#irpg | Logs for 2022-07-15

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[00:37:30] <NerdRPG> goatquest [342/494] has challenged Wastrel [575/1233] and been defeated in combat! 6546 days, 13:13:16 is added to goatquest's clock.
[00:37:30] <NerdRPG> goatquest reaches next level in 56904 days, 15:13:52.
[00:42:42] <NerdRPG> Kharon, Wastrel, goatquest, and Runaway have enriched the realm by completing their quest! 25% of their burden is eliminated.
[01:37:30] <NerdRPG> Idle RPG Top Players:
[01:37:30] <NerdRPG> Fnord666, the level 184 curmudgeon, is #1! Next level in 3178520 days, 17:58:19.
[01:37:30] <NerdRPG> cmn32480, the level 170 Horndog, is #2! Next level in 45 days, 11:34:30.
[01:37:30] <NerdRPG> arti, the level 170 wizard, is #3! Next level in 277612 days, 08:02:12.
[01:37:30] <NerdRPG> Wastrel [493/1233] has challenged Runaway [419/1501] and taken them in combat! 5 days, 20:32:35 is removed from Wastrel's clock.
[01:37:33] <NerdRPG> Wastrel reaches next level in 24 days, 23:09:28.
[02:37:32] <NerdRPG> Wastrel [466/1233] has challenged Ignota [117/287] and taken them in combat! 1 day, 23:51:09 is removed from Wastrel's clock.
[02:37:32] <NerdRPG> Wastrel reaches next level in 22 days, 22:18:17.
[03:25:25] <NerdRPG> Kharon [6/531] has come upon Wastrel [246/1233] and been defeated in combat! 1 day, 07:09:51 is added to Kharon's clock.
[03:25:25] <NerdRPG> Kharon reaches next level in 11 days, 06:53:23.
[03:37:32] <NerdRPG> Runaway [1433/1501] has challenged Wastrel [883/1233] and taken them in combat! 1 day, 07:38:55 is removed from Runaway's clock.
[03:37:32] <NerdRPG> Runaway reaches next level in 4 days, 04:13:15.
[04:37:32] <NerdRPG> Idle RPG Top Players:
[04:37:32] <NerdRPG> Fnord666, the level 184 curmudgeon, is #1! Next level in 3178520 days, 17:58:19.
[04:37:32] <NerdRPG> cmn32480, the level 170 Horndog, is #2! Next level in 45 days, 11:34:30.
[04:37:32] <NerdRPG> arti, the level 170 wizard, is #3! Next level in 277612 days, 08:02:12.
[04:37:32] <NerdRPG> Runaway [1329/1501] has challenged Kharon [187/531] and taken them in combat! 0 days, 11:54:23 is removed from Runaway's clock.
[04:37:35] <NerdRPG> Runaway reaches next level in 3 days, 15:18:52.
[05:37:32] <NerdRPG> Kharon [435/531] has challenged Runaway [823/1501] and been defeated in combat! 1 day, 02:52:07 is added to Kharon's clock.
[05:37:32] <NerdRPG> Kharon reaches next level in 12 days, 07:33:23.
[06:37:32] <NerdRPG> goatquest [151/494] has challenged Wastrel [140/1233] and taken them in combat! 10242 days, 18:35:12 is removed from goatquest's clock.
[06:37:32] <NerdRPG> goatquest reaches next level in 32435 days, 10:51:28.
[06:42:45] <NerdRPG> Kharon, Wastrel, goatquest, and Runaway have been chosen by the ACLU to quell the riot that has sprung up between Linux-weenies and BSD-weenies. Quest to end in 0 days, 17:02:10.
[07:37:32] <NerdRPG> Idle RPG Top Players:
[07:37:32] <NerdRPG> Fnord666, the level 184 curmudgeon, is #1! Next level in 3178520 days, 17:58:19.
[07:37:32] <NerdRPG> cmn32480, the level 170 Horndog, is #2! Next level in 45 days, 11:34:30.
[07:37:32] <NerdRPG> arti, the level 170 wizard, is #3! Next level in 277612 days, 08:02:12.
[07:37:32] <NerdRPG> Runaway [1492/1501] has challenged Wastrel [1206/1233] and taken them in combat! 0 days, 20:14:07 is removed from Runaway's clock.
[07:37:35] <NerdRPG> Runaway reaches next level in 2 days, 16:04:45.
[08:00:00] -!- goatquest has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[08:00:01] <NerdRPG> goatquest's selfishness sullies the task they and their fellow questers were charged with, which brings a great shame upon all the land. You are all punished for their transgression.
[08:01:01] -!- goatquest [goatquest!~goatquest@is.a.socialist] has joined #irpg
[08:01:05] <NerdRPG> goatquest, the level 45 agitative propagandist, is now online from nickname goatquest. Next level in 32435 days, 13:01:04.
[08:37:30] <NerdRPG> Runaway [731/1501] has challenged Wastrel [92/1233] and taken them in combat! 1 day, 12:15:45 is removed from Runaway's clock.
[08:37:30] <NerdRPG> Runaway reaches next level in 4 days, 18:49:56.
[09:37:30] <NerdRPG> Kharon [108/531] has challenged goatquest [245/494] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 20:33:58 is added to Kharon's clock.
[09:37:30] <NerdRPG> Kharon reaches next level in 13 days, 02:22:05.
[10:37:30] <NerdRPG> Idle RPG Top Players:
[10:37:30] <NerdRPG> Fnord666, the level 184 curmudgeon, is #1! Next level in 3178520 days, 17:58:19.
[10:37:30] <NerdRPG> cmn32480, the level 170 Horndog, is #2! Next level in 45 days, 11:34:30.
[10:37:30] <NerdRPG> arti, the level 170 wizard, is #3! Next level in 277612 days, 08:02:12.
[10:37:30] <NerdRPG> Runaway [1091/1501] has challenged Ignota [107/287] and taken them in combat! 0 days, 09:01:35 is removed from Runaway's clock.
[10:37:33] <NerdRPG> Runaway reaches next level in 4 days, 07:48:21.
[11:02:48] <NerdRPG> Ignota [106/287] has come upon Kharon [169/531] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 01:32:47 is added to Ignota's clock.
[11:02:48] <NerdRPG> Ignota reaches next level in 0 days, 23:38:24.
[11:37:30] <NerdRPG> Kharon [404/531] has challenged Wastrel [1092/1233] and been defeated in combat! 1 day, 16:36:28 is added to Kharon's clock.
[11:37:30] <NerdRPG> Kharon reaches next level in 14 days, 16:58:33.
[12:37:30] <NerdRPG> Runaway [1215/1501] has challenged Wastrel [592/1233] and taken them in combat! 1 day, 00:26:00 is removed from Runaway's clock.
[12:37:30] <NerdRPG> Runaway reaches next level in 3 days, 05:22:21.
[13:37:30] <NerdRPG> Idle RPG Top Players:
[13:37:30] <NerdRPG> Fnord666, the level 184 curmudgeon, is #1! Next level in 3178520 days, 17:58:19.
[13:37:30] <NerdRPG> cmn32480, the level 170 Horndog, is #2! Next level in 45 days, 11:34:30.
[13:37:30] <NerdRPG> arti, the level 170 wizard, is #3! Next level in 277612 days, 08:02:12.
[13:37:30] <NerdRPG> Runaway [885/1501] has challenged goatquest [436/494] and taken them in combat! 0 days, 08:24:03 is removed from Runaway's clock.
[13:37:33] <NerdRPG> Runaway reaches next level in 2 days, 19:58:18.
[14:37:30] <NerdRPG> goatquest [191/494] has challenged Runaway [652/1501] and been defeated in combat! 3243 days, 12:38:28 is added to goatquest's clock.
[14:37:30] <NerdRPG> goatquest reaches next level in 35678 days, 19:03:10.
[15:37:30] <NerdRPG> Kharon [133/531] has challenged NerdRPG [1488/1914] and been defeated in combat! 1 day, 10:53:51 is added to Kharon's clock.
[15:37:30] <NerdRPG> Kharon reaches next level in 15 days, 23:52:24.
[15:51:17] <NerdRPG> Kharon became drinking buddies with the sysadmin. This wondrous godsend has accelerated them 1 day, 06:41:29 toward level 49.
[15:51:17] <NerdRPG> Kharon reaches next level in 14 days, 16:57:08.
[16:37:30] <NerdRPG> Idle RPG Top Players:
[16:37:30] <NerdRPG> Fnord666, the level 184 curmudgeon, is #1! Next level in 3178520 days, 17:58:19.
[16:37:30] <NerdRPG> cmn32480, the level 170 Horndog, is #2! Next level in 45 days, 11:34:30.
[16:37:30] <NerdRPG> arti, the level 170 wizard, is #3! Next level in 277612 days, 08:02:12.
[16:37:30] <NerdRPG> goatquest [259/494] has challenged Ignota [211/287] and taken them in combat! 2854 days, 07:07:27 is removed from goatquest's clock.
[16:37:33] <NerdRPG> goatquest reaches next level in 32824 days, 09:55:43.
[17:37:31] <NerdRPG> goatquest [484/494] has challenged Kharon [293/531] and taken them in combat! 3938 days, 22:11:29 is removed from goatquest's clock.
[17:37:31] <NerdRPG> goatquest reaches next level in 28885 days, 10:44:14.
[18:37:30] <NerdRPG> Runaway [1119/1501] has challenged goatquest [123/494] and taken them in combat! 0 days, 06:55:36 is removed from Runaway's clock.
[18:37:31] <NerdRPG> Runaway reaches next level in 2 days, 08:02:42.
[19:37:31] <NerdRPG> Idle RPG Top Players:
[19:37:31] <NerdRPG> Fnord666, the level 184 curmudgeon, is #1! Next level in 3178520 days, 17:58:19.
[19:37:31] <NerdRPG> cmn32480, the level 170 Horndog, is #2! Next level in 45 days, 11:34:30.
[19:37:31] <NerdRPG> arti, the level 170 wizard, is #3! Next level in 277612 days, 08:02:12.
[19:37:31] <NerdRPG> Kharon [464/531] has challenged Runaway [183/1501] and taken them in combat! 2 days, 18:20:40 is removed from Kharon's clock.
[19:37:34] <NerdRPG> Kharon reaches next level in 11 days, 18:50:14.
[20:00:06] <NerdRPG> Kharon, Wastrel, goatquest, and Runaway have been chosen by the ACLU to locate the original Unics master tapes and leave them in the care of Ken Thompson. Participants must first reach [480,415], then [325,270]. See http://idlerpg.net to monitor their journey's progress.
[20:37:31] <NerdRPG> goatquest [193/494] has challenged Wastrel [146/1233] and taken them in combat! 6932 days, 11:27:24 is removed from goatquest's clock.
[20:37:31] <NerdRPG> goatquest reaches next level in 21952 days, 20:16:49.
[21:37:31] <NerdRPG> goatquest [402/494] has challenged NerdRPG [1890/1914] and been defeated in combat! 2195 days, 06:43:40 is added to goatquest's clock.
[21:37:31] <NerdRPG> goatquest reaches next level in 24148 days, 02:00:29.
[22:37:31] <NerdRPG> Idle RPG Top Players:
[22:37:31] <NerdRPG> Fnord666, the level 184 curmudgeon, is #1! Next level in 3178520 days, 17:58:19.
[22:37:31] <NerdRPG> cmn32480, the level 170 Horndog, is #2! Next level in 45 days, 11:34:30.
[22:37:31] <NerdRPG> arti, the level 170 wizard, is #3! Next level in 277612 days, 08:02:12.
[22:37:31] <NerdRPG> Wastrel [526/1233] has challenged goatquest [11/494] and taken them in combat! 7 days, 23:23:36 is removed from Wastrel's clock.
[22:37:34] <NerdRPG> Wastrel reaches next level in 64 days, 12:32:49.
[23:37:30] <NerdRPG> Kharon [524/531] has challenged NerdRPG [1903/1914] and been defeated in combat! 1 day, 03:53:01 is added to Kharon's clock.
[23:37:30] <NerdRPG> Kharon reaches next level in 12 days, 18:43:16.