#meeting-discuss | Logs for 2024-01-17

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[00:52:18] -!- not_kolie2 [not_kolie2!~not_kolie@2620:13c:1000:o:kqxu:nymz:ghoh:jjgq] has joined #meeting-discuss
[00:56:13] -!- not_kolie1 has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[21:21:28] -!- aristarchus [aristarchus!~aristarch@138.199.ki.hrl] has joined #meeting-discuss
[21:21:58] <aristarchus> Wasn't sure if there was a party today. No announce?
[21:22:34] <kolie> There is logs
[21:22:46] <kolie> lots of governance chat, before any time
[21:22:52] <requerdanos> I apologize for the lack of announcement. It was getting hard to publish them with a straight face knowing that there probably wouldn't be a quorum.
[21:24:43] <aristarchus> I thought janrinok had resigned from this committee?  Now he is destroying it?  Curious.
[21:25:00] <chromas> I see that first question mark
[21:25:10] <chromas> It looks like you're asking us what you though
[21:25:11] <chromas> t
[21:25:29] <requerdanos> On the contrary, I find his contributions to be stimulating and encouraging, in a non-destructive way.
[21:26:03] <aristarchus> fliptop is not a good candidate.
[21:26:43] <requerdanos> Thank you for your contribution in the area of character witness.
[21:27:03] <chromas> I move to install aristarchus (the real one) on the board
[21:27:19] <chromas> this would require him to dox himself though
[21:27:54] <janrinok> lol
[21:31:21] <aristarchus> In otherwords, no quorum, no meeting, again.  And janrinok old boy organization method remain.
[21:32:35] <requerdanos> I would say that no quorum, no meeting of the committee is accurate. Some meeting by staff has, however, taken place.
[21:43:11] <aristarchus> kolie raised the spectre of 5000 aristarchoi.  We are legion, after all.
[21:56:45] <aristarchus> Non-meeting is now adjourned?
[22:14:51] <aristarchus> janrinok wins again!  Good night, all.
[22:15:20] -!- aristarchus has quit [Quit: Client closed]