#rss-bot | Logs for 2014-09-27

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[00:05:01] <Regurgitator> [Ars Technica] Yahoo killing off Yahoo after 20 years of hierarchical organization - http://feeds.arstechnica.com
[00:09:00] <Regurgitator> [SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities] Vuln: GNU Bash CVE-2014-6271 Remote Code Execution Vulnerability - http://www.securityfocus.com
[00:10:00] <Regurgitator> [CNET News] This bizarre bendable phone wears like a shirtsleeve - http://feedproxy.google.com
[00:12:01] <Regurgitator> [Forbes - Tech] The Nuclear Weapons States - Who Has Them And How Many - http://www.forbes.com
[00:49:00] <Regurgitator> [The Register] Oracle Shellshocked by Bash bug – but Exalogic peeps will have to wait - http://go.theregister.com
[00:49:00] <Regurgitator> [The Register] Yahoo<i>!</i> dumps<i>!</i> thing<i>!</i> that<i>!</i> made<i>!</i> it<i>!</i> Yahoo<i>!</i> and<i>!</i> told<i>!</i> to<i>!</i> bed<i>!</i> AOL<i>!</i> - http://go.theregister.com
[01:12:01] <Regurgitator> [Forbes - Tech] Stunning Photos Of Google's Massive Data Centers - http://www.forbes.com
[01:12:01] <Regurgitator> [Forbes - Tech] Android Circuit: The New Nexus X Shamu, Galaxy Note Edge Almost Cancelled, Xperia Z3 Reviewed - http://www.forbes.com
[01:16:00] <Regurgitator> [Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily] NASA rover drill pulls first taste from Mars mountain - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[01:16:00] <Regurgitator> [Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily] Turning the Moon into a cosmic ray detector - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[01:16:00] <Regurgitator> [Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily] Antibacterial resistance a cause for major concern, cystic fibrosis experts say - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[01:16:00] <Regurgitator> [Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily] Green light for clever algae - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[01:16:01] <Regurgitator> [Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily] How plankton gets jet lagged: Hormone that govern sleep and jet lag in humans also drives mass migration of plankton - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[01:16:03] <Regurgitator> [Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily] Computational model: Ebola could infect more than 1.4 million people by end of January 2015 - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[01:16:05] <Regurgitator> [Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily] Graphene looks promising as a flexible, low-cost touchscreen solution - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[01:18:01] <Regurgitator> [ITworld News] Uber defiant in face of new legal challenge - http://www.itworld.com
[01:18:01] <Regurgitator> [ITworld News] MIT is developing underwater robots that hunt for drugs - http://www.itworld.com
[01:40:01] <Regurgitator> [CNET News] Yahoo Directory -- once the firm's cornerstone -- to shut down - http://feedproxy.google.com
[01:42:00] <Regurgitator> [SoylentNews] Solar Powered Family Car has 500 Mile Range - http://soylentnews.org
[01:49:01] <Regurgitator> [The Register] Super Cali so litigious, Uber is the focus. Even German judges say it's something quite atrocious - http://go.theregister.com
[02:09:00] <Regurgitator> [SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities] Vuln: GNU Bash CVE-2014-6271 Remote Code Execution Vulnerability - http://www.securityfocus.com
[02:20:01] <Regurgitator> [The Register] Ello, 'ello, what's all this then? We take a spin on the new social network driving everyone loopy - http://go.theregister.com
[02:44:01] <Regurgitator> [Forbes - Tech] Why Bendgate Matters For iPhone 6 Plus Users And Apple's Supply Chain - http://www.forbes.com
[03:05:02] <Regurgitator> [Ars Technica] Still more vulnerabilities in bash? Shellshock becomes whack-a-mole - http://feeds.arstechnica.com
[03:45:01] <Regurgitator> [SoylentNews] Don't Panic! - http://soylentnews.org
[05:09:01] <Regurgitator> [SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities] Vuln: EMC AlphaStor Format String and Command Injection Vulnerabilities - http://www.securityfocus.com
[05:15:01] <Regurgitator> [Forbes - Tech] Consumer Reports Tests Show Apple's iPhone 6 Not As Bendy As Believed - http://www.forbes.com
[05:15:01] <Regurgitator> [Forbes - Tech] Rackspace And An Example Of How NOT To Respond To A Critical Fault - http://www.forbes.com
[05:46:01] <Regurgitator> [SoylentNews] The Atmosphere’s Detergent - http://soylentnews.org
[06:32:01] <Regurgitator> [Phys.org - latest science and technology news stories] US: Genetically modified wheat found in Montana - http://phys.org
[07:46:00] <Regurgitator> [SoylentNews] Shape-memory Alloy May Be Key to Skintight Spacesuit - http://soylentnews.org
[08:17:00] <Regurgitator> [Forbes - Tech] 5 Missing Flights That Eerily Echo MH370 - http://www.forbes.com
[08:21:01] <Regurgitator> [The Register] CURSE YOU, 'streaming' music services! I want a bloody CD - http://go.theregister.com
[09:03:00] <Regurgitator> [Phys.org - latest science and technology news stories] 'Cloaking' device uses ordinary lenses to hide objects across range of angles - http://phys.org
[09:17:01] <Regurgitator> [Forbes - Tech] NetAppVoice: Internet Drone Privacy Peril [100 Words Into The Future] - http://www.forbes.com
[09:21:01] <Regurgitator> [The Register] Weekend reads: Douglas Adams' bio in <i>The Frood</i>, <i>The Bone Clocks</i> and <i>Harry Partch, Hobo Composer</i> - http://go.theregister.com
[09:47:01] <Regurgitator> [SoylentNews] Creationist Propaganda Taught as Science in UK Schools - http://soylentnews.org
[10:03:00] <Regurgitator> [Phys.org - latest science and technology news stories] MH370: Seabed images to support inch-by-inch plane search - http://phys.org
[10:22:00] <Regurgitator> [The Register] 'Google is NOT the gatekeeper to the web, as some claim' - http://go.theregister.com
[10:51:01] <Regurgitator> [Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily] New poison dart frog species discovered in Donoso, Panama - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[10:51:01] <Regurgitator> [Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily] New molecule found in space connotes life origins - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[10:51:01] <Regurgitator> [Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily] Countries must work together to stop organ traffickers, says researcher - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[10:51:01] <Regurgitator> [Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily] Many Patients Excluded From Lung Cancer Clinical Trials Due to Prior Cancer, Study Finds - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[10:51:01] <Regurgitator> [Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily] Scarring effects of primary-grade retention? - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[10:51:03] <Regurgitator> [Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily] Cardiology leaders call for global prevention of heart disease, stroke - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[10:51:05] <Regurgitator> [Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily] New tool assesses skill development in robotic microsurgery - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[10:51:07] <Regurgitator> [Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily] Scanning babies' fingerprints could save lives through vaccination tracking - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[10:51:09] <Regurgitator> [Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily] Poor fish harvests more frequent now off California coast - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[10:51:11] <Regurgitator> [Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily] Severe periodontitis: Sixth most prevalent health condition in the world - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[11:10:00] <Regurgitator> [SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities] Vuln: GNU Bash CVE-2014-6271 Remote Code Execution Vulnerability - http://www.securityfocus.com
[11:13:00] <Regurgitator> [Computerworld] Why the Internet of Things may never happen (Part 2) - http://rss.computerworld.com
[11:17:00] <Regurgitator> [SoylentNews] Harvard Researchers Take Aim at Shellshock-like Woes with New Scripting Language - http://soylentnews.org
[11:22:00] <Regurgitator> [The Register] Hollywood's made an INTELLIGENT science vs religion film?! - http://go.theregister.com
[12:16:00] <Regurgitator> [CNET News] iOS 8.0.2 fix is out, but some in Australia still report bugs - http://feedproxy.google.com
[12:22:01] <Regurgitator> [The Register] Be your own Big Brother: Keeping an eye on Mum and Dad - http://go.theregister.com
[13:05:01] <Regurgitator> [Ars Technica] Can’t upgrade to iOS 8? Beware bugs in the system - http://feeds.arstechnica.com
[13:10:00] <Regurgitator> [SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities] Vuln: GNU Bash CVE-2014-6271 Remote Code Execution Vulnerability - http://www.securityfocus.com
[13:17:00] <Regurgitator> [SoylentNews] Your Medical Record is Worth More to Hackers than Your Credit Card - http://soylentnews.org
[13:17:00] <Regurgitator> [Forbes - Tech] Sony Finally Shutting Down PlayStation Home On PS3 - http://www.forbes.com
[13:23:00] <Regurgitator> [The Register] Bendgate backlash: Apple claims warped iPhone 6 Plus damage is 'extremely rare' - http://go.theregister.com
[14:22:01] <Regurgitator> [Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily] New poison dart frog species discovered in Donoso, Panama - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[14:22:01] <Regurgitator> [Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily] New molecule found in space connotes life origins - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[14:22:01] <Regurgitator> [Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily] Countries must work together to stop organ traffickers, says researcher - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[14:22:01] <Regurgitator> [Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily] Many Patients Excluded From Lung Cancer Clinical Trials Due to Prior Cancer, Study Finds - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[14:22:01] <Regurgitator> [Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily] Scarring effects of primary-grade retention? - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[14:22:03] <Regurgitator> [Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily] Cardiology leaders call for global prevention of heart disease, stroke - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[14:22:05] <Regurgitator> [Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily] New tool assesses skill development in robotic microsurgery - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[14:22:07] <Regurgitator> [Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily] Scanning babies' fingerprints could save lives through vaccination tracking - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[14:22:09] <Regurgitator> [Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily] Poor fish harvests more frequent now off California coast - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[14:22:11] <Regurgitator> [Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily] Severe periodontitis: Sixth most prevalent health condition in the world - http://feeds.sciencedaily.com
[14:23:00] <Regurgitator> [The Register] Volcano erupts in Japan leaving 250 hikers stranded, 8 people seriously injured: report - http://go.theregister.com
[14:35:01] <Regurgitator> [Ars Technica] New docs show drone landed on Lincoln head at Mount Rushmore in 2013 - http://feeds.arstechnica.com
[14:40:00] <Regurgitator> [SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities] Vuln: GNU Bash CVE-2014-6271 Remote Code Execution Vulnerability - http://www.securityfocus.com
[14:47:01] <Regurgitator> [SoylentNews] Curiosity Rover Reaches Mount Sharp, Finds a Round Rock - http://soylentnews.org
[14:50:01] <Regurgitator> [Pipedot] Packing for two years, off the grid in the Himalayas... - http://pipedot.org
[14:50:01] <Regurgitator> [Pipedot] The golden age of credit card fraud is drawing to a close - http://pipedot.org
[15:54:01] <Regurgitator> [The Register] Microsoft on the Threshold of unveiling new name for Windows OS next week - http://go.theregister.com
[16:16:00] <Regurgitator> [CNET News] This Sony researcher wants to put you in someone else's head - http://feedproxy.google.com
[16:17:01] <Regurgitator> [SoylentNews] ParcelCopter Trial: North Sea Island Serviced by Parcel Delivery Drone - http://soylentnews.org
[16:17:01] <Regurgitator> [Forbes - Tech] Why Bad Doctors Are Like Bad Writers: The Curse Of Knowledge - http://www.forbes.com
[17:04:00] <Regurgitator> [Phys.org - latest science and technology news stories] Quad Theatre: Cirque du Soleil's flying lampshades - http://phys.org
[17:16:00] <Regurgitator> [CNET News] The 404 Show 1,558: Suitsy up! (podcast) - http://feedproxy.google.com
[17:24:00] <Regurgitator> [The Register] Boffins: 'Significant fraction of Earth's water PREDATES SUN and SOLAR SYSTEM' - http://go.theregister.com
[17:36:01] <Regurgitator> [Ars Technica] Should I follow the normal path or fail early? - http://feeds.arstechnica.com
[17:47:00] <Regurgitator> [SoylentNews] New iPhone MAC-address Randomization Off when Location Services On - http://soylentnews.org
[17:47:00] <Regurgitator> [Forbes - Tech] 'Destiny's' Loot Cave Is A Feature, Not A Bug - http://www.forbes.com
[17:47:00] <Regurgitator> [Forbes - Tech] Can Predictive Technology Make Us Less Predictable? - http://www.forbes.com
[17:53:00] <Regurgitator> [ITworld News] Bogus bug apps offer no relief in Japan's dengue outbreak - http://www.itworld.com
[18:10:00] <Regurgitator> [SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities] Vuln: OpenSSL DTLS CVE-2014-3506 Remote Denial of Service Vulnerability - http://www.securityfocus.com
[18:16:00] <Regurgitator> [CNET News] Consumer Reports' flex test puts new bent on fuss over squashed iPhones - http://feedproxy.google.com
[18:24:00] <Regurgitator> [The Register] iPAD-FONDLING fanboi sparks SECURITY ALERT at Sydney airport - http://go.theregister.com
[18:34:00] <Regurgitator> [Phys.org - latest science and technology news stories] Volcano erupts in Japan; 7 missing, 40 injured - http://phys.org
[18:40:00] <Regurgitator> [SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities] Vuln: GNU Bash CVE-2014-6271 Remote Code Execution Vulnerability - http://www.securityfocus.com
[18:54:00] <Regurgitator> [The Register] Rackspace to hit GLOBAL CLOUD REBOOT button to flush out Xen security nasty - http://go.theregister.com
[19:17:00] <Regurgitator> [SoylentNews] Yahoo! Retiring WWW Directory after 20 Years - http://soylentnews.org
[19:47:01] <Regurgitator> [SoylentNews] Progress on Solar Sails - http://soylentnews.org
[20:17:00] <Regurgitator> [Forbes - Tech] Apple's New Countries iPhone 6 Plus Lead-Times Extend To 3-4 Weeks - http://www.forbes.com
[21:11:00] <Regurgitator> [SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities] Vuln: OpenSSL DTLS CVE-2014-3506 Remote Denial of Service Vulnerability - http://www.securityfocus.com
[21:17:01] <Regurgitator> [CNET News] AT&T doubles data on high-end plans, starting at 15GB tier - http://feedproxy.google.com
[21:36:01] <Regurgitator> [Ars Technica] Are we producing too few or too many science and technology grads? - http://feeds.arstechnica.com
[21:48:01] <Regurgitator> [SoylentNews] Fired FED Regulator Releases 47 Hours of Meeting Recordings with Goldman Sachs - http://soylentnews.org
[22:11:00] <Regurgitator> [SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities] Vuln: GNU Bash CVE-2014-6271 Remote Code Execution Vulnerability - http://www.securityfocus.com
[22:36:01] <Regurgitator> [Ars Technica] Google Glass “no safer” than phones for texting while driving - http://feeds.arstechnica.com
[23:18:01] <Regurgitator> [SoylentNews] Europe OKs use of Cellphones on Aircraft - http://soylentnews.org
[23:49:01] <Regurgitator> [Forbes - Tech] Greenpeace Updates Guidance On Green Electronics - http://www.forbes.com