#irpg | Logs for 2020-09-12

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[00:43:54] <NerdRPG> cmn32480 [513/778] has challenged NerdRPG [1825/1914] and been defeated in combat! 80865 days, 07:53:48 is added to cmn32480's clock.
[00:43:54] <NerdRPG> cmn32480 reaches next level in 889518 days, 14:51:57.
[00:52:35] <dummy1> RandomFactor: well fuck you too
[00:52:36] <dummy2> RandomFactor: well fuck you too
[00:52:37] <dummy3> RandomFactor: well fuck you too
[00:52:38] <dummy4> RandomFactor: well fuck you too
[01:29:02] -!- NeutralInput [NeutralInput!~NeutralIn@867-955-871-374.lightspeed.tukrga.sbcglobal.net] has joined #irpg
[01:29:35] <NerdRPG> FairbrookWingate, the level 73 Sorceror, is now online from nickname NeutralInput. Next level in 26 days, 18:24:15.
[01:43:55] <NerdRPG> FairbrookWingate [198/676] has challenged RandomFactor [177/298] and taken them in combat! 2 days, 22:38:17 is removed from FairbrookWingate's clock.
[01:43:55] <NerdRPG> FairbrookWingate reaches next level in 23 days, 19:31:41.
[02:43:56] <NerdRPG> Idle RPG Top Players:
[02:43:56] <NerdRPG> Fnord666, the level 184 curmudgeon, is #1! Next level in 3178520 days, 17:58:19.
[02:43:56] <NerdRPG> arti, the level 170 wizard, is #2! Next level in 277612 days, 08:02:12.
[02:43:56] <NerdRPG> cmn32480, the level 164 Horndog, is #3! Next level in 889518 days, 12:51:55.
[02:43:56] <NerdRPG> FairbrookWingate [31/676] has challenged NerdRPG [55/1914] and been defeated in combat! 2 days, 09:03:10 is added to FairbrookWingate's clock.
[02:43:59] <NerdRPG> FairbrookWingate reaches next level in 26 days, 03:34:50.
[03:20:18] <NerdRPG> FairbrookWingate installed NetBSD on their iPad. This wondrous godsend has accelerated them 3 days, 03:14:12 toward level 74.
[03:20:18] <NerdRPG> FairbrookWingate reaches next level in 22 days, 23:44:16.
[03:43:54] <NerdRPG> FairbrookWingate [583/676] has challenged dummy4 [103/141] and taken them in combat! 1 day, 14:35:38 is removed from FairbrookWingate's clock.
[03:43:54] <NerdRPG> FairbrookWingate reaches next level in 21 days, 08:45:02.
[04:43:54] <NerdRPG> RandomFactor [260/298] has challenged dummy4 [103/141] and taken them in combat! 9493357 days, 07:13:02 is removed from RandomFactor's clock.
[04:43:54] <NerdRPG> RandomFactor reaches next level in 126126032 days, 17:01:49.
[05:43:55] <NerdRPG> Idle RPG Top Players:
[05:43:55] <NerdRPG> Fnord666, the level 184 curmudgeon, is #1! Next level in 3178520 days, 17:58:19.
[05:43:55] <NerdRPG> arti, the level 170 wizard, is #2! Next level in 277612 days, 08:02:12.
[05:43:55] <NerdRPG> cmn32480, the level 164 Horndog, is #3! Next level in 889518 days, 09:51:56.
[05:43:55] <NerdRPG> cmn32480 [35/778] has challenged dummy1 [61/135] and been defeated in combat! 62266 days, 06:55:50 is added to cmn32480's clock.
[05:43:58] <NerdRPG> cmn32480 reaches next level in 951784 days, 16:47:46.
[06:43:55] <NerdRPG> RandomFactor [198/298] has challenged FairbrookWingate [643/676] and been defeated in combat! 12612603 days, 06:18:10 is added to RandomFactor's clock.
[06:43:55] <NerdRPG> RandomFactor reaches next level in 138738635 days, 21:19:58.
[07:32:08] -!- RandomFactor has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[07:43:55] <NerdRPG> FairbrookWingate [648/676] has challenged carny [259/514] and taken him in combat! 2 days, 18:08:15 is removed from FairbrookWingate's clock.
[07:43:55] <NerdRPG> FairbrookWingate reaches next level in 18 days, 10:36:46.
[08:43:56] <NerdRPG> Idle RPG Top Players:
[08:43:56] <NerdRPG> Fnord666, the level 184 curmudgeon, is #1! Next level in 3178520 days, 17:58:19.
[08:43:56] <NerdRPG> arti, the level 170 wizard, is #2! Next level in 277612 days, 08:02:12.
[08:43:56] <NerdRPG> cmn32480, the level 164 Horndog, is #3! Next level in 951784 days, 13:47:45.
[08:43:56] <NerdRPG> FairbrookWingate [351/676] has challenged carny [302/514] and taken him in combat! 2 days, 09:24:34 is removed from FairbrookWingate's clock.
[08:43:59] <NerdRPG> FairbrookWingate reaches next level in 16 days, 00:12:11.
[09:43:56] <NerdRPG> FairbrookWingate [479/676] has challenged cmn32480 [87/778] and taken them in combat! 6 days, 13:06:47 is removed from FairbrookWingate's clock.
[09:43:56] <NerdRPG> FairbrookWingate reaches next level in 9 days, 10:05:24.
[10:11:59] <NerdRPG> Seymore Cray thinks that with dummy2's clever ideas he can push his cores to over 7.5 GHz, so advanced them 2 days, 04:26:25 toward level 20.
[10:11:59] <NerdRPG> dummy2 reaches next level in 0 days, 23:33:37.
[10:43:56] <NerdRPG> cmn32480 [54/778] has challenged dummy1 [12/135] and taken them in combat! 66624 days, 21:56:44 is removed from cmn32480's clock.
[10:43:56] <NerdRPG> cmn32480 reaches next level in 885159 days, 13:51:01.
[11:34:43] <NerdRPG> dummy3 [81/139] has come upon dummy1 [96/135] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 04:39:00 is added to dummy3's clock.
[11:34:43] <NerdRPG> dummy3 reaches next level in 2 days, 23:04:44.
[11:43:56] <NerdRPG> Idle RPG Top Players:
[11:43:56] <NerdRPG> Fnord666, the level 184 curmudgeon, is #1! Next level in 3178520 days, 17:58:19.
[11:43:56] <NerdRPG> arti, the level 170 wizard, is #2! Next level in 277612 days, 08:02:12.
[11:43:56] <NerdRPG> cmn32480, the level 164 Horndog, is #3! Next level in 885159 days, 12:51:01.
[11:43:56] <NerdRPG> cmn32480 [709/778] has challenged dummy4 [137/141] and taken them in combat! 61961 days, 04:01:10 is removed from cmn32480's clock.
[11:43:59] <NerdRPG> cmn32480 reaches next level in 823198 days, 08:49:51.
[12:43:56] <NerdRPG> cmn32480 [614/778] has challenged dummy3 [49/139] and taken them in combat! 57623 days, 21:11:17 is removed from cmn32480's clock.
[12:43:56] <NerdRPG> cmn32480 reaches next level in 765574 days, 10:38:34.
[13:11:35] <NerdRPG> FairbrookWingate cracked their neighbours' wifi. This wondrous godsend has accelerated them 1 day, 02:42:55 toward level 74.
[13:11:35] <NerdRPG> FairbrookWingate reaches next level in 8 days, 03:54:50.
[13:35:35] -!- TheMightyBuzzard [TheMightyBuzzard!~TheMighty@Soylent/Staff/Developer/TMB] has parted #irpg
[13:43:54] <NerdRPG> carny [126/514] has challenged FairbrookWingate [299/676] and been defeated in combat! 1 day, 04:45:56 is added to carny's clock.
[13:43:54] <NerdRPG> carny reaches next level in 13 days, 04:25:23.
[14:37:41] -!- RandomFactor [RandomFactor!~IceChat9@629-71-065-58.lightspeed.tukrga.sbcglobal.net] has joined #irpg
[14:37:42] <NerdRPG> RandomFactor, the level 45 Cataclyst, is now online from nickname RandomFactor. Next level in 138738635 days, 22:32:54.
[14:43:55] <NerdRPG> Idle RPG Top Players:
[14:43:55] <NerdRPG> Fnord666, the level 184 curmudgeon, is #1! Next level in 3178520 days, 17:58:19.
[14:43:55] <NerdRPG> arti, the level 170 wizard, is #2! Next level in 277612 days, 08:02:12.
[14:43:55] <NerdRPG> cmn32480, the level 164 Horndog, is #3! Next level in 765574 days, 08:38:35.
[14:43:55] <NerdRPG> RandomFactor [239/298] has challenged dummy1 [33/135] and taken them in combat! 9711704 days, 12:22:16 is removed from RandomFactor's clock.
[14:43:58] <NerdRPG> RandomFactor reaches next level in 129026931 days, 10:04:28.
[15:27:29] <NerdRPG> Wastrel, the level 66 Waster, is now online from nickname nutherguy. Next level in 11 days, 08:42:09.
[15:43:55] <NerdRPG> RandomFactor [68/298] has challenged dummy1 [103/135] and been defeated in combat! 9031885 days, 04:42:54 is added to RandomFactor's clock.
[15:43:55] <NerdRPG> RandomFactor reaches next level in 138058816 days, 13:47:22.
[16:43:55] <NerdRPG> FairbrookWingate [663/676] has challenged dummy1 [88/135] and taken them in combat! 0 days, 13:27:58 is removed from FairbrookWingate's clock.
[16:43:55] <NerdRPG> FairbrookWingate reaches next level in 7 days, 10:54:32.
[17:08:10] <NerdRPG> dummy4 and cmn32480's persistent refuting of Microsoft FUD impresses the Flying Spaghetti Monster, and he touches them with his noodly appendage.
[17:08:10] <NerdRPG> dummy4 reaches next level in 2 days, 09:23:53.
[17:08:10] <NerdRPG> cmn32480 reaches next level in 719639 days, 19:18:16.
[17:29:36] -!- guy_ [guy_!~some@67.223.okg.wi] has joined #irpg
[17:29:44] -!- nutherguy has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[17:42:35] -!- nutherguy [nutherguy!~some@67.223.okg.wi] has joined #irpg
[17:42:39] -!- guy_ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[17:43:56] <NerdRPG> Idle RPG Top Players:
[17:43:56] <NerdRPG> Fnord666, the level 184 curmudgeon, is #1! Next level in 3178520 days, 17:58:19.
[17:43:56] <NerdRPG> arti, the level 170 wizard, is #2! Next level in 277612 days, 08:02:12.
[17:43:56] <NerdRPG> cmn32480, the level 164 Horndog, is #3! Next level in 719639 days, 18:42:30.
[17:43:56] <NerdRPG> RandomFactor [33/298] has challenged NerdRPG [1043/1914] and been defeated in combat! 13805881 days, 15:34:44 is added to RandomFactor's clock.
[17:43:59] <NerdRPG> RandomFactor reaches next level in 151864698 days, 03:22:05.
[17:55:36] <NerdRPG> Wastrel, the level 66 Waster, is now online from nickname nutherguy. Next level in 12 days, 14:19:12.
[18:17:02] -!- nutherguy has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[18:17:05] -!- nutherguy [nutherguy!~some@67.223.okg.wi] has joined #irpg
[18:17:27] <NerdRPG> Wastrel, the level 66 Waster, is now online from nickname nutherguy. Next level in 13 days, 21:37:01.
[18:36:41] -!- guy_ [guy_!~some@67.223.okg.wi] has joined #irpg
[18:36:41] -!- nutherguy has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[18:43:56] <NerdRPG> RandomFactor [131/298] has challenged dummy4 [35/141] and taken them in combat! 10630528 days, 20:48:20 is removed from RandomFactor's clock.
[18:43:56] <NerdRPG> RandomFactor reaches next level in 141234169 days, 05:33:45.
[19:12:43] -!- nutherguy [nutherguy!~some@67.223.okg.wi] has joined #irpg
[19:13:40] -!- guy_ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[19:23:28] <NerdRPG> Wastrel, the level 66 Waster, is now online from nickname nutherguy. Next level in 15 days, 04:57:04.
[19:43:54] <NerdRPG> FairbrookWingate [465/676] has challenged dummy2 [1/159] and taken them in combat! 0 days, 12:18:49 is removed from FairbrookWingate's clock.
[19:43:54] <NerdRPG> FairbrookWingate reaches next level in 6 days, 19:35:44.
[20:12:59] -!- dummy2 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[20:13:31] -!- dummy2 [dummy2!~dummy2@yh96.ip-22-35-536.eu] has joined #irpg
[20:13:36] <NerdRPG> dummy2, the level 19 target dummy, is now online from nickname dummy2. Next level in 0 days, 13:36:31.
[20:43:54] <NerdRPG> Idle RPG Top Players:
[20:43:54] <NerdRPG> Fnord666, the level 184 curmudgeon, is #1! Next level in 3178520 days, 17:58:19.
[20:43:54] <NerdRPG> arti, the level 170 wizard, is #2! Next level in 277612 days, 08:02:12.
[20:43:54] <NerdRPG> cmn32480, the level 164 Horndog, is #3! Next level in 719639 days, 15:42:32.
[20:43:54] <NerdRPG> RandomFactor [154/298] has challenged dummy3 [115/139] and taken them in combat! 9886391 days, 20:10:09 is removed from RandomFactor's clock.
[20:43:57] <NerdRPG> RandomFactor reaches next level in 131347777 days, 07:23:38.
[21:43:54] <NerdRPG> Wastrel [280/756] has challenged RandomFactor [78/298] and taken them in combat! 1 day, 15:53:14 is removed from Wastrel's clock.
[21:43:54] <NerdRPG> Wastrel reaches next level in 13 days, 10:43:27.
[22:43:55] <NerdRPG> cmn32480 [111/778] has challenged RandomFactor [57/298] and taken them in combat! 79160 days, 08:28:04 is removed from cmn32480's clock.
[22:43:55] <NerdRPG> cmn32480 reaches next level in 640479 days, 05:14:27.
[23:43:55] <NerdRPG> Idle RPG Top Players:
[23:43:55] <NerdRPG> Fnord666, the level 184 curmudgeon, is #1! Next level in 3178520 days, 17:58:19.
[23:43:55] <NerdRPG> arti, the level 170 wizard, is #2! Next level in 277612 days, 08:02:12.
[23:43:55] <NerdRPG> cmn32480, the level 164 Horndog, is #3! Next level in 640479 days, 04:14:27.
[23:43:55] <NerdRPG> RandomFactor [258/298] has challenged carny [23/514] and taken him in combat! 17075211 days, 00:48:40 is removed from RandomFactor's clock.
[23:43:58] <NerdRPG> RandomFactor reaches next level in 114272566 days, 03:34:57.