#rss-bot | Logs for 2014-11-28

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[00:08:01] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] New antimicrobial edible films that increase the lifespan of cheese - http://phys.org
[00:08:01] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] LEGO bricks build better mathematicians - http://phys.org
[00:09:01] <Regurgitator> [ArsTechnica] iWork ’14 review: Still waiting for that great leap forward - http://feeds.arstechnica.com
[00:12:00] <Regurgitator> [BBC] Social media told to simplify terms - http://www.bbc.co.uk
[00:19:01] <Regurgitator> [TheRegister] VMware secures trademark for security-as-a-service - http://go.theregister.com
[00:46:00] <Regurgitator> [Forbes] Invisible Shield Glass: A Glass iPhone 6 Screen Protector - http://www.forbes.com
[00:46:00] <Regurgitator> [Forbes] Protect Your iPhone: Seven Of The Best iPhone Cases - http://www.forbes.com
[01:17:01] <Regurgitator> [Forbes] In 'Lost' Trove Of IRS Emails, 2,500 May Link White House To Confidential Taxpayer Data - http://www.forbes.com
[01:20:01] <Regurgitator> [TheRegister] Leaked Syrian log files reveal attempts to starve rebels of information - http://go.theregister.com
[01:47:01] <Regurgitator> [Forbes] Hardware Startups in Greater China Educate Consumers on Indoor Air Pollution - http://www.forbes.com
[02:21:00] <Regurgitator> [Computerworld] Weather.com fixes web app flaws - http://rss.computerworld.com
[02:21:00] <Regurgitator> [Computerworld] Fastest LTE speed -- 450Mbps -- will be out of reach for most users - http://rss.computerworld.com
[02:22:00] <Regurgitator> [TheRegister] Chinese search engine Baidu to peddle SmartBike - http://go.theregister.com
[02:44:01] <Regurgitator> [Bugtraq] Vuln: OpenSSL CVE-2014-3470 Denial of Service Vulnerability - http://www.securityfocus.com
[03:23:01] <Regurgitator> [TheRegister] Cryptocurrency cruncher cranks prime number constellation - http://go.theregister.com
[03:49:00] <Regurgitator> [SoylentNews] How Medical Care is Being Corrupted in the US - http://soylentnews.org
[04:25:01] <Regurgitator> [TheRegister] NICTA chief quits over future structure flap with board - http://go.theregister.com
[04:25:01] <Regurgitator> [TheRegister] Edward Snowden: best ... security ... educator ... EVER! - http://go.theregister.com
[04:51:00] <Regurgitator> [Forbes] 7 Expert Ways To Up Your Holiday Style While Saving Cash - http://www.forbes.com
[05:24:01] <Regurgitator> [Forbes] Art Garfunkel On The Tune That Changed His Life: Sounds of Silence - http://www.forbes.com
[05:27:01] <Regurgitator> [TheRegister] Citrix clambers aboard GPU-powered app-delivery bandwagon - http://go.theregister.com
[05:54:00] <Regurgitator> [Forbes] 'Resident Evil HD' Released Early In Japan - http://www.forbes.com
[06:27:01] <Regurgitator> [TheRegister] DNA survives fiery heat of re-entry on test rocket - http://go.theregister.com
[06:46:00] <Regurgitator> [Bugtraq] Vuln: Libksba 'ksba_oid_to_str() Function Buffer Overflow Vulnerability - http://www.securityfocus.com
[06:46:00] <Regurgitator> [Bugtraq] Vuln: Polarssl Multiple Security Vulnerabilities - http://www.securityfocus.com
[06:46:00] <Regurgitator> [Bugtraq] Vuln: PolarSSL Unspecified Memory Corruption Vulnerability - http://www.securityfocus.com
[06:46:00] <Regurgitator> [Bugtraq] Vuln: libFLAC 'src/libFLAC/stream_decoder.c' Heap Buffer Overflow Vulnerability - http://www.securityfocus.com
[06:56:01] <Regurgitator> [SoylentNews] Invisible Shield Found Surrounding the Earth - http://soylentnews.org
[06:58:00] <Regurgitator> [MITTechReview] A Sleek Wristband That Can Track Seizures - http://www.technologyreview.com
[07:25:00] <Regurgitator> [CNET] Korea's Pantech shows signs of life with new phablet - http://feedproxy.google.com
[07:25:00] <Regurgitator> [CNET] New Nintendo 3DS XL: meet the new boss, better than the old boss (pictures) - http://feedproxy.google.com
[07:26:01] <Regurgitator> [Forbes] Net Energy Metering -- Are We Capitalists Or What? - http://www.forbes.com
[07:29:01] <Regurgitator> [TheRegister] Simplez: OLD SCHOOL TECH can SAVE the MEERKAT - http://go.theregister.com
[08:00:01] <Regurgitator> [TheRegister] World's best threat detection pwned by HOBBIT - http://go.theregister.com
[08:14:01] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] Volcano in south Japan erupts, disrupting flights - http://phys.org
[08:14:01] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] Bad weather delays Japan asteroid probe lift off - http://phys.org
[08:25:00] <Regurgitator> [CNET] LG G Watch discounted for Black Friday/Cyber Monday via Google Play - http://feedproxy.google.com
[08:25:00] <Regurgitator> [CNET] Crave giveaway: iPhone 6 accessories aplenty - http://feedproxy.google.com
[08:30:01] <Regurgitator> [TheRegister] Azure has put new life into Active Directory - http://go.theregister.com
[09:00:00] <Regurgitator> [TheRegister] UK computing museum starts reboot of 65-year-old EDSAC - http://go.theregister.com
[09:27:02] <Regurgitator> [InnovationsReport] Education is key to climate adaptation - http://www.innovations-report.com
[09:30:00] <Regurgitator> [TheRegister] The Glorious Resolution: Feast your eyes on 5 HiDPI laptops - http://go.theregister.com
[09:44:00] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] Climate deal: What the scientists say - http://phys.org
[09:57:01] <Regurgitator> [SoylentNews] Update: Corinthian Colleges Will Sell Half its Campuses to Nonprofit Loan Servicer - http://soylentnews.org
[09:58:01] <Regurgitator> [InnovationsReport] Economical landfill gas treatment - http://www.innovations-report.com
[09:58:01] <Regurgitator> [InnovationsReport] Love at first smell: Can birds choose mates by their odors? - http://www.innovations-report.com
[09:58:01] <Regurgitator> [InnovationsReport] Rosetta-Mission: The incredible flight of the lander »Philae« - http://www.innovations-report.com
[10:00:00] <Regurgitator> [TheRegister] 21st century data protection: Get back up to date - http://go.theregister.com
[10:14:01] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] Faradair team determined to make hybrid BEHA fly - http://phys.org
[10:14:01] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] Australia out of step with new climate momentum - http://phys.org
[10:30:00] <Regurgitator> [TheRegister] Festive streamers caught in Vulture's claws: Gadget-ogle for audiophiles, video geeks - http://go.theregister.com
[10:45:01] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] How can we avoid kelp beds turning into barren grounds? - http://phys.org
[10:45:01] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] Ancient marine algae provides clues of climate change impact on today's microscopic ocean organisms - http://phys.org
[11:01:00] <Regurgitator> [TheRegister] Beyond the genome: YOU'VE BEEN DECODED, again - http://go.theregister.com
[11:15:01] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] Solar tech could enable world's first underground park - http://phys.org
[11:15:01] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] E-Voting: Risky technology or great improvement? - http://phys.org
[11:24:00] <Regurgitator> [Computerworld] Hey, it's a time of miracles, right? - http://rss.computerworld.com
[11:31:00] <Regurgitator> [TheRegister] NHS and POLICE non-emergency services GO DARK after Voda switch failure - source - http://go.theregister.com
[11:31:00] <Regurgitator> [TheRegister] Ten Mac freeware apps for your new Apple baby - http://go.theregister.com
[11:43:01] <Regurgitator> [Wired] Tech Time Warp of the Week: The 70-Year-Old Computer That Runs on Water - http://feeds.wired.com
[11:44:01] <Regurgitator> [Wired] Absurd Creatures of the Week: Nature’s Weirdest Eaters Will Make You Feel Better About Your Gluttony - http://feeds.wired.com
[11:45:00] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] It's hard for voters to trust leaders who won't promise true integrity - http://phys.org
[11:45:00] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] JUICE mission gets green light for next stage of development - http://phys.org
[11:45:00] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] Brain inspired data engineering - http://phys.org
[11:45:00] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] Brown versus white bread: the battle for a fibre-rich diet - http://phys.org
[11:54:00] <Regurgitator> [Computerworld] Coming soon: Murder by Internet - http://rss.computerworld.com
[11:58:00] <Regurgitator> [CNET] Yandex browser's tidy new interface puts Web apps first - http://feedproxy.google.com
[11:58:00] <Regurgitator> [Forbes] Galaxy Note 4 vs iPhone 6 Plus - http://www.forbes.com
[11:58:00] <Regurgitator> [Forbes] Best Black Friday Deals On Apple Macs, MacBooks, iPads and iPhones - http://www.forbes.com
[12:01:01] <Regurgitator> [TheRegister] High Court: You've made our SH*T list – corked pirate sites double in a day - http://go.theregister.com
[12:01:01] <Regurgitator> [TheRegister] NetMundial 'rule-the-internet' ISC project gets grudging support of civil society - http://go.theregister.com
[12:15:00] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] ESA image: Tropical thaw: Quelccaya ice cap, Peru - http://phys.org
[12:15:00] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] Tabletop experiment could detect gravitational waves - http://phys.org
[12:15:00] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] Staying warm: The hot gas in clusters of galaxies - http://phys.org
[12:15:00] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] Gold rush an ecological disaster for Peruvian Amazon - http://phys.org
[12:15:01] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] Love at first smell: Can birds choose mates by their odors? - http://phys.org
[12:15:03] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] New material makes water and oil roll off - http://phys.org
[12:15:05] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] The noodle-bowl effect: Australian trade is increasingly complex - http://phys.org
[12:27:01] <Regurgitator> [BBC] Airport raids tackle cyberthieves - http://www.bbc.co.uk
[12:28:00] <Regurgitator> [CNET] How the Samsung Galaxy Note got its pen in CNET UK podcast 412 - http://feedproxy.google.com
[12:29:01] <Regurgitator> [Forbes] The Most Amazing PCs Of November 2014 - http://www.forbes.com
[12:32:00] <Regurgitator> [TheRegister] Docker: Sorry, you're just going to have to learn about it. Today we begin - http://go.theregister.com
[12:32:00] <Regurgitator> [TheRegister] <abbr title="Bastard Operator from Hell">BOFH</abbr>: Everyone deserves a little DOWNTIME - http://go.theregister.com
[12:45:01] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] Domino's square pizza is value for money – with the right toppings - http://phys.org
[12:45:01] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] Girls better than boys at making story-based computer games, study finds - http://phys.org
[12:45:01] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] After a data breach, it's consumers left holding the bag - http://phys.org
[12:45:01] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] Can we create an energy efficient Internet? - http://phys.org
[12:45:02] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] The emergence of modern sea ice in the Arctic Ocean, 2.6 million years ago - http://phys.org
[13:00:01] <Regurgitator> [SoylentNews] Mathematicians Study Effects of Gerrymandering on 2012 Election - http://soylentnews.org
[13:00:01] <Regurgitator> [Forbes] The rise and rise of 'invective marketing' - http://www.forbes.com
[13:00:01] <Regurgitator> [Forbes] David Cameron - http://www.forbes.com
[13:01:00] <Regurgitator> [InnovationsReport] Mosquitoes and malaria: Scientists pinpoint how biting cousins have grown apart - http://www.innovations-report.com
[13:01:00] <Regurgitator> [InnovationsReport] Stroke damage mechanism identified - http://www.innovations-report.com
[13:01:00] <Regurgitator> [InnovationsReport] Another human footprint in the ocean - http://www.innovations-report.com
[13:01:00] <Regurgitator> [InnovationsReport] Single-atom gold catalysts may offer path to low-cost production of fuel and chemicals - http://www.innovations-report.com
[13:03:00] <Regurgitator> [TheRegister] Tough Banana Pi: a Raspberry Pi for colour-blind diehards - http://go.theregister.com
[13:15:00] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] A green data center with an autonomous power supply - http://phys.org
[13:15:00] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] Explainer: What is a small private online course? - http://phys.org
[13:24:01] <Regurgitator> [Computerworld] Apple's Black Friday sale includes iPhone for the first time - http://rss.computerworld.com
[13:24:01] <Regurgitator> [Computerworld] Top Cyber Monday tech deals - http://rss.computerworld.com
[13:30:01] <Regurgitator> [Forbes] CEO Expects Nimble Storage To Break Even In 2016 - http://www.forbes.com
[13:33:00] <Regurgitator> [TheRegister] UK politicos ask Facebook 'n' pals to keep Ts&Cs simple, stop 'bamboozling' Brits - http://go.theregister.com
[13:34:00] <Regurgitator> [Nature] Japanese asteroid probe delayed - http://feeds.nature.com
[13:45:00] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] Greener cities are cooler cities in summer: new guide reveals how - http://phys.org
[13:45:00] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] Luxembourg: a tax haven by any other name? Professor on 'secret' tax deals - http://phys.org
[13:50:01] <Regurgitator> [Bugtraq] Vuln: Mozilla Network Security Services CVE-2014-1568 Security Bypass Vulnerability - http://www.securityfocus.com
[13:50:01] <Regurgitator> [Bugtraq] Vuln: Arris VAP2500 CVE-2014-8423 Remote Code Execution Vulnerability - http://www.securityfocus.com
[13:50:01] <Regurgitator> [Bugtraq] Vuln: Plack::App::File Information Disclosure Vulnerability - http://www.securityfocus.com
[13:50:01] <Regurgitator> [Bugtraq] Vuln: Aircrack-ng 'network.c' Denial of Service Vulnerability - http://www.securityfocus.com
[14:00:01] <Regurgitator> [SoylentNews] Devuan Developers Can Be Reached Via vua@debianfork.org - http://soylentnews.org
[14:00:01] <Regurgitator> [Forbes] Holidays Come To Skylands With Winterfest Lob-Star - http://www.forbes.com
[14:01:01] <Regurgitator> [InnovationsReport] Ancient marine algae provides clues of climate change im pact on today’s microscopic ocean organisms - http://www.innovations-report.com
[14:01:01] <Regurgitator> [InnovationsReport] MEERA (Malaysian Eco-Friendly & Economical Rainwater Accumulator) - http://www.innovations-report.com
[14:03:01] <Regurgitator> [TheRegister] All-flash storage or will you settle for hybrid? How to decide - http://go.theregister.com
[14:15:01] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] Orion on track at T MINUS 1 Week to first blastoff - http://phys.org
[14:15:01] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] Helping older employees stay in their jobs - http://phys.org
[14:15:01] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] Vortex of electrons provides unprecedented information on magnetic quantum states in solids - http://phys.org
[14:15:01] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] Earliest stages of ear development involve a localized signaling cascade - http://phys.org
[14:15:03] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] New age of the Lantian Homo erectus cranium extending to about 1.63 million years ago - http://phys.org
[14:15:05] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] Scientists film magnetic memory in super slow-motion - http://phys.org
[14:16:01] <Regurgitator> [ArsTechnica] Was that winter warm? Depends on if you accept climate change - http://feeds.arstechnica.com
[14:30:00] <Regurgitator> [CNET] Sony's e-paper FES watch turns the strap into a screen too - http://feedproxy.google.com
[14:30:00] <Regurgitator> [CNET] The Cheapskate's best Black Friday deals - http://feedproxy.google.com
[14:31:00] <Regurgitator> [Forbes] Oxford Launch Programme Can Help You Build A Business In One Weekend - http://www.forbes.com
[14:32:01] <Regurgitator> [InnovationsReport] How to Save Billions of Gallons of Gasoline - http://www.innovations-report.com
[14:32:01] <Regurgitator> [InnovationsReport] NEIKER is studying the impact of climate change on the soil ecosystem - http://www.innovations-report.com
[14:34:01] <Regurgitator> [TheRegister] EVIL US web giants shield TERRORISTS? Evil SPIES in net freedom CRUSH PLOT? - http://go.theregister.com
[14:45:00] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] New report highlights 'significant and increasing' risks from extreme weather - http://phys.org
[14:45:01] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] Pop music heritage contributes to the formation of identity - http://phys.org
[14:45:01] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] Male sex organ distinguishes 30 millipede species - http://phys.org
[14:45:01] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] Germany signs no-spy deal with BlackBerry - http://phys.org
[15:02:01] <Regurgitator> [Forbes] Black Friday (Thursday, Wednesday ...) - http://www.forbes.com
[15:02:01] <Regurgitator> [Forbes] Sony's Amazing New FES Watch Is Now Official, Uses E-Paper Display And Strap - http://www.forbes.com
[15:04:00] <Regurgitator> [MITTechReview] Seven Must-Read Stories (Week Ending November 29, 2014) - http://www.technologyreview.com
[15:05:01] <Regurgitator> [TheRegister] How to get ahead in IT: Swap the geek speak for the spreadsheet - http://go.theregister.com
[15:05:01] <Regurgitator> [TheRegister] It's BLOCK FRIDAY: Britain in GREED-crazed bargain bonanza mob frenzy riot MELTDOWN - http://go.theregister.com
[15:05:01] <Regurgitator> [TheRegister] Customers RAGE after Webfusion goes TITSUP - http://go.theregister.com
[15:15:00] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] Venus Express spacecraft, low on fuel, does delicate dance above doom below - http://phys.org
[15:15:00] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] 'Meteoric smoke': Comet siding spring could alter Mars chemistry permanently - http://phys.org
[15:15:00] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] High-fidelity photon-to-atom quantum state transfer could form backbone of quantum networks - http://phys.org
[15:15:00] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] Bridgmanite: World's most abundant mineral finally named - http://phys.org
[15:15:01] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] Parasitic worm genomes: largest-ever dataset released - http://phys.org
[15:15:03] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] Study shows graphene able to withstand a speeding bullet - http://phys.org
[15:31:00] <Regurgitator> [CNET] How the 'Star Wars: The Phantom Menace' trailer made Web history - http://feedproxy.google.com
[15:31:00] <Regurgitator> [CNET] Would you let a drone do your holiday work? Survey says yes - http://feedproxy.google.com
[15:32:00] <Regurgitator> [SoylentNews] City Passes Historic Retail Workers Bill of Rights - http://soylentnews.org
[15:32:01] <Regurgitator> [Forbes] Spy Camp For The Elite: Dine With A Spy And Train Like A Pro - http://www.forbes.com
[15:35:01] <Regurgitator> [Nature] Investigations launched into artificial tracheas - http://feeds.nature.com
[15:45:01] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] Researchers collect soil samples from around the globe in effort to conduct fungi survey - http://phys.org
[16:00:01] <Regurgitator> [BBC] Sony makes experimental paper watch - http://www.bbc.co.uk
[16:01:00] <Regurgitator> [CNET] Watch the 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' trailer here - http://feedproxy.google.com
[16:02:01] <Regurgitator> [Forbes] Stem Cell Advocacy And The Patient's Perspective - http://www.forbes.com
[16:02:01] <Regurgitator> [Forbes] AT&T Will Pay $52 Million To Close E-cycling Investigation - http://www.forbes.com
[16:02:01] <Regurgitator> [Forbes] 2014: The Beginning Of The End Of The Carbon-Energy Era - http://www.forbes.com
[16:03:01] <Regurgitator> [InnovationsReport] New substance overcomes treatment-resistance in leukaemia - http://www.innovations-report.com
[16:06:01] <Regurgitator> [TheRegister] Einstürzende Neubauten's haunting World War I tribute <i>Fallen</i> - http://go.theregister.com
[16:06:01] <Regurgitator> [TheRegister] Google Chrome on Windows 'completely unusable', gripe users - http://go.theregister.com
[16:22:01] <Regurgitator> [Bugtraq] Vuln: OpenSSL CVE-2014-3566 Man In The Middle Information Disclosure Vulnerability - http://www.securityfocus.com
[16:22:01] <Regurgitator> [Bugtraq] Vuln: WordPress Wordfence Firewall Plugin 'wp-admin/admin.php' Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability - http://www.securityfocus.com
[16:32:00] <Regurgitator> [SingularityHub] Two Crowdfunded Machines Make Biotechnology Accessible to All - http://singularityhub.com
[16:33:01] <Regurgitator> [Forbes] L'Oréal: Women Are The Foundation Of Beauty Tech Breakthroughs - http://www.forbes.com
[16:36:00] <Regurgitator> [TheRegister] Cutting the cord without losing touch with your office - http://go.theregister.com
[17:03:01] <Regurgitator> [CNET] Black Friday breaks Best Buy site - http://feedproxy.google.com
[17:03:01] <Regurgitator> [CNET] Key moments from 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' trailer (pictures) - http://feedproxy.google.com
[17:04:00] <Regurgitator> [SoylentNews] Independent.co.uk &amp; Several Other Websites Hacked by Syrian Electronic Army - http://soylentnews.org
[17:04:00] <Regurgitator> [Forbes] Adobe Augments Its Marketing Platform With Mobile Enhancements - http://www.forbes.com
[17:07:01] <Regurgitator> [TheRegister] Dropbox sees rival file-piles merely as dots in rearview mirror - http://go.theregister.com
[17:07:01] <Regurgitator> [TheRegister] Thought tab sales were in the toilet this year? Hah! Wait for next - http://go.theregister.com
[17:16:02] <Regurgitator> [ArsTechnica] Uber pulls entirely out of Nevada—for now—in wake of judge’s order - http://feeds.arstechnica.com
[17:22:01] <Regurgitator> [Bugtraq] Vuln: PHP 'donote()' Function Out-of-Bounds Read Vulnerability - http://www.securityfocus.com
[17:22:01] <Regurgitator> [Bugtraq] Vuln: CBN CH6640E and CG6640E Wireless Gateway Series Multiple Security Vulnerabilities - http://www.securityfocus.com
[17:46:00] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] New largest number factored on a quantum device is 56,153 - http://phys.org
[17:46:00] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] Climate rhetoric faces devil in the detail at Lima talks - http://phys.org
[17:47:02] <Regurgitator> [ArsTechnica] New Star Wars trailer definitely looks like Star Wars - http://feeds.arstechnica.com
[18:04:00] <Regurgitator> [Forbes] Cyberbullying, Cyberstalking And Hunting The Offenders - http://www.forbes.com
[18:04:00] <Regurgitator> [Forbes] Brighterion Working Overtime To Prevent Fraud On Black Friday - http://www.forbes.com
[18:34:01] <Regurgitator> [SoylentNews] American Ranking Plummets in Global Index of Personal Freedoms - http://soylentnews.org
[18:34:01] <Regurgitator> [Forbes] Is Google Doing Anything New? - http://www.forbes.com
[18:34:01] <Regurgitator> [Forbes] Roku, Chromecast Or Fire TV: Which Streaming Stick Is Right For You? - http://www.forbes.com
[18:46:01] <Regurgitator> [PhysOrg] Audi to develop Tesla Model S all-electric rival - http://phys.org
[18:52:01] <Regurgitator> [Bugtraq] Vuln: Mojolicious Command Line Parameter Injection Vulnerability - http://www.securityfocus.com
[19:04:00] <Regurgitator> [CNET] Black Friday goes global as retailers import the US spending holiday - http://feedproxy.google.com
[19:05:01] <Regurgitator> [Forbes] Net Energy Metering -- Are We Capitalists Or What? - http://www.forbes.com
[19:47:00] <Regurgitator> [SecurityWeek] Feedback Friday: 'Regin' Cyber Espionage Tool - Industry Reactions - http://feedproxy.google.com
[19:48:02] <Regurgitator> [ArsTechnica] Black Friday traffic brings down Web stores of HP, Best Buy, others - http://feeds.arstechnica.com
[20:01:24] -!- stdhell has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[20:06:01] <Regurgitator> [Forbes] The Trend to Renting, vs Owning, Will Kill the PC and Forever Alter IT - http://www.forbes.com
[20:09:01] <Regurgitator> [TheRegister] That sub-$100 Android slab you got on Black Friday? RIDDLED with holes, say infosec bods - http://go.theregister.com
[20:18:02] <Regurgitator> [ArsTechnica] Cards Against Humanity calls bull**** on Black Friday, sells cow feces - http://feeds.arstechnica.com
[20:36:00] <Regurgitator> [SoylentNews] EU to Raid Science Fund for Economic Investment - http://soylentnews.org
[20:36:00] <Regurgitator> [Forbes] Clumsy Ninja Creator NaturalMotion's Eight Rules For Building Record-Breaking Mobile Games - http://www.forbes.com
[20:36:00] <Regurgitator> [Forbes] Google Helps Map Illegal Fishing - http://www.forbes.com
[20:36:00] <Regurgitator> [Forbes] Images Of Networked Protest: How Organizers Target Black Friday - http://www.forbes.com
[20:37:00] <Regurgitator> [Pipedot] Debian is forked. Meet Devuan - http://pipedot.org
[20:38:01] <Regurgitator> [ScienceDaily] New substance overcomes treatment-restistance in leukemia - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[20:38:01] <Regurgitator> [ScienceDaily] Emergence of modern sea ice in Arctic Ocean, 2.6 million years ago - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[20:38:01] <Regurgitator> [ScienceDaily] New material makes water and oil roll off - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
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[20:38:08] <Regurgitator> [ScienceDaily] Education is key to climate adaptation - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[20:38:10] <Regurgitator> [ScienceDaily] Social media data contain pitfalls for understanding human behavior - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
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[22:40:00] <Regurgitator> [TheRegister] Japan pauses BOMBING raid on asteroid – still no word from Bruce Willis? - http://go.theregister.com
[22:56:01] <Regurgitator> [Computerworld] Study says social-media analyses are off target - http://rss.computerworld.com
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[23:41:01] <Regurgitator> [TheRegister] Sony staff face 'weeks of pen and paper' after crippling network hack - http://go.theregister.com