#irpg | Logs for 2016-07-04

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[00:09:32] <NerdRPG> stderr, SirFinkus, CoolHand, and swiss have been chosen by the ACLU to teach the One True Brace Style to the non-believers at Cl'guba. Participants must first reach [400,475], then [480,380]. See http://idlerpg.net to monitor their journey's progress.
[00:19:33] <NerdRPG> cmn32480 [201/838] has challenged arti [835/1171] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 01:59:42 is added to cmn32480's clock.
[00:19:33] <NerdRPG> cmn32480 reaches next level in 0 days, 16:14:48.
[01:19:33] <NerdRPG> Idle RPG Top Players:
[01:19:33] <NerdRPG> arti, the level 102 wizard, is #1! Next level in 40 days, 10:21:22.
[01:19:33] <NerdRPG> swiss, the level 100 Computerer, is #2! Next level in 9 days, 00:50:15.
[01:19:33] <NerdRPG> CoolHand, the level 98 Chillaxer, is #3! Next level in 45 days, 01:55:17.
[01:19:33] <NerdRPG> CoolHand [571/866] has challenged SirFinkus [306/988] and taken them in combat! 9 days, 22:01:21 is removed from CoolHand's clock.
[01:19:36] <NerdRPG> CoolHand reaches next level in 35 days, 03:53:56.
[02:19:31] <NerdRPG> cmn32480 [652/838] has challenged CoolHand [768/866] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 01:59:40 is added to cmn32480's clock.
[02:19:31] <NerdRPG> cmn32480 reaches next level in 0 days, 16:14:30.
[02:41:18] <NerdRPG> SirFinkus's misdeeds have caught up with them. 0 days, 21:28:41 is added to their clock.
[02:41:18] <NerdRPG> SirFinkus reaches next level in 45 days, 15:22:57.
[03:19:31] <NerdRPG> cmn32480 [622/838] has challenged stderr [794/1170] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 01:49:44 is added to cmn32480's clock.
[03:19:31] <NerdRPG> cmn32480 reaches next level in 0 days, 17:04:14.
[04:19:31] <NerdRPG> Idle RPG Top Players:
[04:19:31] <NerdRPG> arti, the level 102 wizard, is #1! Next level in 40 days, 07:21:24.
[04:19:31] <NerdRPG> swiss, the level 100 Computerer, is #2! Next level in 8 days, 21:50:17.
[04:19:31] <NerdRPG> CoolHand, the level 98 Chillaxer, is #3! Next level in 35 days, 00:53:58.
[04:19:31] <NerdRPG> stderr [819/1170] has challenged NerdRPG [500/1355] and taken them in combat! 0 days, 10:18:36 is removed from stderr's clock.
[04:19:34] <NerdRPG> stderr reaches next level in 1 day, 17:14:26.
[05:19:31] <NerdRPG> CoolHand [626/866] has challenged NerdRPG [114/1355] and taken them in combat! 6 days, 23:58:47 is removed from CoolHand's clock.
[05:19:31] <NerdRPG> CoolHand reaches next level in 27 days, 23:55:11.
[06:19:31] <NerdRPG> stderr [923/1170] has challenged cmn32480 [185/838] and taken them in combat! 0 days, 06:16:42 is removed from stderr's clock.
[06:19:31] <NerdRPG> stderr reaches next level in 1 day, 08:57:44.
[07:19:31] <NerdRPG> Idle RPG Top Players:
[07:19:31] <NerdRPG> arti, the level 102 wizard, is #1! Next level in 40 days, 04:21:24.
[07:19:31] <NerdRPG> swiss, the level 100 Computerer, is #2! Next level in 8 days, 18:50:17.
[07:19:31] <NerdRPG> CoolHand, the level 98 Chillaxer, is #3! Next level in 27 days, 21:55:11.
[07:19:31] <NerdRPG> SirFinkus [438/988] has challenged CoolHand [122/866] and taken them in combat! 10 days, 21:46:44 is removed from SirFinkus's clock.
[07:19:34] <NerdRPG> SirFinkus reaches next level in 34 days, 12:58:00.
[07:19:37] <NerdRPG> SirFinkus has dealt CoolHand a Critical Strike! 5 days, 00:35:07 is added to CoolHand's clock.
[07:19:40] <NerdRPG> CoolHand reaches next level in 32 days, 22:30:18.
[08:12:34] <NerdRPG> CoolHand's random number generator only ever returns the number 7. This terrible calamity has slowed them 3 days, 22:45:16 from level 99.
[08:12:34] <NerdRPG> CoolHand reaches next level in 36 days, 20:22:31.
[08:19:31] <NerdRPG> SirFinkus [908/988] has challenged stderr [686/1170] and taken them in combat! 7 days, 14:09:09 is removed from SirFinkus's clock.
[08:19:32] <NerdRPG> SirFinkus reaches next level in 26 days, 21:48:51.
[09:19:31] <NerdRPG> FatPhil [503/558] has challenged cmn32480 [731/838] and been defeated in combat! 5 days, 12:03:39 is added to FatPhil's clock.
[09:19:31] <NerdRPG> FatPhil reaches next level in 66 days, 15:24:13.
[10:19:32] <NerdRPG> Idle RPG Top Players:
[10:19:32] <NerdRPG> arti, the level 102 wizard, is #1! Next level in 40 days, 01:21:23.
[10:19:32] <NerdRPG> swiss, the level 100 Computerer, is #2! Next level in 8 days, 15:50:16.
[10:19:32] <NerdRPG> CoolHand, the level 98 Chillaxer, is #3! Next level in 36 days, 18:15:33.
[10:19:32] <NerdRPG> cmn32480 [474/838] has challenged arti [566/1171] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 01:24:35 is added to cmn32480's clock.
[10:19:35] <NerdRPG> cmn32480 reaches next level in 0 days, 11:28:48.
[11:19:32] <NerdRPG> cmn32480 [98/838] has challenged NerdRPG [256/1355] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 01:02:52 is added to cmn32480's clock.
[11:19:32] <NerdRPG> cmn32480 reaches next level in 0 days, 11:31:40.
[12:19:32] <NerdRPG> arti [360/1171] has challenged CoolHand [190/866] and taken them in combat! 9 days, 14:14:43 is removed from arti's clock.
[12:19:32] <NerdRPG> arti reaches next level in 30 days, 09:06:40.
[13:19:33] <NerdRPG> Idle RPG Top Players:
[13:19:33] <NerdRPG> arti, the level 102 wizard, is #1! Next level in 30 days, 08:06:39.
[13:19:33] <NerdRPG> swiss, the level 100 Computerer, is #2! Next level in 8 days, 12:50:15.
[13:19:33] <NerdRPG> CoolHand, the level 98 Chillaxer, is #3! Next level in 36 days, 15:15:32.
[13:19:33] <NerdRPG> FatPhil [184/558] has challenged stderr [332/1170] and been defeated in combat! 7 days, 23:26:54 is added to FatPhil's clock.
[13:19:36] <NerdRPG> FatPhil reaches next level in 74 days, 10:51:05.
[14:19:33] <NerdRPG> swiss [167/1354] has challenged CoolHand [115/866] and taken them in combat! 2 days, 00:55:15 is removed from swiss's clock.
[14:19:33] <NerdRPG> swiss reaches next level in 6 days, 10:55:00.
[15:19:33] <NerdRPG> stderr [239/1170] has challenged arti [981/1171] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 03:21:16 is added to stderr's clock.
[15:19:33] <NerdRPG> stderr reaches next level in 1 day, 03:18:58.
[15:55:43] <NerdRPG> stderr, SirFinkus, CoolHand, and swiss have completed their journey! 25% of their burden is eliminated.
[16:19:33] <NerdRPG> Idle RPG Top Players:
[16:19:33] <NerdRPG> arti, the level 102 wizard, is #1! Next level in 30 days, 05:06:39.
[16:19:33] <NerdRPG> swiss, the level 100 Computerer, is #2! Next level in 4 days, 18:35:17.
[16:19:33] <NerdRPG> CoolHand, the level 98 Chillaxer, is #3! Next level in 27 days, 09:05:41.
[16:19:33] <NerdRPG> CoolHand [814/866] has challenged swiss [455/1354] and taken them in combat! 6 days, 20:16:25 is removed from CoolHand's clock.
[16:19:36] <NerdRPG> CoolHand reaches next level in 20 days, 12:49:16.
[17:03:38] <NerdRPG> Dijkstra frowned upon CoolHand and their haphazard use of goto to create spaghetti code, so slowed them 6 days, 18:23:18 from level 99.
[17:03:38] <NerdRPG> CoolHand reaches next level in 27 days, 06:28:29.
[17:08:24] -!- SoyCow2862 [SoyCow2862!~46f7a763@qyo-10-887-752-08.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #irpg
[17:08:59] <NerdRPG> DaFunk, the level 40 RockEater, is now online from nickname SoyCow2862. Next level in 2 days, 18:56:48.
[17:09:41] <NerdRPG> CoolHand got chatted up by Cleverbot. This terrible calamity has slowed them 1 day, 21:48:22 from level 99.
[17:09:41] <NerdRPG> CoolHand reaches next level in 29 days, 04:10:48.
[17:19:34] <NerdRPG> FatPhil [285/558] has challenged CoolHand [735/866] and been defeated in combat! 10 days, 09:35:57 is added to FatPhil's clock.
[17:19:34] <NerdRPG> FatPhil reaches next level in 84 days, 16:27:02.
[18:19:31] <NerdRPG> stderr [30/1170] has challenged DaFunk [142/333] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 01:14:04 is added to stderr's clock.
[18:19:31] <NerdRPG> stderr reaches next level in 0 days, 18:52:22.
[19:19:31] <NerdRPG> Idle RPG Top Players:
[19:19:31] <NerdRPG> arti, the level 102 wizard, is #1! Next level in 30 days, 02:06:41.
[19:19:31] <NerdRPG> swiss, the level 100 Computerer, is #2! Next level in 4 days, 15:35:19.
[19:19:31] <NerdRPG> CoolHand, the level 98 Chillaxer, is #3! Next level in 29 days, 02:00:58.
[19:19:31] <NerdRPG> CoolHand [493/866] has challenged DaFunk [70/333] and taken them in combat! 2 days, 21:48:05 is removed from CoolHand's clock.
[19:19:34] <NerdRPG> CoolHand reaches next level in 26 days, 04:12:53.
[20:19:31] <NerdRPG> stderr [188/1170] has challenged cmn32480 [716/838] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 01:31:06 is added to stderr's clock.
[20:19:31] <NerdRPG> stderr reaches next level in 0 days, 18:23:28.
[20:50:53] <NerdRPG> DaFunk dropped their laptop. This terrible calamity has slowed them 0 days, 06:19:29 from level 41.
[20:50:53] <NerdRPG> DaFunk reaches next level in 2 days, 21:34:26.
[21:19:32] <NerdRPG> SirFinkus [625/988] has challenged DaFunk [143/333] and taken them in combat! 1 day, 23:19:34 is removed from SirFinkus's clock.
[21:19:32] <NerdRPG> SirFinkus reaches next level in 17 days, 17:56:06.
[21:55:44] <NerdRPG> FatPhil, arti, CoolHand, and cmn32480 have been chosen by the ACLU to locate the original Unics master tapes and leave them in the care of Ken Thompson. Participants must first reach [480,415], then [325,270]. See http://idlerpg.net to monitor their journey's progress.
[22:19:32] <NerdRPG> Idle RPG Top Players:
[22:19:32] <NerdRPG> arti, the level 102 wizard, is #1! Next level in 29 days, 23:06:40.
[22:19:32] <NerdRPG> swiss, the level 100 Computerer, is #2! Next level in 4 days, 12:35:18.
[22:19:32] <NerdRPG> CoolHand, the level 98 Chillaxer, is #3! Next level in 26 days, 01:12:52.
[22:19:32] <NerdRPG> arti [1015/1171] has challenged SirFinkus [834/988] and taken them in combat! 6 days, 14:12:16 is removed from arti's clock.
[22:19:35] <NerdRPG> arti reaches next level in 23 days, 08:54:24.
[22:51:11] <NerdRPG> cmn32480, the Horndog, has attained level 66! Next level in 57 days, 04:21:58.
[22:51:11] <NerdRPG> cmn32480 [153/838] has challenged DaFunk [101/333] and taken them in combat! 5 days, 17:14:11 is removed from cmn32480's clock.
[22:51:11] <NerdRPG> cmn32480 reaches next level in 51 days, 11:07:47.
[23:19:32] <NerdRPG> SirFinkus [118/988] has challenged arti [643/1171] and been defeated in combat! 2 days, 11:21:03 is added to SirFinkus's clock.
[23:19:32] <NerdRPG> SirFinkus reaches next level in 20 days, 03:17:09.
[23:25:30] <NerdRPG> DaFunk [307/333] has come upon SirFinkus [821/988] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 08:02:22 is added to DaFunk's clock.
[23:25:30] <NerdRPG> DaFunk reaches next level in 3 days, 03:02:11.