#meeting-discuss | Logs for 2023-11-22

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[06:20:29] -!- chromas2 [chromas2!~chromas@Soylent/Staph/Infector/chromas] has joined #meeting-discuss
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[06:55:42] chromas2 is now known as chromas
[08:53:13] -!- anistarchos [anistarchos!~anistarch@169.150.uxx.tk] has joined #meeting-discuss
[09:11:24] -!- anistarchos97 [anistarchos97!~anistarch@134.209.hh.joz] has joined #meeting-discuss
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[09:26:06] -!- anistarchos97 has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[16:49:52] -!- halibut has quit [Quit: Timeout]
[16:58:57] -!- halibut [halibut!~halibut@CanHazVHOST/halibut] has joined #meeting-discuss
[17:06:49] <notkolie> https://soylentnews.org
[17:07:24] <notkolie> Don't feel its necessary but don't mind including it. Inclined to add it in - thoughts?
[18:19:26] -!- halibut has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[18:19:38] -!- halibut [halibut!~halibut@CanHazVHOST/halibut] has joined #meeting-discuss
[18:20:06] <janrinok> notkolie, why do you answer comments from your Meta here? Wouldn't it be more useful to answer the person posting?
[18:21:54] <notkolie> It's not mutually exclusive.
[18:22:09] <notkolie> I wasn't answering him. I wanted to ask the committee.
[18:24:36] <janrinok> In meeting discuss?
[18:25:43] <notkolie> " urge anyone with an active interest or comments to come forward and comment in the #meeting-discuss channel at any time, meeting or not, and to post forth any comments, questions, support, or participation interest there or in these journals and postings. Whatever your experience or insights - myself and I would imagine the entire staff and governance committee would be thrilled to interact and is open to any participation
[18:25:43] <notkolie> by the community at this time."
[18:26:00] <notkolie> That's what I've been saying in the bylaw postings.
[18:28:05] <janrinok> What is the point of the Meta - that is where the discussion on your proposed Bylaws should be taking place? That is the very purpose of the Meta.
[18:28:44] <notkolie> Again I will reiterate that I am not wishing to discuss the posting. I wanted to run that by the committee and get their thoughts on it. Had I wanted to respond to the meta in any way at this time I would have.
[18:29:09] <notkolie> Theres nothing to respond to yet. A point was made, it wasn't a question.
[18:29:27] <notkolie> If you feel lik you want to respond to it go ahead.
[18:31:39] <notkolie> You are suggesting that I should instead of asking the committee what I wanted - that it would be more appropriate to poll the committee's feeling on this article by replying inline?
[18:31:54] <notkolie> Cause I don't even know if they saw it, which is why I am also dryign attention to the post by linking it here.
[18:31:59] <notkolie> drawing*
[18:32:46] <janrinok> And how many people have shown an interest by appearing in this IRC channel in the last 4 months or so. The discussion has moved to that Meta.
[18:33:02] <notkolie> I don't even know what I would say to it at this point, again, my purpose wasn't to respond to thexalon, but that I wanted to know what the committee members though.
[18:33:19] <notkolie> thought*
[18:34:07] <notkolie> And since I've never spoken with the committee members over stuff on the website, except for your responses to my journal posts, and I have spoken with them over IRC, made sense to do what we've already been doing.
[18:34:46] <notkolie> To me, reaching committee is a message over irc.
[18:35:05] <notkolie> And responding to the community is on the meta, which I can do if I want.
[18:35:10] <janrinok> Try saying 'Thank you' for someone bothering to make an interesting comment which so far has been moderated toi 4 Insightful.
[18:35:49] <janrinok> Most of us only look at this channel when meetings are going on.
[18:36:03] <notkolie> Ok well, its here for if and when most of us want to look.
[18:36:24] <janrinok> Read back over the last couple of weeks and see how many other comments the community have made here outside of meetings.
[18:36:45] <notkolie> Had I wanted to speak with the community, I knew where to go.
[18:37:04] <janrinok> The Meta gets flagged up each time a new comments appear for those who are interested.
[18:37:56] <janrinok> Have a good Thanksgiving.
[18:38:52] <notkolie> Thanks, got the kids should be nice.
[18:39:00] <notkolie> Do you celebrate?
[18:39:40] <notkolie> For us its an excuse to get the family together, have a good feast, and start of the winter season.
[18:39:48] <janrinok> Lol - what do you think you are celebrating? Brits don't celebrate it, nor do the rest of Europe.
[18:39:50] <notkolie> Fuck the indian shit.
[18:40:25] <notkolie> Yea more of an autumn thing, some people have adopted it on a similar schedule as just another general holiday.
[18:40:42] <notkolie> That's why I ask I'm aware most don;t.,
[18:41:49] <notkolie> My wifes side doesn't celebrate it at all.
[18:43:10] <janrinok> My job is to keep the site going while the USians celebrate - we have already filled the queues up to the start of the weekend.
[18:43:29] <notkolie> Awesome good to fill it up.
[18:47:08] <notkolie> I got a ton of content to put in whenever editor school is online again or who ever is going to handle that I can definitely fill in gaps down the line.
[19:02:25] -!- kolie has quit [Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in]
[19:06:41] -!- kolie [kolie!~kolie@208.91.qqu.m] has joined #meeting-discuss
[19:18:30] <janrinok> for the moment just make the submissions with the stuff you have please. https://soylentnews.org