#rss-bot | Logs for 2015-04-22

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[00:03:31] <Bender> [CNET] - HD HomeRun antenna DVR will go PC-free with latest update - http://feedproxy.google.com
[00:03:35] <Bender> [CNET] - Mini's AR glasses go from your car to the streets (Tomorrow Daily 165) - http://feedproxy.google.com
[00:04:21] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Proteins for anxiety in humans and moulting in insects have common origin - http://phys.org
[00:05:29] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - The Crawford-Johnson Solution to Procrastination - http://sylnt.us
[00:08:37] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - Google, Apple and Amazon spent record amounts on lobbying in Q1 - http://rss.computerworld.com
[00:09:35] <Bender> [Threatpost] - Threat Information Sharing Bill to Become Law, Experts Say - http://threatpost.com
[00:13:47] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Wiki2text - http://sylnt.us
[00:19:44] <Bender> [Threatpost] - Renewed Attention on Android Apps Failing SSL Validation - http://threatpost.com
[00:23:55] <Bender> [HackerNews] - How to Crack Mifare Classic Cards - https://www.firefart.at
[00:34:02] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Linux ASLR mmap weakness: Reducing entropy by half - http://hmarco.org
[00:39:06] <Bender> [HackerNews] - As Chinese push into Latin America, Nicaraguans try to hold the line - http://fusion.net
[00:44:10] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Show HN: Newpass – No more passwords - https://www.newpass.io
[00:55:09] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Repeated VAMPIRE SQUID romps stun scientists: Unique sex lifes revealed - http://go.theregister.com
[00:59:22] <Bender> [HackerNews] - C-64 charset logo generator - https://codepo8.github.io
[01:00:13] <Bender> [TheRegister] - TV networks peck at sun-bleached skeleton of Aereo, come away with $950,000 - http://go.theregister.com
[01:04:18] <Bender> [CNET] - Promise of a 'Galaxy Quest' TV show makes fan go a little crazy - http://feedproxy.google.com
[01:04:26] <Bender> [HackerNews] - ThinAir (YC W15) Hiring Software Engineers to Build the Future of Data Security - https://news.ycombinator.com
[01:09:30] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Fanbase Co-Founders Discuss Their Pivot to Nextdoor [video] - http://techcrunch.com
[01:10:15] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Myth of tolerant dogs and aggressive wolves refuted - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[01:14:34] <Bender> [HackerNews] - DROP TABLE Political Action Committee - http://docquery.fec.gov
[01:19:37] <Bender> [HackerNews] - I Read All the W3C Specs - http://sandersk.github.io
[01:24:42] <Bender> [HackerNews] - About the Debian GNU/Linux Port for OpenRISC Or1k - https://people.debian.org
[01:25:26] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Five years after Gulf oil spill, survey shows gulf coast residents are still impacted - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[01:27:30] -!- mrcoolbp [mrcoolbp!~mrcoolbp@Soylent/Staff/mrcoolbp] has joined #rss-bot
[01:29:45] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Polynomial-Time Hierarchy Is Infinite Under a Random Oracle - http://blog.computationalcomplexity.org
[01:30:36] <Bender> [TheRegister] - VAMPIRE SQUID romps stun scientists: Unique sex lifes revealed - http://go.theregister.com
[01:33:45] -!- mrcoolbp [mrcoolbp!~mrcoolbp@Soylent/Staff/mrcoolbp] has parted #rss-bot
[01:34:41] <Bender> [CNET] - Google's wireless service expected to launch soon, report says - http://feedproxy.google.com
[01:34:49] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Millions of accounts compromised because there is no specialised user database - http://fourlightyears.blogspot.com
[01:36:39] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Leakers! Leakers everywhere! - http://sylnt.us
[01:39:56] <Bender> [InnovationsReport] - Compound for the treatment of pemphigus vulgaris - http://www.innovations-report.com
[01:40:44] <Bender> [TheRegister] - 'No iOS Zone' Wi-Fi zero-day bug forces iPhones, iPads to crash and burn - http://go.theregister.com
[01:44:41] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - Report: Google Wireless cellular announcement is imminent - http://feeds.arstechnica.com
[01:45:01] <Bender> [ITWorld] - HP partners with FireEye for cyberattack investigation and response - http://www.itworld.com
[01:50:01] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Program Your Finances: Command-Line Accounting - https://www.petekeen.net
[01:50:52] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Tech companies aren't 'misleading' us, Oz Tax Office tells Senate - http://go.theregister.com
[01:55:09] <Bender> [ITWorld] - Google may launch wireless service as soon as Wednesday - http://www.itworld.com
[01:55:50] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Five years after Gulf oil spill, survey shows Gulf coast residents are still impacted - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[02:00:09] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Google your lost Android phone - https://plus.google.com
[02:00:59] <Bender> [TheRegister] - IEEE chaps propose QoS for SDN across the public internet - http://go.theregister.com
[02:10:15] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - 4 Game-Changing Technologies For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing - http://www.forbes.com
[02:10:17] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Genuinely Functional User Interfaces (2011) [pdf] - http://haskell.cs.yale.edu
[02:25:28] <Bender> [HackerNews] - ‘Finding Zero’: A Long Journey for Naught - http://www.nytimes.com
[02:30:32] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The Woman Who Ate Chernobyl's Apples - http://www.atlasobscura.com
[02:31:19] <Bender> [SecurityWeek] - Security of Internet of Things in Spotlight at RSA Conference - http://feedproxy.google.com
[02:31:22] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Citrix likes OpenStack, puts a cheap ring on it - http://go.theregister.com
[02:35:36] <Bender> [HackerNews] - New mass extinction event identified by geologists - http://www.bbc.com
[02:40:23] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - AMD claims Windows 10 will launch by late July, and that feels very soon - http://feeds.arstechnica.com
[02:45:43] <Bender> [HackerNews] - 50 Years of 'Avengers' Comic Book Covers Through Color - http://graphics.wsj.com
[02:55:51] <Bender> [HackerNews] - DELI: A Log-Structured Secondary Index for HBase/NoSQL - http://sylnt.us
[03:01:46] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Good news! Your job's not going to the Philippines - http://go.theregister.com
[03:05:59] <Bender> [HackerNews] - This machine catches stingrays: Pwnie Express demos cellular threat detector - http://arstechnica.com
[03:07:48] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - One-Way Streets: Bad for Everyone but Speeding Cars - http://sylnt.us
[03:10:55] <Bender> [CNET] - How will Starbucks goof your name? Find out with this web app - http://feedproxy.google.com
[03:16:06] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The tools I use to teach and some remaining niches - https://medium.com
[03:26:14] <Bender> [HackerNews] - How do you monitor 100 trillion sensors? Low power, flexible data rates - http://happyapps.io
[03:32:10] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Google vs. AWS race to the bottom detours into Super SSD Spring Sale - http://go.theregister.com
[03:36:22] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Quantum circut “simulator” - http://www.davyw.com
[03:46:30] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Why interval arithmetic is so useful (2007) [pdf] - http://subs.emis.de
[03:56:38] <Bender> [HackerNews] - An Analysis of MS15-034 - http://www.securitysift.com
[04:06:45] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Deploying v0.11 Phoenix application to Heroku – My first ever blog post - http://www.simonbambey.com
[04:06:49] <Bender> [HackerNews] - A Diet Might Cut the Risk of Developing Alzheimer’s - http://www.wsj.com
[04:07:36] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Broadcom tops US$2 billion in March quarter - http://go.theregister.com
[04:16:45] <Bender> [CNET] - Supercut shows every character from all six 'Star Wars' movies - http://feedproxy.google.com
[04:16:49] <Bender> [CNET] - How will Starbucks goof your name? Find out with this Web app - http://feedproxy.google.com
[04:16:53] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The Cray 2 Super Computer (1985) [pdf] - http://archive.computerhistory.org
[04:22:01] <Bender> [ITWorld] - HP leaves Apple Beats behind with new X360 hybrids - http://www.itworld.com
[04:32:05] <Bender> [HackerNews] - AeroFS Is Hiring (Software|Mobile|Front End) Engineers - https://www.aerofs.com
[04:38:00] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Infosec bod's brag: Text editor pops Avaya phones FOREVER - http://go.theregister.com
[04:47:16] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Tesla Motors to Unveil Home and Utility Batteries April 30 - http://www.bloomberg.com
[05:08:23] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Japan showcases really, really fast … whoa, WTF was that?! - http://go.theregister.com
[05:09:22] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Senators Come Out Against Comcast-Time Warner Merger - http://sylnt.us
[05:27:48] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Getting Started with SSH - https://semaphoreci.com
[05:28:38] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Pica8 pokes SDN traffic into labelled BGP paths - http://go.theregister.com
[05:37:53] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - New Smaller Metal Gear Rex Toy Set For Release - http://www.forbes.com
[05:58:03] <Bender> [CNET] - Watch a man sing 'If I Only Had a Brain' filmed on new super-fast MRI - http://feedproxy.google.com
[06:03:57] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Sailing against prevailing winds, spotting big islands: Calculating how the Pacific was settled - http://phys.org
[06:04:06] <Bender> [TheRegister] - It's official: David Brents are the weakest link in phishing attacks - http://go.theregister.com
[06:09:01] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Most powerful space telescope ever to launch in 2018 - http://phys.org
[06:13:23] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Self-learning flight search that creates custom itineraries using only one-ways - http://questorganizer.com
[06:34:29] <Bender> [TheRegister] - 2El Reg assembles mighty Quid-A-Day Nosh Posse - http://go.theregister.com
[06:39:24] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Weird: Four rainbows photographed, but not quadruple rainbow - http://phys.org
[06:39:28] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Google's Waze app to alert kidnappings in LA - http://phys.org
[06:39:32] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Self-driving cars hold key to future highway: Google exec - http://phys.org
[06:39:36] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Top experts call for zero-carbon world by 2050 - http://phys.org
[06:40:33] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Colorado Man Ends Battle With Computer by Shooting it 8 Times - http://sylnt.us
[06:44:28] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Biden visits Philadelphia to highlight energy plan (Update) - http://phys.org
[06:44:32] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Yahoo's 1Q disappoints, but stock rises on Yahoo Japan hopes (Update) - http://phys.org
[06:48:50] <Bender> [HackerNews] - WWII Aircraft Carrier Found 'Amazingly Intact' on Ocean Floor Near San Francisco - http://www.npr.org
[06:53:58] <Bender> [ITWorld] - App opens up smartphone use for people with arm paralysis - http://www.itworld.com
[06:54:36] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Miami Beach sees rising seas as no threat to real estate boom, for now - http://phys.org
[06:58:50] <Bender> [CNET] - Robobarista autonomously makes latte, taught by the Internet - http://feedproxy.google.com
[07:04:06] <Bender> [ITWorld] - Drone found on roof of Japanese PM's office in Tokyo - http://www.itworld.com
[07:04:44] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Frozen semen earmarked for Washington giant panda - http://phys.org
[07:09:57] <Bender> [TheRegister] - More SAP-sipping orgs fancy a date with HANA – if only they had the time and money - http://go.theregister.com
[07:14:56] <Bender> [ScienceMag] - Contentious markup expected today as House science panel takes up COMPETES bill - http://news.sciencemag.org
[07:18:59] <Bender> [BBCTech] - Shapps denies Wikipedia claims - http://www.bbc.co.uk
[07:19:56] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Review: Plenty of options for HBO online, not enough time - http://phys.org
[07:25:00] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - South Korea and US conclude nuclear deal - http://phys.org
[07:25:08] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Something's missing in our universe: Boffins look into the SUPERVOID - http://go.theregister.com
[07:29:22] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Do Accounting in Clojure and Datomic - http://sylnt.us
[07:29:26] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Okay, Houston – I believe we've had a problem here. (1970) - http://apollo13.spacelog.org
[07:30:03] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Privacy advocates seek more openness on NSA surveillance - http://phys.org
[07:30:07] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - China tech firms shake up world's biggest car market - http://phys.org
[07:30:12] <Bender> [TheRegister] - VAMPIRE SQUID romps stun scientists: Unique sex lives revealed - http://go.theregister.com
[07:34:25] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The Architecture of Open Source Applications - http://aosabook.org
[07:39:29] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Inbox by Gmail - http://www.google.com
[07:40:11] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Uber to return—legally—to Portland, Oregon - http://phys.org
[07:40:15] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - New York aims to cut waste by 90 percent by 2030 - http://phys.org
[07:40:16] <Bender> [SecurityWeek] - CozyDuke APT Responsible for White House, State Department Attacks: Kaspersky - http://feedproxy.google.com
[07:44:35] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #rss-bot
[07:45:24] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Throwing money at bug bounties won't beat zero-day dark markets - http://go.theregister.com
[07:50:19] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Hubble Space Telescope marking 25th anniversary in orbit - http://phys.org
[07:54:41] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Prime Minister of Singapore Coded Sudoku Solver in C++ - http://www.pmo.gov.sg
[07:54:45] <Bender> [HackerNews] - 7 Cups of Tea (YC S13) Is Hiring a Full Stack Engineer - https://news.ycombinator.com
[08:00:27] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Exploding stars help to understand thunderclouds on Earth - http://phys.org
[08:00:35] <Bender> [TheRegister] - GDS monopoly leaves UK.gov at risk of IT cock-ups, warns report - http://go.theregister.com
[08:10:39] <Bender> [SecurityWeek] - CozyDuke APT Behind White House, State Department Attacks: Kaspersky - http://feedproxy.google.com
[08:20:12] <Bender> [Nature] - Drug that boosts nerve signals offers hope for multiple sclerosis - http://feeds.nature.com
[08:20:51] <Bender> [TheRegister] - VMware's growth plans are ripening nicely - http://go.theregister.com
[08:30:08] <Bender> [HackerNews] - FAQs Regarding Filing of Bankruptcy Claims by MTGOX Bitcoin Exchange Users [pdf] - https://www.mtgox.com
[08:35:12] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Man shoots computer in Colorado Springs - http://gazette.com
[08:41:07] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Booking.com smacked by EU competition bods. Yeah, yeah, yeah - http://go.theregister.com
[08:42:06] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Twitter Fights Trolls, Invites Trolls, and Trolls U.S. - http://sylnt.us
[08:51:06] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Mt. Everest biogas digester project aims to treat human waste - http://phys.org
[08:56:10] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Beijing govt says air had less pollution in first part of year - http://phys.org
[09:00:31] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The sad state of sysadmin in the age of containers - http://www.vitavonni.de
[09:01:14] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Look mom, no eardrums: Studying evolution beyond the fossil record - http://phys.org
[09:01:18] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Evolution makes invading species spread even faster - http://phys.org
[09:01:22] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Invisible inks could help foil counterfeiters of all kinds - http://phys.org
[09:06:26] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Teradata bulks up its universe, joins data warehouse to data lake - http://go.theregister.com
[09:10:39] <Bender> [HackerNews] - How do trains stay on track? [pdf] - http://materials.mcmaster.ca
[09:30:55] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Tesco posts record loss - http://www.bbc.com
[09:35:44] <Bender> [BBCTech] - 'Anti-wee' paint to deter urinating - http://www.bbc.co.uk
[09:35:58] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Amid Scandal, DEA Chief Michele Leonhart Will Retire - http://www.npr.org
[09:36:45] <Bender> [SecurityWeek] - CipherCloud Cloud Discovery Solution Helps Organizations Tame Shadow IT - http://feedproxy.google.com
[09:36:49] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Google versus the EU: Sigh. You can't exploit a contestable monopoly - http://go.theregister.com
[09:41:45] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - S. Korea, US strike new civil nuclear deal - http://phys.org
[09:41:49] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Sony narrows annual loss forecast as sales pick up - http://phys.org
[09:51:10] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Is Synesthesia a Brain Disorder? - http://blogs.discovermagazine.com
[09:51:52] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - International experts analyze impacts of Ethiopian dam - http://phys.org
[09:56:14] <Bender> [HackerNews] - No Warming for Past 17 Years. Why Choose 17? - http://rpubs.com
[09:56:17] <Bender> [InnovationsReport] - A Sharp View into Black Holes - http://www.innovations-report.com
[09:56:18] <Bender> [HackerNews] - How do trains stay on track? (2009) [pdf] - http://materials.mcmaster.ca
[09:56:22] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Tiny, lightning fast jQuery-like library for modern browsers - http://sylnt.us
[09:56:56] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - A new collaboration to aid the search for life on distant worlds - http://phys.org
[10:01:18] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Early Japanese Animations: The Origins of Anime (1917-1931) - http://www.openculture.com
[10:01:22] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Stewart Brand: Rethinking Extinction - http://aeon.co
[10:01:26] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Before the Demo Scene: The Minskytron and Other Early Graphic Demos - http://www.masswerk.at
[10:02:00] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Student creates powerful catalyst from potassium - http://phys.org
[10:02:04] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - First exoplanet in visible light spectrum - http://phys.org
[10:02:08] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Why the Hubble Space Telescope has been such a stellar success - http://phys.org
[10:03:10] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has parted #rss-bot
[10:07:13] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Cheer up songwriters, there's shedloads of money rolling in - http://go.theregister.com
[10:11:20] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - And that's why we do user acceptance testing - http://rss.computerworld.com
[10:11:26] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The French School Where Panama Canal Pilots Train in Cute Little Ships (2014) - http://www.wired.com
[10:12:08] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Study finds ancient clam beaches not so natural - http://phys.org
[10:12:12] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Electrons move like light in three-dimensional solid - http://phys.org
[10:12:16] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - A 'frozen reaction' as key to eco-friendly chemical catalysis - http://phys.org
[10:16:22] <Bender> [CNET] - 'Daredevil' gets a second season on Netflix - http://feedproxy.google.com
[10:16:27] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Are M&A Replacing R&D in Pharma? - http://www.forbes.com
[10:16:30] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Show HN: Made my own date picker for AngularJS - http://sylnt.us
[10:16:34] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Clang by Example: Detecting Unused Functions - http://binary-studio.com
[10:17:12] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Survey results link role of principal investigators to lab safety - http://phys.org
[10:17:15] <Bender> [ScienceMag] - Astronomers detect starlight reflected off an extrasolar planet - http://news.sciencemag.org
[10:21:33] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Why American Workers Without Much Education Are Being Hammered - http://www.nytimes.com
[10:21:37] <Bender> [HackerNews] - WebGL Realistic Earth - http://earth.plus360degrees.com
[10:22:15] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Psychologists explain why British are so apathetic about the general election - http://phys.org
[10:22:19] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Industrial virtual factory lowers costs and reduces emissions - http://phys.org
[10:26:49] <Bender> [Nature] - Why I teach evolution to Muslim students - http://feeds.nature.com
[10:27:19] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - First exoplanet visible light spectrum - http://phys.org
[10:31:41] <Bender> [HackerNews] - JILA Strontium Atomic Clock Sets New Records - http://www.nist.gov
[10:32:23] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - The clusters of monster stars that lit up the early universe - http://phys.org
[10:32:27] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Will social media kill branding? - http://phys.org
[10:37:36] <Bender> [TheRegister] - ExaGrid giving rivals plenty of jaw-jaw - http://go.theregister.com
[10:41:43] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - 9 tips for speeding up your business Wi-Fi - http://rss.computerworld.com
[10:41:49] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Atlas of New York Tree Species - http://www.citylab.com
[10:42:31] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Sensor detects when a driver drank too much alcohol and blocks the vehicle - http://phys.org
[10:46:57] <Bender> [ITWorld] - MtGox creditors can finally file claims for lost bitcoins - http://www.itworld.com
[10:51:57] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Atom 20: The Game That Inspired Oregon Trail - http://www.platypuscomix.net
[10:52:39] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - A leap for 'artificial leaf': Generating power by breaking up water molecules - http://phys.org
[10:52:43] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - High levels of lead contamination in northeast Tasmanian drinking water - http://phys.org
[10:56:55] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - Facebook gives priority to friends in News Feed change - http://rss.computerworld.com
[10:56:59] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Tabletop Detector Can 'See' Electrons - And Maybe Neutrinos Too - http://www.forbes.com
[10:57:01] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Some tech firms being 'friendly to terrorists' says UK police chief - http://uk.reuters.com
[10:57:05] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Four days of Go - http://www.evanmiller.org
[10:57:05] <Bender> [ITWorld] - Huawei to expand retail presence, as it finds success selling higher-end phones - http://www.itworld.com
[11:01:57] <Bender> [CNET] - You can thank millennials for HBO Now - http://feedproxy.google.com
[11:02:03] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - May The Forest Be With You: Using Whole Trees In Building Construction - http://www.forbes.com
[11:02:05] <Bender> [HackerNews] - WebGL Realistic Earth with Carl Sagan quote - http://earth.plus360degrees.com
[11:02:47] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Soil moisture detector helps protect endangered South African forest - http://phys.org
[11:07:07] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Apple Watch Sport's Screen Has Worrying Scratch Issue - http://www.forbes.com
[11:07:51] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Smaller and cheaper particle accelerators? - http://phys.org
[11:07:59] <Bender> [TheRegister] - This data-powered, insight-rich future, how do I get there exactly? - http://go.theregister.com
[11:12:06] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - Google could launch wireless service Wednesday - http://rss.computerworld.com
[11:12:10] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - Apple retail chief rebuts showroom strategy speculation - http://rss.computerworld.com
[11:12:12] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Laser Scans of London Are a New Way to See the World - http://www.wired.com
[11:12:14] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - HP partners with FireEye for cyberattack investigation and response - http://rss.computerworld.com
[11:12:54] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Charged holes in graphene increase energy storage capacity - http://phys.org
[11:12:58] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - How "time is money" thinking can hurt the environment - http://phys.org
[11:13:11] <Bender> [WiredScience] - What You Should Be Reading on Earth Day - http://feeds.wired.com
[11:13:11] <Bender> [WiredEnterprise] - Facebook’s WhatsApp Will Be How the World Makes Phone Calls - http://feeds.wired.com
[11:13:15] <Bender> [WiredEnterprise] - Using Satellites To Stop Forest Destruction in its Tracks - http://feeds.wired.com
[11:14:02] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - BMW Developing Augmented Reality for Use In and Out of Your Car - http://sylnt.us
[11:17:16] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Mixpanel is looking for a lead iOS engineer - https://boards.greenhouse.io
[11:17:20] <Bender> [ITWorld] - Chipmakers lay groudwork for faster and smarter data center switches - http://www.itworld.com
[11:17:58] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Taxes and renewable energy surcharges raise the cost of wind power - http://phys.org
[11:23:02] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Chemists create 'comb' that detects terahertz waves with extreme precision - http://phys.org
[11:23:06] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Doxxing, swatting and the new trends in online harassment - http://phys.org
[11:23:11] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Excessively fat virtual worlds – come on, it's your guilty secret - http://go.theregister.com
[11:27:18] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - Rumor alert: Google SPRINTING to unveil a new wireless data service - http://rss.computerworld.com
[11:27:22] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - Chip makers lay groundwork for faster and smarter data center switches - http://rss.computerworld.com
[11:27:24] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Call for Participation: Chaos Communication Camp 2015 - http://events.ccc.de
[11:33:10] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - New study shows how discarded plastic bags are smothering marine life - http://phys.org
[11:37:32] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Implementing a Clojure Ns-Browser in Light Table with React - http://rundis.github.io
[11:42:30] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - App opens up smartphone use for people with arm paralysis - http://rss.computerworld.com
[11:43:18] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - If airlines offer in-flight Wi-Fi, they should invest in an extra black box for security - http://phys.org
[11:43:22] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Huge reduction of heat conduction observed in flat silicon channels - http://phys.org
[11:43:26] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - 'Considerable scope' for improvement in agricultural pollution - http://phys.org
[11:43:26] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Yahoo2! sees profit and shares fall, earnings missed. Save us Japan! - http://go.theregister.com
[11:52:43] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Existential crisis at Railsconf - http://railsbird.tumblr.com
[11:53:25] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Faster method to spay cats found to be safe, effective - http://phys.org
[11:53:30] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - The race is still on for a reusable rocket despite the SpaceX setback - http://phys.org
[11:57:31] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - Drug dealer: cops leaned me over 18th floor balcony to get my password - http://feeds.arstechnica.com
[11:57:39] <Bender> [CNET] - 'Avengers' fanboy makes laser Iron Man glove that can do some damage - http://feedproxy.google.com
[11:57:52] <Bender> [ITWorld] - Making software to block annoying ads is legal, German court rules - http://www.itworld.com
[11:58:38] <Bender> [TheRegister] - London man arrested over $40 MILLION HFT flash crash allegations - http://go.theregister.com
[12:02:51] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Show HN: Corrello – Dashboards and Reports for Trello - http://getcorrello.com
[12:03:33] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Engineering the P450 enzyme to perform new reactions - http://phys.org
[12:03:37] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Enormous hole in the universe may not be the only one - http://phys.org
[12:03:38] <Bender> [SecurityWeek] - ThreatStream Announces Apple Watch App for OPTIC Threat Intelligence Platform - http://feedproxy.google.com
[12:07:59] <Bender> [ITWorld] - The Upload: Your tech news briefing for Wednesday, April 22 - http://www.itworld.com
[12:13:41] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Image: Laser test bench - http://phys.org
[12:13:50] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Ubuntu 15.04 to bring 'Vivid' updates for cloud, devices this week - http://go.theregister.com
[12:23:09] <Bender> [InnovationsReport] - First exoplanet visible light spectrum - http://www.innovations-report.com
[12:23:13] <Bender> [InnovationsReport] - Exploding stars help to understand thunderclouds on Earth - http://www.innovations-report.com
[12:23:58] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Facebook tweaks News Feed algorithm. Now CONTENTGEDDON is here! - http://go.theregister.com
[12:28:10] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Gcc-5.1 released - https://gcc.gnu.org
[12:28:53] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Scientists watch living taste cells in action - http://phys.org
[12:28:57] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Biomimetic access to yellow pigment found in red sandalwood - http://phys.org
[12:32:59] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - Drug dealer: Cops leaned me over 18th floor balcony to get my password - http://feeds.arstechnica.com
[12:33:15] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Destructive Destruction? An Ecological Study of High Frequency Trading - http://www.metamute.org
[12:33:56] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Ecosystems not searching for balance - http://phys.org
[12:34:00] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Boldness in individuals linked with shell shape protectiveness in pond snails - http://phys.org
[12:34:05] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Ten more years of real money - http://phys.org
[12:38:04] <Bender> [BBCTech] - Ad-blocker beats publishers in court - http://www.bbc.co.uk
[12:39:00] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Women in management who wear provocative clothing are seen as less competent - http://phys.org
[12:39:09] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Fed-up Colorado man takes 9mm PISTOL to vexing Dell PC - http://go.theregister.com
[12:43:16] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - Alcatel-Lucent grows switching and virtual networking portfolio - http://rss.computerworld.com
[12:43:20] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - Review: Tableau makes sophisticated analysis a snap - http://rss.computerworld.com
[12:43:22] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The Intelligent Life of the City Raccoon - http://nautil.us
[12:43:25] <Bender> [InnovationsReport] - New perspectives on how ecological communities are assembled - http://www.innovations-report.com
[12:43:26] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Into.Technology – daily email publication about tech - http://into.technology
[12:43:29] <Bender> [InnovationsReport] - A recipe for long-lasting livers - http://www.innovations-report.com
[12:43:30] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Crowdsourced Translation Startup Gengo Raises $5.4M and Changes Its CEO - http://techcrunch.com
[12:43:34] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Ask HN: How do I learn how to become a good sysadmin? - https://news.ycombinator.com
[12:45:12] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Germany 1 : AdBlock Plus 1 : Advertisers 0 - http://sylnt.us
[12:48:13] <Bender> [BBCTech] - Wikipedia editing rules explained - http://www.bbc.co.uk
[12:48:26] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Teens, Social Media and Technology Overview 2015 - http://www.pewinternet.org
[12:48:30] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Why do pub TVs have a pint glass in the corner? - http://www.lbc.co.uk
[12:48:34] <Bender> [HackerNews] - AdBlock Plus defeats German publishers in court - http://www.bbc.com
[12:48:38] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Europe’s Plan to Compete with Silicon Valley - http://blogs.wsj.com
[12:54:12] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Grey squirrels' role as hosts of Lyme disease bacteria under the spotlight - http://phys.org
[12:54:21] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Yahoo2! sees2! profit2! and2! shares2! fall2! as2! earnings2! missed2! - save2! us2! Japan2! - http://go.theregister.com
[12:59:16] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Study resolves molecular structures of Spiegelmers for the first time - http://phys.org
[12:59:25] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Fatboy Google's now prepping a US MOBE NETWORK - http://go.theregister.com
[13:03:28] <Bender> [Bugtraq] - Bugtraq: Apple iOS 8.0 - 8.0.2 - Controls Re Auth Bypass Vulnerability - http://www.securityfocus.com
[13:03:32] <Bender> [Bugtraq] - Bugtraq: iPassword Manager v2.6 iOS - Persistent Vulnerabilities - http://www.securityfocus.com
[13:03:36] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - NetAppVoice: The Collaborative, Transparent Lawyer - http://www.forbes.com
[13:03:36] <Bender> [Bugtraq] - Bugtraq: [SECURITY] [DSA 3232-1] curl security update - http://www.securityfocus.com
[13:03:38] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Show HN: Credstash – a tiny python utility for managing secrets in EC2 - http://sylnt.us
[13:03:40] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - With Reliability And Security At Stake, Microgrids Are Going Mainstream - http://www.forbes.com
[13:03:50] <Bender> [Nature] - Chemistry: Degrees of separation - http://feeds.nature.com
[13:04:20] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Copying behavior in social groups may be governed by optimal control theory - http://phys.org
[13:04:24] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Immobilized Yutu rover still providing valuable lunar data - http://phys.org
[13:04:29] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Hyperconverged solutions can't live without flash - http://go.theregister.com
[13:08:26] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - Google wants to power up the Web with push notifications and home icons - http://feeds.arstechnica.com
[13:08:46] <Bender> [ITWorld] - Crypto gurus: The government's key escrow plan won't work - http://www.itworld.com
[13:09:24] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Low-reflection wings make butterflies nearly invisible - http://phys.org
[13:13:43] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - HBO Going After 'Game of Thrones' Pirates With Nerf Guns - http://www.forbes.com
[13:13:45] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Show HN: Discover new markets, invent new products, get peer and investor review - https://sparrk.co
[13:18:34] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - Man puts 8 bullets in his Dell, tells police it’s worth the ticket - http://feeds.arstechnica.com
[13:18:36] <Bender> [BBCTech] - FBI warns on airline hacking threat - http://www.bbc.co.uk
[13:18:41] <Bender> [CNET] - Get an Insteon home-automation starter kit for $99.99 - http://feedproxy.google.com
[13:18:45] <Bender> [CNET] - Game over, man: Bill Paxton takes on Daniel Radcliffe in GTA TV show 'Gamechanger' - http://feedproxy.google.com
[13:19:32] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Expanding the reach of metallic glass - http://phys.org
[13:19:36] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Small electric voltage alters conductivity in key materials - http://phys.org
[13:23:53] <Bender> [HackerNews] - GCC 5.1 released - https://gcc.gnu.org
[13:24:36] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Government needs own Plan A to make sustainable clothing more fashionable - http://phys.org
[13:24:38] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Calculating how the Pacific was settled: Sailing against prevailing winds, spotting big islands - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[13:24:40] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Ants self-organize the traffic on their trails to accommodate greater numbers and speeds - http://phys.org
[13:24:44] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Preventing deformed limbs: New link found between physical forces and limb development - http://phys.org
[13:28:41] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - Bugfixes ahoy! Android 5.1.1 hits AOSP and the Nexus Player - http://feeds.arstechnica.com
[13:29:39] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Testosterone key to new bird bang theory - http://phys.org
[13:33:59] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - What Exactly Is Amazon's Smart Home Strategy? - http://www.forbes.com
[13:34:01] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Yahoo net income down more than 90% - http://www.nytimes.com
[13:34:03] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Do Uber Drivers Even Want To Be Employees? - http://www.forbes.com
[13:34:05] <Bender> [HackerNews] - How Amazon Swooped in to Own Cloud Services - http://www.bloomberg.com
[13:34:43] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Perseverance paves way for wind laser - http://phys.org
[13:34:47] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - All will be illuminated: Real-time multicolor imaging with luminescent protein-based Nano-lanterns - http://phys.org
[13:34:51] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Study: Polarization in Congress is worsening... and it stifles policy innovation - http://phys.org
[13:39:05] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Is There Enough Meat for Everyone? - http://www.gatesnotes.com
[13:39:50] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Testosterone key to new bird bang theory - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[13:39:54] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Exploding stars help to understand thunderclouds on Earth - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[13:44:01] <Bender> [CNET] - Game over, man! Bill Paxton takes on Daniel Radcliffe in GTA TV show 'Gamechanger' - http://feedproxy.google.com
[13:44:05] <Bender> [CNET] - Yahoo, searching for a new angle, takes a wrong turn with sales - http://feedproxy.google.com
[13:44:51] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Researchers test brain activity to identify cybersecurity threats - http://phys.org
[13:44:53] <Bender> [Schneier] - "Hinky" in Action - https://www.schneier.com
[13:44:55] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - What it took to get the Hubble Space Telescope off the ground - http://phys.org
[13:49:15] <Bender> [InnovationsReport] - Start of SPICE brings new ways to accelerate interdisciplinary spin research in the 21st century - http://www.innovations-report.com
[13:54:15] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Apple iOS 8 WiFi Bug Crashes iPads And iPhones - http://www.forbes.com
[13:54:19] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Galaxy S6 vs iPhone 6 - http://www.forbes.com
[13:54:21] <Bender> [ITWorld] - EMC Syncplicity lets enterprises manage their own encryption keys - http://www.itworld.com
[13:54:59] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - New initiative explores African opportunities for sustainable food systems - http://phys.org
[13:55:01] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Traffic control: What we can learn from ants - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[13:55:03] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - India plans more tiger reserves as big cat numbers jump - http://phys.org
[13:55:05] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Low-reflection wings make glasswing butterflies nearly invisible - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[13:55:07] <Bender> [TheRegister] - BEND OVER, boy! Twitter gets ready to give trolls and bullies a good LICKING - http://go.theregister.com
[14:00:02] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - EU executive body wants member states to rule on GM crop ban - http://phys.org
[14:00:11] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Fatboy Google's now prepping a US MOBE NETWORK. What could go wrong? - http://go.theregister.com
[14:04:22] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - How Fortune 500 Companies are Building Big Data Teams and How Startups Can Too - http://www.forbes.com
[14:05:15] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Facebook-owned WhatsApp shoves free voice calls at iOS users - http://go.theregister.com
[14:09:18] <Bender> [Bugtraq] - Bugtraq: Netgear WNR2000v4 Multiple Vulnerabilities - http://www.securityfocus.com
[14:09:22] <Bender> [Bugtraq] - Bugtraq: Multiple Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) in FreePBX - http://www.securityfocus.com
[14:10:13] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Frequent genomic alteration is identified in a rare subset of breast cancer - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[14:10:17] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - As bright as a hundred million Suns: The clusters of monster stars that lit up the early universe - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[14:10:21] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Using smartphones to avoid spatial disorientation of elderly - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[14:10:25] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - User creativity made YouTube the world’s biggest music service - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[14:14:26] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - IDG Contributor Network: Preparing for the digital disruption that’s coming to your industry - http://rss.computerworld.com
[14:14:30] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Are M&A Replacing R&D In Pharma? - http://www.forbes.com
[14:15:30] <Bender> [WiredScience] - Fascinating Photos Take You Behind the Scenes of Hubble - http://feeds.wired.com
[14:19:28] <Bender> [CNET] - Game over, man! Bill Paxton takes on Daniel Radcliffe in GTA TV show 'Game Changer' - http://feedproxy.google.com
[14:19:32] <Bender> [CNET] - What's coming and going on Netflix for May 2015 - http://feedproxy.google.com
[14:19:34] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - TeradataVoice: Connected Car Data - What The *Beep*? - http://www.forbes.com
[14:19:36] <Bender> [CNET] - Stan Lee, Steve Wozniak unleash Silicon Valley Comic Con - http://feedproxy.google.com
[14:20:18] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Senate leaders propose extending NSA phone records storage - http://phys.org
[14:24:38] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Serious Apple iOS 8 Bug Found, 'Running Away' Advised - http://www.forbes.com
[14:24:42] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - How Large Companies Are Building Big Data Teams, And How Startups Can, Too - http://www.forbes.com
[14:24:46] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Teaching Tomorrow's Founders: Ideas for K-12 Education - http://www.forbes.com
[14:25:22] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Electron spin brings order to high entropy alloys - http://phys.org
[14:25:24] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - New finding could help develop test for kidney disease - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[14:25:29] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - First exoplanet visible light spectrum - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[14:29:38] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - BrandPost: The Emergence of the Analytical CEO - http://rss.computerworld.com
[14:29:42] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - 'House of Wolves' Already Appears To Solve One of Destiny's Biggest Problems - http://www.forbes.com
[14:29:46] <Bender> [InnovationsReport] - Whiteboards of the future: New electronic paper could make inexpensive electronic displays - http://www.innovations-report.com
[14:29:50] <Bender> [InnovationsReport] - Traffic emissions may pollute 1 in 3 Canadian homes - http://www.innovations-report.com
[14:29:54] <Bender> [InnovationsReport] - New super-fast MRI technique demonstrated with song 'If I Only Had a Brain' - http://www.innovations-report.com
[14:29:58] <Bender> [InnovationsReport] - Caring for blindness: A new protein in sight? - http://www.innovations-report.com
[14:30:02] <Bender> [InnovationsReport] - Getting better all the time: JILA strontium atomic clock sets new records - http://www.innovations-report.com
[14:30:06] <Bender> [InnovationsReport] - Fishing impacts on the Great Barrier Reef - http://www.innovations-report.com
[14:30:10] <Bender> [InnovationsReport] - Likely cause of 2013-14 earthquakes: Combination of gas field fluid injection and removal - http://www.innovations-report.com
[14:30:14] <Bender> [InnovationsReport] - Cost-efficiency of plug-in hybrids calculated a thousand times faster - http://www.innovations-report.com
[14:30:26] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Invasion of the earthworms, mapped and analyzed - http://phys.org
[14:34:32] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - BBC’s Grand Theft Auto TV show to star Bill Paxton and Daniel Radcliffe - http://feeds.arstechnica.com
[14:34:46] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Apple iOS 8 Has Massive New Security Flaw - http://www.forbes.com
[14:35:38] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Coffee cup-sized MIT machine can SEE actual ELECTRONS, boast boffins - http://go.theregister.com
[14:40:33] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - User creativity made YouTube the world's biggest music service - http://phys.org
[14:40:36] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Mechanism of action of two new synthetic drugs unravelled for the first time - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[14:40:37] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Carnegie launches next generation airborne laboratory for Earth - http://phys.org
[14:40:40] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Helping college students suffering from depression, anxiety and stress - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[14:40:44] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Serious violence in England and Wales drops 10% in 2014 - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[14:40:48] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Triple negative breast cancer in African-American women has distinct difference - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[14:40:52] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Organ Donors: Recipe for long-lasting livers - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[14:44:53] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - New Apple iOS 8 WiFi Bug Crashes iPhones And iPads - http://www.forbes.com
[14:44:55] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Current Hemlis roadmap and product are dead - https://hemlismessenger.wordpress.com
[14:44:59] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Scala Experts – Come Work at Naytev - https://www.naytev.com
[14:45:37] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Nanoparticle drug reverses Parkinson's-like symptoms in rats - http://phys.org
[14:49:43] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - Cops hire pesky programmer who bugged Seattle for more transparency - http://feeds.arstechnica.com
[14:49:59] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Update on Heml.is - http://blog.brokep.com
[14:50:03] <Bender> [HackerNews] - 3 Years in Rikers with No Trial - http://www.newyorker.com
[14:50:42] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Cloud security reaches silicon: System for defending against memory-access attacks implemented in chips - http://phys.org
[14:50:46] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Flame retardants could contribute to hyperthyroidism in older cats - http://phys.org
[14:54:57] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - 2 more wireless baby monitors hacked: Hackers remotely spied on babies and parents - http://rss.computerworld.com
[14:55:01] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - 13 Of 2015's Hottest Topics In Computer Science Research - http://www.forbes.com
[14:55:05] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Pharma Critic Skewers Homeopathy At FDA Hearing - http://www.forbes.com
[14:55:45] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Decoding the cell's genetic filing system - http://phys.org
[14:55:48] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Treating patients with dignity, but what about hands-on care? - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[14:55:49] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Soy: It's good for eating, baking—and cleaning up crude oil spills - http://phys.org
[14:55:52] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Preventing deformed limbs: New link found between physical forces, limb development - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[14:55:53] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Desert plant could bolster world's supply of natural rubber - http://phys.org
[15:00:05] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - A Game Designer Reveals The Secret To Finding Your Perfect Game - http://www.forbes.com
[15:00:49] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Magma intrusion is likely source of Columbia-Ecuador border quake swarms - http://phys.org
[15:04:55] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - VR developers can now apply for free HTC Vive dev kits - http://feeds.arstechnica.com
[15:05:58] <Bender> [SecurityWeek] - IBM Brings Security Intelligence, Log Management Services to the Cloud - http://feedproxy.google.com
[15:06:02] <Bender> [TheRegister] - BEND OVER, boy! Twitter lockdown to give trolls and bullies a good LICKING - http://go.theregister.com
[15:06:06] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Stop wailing, fanbois. You can still worship at the Temple of Jobs - http://go.theregister.com
[15:09:59] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - Intel’s Compute Stick: A full PC that’s tiny in size (and performance) - http://feeds.arstechnica.com
[15:10:15] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Microsoft hiring engineers for R projects - http://blog.revolutionanalytics.com
[15:11:00] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Brain activity tested to identify cybersecurity threats - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[15:11:04] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Millimeter-sized stones formed our planet - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[15:15:17] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Apple iOS 8 Has Dangerous Hotspot Bug - http://www.forbes.com
[15:15:21] <Bender> [InnovationsReport] - Heraeus Noblelight Gains Queen’s Award For Enterprise In The Innovation Category - http://www.innovations-report.com
[15:15:23] <Bender> [ITWorld] - Ubuntu 15.04 will ship with Canonical's own browser - http://www.itworld.com
[15:16:10] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Facebook fiddles with News Feed algo. Brace yourself for CONTENTGEDDON - http://go.theregister.com
[15:17:09] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - New Super-Fast MRI Technique Demonstrated with Song 'If I Only Had a Brain' - http://sylnt.us
[15:17:58] -!- stdhell has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[15:20:15] <Bender> [CNET] - Set sail on Millennium Falcon? Disney cruise ship snags 'Star Wars' upgrade - http://feedproxy.google.com
[15:20:21] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Apple iOS 8 Has Dangerous New Security Flaw - http://www.forbes.com
[15:20:23] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Baidu's Boffin Describes Beijing's Homegrown Self-Driving Car - http://spectrum.ieee.org
[15:20:27] <Bender> [HackerNews] - 9 Rules for Your Unborn (or Growing) Startup - https://visible.vc
[15:21:05] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Marmosets found to learn to take turns when vocalizing - http://phys.org
[15:21:14] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Stop wailing, fanbois. You can still worship at the Temple of Jobs - http://go.theregister.com
[15:25:27] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Docker Swarm with portable volumes and network - https://clusterhq.com
[15:26:09] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - A 'Beat the Clock' for the YouTube generation - http://phys.org
[15:26:12] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Invasion of the earthworms, mapped and analyzed - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[15:26:16] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Are gas hydrates a source of environmentally friendly energy? - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[15:26:20] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Pseudoparticles travel through photoactive material - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[15:30:25] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - The Irari rules for declaring a cyberattack ‘sophisticated’ - http://rss.computerworld.com
[15:30:31] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Sprint – A high-performance, DOM library for modern browsers - http://sylnt.us
[15:30:35] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Show HN: Credstash – A tiny python utility for managing secrets in EC2 - http://sylnt.us
[15:30:39] <Bender> [MITTech] - Apple and IBM’s Plan to Make Smarter Health-Tracking iPhone Apps - http://www.technologyreview.com
[15:30:43] <Bender> [MITTech] - Making Innovation Happen: Crossing the Chasm Between Concept and Development - http://www.technologyreview.com
[15:31:13] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - New genetic test will improve biosecurity of honey bees around the globe - http://phys.org
[15:31:17] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Quantum 'paparazzi' film photons in the act of pairing up - http://phys.org
[15:31:21] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Earthquake potential where there is no earthquake history - http://phys.org
[15:31:22] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Google it on your Google phone on a GOOGLE NETWORK. MVNO plan imminent - http://go.theregister.com
[15:31:25] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Putting a new spin on computing memory - http://phys.org
[15:35:35] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Docker Swarm with portable volumes and network [video] - https://clusterhq.com
[15:36:17] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Vehicle cost, lack of consumer information hinder purchases of plug-in electric vehicles - http://phys.org
[15:36:26] <Bender> [TheRegister] - French outsourcer Atos fattens revenues on UK public sector - http://go.theregister.com
[15:40:37] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - The Developer Opportunity That Exists In The Small Business World - http://www.forbes.com
[15:41:21] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - How foreign animals affect Newfoundland's food chain - http://phys.org
[15:41:24] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Canine cancer cell lines for research and drug development - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[15:41:25] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Worried sick over canine flu? Tips to help protect your pup - http://phys.org
[15:41:28] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Surface matters: Huge reduction of heat conduction observed in flat silicon channels - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[15:41:29] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Researchers discover new method to detect most common bacteria contaminating oysters - http://phys.org
[15:41:32] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Eardrum evolved independently in mammals and reptiles/birds - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[15:41:36] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Invisible inks could help foil counterfeiters of all kinds - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[15:41:40] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - 'Holey' graphene for energy storage: Charged holes in graphene increase energy storage capacity - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[15:41:44] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - New 'comb' detects terahertz waves with extreme precision - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[15:45:27] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - Comcast’s role as Hulu part-owner being examined by Justice Department - http://feeds.arstechnica.com
[15:45:41] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - A Glowing Plant: The First Fruit Of "Digitized" Genetic Engineering - http://www.forbes.com
[15:45:47] <Bender> [ITWorld] - Mobile money transfers to Africa expected to hit $33 billion this year - http://www.itworld.com
[15:51:29] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - From metal to insulator and back again - http://phys.org
[15:55:49] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - The New Biohackers: How (And Where) They Work - http://www.forbes.com
[15:55:55] <Bender> [ITWorld] - Senate leader introduces bill to extend Patriot Act surveillance - http://www.itworld.com
[15:56:35] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Engineering the P450 enzyme to perform new reactions - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[15:56:40] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Polarization in US Congress is worsening, and it stifles policy innovation - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[15:56:44] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Electron spin brings order to high entropy alloys - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[16:00:47] <Bender> [CNET] - Sony boosts earnings forecast over jump in games, music revenue - http://feedproxy.google.com
[16:01:37] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Ship ballast dumps around Australia climbing increasing risk of invasive species getting foothold - http://phys.org
[16:01:41] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - PHOTOS: Hubble's turn to smile, marks 25 years in orbit - http://phys.org
[16:01:43] <Bender> [SingularityHub] - They’re Alive! Watch These Mini 3D Printed Organs Beat Just Like Hearts - http://singularityhub.com
[16:05:59] <Bender> [HackerNews] - EFF to Congress: Stop the Cybersurveillance Bills - https://www.eff.org
[16:06:46] <Bender> [SecurityWeek] - ThreatStream Announces Apple Watch App for Threat Intelligence Platform - http://feedproxy.google.com
[16:06:50] <Bender> [TheRegister] - French outsourcer Atos fattens revenues on UK public sector - http://go.theregister.com
[16:06:54] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Something planned in 15 BEELLLION years? You need this clock - http://go.theregister.com
[16:10:57] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - Samsung confirms screen-rotation problem with some Galaxy S6 Edge phones - http://rss.computerworld.com
[16:11:01] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Top 5 Sports Law Stories For 2015 (April 22, 2015 Update) - http://www.forbes.com
[16:11:01] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - Traction Watch: Mixpanel Is Now Tracking 45 Billion User Actions Every Month - http://rss.computerworld.com
[16:11:05] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - The Vast Implications Of The Networked Economy - http://www.forbes.com
[16:11:05] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - Traction Watch: Livestreaming is the New Selfie Stick - http://rss.computerworld.com
[16:11:09] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - Traction Watch: How Spredfast Handled A Growth Bump - http://rss.computerworld.com
[16:11:45] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Small business: visa quotas hinder finding skilled help - http://phys.org
[16:11:47] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - How much of the Amazon rainforest would it take to print the Internet? - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[16:11:51] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Clinical studies show 'CHORI-bar' results in broad scale health improvements - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[16:11:55] <Bender> [Threatpost] - ‘Fully Secure Systems Don’t Exist’ - http://threatpost.com
[16:16:04] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Predicting A Future Where Products Are Parented - http://www.forbes.com
[16:16:11] <Bender> [ITWorld] - SSL certificate flaw allows hackers to crash devices running iOS 8 - http://www.itworld.com
[16:16:19] <Bender> [Nature] - Seven days: 17–23 April 2015 - http://feeds.nature.com
[16:16:57] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Docker huddles under Linux patent-troll protection umbrella - http://go.theregister.com
[16:21:10] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Guy trading at home caused the flash crash of 2010 - http://www.bloombergview.com
[16:21:56] <Bender> [ScienceMag] - Canadian research councils get a rain check from Harper government - http://news.sciencemag.org
[16:26:09] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - SugarCRM sweetens Sugar 7.6 with a BPM twist - http://rss.computerworld.com
[16:26:13] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Marc Benioff And Gates Foundation's Desmond-Hellmann Agree: Digital Health So Far Is Pitiful - http://www.forbes.com
[16:26:14] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Learn Kubernetes: The Future of Cloud Hosting - https://meteorhacks.com
[16:26:19] <Bender> [ITWorld] - Intel's Compute Stick goes on sale for $149 with Windows 8.1 - http://www.itworld.com
[16:36:06] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - How the DMCA made YouTube - http://feeds.arstechnica.com
[16:36:20] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Apple iOS 8 Hit By Dangerous New Security Flaw - http://www.forbes.com
[16:36:22] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Self-learning flight search creates itineraries using only one-ways - http://questorganizer.com
[16:36:26] <Bender> [ITWorld] - Qualys devises a virtual patch to protect against vulnerabilities - http://www.itworld.com
[16:41:11] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - Congress moves to renew law allowing bulk telephone metadata collection - http://feeds.arstechnica.com
[16:41:20] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - Crypto gurus: The government's key escrow plan won't work - http://rss.computerworld.com
[16:42:11] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Autism and prodigy share a common genetic link - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[16:42:15] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - This is your teen's brain behind the wheel - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[16:42:17] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Speaking in Tech: How about that hacker guy thrown off a US flight for tweeting? - http://go.theregister.com
[16:46:22] <Bender> [CNET] - Man charged after allegedly shooting computer with gun - http://feedproxy.google.com
[16:46:26] <Bender> [CNET] - J.J. Abrams and Chewbacca take the Twizzler Challenge - http://feedproxy.google.com
[16:46:28] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - As Consumers Access Health Data, A New Market Emerges - http://www.forbes.com
[16:46:30] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Building a Contact Center with Twilio TaskRouter and Salesforce - https://www.twilio.com
[16:46:32] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Satellite Data And A.I. Will Be Deployed To Predict And Prevent Deforestation - http://www.forbes.com
[16:46:34] <Bender> [HackerNews] - MongoDB and RocksDB at Parse - http://blog.parse.com
[16:51:21] <Bender> [BBCTech] - Disney makes people speak gibberish - http://www.bbc.co.uk
[16:51:33] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Meat Without Animals And Sequencing The Planet At Techonomy Bio - http://www.forbes.com
[16:51:37] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - The Quantum Physics Of A Sunny Day - http://www.forbes.com
[16:56:33] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - Cyber-crooks are automated; you need to be, too - http://rss.computerworld.com
[16:56:43] <Bender> [ITWorld] - Malware used in White House and State Department hacks possibly linked to Russia - http://www.itworld.com
[16:57:23] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Cirrhosis deaths drop 41 percent from 2002 to 2012 - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[16:57:27] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Breast arterial calcification strong predictor of coronary artery calcification - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[16:57:31] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Scientists watch living taste cells in action - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[17:01:27] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - Senate moves to renew law allowing bulk telephone metadata collection - http://feeds.arstechnica.com
[17:01:32] <Bender> [Bugtraq] - Bugtraq: [security bulletin] HPSBGN03308 rev.1 - HP TippingPoint Security Management System (SMS) and TippingPoint Virtual Security Management System (vSMS), Remote Code Execution - http://www.securityfocus.com
[17:02:25] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Unique field study shows that pesticide harms wild bees - http://phys.org
[17:02:29] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Spread of pathogens between species is predictable, research finds - http://phys.org
[17:02:33] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Evil Wi-Fi can KNOCK OUT iPhones, iPads in range – 'No iOS Zone' bug revealed - http://go.theregister.com
[17:02:37] <Bender> [TheRegister] - CozyDuke hackers targeting prominent US targets - http://go.theregister.com
[17:06:44] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Augmented Reality: Enabling Learning Through Rich Context - http://www.forbes.com
[17:06:47] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Crashlytics now serves over 1M apps - http://crashlytics.com
[17:07:29] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Gamers feel the glove: Student team creates feedback device for the hand for virtual environments (w/ Video) - http://phys.org
[17:11:50] <Bender> [HackerNews] - GitLab 7.10 is out Google Code import, Default Git Hooks and more - https://about.gitlab.com
[17:11:54] <Bender> [HackerNews] - T.H. Tsien, 105, Dies; Scholar of Chinese Books Rescued 30,000 of Them - http://www.nytimes.com
[17:12:35] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - How breast milk protects against severe intestinal disease in preemies - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[17:12:40] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Large heads, narrow pelvises and difficult childbirth in humans: Adaptations in human morphology explain why - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[17:12:41] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Evil Wi-Fi KNOCKS OUT iPhones, iPads in range – 'No iOS Zone' SSL bug revealed - http://go.theregister.com
[17:12:44] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Natural reparative capacity of teeth elucidated - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[17:12:48] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Researchers see promise in treatment to reduce dementia after TBI - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[17:12:52] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - New brain mapping model could improve effectiveness of transcranial magnetic stimulation - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[17:16:38] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - iOS bug sends iPhones into endless crash cycle when exposed to rogue Wi-Fi - http://feeds.arstechnica.com
[17:16:54] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Is there something mysterious about mathematics? - http://ideas.aeon.co
[17:16:58] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Wherein I ridicule Facebook some more, then collaborate with the Panopticon - http://www.dnalounge.com
[17:17:37] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Popular pesticide hurts wild bees in major field study - http://phys.org
[17:17:41] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - US astronaut launches geography quiz on Twitter - http://phys.org
[17:17:45] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Chat app WhatsApp gift-wraps free yaps for Apple iPhone saps - http://go.theregister.com
[17:18:44] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Color Genomics Launches a $249 Genetic Test for Breast Cancer Risk - http://sylnt.us
[17:21:56] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Amazon Detailing AWS Performance May Not Be Good For The Stock - http://www.forbes.com
[17:21:58] <Bender> [HackerNews] - US Officer Involved Shootings, Mapped - http://hiddentao.github.io
[17:22:02] <Bender> [HackerNews] - 1ML – unifying ML into one language - http://www.mpi-sws.org
[17:22:11] <Bender> [Nature] - Bee studies stir up pesticide debate - http://feeds.nature.com
[17:22:43] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Researchers show how blood-brain barrier is maintained - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[17:22:57] <Bender> [WiredScience] - Science Is Closing in on Dark Matter, But Beware the Hype - http://feeds.wired.com
[17:27:02] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Introducing Hello – Facebook's New Android-Only Social Caller ID App - http://newsroom.fb.stfi.re
[17:27:06] <Bender> [HackerNews] - “Hello” Is Facebook’s New Android-Only Social Caller ID App - http://techcrunch.com
[17:27:10] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Forgotten Failures of African Exploration - http://publicdomainreview.org
[17:27:49] <Bender> [SecurityWeek] - CipherCloud Cloud Offering Helps Organizations Tame Shadow IT - http://feedproxy.google.com
[17:32:14] <Bender> [MITTech] - White House and Department of Homeland Security Want a Way Around Encryption - http://www.technologyreview.com
[17:32:48] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Streaming, binge-watching gain in US: survey - http://phys.org
[17:37:08] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Trillions Will Depend on Whether Driverless Cars Require Human Drivers - http://www.forbes.com
[17:37:10] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Project Fi by Google - https://fi.google.com
[17:37:14] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Google Officially Announces Wireless Carrier – Project Fi - http://googleblog.blogspot.com
[17:37:18] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Walk in the footsteps of South Africa’s freedom fighters - http://googleblog.blogspot.com
[17:42:06] <Bender> [CNET] - At last, Mt. Gox users can file claims for lost bitcoins - http://feedproxy.google.com
[17:42:12] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - 'The Flash' Season 1, Episode 19 Review: Who Is Harrison Wells? - http://www.forbes.com
[17:42:56] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Drivers want new safety technology, but it will cost them - http://phys.org
[17:42:59] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - A lot of smoke: Study examines cigarillo modification health claims - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[17:43:03] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Backache: A matter of mechanics - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[17:47:22] <Bender> [ITWorld] - Think your management job is safe? Beware: the 'iCEO' is coming - http://www.itworld.com
[17:53:04] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - House takes up bill designed to thwart cyberattacks - http://phys.org
[17:53:08] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - NERSC, Cray move forward with next-generation scientific computing - http://phys.org
[17:53:13] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Republicans in sneaky bid to reauthorize Patriot Act spying until 2020 - http://go.theregister.com
[17:57:20] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - Tesla to announce home and utility-scale batteries that offer energy independence - http://rss.computerworld.com
[17:57:26] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Startup tsunami in silicon valley - https://news.ycombinator.com
[17:57:30] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The Sixth Extinction? (2009) - http://www.newyorker.com
[17:58:11] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Lessons to be learned from Caribbean treatment of mental health - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[17:58:15] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Poor diet may contribute to the decline in British bees - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[17:58:19] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Researchers discover new drugs to combat the root cause of multiple sclerosis - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[18:02:30] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Vanhawks (YC W15) Is Hiring iOS Developer in Toronto, Canada - https://vanhawks.com
[18:03:12] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Stegosaurus plates may have differed between male, female - http://phys.org
[18:03:16] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Twins experiment reveals genetic link with mosquito bites - http://phys.org
[18:03:16] <Bender> [ScienceMag] - An unexpected microbe is killing organ transplant patients - http://news.sciencemag.org
[18:03:20] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Arctic beetles may be ideal marker of climate change - http://phys.org
[18:03:24] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Drug research enhanced by fragment screening libraries - http://phys.org
[18:03:25] <Bender> [TheScientist] - Personalized Devices Predict Cancer Drug Response - http://www.the-scientist.com
[18:03:28] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - First invasive lionfish discovered in Brazil - http://phys.org
[18:07:18] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - Google’s Wireless service, “Project Fi,” is official, but invite only - http://feeds.arstechnica.com
[18:07:21] <Bender> [BBCTech] - Google to run mobile phone network - http://www.bbc.co.uk
[18:07:32] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Amazon Detailing Its Cloud Business May Not Be Good For The Stock - http://www.forbes.com
[18:07:34] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Tree compression using string grammars - http://arxiv.org
[18:07:36] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Shimon Peres: A Statesman Dreams Bigger In The Age Of Tech And Citizen Diplomacy - http://www.forbes.com
[18:07:40] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - How Techonomy Bio Inspired My Southeast Asian Healthcare Journey - http://www.forbes.com
[18:12:32] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - Think your management job is safe? Beware the 'iCEO' - http://rss.computerworld.com
[18:12:36] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - Chrome users roast Google on spit of hate over revamped bookmarks manager - http://rss.computerworld.com
[18:13:20] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - EU agrees opt-out deal for GMO imports - http://phys.org
[18:17:39] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Apple iOS 8 Hack Exposes Dangerous Security Flaw - http://www.forbes.com
[18:17:41] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The 3D Future of Sound - https://medium.com
[18:17:54] <Bender> [Nature] - A century of chemical warfare: nations reflect on grim anniversary - http://feeds.nature.com
[18:22:44] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Your Next Prescription Could Be A Genome Sequence - http://www.forbes.com
[18:23:28] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Solar plane Pacific-crossing a 'human challenge' - http://phys.org
[18:23:30] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Proteins that control anxiety in humans and cause insects to shed their skins have common origin - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[18:27:35] <Bender> [BBCTech] - Google launches mobile phone network - http://www.bbc.co.uk
[18:27:48] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Dangerous Apple iOS Flaw Puts iPads And iPhones At Risk - http://www.forbes.com
[18:32:53] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Ops School – Comprehensive Program to Become an Operations Engineer - http://www.opsschool.org
[18:33:35] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Security meet hears about "No iOS Zone" vulnerability - http://phys.org
[18:33:40] <Bender> [SecurityWeek] - Raytheon, Websense Discuss Integration Plans: RSA Conference - http://feedproxy.google.com
[18:37:41] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - Reform groups: Bill to stop patent demand letters falls short - http://feeds.arstechnica.com
[18:38:01] <Bender> [ITWorld] - Google boosts workplace efforts with Box integration, videoconferencing - http://www.itworld.com
[18:38:42] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Tau ceti: The next Earth? Probably not - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[18:42:53] <Bender> [CNET] - Google bursts into the wireless industry - http://feedproxy.google.com
[18:42:55] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - Google launches Project Fi, its combo cellular and Wi-Fi network - http://rss.computerworld.com
[18:42:59] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - iPhones And iPads Hit By Serious WiFi Problem - http://www.forbes.com
[18:43:01] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Nobuo Okano, Book Repairman - http://www.theparisreview.org
[18:43:03] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Shimon Peres: A Statesman Dreams Bigger In The Age Of Citizen Diplomacy - http://www.forbes.com
[18:47:49] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - Google’s Wireless service, “Project Fi,” is official but invite only - http://feeds.arstechnica.com
[18:47:53] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - A tale of two placebos - http://feeds.arstechnica.com
[18:48:05] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Introducing Hello - http://newsroom.fb.com
[18:48:47] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Tau Ceti: The next Earth? Probably not - http://phys.org
[18:48:51] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - 3D-printed aerogels improve energy storage - http://phys.org
[18:53:09] <Bender> [HackerNews] - LHC glimpses hint of new physics - https://plus.maths.org
[18:53:13] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Meteor now has solid PostgreSQL support - http://www.meteorpostgres.com
[18:53:51] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Better social media techniques increase fan interest, engagement - http://phys.org
[18:53:54] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Scientists X-ray anti-inflammatory drug candidates - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[18:53:55] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - DNA of bacteria crucial to ecosystem defies explanation - http://phys.org
[18:53:58] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Caloric Restriction: A Fountain of Youth for Aging Muscles? - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[18:53:59] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Google launches its own mobile telephone service - http://phys.org
[18:54:02] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Researchers develop Ebola treatment effective 3 days after infection - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[18:59:04] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Comcast accused of torpedoing Hulu sale to rivals with weapon of mass transactions - http://go.theregister.com
[19:03:01] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - Google’s wireless service, “Project Fi,” is official, but invite only - http://feeds.arstechnica.com
[19:03:05] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - Magic placebo more effective than ordinary placebo - http://feeds.arstechnica.com
[19:03:17] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The Story Behind Alto's Adventure - http://ryancash.net
[19:04:04] <Bender> [SecurityWeek] - Raytheon, Websense Discuss Integration Plans - http://feedproxy.google.com
[19:08:19] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - The 33 'Safest' New Cars For 2015 - http://www.forbes.com
[19:08:21] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The S-Lang Language - http://www.jedsoft.org
[19:09:05] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Caloric restriction: A fountain of youth for aging muscles? - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[19:09:09] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Toxic mushroom-based drug may help battle colorectal cancer - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[19:09:11] <Bender> [TheRegister] - GoDaddy buys 200,000 domains for $28.1m – that's $140 a piece - http://go.theregister.com
[19:09:13] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Computer-assisted diagnosis tool helps physicians assess skin conditions without aid from dermatologists - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[19:09:17] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - New Ebola treatment effective three days after infection - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[19:09:21] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Missing genetic link found in a challenging immune disease - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[19:09:25] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Genes make some people mosquito targets, twins pilot study shows - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[19:13:19] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - Malware used in White House and State Department hacks possibly linked to Russia - http://rss.computerworld.com
[19:13:24] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Taking the Raspberry Pi 2 for a Test Drive with GNU Radio - http://www.rs-online.com
[19:13:37] <Bender> [Nature] - Chinese scientists genetically modify human embryos - http://feeds.nature.com
[19:14:06] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Sea lion pup waddles away from water, gets ride back to sea - http://phys.org
[19:14:16] <Bender> [Threatpost] - Threat Intelligence Sharing Still Seen as a Challenge - http://threatpost.com
[19:18:26] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Apple's iOS 8 Troubles Continue With Dangerous New Bug - http://www.forbes.com
[19:18:28] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Homeland Security: Crypto makes it harder for Feds to find “terrorist activity” - https://www.dhs.gov
[19:18:32] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Django Girls make the male-dominated world of IT more accessible to women - http://www.ekathimerini.com
[19:18:46] <Bender> [NISTElec] - Nanoelectronics Conference Focuses on Future of Semiconductor Manufacturing - http://www.nist.gov
[19:18:59] <Bender> [NISTNano] - Nanoelectronics Conference Focuses on Future of Semiconductor Manufacturing - http://www.nist.gov
[19:19:19] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Got a big day planned in 15 BEELLLION years? You need this clock - http://go.theregister.com
[19:20:18] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - French Terror Plot Foiled By Gun-Handling Accident - http://sylnt.us
[19:23:30] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Google Unveils Its Wireless Service Project Fi - http://www.forbes.com
[19:23:32] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Why Process Trumps Relationships in China - https://www.fictiv.com
[19:23:36] <Bender> [HackerNews] - “Hello World” in assembly language on Linux - http://www.jyotirmoy.net
[19:24:14] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - White House hackers 'Russian speakers': researchers - http://phys.org
[19:24:17] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Finding effective, cost-effective treatments for complex wounds - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[19:24:22] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - To predict disease researchers ask if plant neighbors are relatives - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[19:24:24] <Bender> [Threatpost] - White House, State Department Counted Among CozyDuke APT Victims - http://threatpost.com
[19:24:26] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Pesticide harms wild bees, unique field study shows - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[19:28:30] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - Senate leader introduces bill to extend Patriot Act surveillance - http://rss.computerworld.com
[19:28:44] <Bender> [MITTech] - A Smartphone Eye Exam Service Launches in New York - http://www.technologyreview.com
[19:29:27] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Half a BILLION dollars later and, PHEW, we're all done buying up dot-word domain rights - http://go.theregister.com
[19:33:25] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - The science (and lack thereof) behind the FBI’s retreat on hair analysis - http://feeds.arstechnica.com
[19:33:40] <Bender> [HackerNews] - What is it like to be poor at an Ivy League school? - http://www.bostonglobe.com
[19:34:23] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Feeling safe? Try attending Internet security conference - http://phys.org
[19:34:28] <Bender> [SecurityWeek] - What Machine Learning Can Bring to IT Security - http://feedproxy.google.com
[19:38:43] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Google Unveils Its 'Project Fi' Wireless Service - http://www.forbes.com
[19:38:49] <Bender> [ITWorld] - Google has launched its wireless service, Project Fi, and it's pretty interesting - http://www.itworld.com
[19:39:30] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - New method to detect most common bacteria contaminating oysters - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[19:39:34] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Discovery could impact study of chronic pain conditions - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[19:39:38] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Arctic beetles may be ideal marker of climate change - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[19:39:42] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Sugary drinks boost risk factors for heart disease, study shows - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[19:39:46] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Thick atmosphere of Saturn's moon Titan fluctuates with Sun's cycle - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[19:39:50] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Backyard birds enhance life in urban neighborhoods - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[19:39:54] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Birds show surprising resilience in the face of natural stresses - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[19:43:42] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - BrandPost: How to Be A Great CISO - http://rss.computerworld.com
[19:43:48] <Bender> [HackerNews] - From the Wirecutter: The best consumer-grade SSD (for most people) - http://arstechnica.com
[19:48:44] <Bender> [CNET] - Google's Project Loon balloons can beam signals to iPhones, too - http://feedproxy.google.com
[19:48:48] <Bender> [CNET] - Woman filming law enforcement has phone smashed by federal agent - http://feedproxy.google.com
[19:48:52] <Bender> [CNET] - Microsoft Outlook for Android app leaves preview mode, now widely available - http://feedproxy.google.com
[19:48:56] <Bender> [CNET] - Video game makes you relive the same day over and over again - http://feedproxy.google.com
[19:49:00] <Bender> [CNET] - Facebook says 'Hello' with new dialer app for Android phones - http://feedproxy.google.com
[19:53:56] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Computer colors aren’t consistent - http://augmentedreality.miamioh.edu
[19:54:41] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Stegosaurus plates may have differed between male, female - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[19:58:44] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - Amazon, Audi, and DHL want to turn a car trunk into a delivery locker - http://feeds.arstechnica.com
[19:58:54] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - Google boosts workplace efforts with Box integration, videoconferencing - http://rss.computerworld.com
[19:59:00] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Pirates Use Flask, the Navy Uses Django - https://wakatime.com
[19:59:40] <Bender> [Pipedot] - Firmware licenses threatening the concept of ownership - http://pipedot.org
[20:03:56] <Bender> [CNET] - Amazon deliveries coming to car trunks - http://feedproxy.google.com
[20:04:04] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The Valuation Boost Needed to Justify YC Will Surprise You - http://blog.yesgraph.com
[20:04:08] <Bender> [HackerNews] - You Have to Hack This Massively Multiplayer Game to Beat It - http://www.wired.com
[20:04:12] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The Point of Laziness (2011) - https://existentialtype.wordpress.com
[20:09:06] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Bringing Lifecycle To File Sharing--K2 And Box Partner - http://www.forbes.com
[20:09:12] <Bender> [ITWorld] - Facebook releases a caller ID app for Android - http://www.itworld.com
[20:09:54] <Bender> [ScienceMag] - Smith makes small concession in markup of COMPETES bill - http://news.sciencemag.org
[20:14:06] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - Microsoft kicks off two-month Spartan bug bounty program - http://rss.computerworld.com
[20:14:12] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Rickshaw (YC W14) Provides an API for Local Deliveries - http://techcrunch.com
[20:14:16] <Bender> [HackerNews] - First Round Capital Open Application for Startups - http://firstround.com
[20:14:20] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Undefined Behaviour Canaries - http://blog.regehr.org
[20:14:58] <Bender> [ScienceMag] - Smith makes small concession in markup of COMPETES bill - http://news.sciencemag.org
[20:15:02] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Hi, Fi: Google storms into mobile world with $20/mo wireless service - http://go.theregister.com
[20:15:10] <Bender> [WiredEnterprise] - Using Satellites to Stop Deforestation Before It Happens - http://feeds.wired.com
[20:15:14] <Bender> [WiredEnterprise] - Google Unveils Wireless Service To Bridge Cellular and Wifi - http://feeds.wired.com
[20:19:15] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Stripping Tor Anonymity: Database Dumps, Illegal Services, Malicious Actors - https://www.recordedfuture.com
[20:20:08] <Bender> [Threatpost] - Privacy Goal: More Controls in Users’ Hands - http://threatpost.com
[20:24:06] <Bender> [BBCTech] - Facebook reports strong results - http://www.bbc.co.uk
[20:24:17] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Apple iOS 8 Bug Crashes iPhones And iPads - http://www.forbes.com
[20:24:19] <Bender> [HackerNews] - NHL goal celebration hack: real-time machine learning and hue light show - http://blog.francoismaillet.com
[20:25:05] <Bender> [ScienceMag] - #upwardfacingdog: Check out these puppy dog eyes - http://news.sciencemag.org
[20:39:29] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Ahead Of Corporate Divorce From PayPal, eBay Reports Rosy First Quarter Earnings - http://www.forbes.com
[20:39:31] <Bender> [HackerNews] - “Rockit” Revisited: How Herbie Hancock Crafted a Hip-Hop Classic - https://medium.com
[20:40:23] <Bender> [Threatpost] - Microsoft Launches Project Spartan Bounty - http://threatpost.com
[20:44:27] <Bender> [CNET] - Facebook's network keeps expanding, Zuckerberg's mobile bet pays off - http://feedproxy.google.com
[20:44:31] <Bender> [CNET] - EBay expects PayPal spinoff in third quarter - http://feedproxy.google.com
[20:44:35] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Learn C the Hard Way: A Clear and Direct Introduction to Modern C Programming - http://www.amazon.com
[20:49:39] <Bender> [HackerNews] - What’s up with WhatsApp and WebRTC? - https://webrtchacks.com
[20:51:29] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Record Breaking Clock Accurate to one Second in 15 Billion Years - http://sylnt.us
[20:55:34] <Bender> [TheRegister] - FBI alert: Get these motherf'king hackers off this motherf'king plane - http://go.theregister.com
[20:59:46] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Old New Jersey Factory to House Earth’s Largest Vertical Farm - http://weburbanist.com
[21:00:29] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Earthquake 'super-cycle' patterns on the Garlock fault - http://phys.org
[21:00:33] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - More Americans at risk from strong earthquakes, says new report - http://phys.org
[21:00:33] <Bender> [ScienceMag] - Our favorite #upwardfacingdog photos: Some of your submissions so far - http://news.sciencemag.org
[21:00:37] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Hi, Fi: Google crashes into mobile world with $20/mo wireless service - http://go.theregister.com
[21:00:45] <Bender> [WiredScience] - The Biggest Threat to the Earth? We Have Too Many Kids - http://feeds.wired.com
[21:04:49] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Qualcomm's 2015 Forecast Takes A Hit As Samsung Moves Towards Own Chips - http://www.forbes.com
[21:04:53] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - From Kaspersky To Webroot, Major Security Firms Can't Even Get Basic Android Encryption Right - http://www.forbes.com
[21:09:54] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Postmortem of Venture-Backed Startup, Sonar - https://medium.com
[21:09:59] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Privilege Escalation via Docker - https://fosterelli.co
[21:15:27] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - aposStanding Room Only for PMLs Hands-On Dimensional Metrology Workshop - http://www.nist.gov
[21:15:31] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - NIST and NSF Partner to Launch Industry-University Consortium to Provide Input on National Advanced Manufacturing Research and Development Priorities - http://www.nist.gov
[21:20:02] <Bender> [HackerNews] - An Introduction to Quantum Computing for Non-Physicists (2000) [pdf] - http://arxiv.org
[21:20:06] <Bender> [ITWorld] - How Intel could prolong Moore's Law with new materials, transistors - http://www.itworld.com
[21:20:31] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - Systems Integration Division - http://www.nist.gov
[21:20:35] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - Sustainable Manufacturing Indicator Repository (SMIR) - http://www.nist.gov
[21:20:39] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - Sustainability Standards Portal (SSP) - http://www.nist.gov
[21:20:43] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - NIST Nanoscale Dimensioning Technique Wins RD 100 Award - http://www.nist.gov
[21:20:47] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - Economy, Energy and Environment: Going Green in the Black - http://www.nist.gov
[21:20:51] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - JILA Frequency Comb System Detects Gas Impurities to Aid Semiconductor Manufacturing - http://www.nist.gov
[21:20:55] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - NIST Technology Called Upon to Clean Up Chernobyl Disaster Site - http://www.nist.gov
[21:20:59] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - NIST to Frame the Magna Carta - http://www.nist.gov
[21:21:03] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - Manufacturing Extension Partnership Awards Grant to Support Green Building Technologies - http://www.nist.gov
[21:21:07] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - Growing Nanowires Horizontally Yields New Benefit: aposNano-LEDsapos - http://www.nist.gov
[21:21:11] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - NIST aposVision Science Facilityapos Aims for Lighting Revolution - http://www.nist.gov
[21:21:15] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - NIST Manufacturing Extension Partnership Awards $9.1 Million for 22 Projects to Enhance U.S. Manufacturers Global Competitiveness - http://www.nist.gov
[21:21:19] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - NISTs Manufacturing Extension Partnership Awards $9.1 Million for Projects to Enhance U.S. Global Competitiveness - http://www.nist.gov
[21:21:23] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - NIST Microrobotics Challenge Seeks Miniature Medics and Maze Masters - http://www.nist.gov
[21:21:27] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - ICOSSE 2011 - 2nd International Congress on Sustainability Science Engineering - http://www.nist.gov
[21:21:31] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - Strengthening the Connections: Research Innovation and Economic Growth - http://www.nist.gov
[21:21:35] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - NIST Team Awarded Millions of Supercomputing Hours, Aims for aposConcrete Resultsapos - http://www.nist.gov
[21:21:39] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - NIST Announces $22 Million in Funding for Advanced Manufacturing Research in Electronics, Biotechnology and Nanotechnology - http://www.nist.gov
[21:21:43] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - NIST and Willow Garage Launch First Robot aposPerception Challengeapos - http://www.nist.gov
[21:21:47] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - Manufacturing Innovations 2011: Seizing Tomorrowaposs Opportunities Today - http://www.nist.gov
[21:21:51] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - NIST Expert Software aposLowers the Stressapos on Materials Problems - http://www.nist.gov
[21:21:52] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Reproducing London with LIDAR - http://sylnt.us
[21:21:55] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - EL Highlights Sept 2011 - http://www.nist.gov
[21:21:59] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - EL Highlights Nov 2011 - http://www.nist.gov
[21:22:03] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - EL Highlights March 2011 - http://www.nist.gov
[21:22:07] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - EL Highlights June 2011 - http://www.nist.gov
[21:22:11] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - EL Highlights August 2011 - http://www.nist.gov
[21:22:15] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - EL Highlights May 2011 - http://www.nist.gov
[21:22:19] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - EL Highlights July 2011 - http://www.nist.gov
[21:22:23] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - EL Highlights April 2011 - http://www.nist.gov
[21:22:27] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - New Manufacturing Innovations Blog Lifts Off - http://www.nist.gov
[21:22:31] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - Smart Grid Panel Agrees on Standards for Wireless Communication, Meter Upgrades - http://www.nist.gov
[21:22:35] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - NIST Prototypes Framework for Evaluating Sustainability Standards - http://www.nist.gov
[21:22:39] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - The Secret Behind NISTaposs New Gas Detector? Chirp Before Sniffing - http://www.nist.gov
[21:22:43] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - NIST Workshop Highlights Planned Consortium for Soft Material Manufacturing Research - http://www.nist.gov
[21:22:47] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - NIST aposNanowireapos Measurements Could Improve Computer Memory - http://www.nist.gov
[21:22:51] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - NIST Contests in China Put Next-Gen Robot Technologies to the Test - http://www.nist.gov
[21:22:55] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - NIST aposCatch and Releaseapos Program Could Improve Nanoparticle Safety Assessment - http://www.nist.gov
[21:22:59] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - NIST Contributions to Smart Grid Highlighted in White House Report, Event - http://www.nist.gov
[21:23:03] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - Researchers Share Useful Lessons Learned in Evaluating Emerging Technologies - http://www.nist.gov
[21:23:07] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - Compact High-Temperature Superconducting Cable Wins aposRD 100apos Award - http://www.nist.gov
[21:23:11] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - John Cahn to Receive 2011 Kyoto Prize For Fundamental Contributions to Materials Science - http://www.nist.gov
[21:23:15] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - President Obama Launches Advanced Manufacturing Partnership - http://www.nist.gov
[21:23:19] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - New Video Showcases NIST-Hosted Robotics Competitions in China - http://www.nist.gov
[21:23:23] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - John Cahn to Receive 2011 Kyoto Prize for Fundamental Contributions to Materials Science - http://www.nist.gov
[21:23:27] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - NIST Selects First Chief Manufacturing Officer - http://www.nist.gov
[21:23:31] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - Nanomechanics: New Test Measures Key Properties of Polymer Thin Films and Membranes - http://www.nist.gov
[21:23:35] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - NIST Seeks Comments on Structure for Proposed Advanced Manufacturing Technology Consortia (AMTech) Program - http://www.nist.gov
[21:23:39] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - High Tech in Rural America - http://www.nist.gov
[21:23:43] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - NIST Extends Response Period for Comments on Proposed New Advanced Manufacturing Program - http://www.nist.gov
[21:23:47] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - NIST MEP and EDA Working with National Governors Association to Encourage Growth Opportunities in Manufacturing in Seven States - http://www.nist.gov
[21:23:51] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - NIST Cooperative Agreement with University of Maryland Supports Research on 21st Century Smart Systems - http://www.nist.gov
[21:23:55] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - Commerce and Transportation Departments Forge Partnership to Boost Domestic Manufacturing Across America - http://www.nist.gov
[21:23:59] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - NIST Releases Update to Smart Grid Framework - http://www.nist.gov
[21:24:03] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - Commerce Secretary John Bryson Lays Out Vision for Department of Commerce - http://www.nist.gov
[21:24:07] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - National Program Office for the Advanced Manufacturing Partnership Established at NIST - http://www.nist.gov
[21:24:11] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - NIST Releases First Certified Reference Material for Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes - http://www.nist.gov
[21:24:15] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - EL Highlights Dec. 2011 - http://www.nist.gov
[21:24:19] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - New DOC Report Examines the Federal Role in U.S. Innovation and Competitiveness - http://www.nist.gov
[21:24:24] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - NIST SBIR Program Soliciting Proposals to Solve Manufacturing and IT Challenges - http://www.nist.gov
[21:24:28] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - February Forums Help Manufacturers Get on Track to Build Next Generation Rail - http://www.nist.gov
[21:24:32] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - Updated Guidelines to Help Ensure Electrical Devices are Smart Grid Ready - http://www.nist.gov
[21:24:36] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - Hacking the SEM: Crystal Phase Detection for Nanoscale Samples - http://www.nist.gov
[21:24:40] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - NIST Provides Octagonal Window of Opportunity for Carbon Capture - http://www.nist.gov
[21:24:44] <Bender> [NISTManufacturing] - Boulder Laboratories Building 1 Renovation - http://www.nist.gov
[21:25:57] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Qualcomm profits sink as it hands over nearly a BEEELLION dollars in fines to China - http://go.theregister.com
[21:30:04] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - House bill slashes research critical to cybersecurity - http://rss.computerworld.com
[21:30:08] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - Apple's U.S. facilities now get 100% of their power from renewables - http://rss.computerworld.com
[21:30:10] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Public XMPP Server Directory - https://xmpp.net
[21:30:14] <Bender> [HackerNews] - PadMapper's First Front End Engineer - https://news.ycombinator.com
[21:34:59] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - Wi-Fi software security bug could leave Android, Windows, Linux open to attack - http://feeds.arstechnica.com
[21:35:12] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - $117 Billion Market For Internet of Things In Healthcare By 2020 - http://www.forbes.com
[21:35:14] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Cohort analysis of Rust contributors - http://sanxiyn.blogspot.com
[21:36:05] <Bender> [TheRegister] - How evil Wi-Fi can kill iPhones, iPods in range – 'No iOS Zone' SSL bug revealed - http://go.theregister.com
[21:40:02] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - Broadcasters: We’ll take $950K from remains of Aereo, others get what’s left - http://feeds.arstechnica.com
[21:41:09] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Facebook, Google execs cough to their biggest privacy blunders - http://go.theregister.com
[21:45:14] <Bender> [CNET] - eBay sales, profit rise as PayPal expects to sail off in third quarter - http://feedproxy.google.com
[21:45:16] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - Intel could prolong Moore's Law with new materials, transistors - http://rss.computerworld.com
[21:45:18] <Bender> [CNET] - AT&T finds fewer customers fled in the first quarter - http://feedproxy.google.com
[21:45:22] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Learning a Personalized Homepage - http://techblog.netflix.com
[21:46:02] <Bender> [Pipedot] - Project Fi - Google's take on mobile phone service - http://pipedot.org
[21:46:13] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Hi, Fi: Google smashes into mobile giants with $20/mo wireless service - http://go.theregister.com
[21:46:14] <Bender> [Threatpost] - The Real ‘Next Generation’ of Security Revealed at RSA - http://threatpost.com
[21:50:10] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - Broadcasters will get $950 from remains of Aereo - http://feeds.arstechnica.com
[21:50:26] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The whimsical but surprisingly dark world of Rube Goldberg machines - http://www.theverge.com
[21:55:17] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #rss-bot
[21:55:28] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - AT&T Profits Beat Estimates Despite Competitive Pressures - http://www.forbes.com
[21:55:30] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Researchers Uncover Method to Detect NSA 'Quantum Insert' Hacks - http://www.wired.com
[21:55:42] <Bender> [Nature] - Chimpanzee ‘personhood’ case sows confusion - http://feeds.nature.com
[21:55:46] <Bender> [Nature] - Canadian budget pushes applied research - http://feeds.nature.com
[22:00:18] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - Broadcasters will get $950K from remains of Aereo - http://feeds.arstechnica.com
[22:00:33] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The Valuation Boost Needed to Justify YC - http://blog.yesgraph.com
[22:01:18] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - 'Flameproof' falcons and hawks: Most polluted bird on record found in Vancouver - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[22:01:20] <Bender> [ScienceMag] - How do these birds run on water? - http://news.sciencemag.org
[22:05:37] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Chandra–Toueg consensus algorithm - http://en.wikipedia.org
[22:06:28] <Bender> [TheRegister] - What is the REAL value of your precious, precious data? - http://go.theregister.com
[22:10:45] <Bender> [ITWorld] - Mobile ads now generate almost 75 percent of Facebook's revenue - http://www.itworld.com
[22:15:43] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - CenturyLinkVoice: It's Not You, It's Me: Breaking Up With Your Managed Services Provider - http://www.forbes.com
[22:15:45] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Nitrous.IO Targets Enterprises with Pro Version of Cloud Development Platform - http://techcrunch.com
[22:15:49] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Student creates powerful catalyst from potassium - http://phys.org
[22:16:31] <Bender> [ScienceMag] - Dino 'sexing' study slammed by critics - http://news.sciencemag.org
[22:16:36] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Nobody should have to see their own rear, but that's what Turnbull's NBN will do to Australia - http://go.theregister.com
[22:21:31] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Birds show surprising resilience in the face of natural stresses - http://phys.org
[22:21:35] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Backyard birds enhance life in urban neighborhoods - http://phys.org
[22:26:05] <Bender> [Nature] - Mega-telescope project looks for way forward amid Hawaiian protests - http://feeds.nature.com
[22:26:35] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Flameproof falcons and hawks: Most polluted bird on record found in Vancouver - http://phys.org
[22:26:39] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Facebook profit down but revenues, user base grow - http://phys.org
[22:31:05] <Bender> [MITTech] - Google's New Wireless Service Should Make Verizon and AT&T Squirm - http://www.technologyreview.com
[22:31:09] <Bender> [MITTech] - Chinese Team Reports Gene-Editing Human Embryo - http://www.technologyreview.com
[22:31:39] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - House passes bill designed to thwart cyberattacks - http://phys.org
[22:31:51] <Bender> [UCLAHealth] - UCLA researchers issued patent for method that helps validate stem cells created in a lab - http://newsroom.ucla.edu
[22:31:53] <Bender> [UCLASciTech] - UCLA researchers issued patent for method that helps validate stem cells created in a lab - http://newsroom.ucla.edu
[22:36:47] <Bender> [ScienceMag] - U.S. House panel would slash Department of Energy's applied research - http://news.sciencemag.org
[22:41:05] <Bender> [HackerNews] - DirecTV's Secret War On Hackers (2001) - http://sylnt.us
[22:41:50] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Emotional intelligence critical for leaders - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[22:41:54] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Magma intrusion is likely source of Columbia-Ecuador border quake swarms - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[22:41:58] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Earthquake potential where there is no earthquake history - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[22:42:02] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Vehicle cost, lack of consumer information hinder purchases of plug-in electric vehicles - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[22:42:06] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - From metal to insulator and back again - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[22:42:10] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - More Americans at risk from strong earthquakes, says new report - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[22:45:53] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - How Google’s Project Fi pricing stacks up to the competition - http://feeds.arstechnica.com
[22:46:51] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Comcast expands 2-gigabit Internet service - http://phys.org
[22:51:05] <Bender> [CNET] - Google's Project Fi wants to fix your phone bill - http://feedproxy.google.com
[22:51:55] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Noble Energy agrees to settle Colorado air pollution case - http://phys.org
[22:52:04] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Crap ad app hack hole affects '100 MEELLLION' - http://go.theregister.com
[22:53:03] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Google Launching Wireless Service Soon - http://sylnt.us
[22:57:02] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Nanoparticle drug reverses Parkinson's-like symptoms in rats - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[22:57:08] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Hi, Fi: Google wallops mobile giants with $20/mo wireless service - http://go.theregister.com
[23:01:05] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - New Windows 10 build, 10061, includes updated Mail and Calendar apps - http://feeds.arstechnica.com
[23:01:21] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Making a Brain Map That We Can Use - http://www.npr.org
[23:07:10] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Soy: It's good for eating, baking -- and cleaning up crude oil spills - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[23:07:14] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Flame retardants could contribute to hyperthyroidism in older cats - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[23:07:18] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Cloud security reaches silicon: System for defending against memory-access attacks implemented in chips - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[23:07:22] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Quantum 'paparazzi' film photons in the act of pairing up - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[23:07:26] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Phonons, arise! Small electric voltage alters conductivity in key materials - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[23:07:30] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Metamaterials shine bright as new terahertz source - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[23:11:13] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - Research team edits the DNA of fertilized human embryos - http://feeds.arstechnica.com
[23:11:29] <Bender> [HackerNews] - A Brief History of the DJ Mixer - https://medium.com
[23:11:33] <Bender> [ITWorld] - Box wants to be a platform for easy-to-write enterprise apps - http://www.itworld.com
[23:12:19] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Facebook invents Caller ID – what a time to be alive - http://go.theregister.com
[23:16:30] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Shimon Peres: An Israeli Statesman Dreams Bigger In The Age Of Citizen Diplomacy - http://www.forbes.com
[23:21:36] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Start-Up Blends Old-Fashioned Matchmaking and Algorithms - http://www.nytimes.com
[23:22:18] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Google prepares for long battle in EU antitrust case - http://phys.org
[23:22:21] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - New class of 3-D-printed aerogels improve energy storage - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[23:26:41] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Nitrous.io Targets Enterprises with Pro Version of Cloud Development Platform - http://techcrunch.com
[23:27:31] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Facebook invents Caller ID ... say Hello to today's amazing technology - http://go.theregister.com
[23:31:36] <Bender> [CNET] - Video game makes you relive the same day over and over - http://feedproxy.google.com
[23:31:40] <Bender> [CNET] - Best Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge cases - http://feedproxy.google.com
[23:31:44] <Bender> [HackerNews] - CRT Simulation in Super Win the Game - http://gamasutra.com
[23:32:35] <Bender> [TheRegister] - When the Schmidt hits The Man: Look what the NSA made Google do - http://go.theregister.com
[23:36:48] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Dice Loaded Against Public in Canada's Copyright Term Extension - https://www.eff.org
[23:36:52] <Bender> [ITWorld] - Google puts integration at the center of Chrome for Work - http://www.itworld.com
[23:46:50] <Bender> [ComputerWorld] - Mobile ads now generate almost 75% of Facebook's revenue - http://rss.computerworld.com
[23:46:56] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Show HN: Smooth open-source Tetris clone with a few surprises - http://www.toothris.org
[23:47:00] <Bender> [HackerNews] - DIY FPGA-based HDMI ambient lighting - http://zerocharactersleft.blogspot.com
[23:51:52] <Bender> [CNET] - DC Comics and Mattel team up for superhero action figures for girls - http://feedproxy.google.com
[23:51:56] <Bender> [CNET] - House approves controversial cybersecurity bill - http://feedproxy.google.com
[23:52:42] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Cheap content, growing reach make Snapchat a fast-rising star - http://phys.org
[23:57:04] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Project Spartan Bug Bounty Program - https://technet.microsoft.com
[23:57:55] <Bender> [TheRegister] - Facebook invents Caller ID ... say Hello to today's staggering technology - http://go.theregister.com