacks are not equal - http://stateofmind13.com
[20:30:08] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - 57% Of Deloitte's 2015 Technology Fast 500 Are Software Companies - http://www.forbes.com
[20:30:09] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The Vision of Charles and Ray Eames - http://www.theatlantic.com
[20:35:13] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Shoptiques Is Hiring a Senior Email Marketing Manager in NYC - http://www.shoptiques.com
[20:35:17] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Microsoft Invented Google Earth in the 90s, Then Blew It - http://motherboard.vice.com
[20:45:21] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Cancer Genome Atlas – Interactive Exploration of Patient Gender, Race and Age - http://www.enpicom.com
[20:45:25] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Why do we still not know what's inside the pyramids? - http://www.bbc.com
[20:45:29] <Bender> [HackerNews] - For Better or for Worse - http://jmoiron.net
[20:45:33] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Neat problem about building better predictors from simpler ones - http://horia141.com
[20:50:25] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Differential Topology – Lecture 1 by John W. Milnor (1965) [video] - https://www.youtube.com
[20:50:29] <Bender> [HackerNews] - State of the Haskell Ecosystem- August 2015 - http://www.haskellforall.com
[21:01:14] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Beware, poker face: Automatic system spots micro-expressions - http://techxplore.com
[21:01:23] <Bender> [TheRegister] - 2Doctor Who: Nigel Farage-alike bogey beast terrorises in darkly comic 2Sleep No More - http://go.theregister.com
[21:05:36] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Passphrase FAQ (1993) - https://www.unix-ag.uni-kl.de
[21:10:38] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Cyber Risk As A Top 10 Global Risk for Businesses - http://www.forbes.com
[21:21:32] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Male bees have more than a one-track mind - http://www.sciencedaily.com
[21:25:51] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The Muse is hiring fullstack engineers and a Growth Engineer - https://www.themuse.com
[21:26:36] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - High durability, efficiency of 1 cm2 size perovskite solar cells - http://www.sciencedaily.com
[21:26:40] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Online abuse affects three in five Australians, study shows - http://www.sciencedaily.com
[21:30:56] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Bantu in the Bathroom – On the Trial of Oscar Pistorius - http://www.lrb.co.uk
[21:35:59] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Thursday Beirut suicide bombings kill 43 - http://www.cnn.com
[21:36:03] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The energy-balance model and geoengineering - http://blabr.io
[21:36:44] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Zig while others zag for more successful investments - http://www.sciencedaily.com
[21:41:03] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Bug #1463112 “Cat sitting on keyboard crashes lightdm”: Bugs: Unity - https://bugs.launchpad.net
[21:41:07] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The Emu War - http://www.veritablehokum.com
[21:49:59] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Facebook's Laser Drones v Google's Net-Beaming Balloons - http://sylnt.us
[21:51:11] <Bender> [HackerNews] - At 100, ‘Mr. Freeway’ looks back at his concrete creations - http://news.usc.edu
[21:56:15] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The Legacy of Go - http://dave.cheney.net
[21:56:19] <Bender> [HackerNews] - SOA container for encapsulated C++ DOD - http://bannalia.blogspot.com
[21:56:23] <Bender> [HackerNews] - We need less powerful languages - http://lukeplant.me.uk
[22:01:18] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Feminism Needs More Thinkers Who Aren’t Right 100 Percent of the Time - http://www.thenation.com
[22:11:26] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Charity claims it owns “Happy Birthday” song’s copyright - http://arstechnica.com
[22:16:30] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Android Devices Vulnerability: Baidu Wrote the Code, but Google Made It Possible - https://www.eff.org
[22:31:42] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The woes of building an index of the web - https://moz.com
[22:57:02] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Desk: A lightweight workspace manager for the shell - http://sylnt.us
[23:02:05] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The bizarre scheme to transform a remote island into the new Dubai - http://www.theguardian.com
[23:17:17] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Show HN: ModelMod – modify art in games - http://sylnt.us
[23:21:09] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Ads that Use Inaudible Sound to Link Your Phone, TV, Tablet, and PC - http://sylnt.us
[23:22:19] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - How Paris ISIS Terrorists May Have Used PlayStation 4 To Discuss And Plan Attacks - http://www.forbes.com
[23:32:28] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Bibliometrics/Citation networks - http://arxiv.org
[23:37:32] <Bender> [HackerNews] - How I Work with Color - https://medium.com
[23:37:36] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Matching arbitrary URL’s to custom Firefox profiles - https://ttboj.wordpress.com
[23:57:48] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Chilly cages may skew disease studies in lab mice - https://www.sciencenews.org
[23:57:52] <Bender> [HackerNews] - React vs. Angular 2 – constructive comparison - https://docs.google.com