#irpg | Logs for 2016-02-29

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[00:19:33] <NerdRPG> swiss [1212/1274] has challenged FatPhil [329/829] and taken him in combat! 3 days, 10:09:23 is removed from swiss's clock.
[00:19:33] <NerdRPG> swiss reaches next level in 13 days, 16:37:33.
[00:19:33] <NerdRPG> swiss has dealt FatPhil a Critical Strike! 7 days, 21:47:22 is added to FatPhil's clock.
[00:19:33] <NerdRPG> FatPhil reaches next level in 54 days, 10:11:53.
[01:19:33] <NerdRPG> Idle RPG Top Players:
[01:19:33] <NerdRPG> arti, the level 95 wizard, is #1! Next level in 65 days, 12:23:53.
[01:19:33] <NerdRPG> CoolHand, the level 91 Chillaxer, is #2! Next level in 6 days, 15:30:34.
[01:19:33] <NerdRPG> swiss, the level 89 Computerer, is #3! Next level in 13 days, 15:37:33.
[01:19:33] <NerdRPG> FatPhil [208/829] has challenged stderr [455/712] and been defeated in combat! 5 days, 23:34:18 is added to FatPhil's clock.
[01:19:36] <NerdRPG> FatPhil reaches next level in 60 days, 08:46:11.
[01:54:01] <NerdRPG> arti [59/1008] has come upon stderr [396/712] and been defeated in combat! 7 days, 04:54:02 is added to arti's clock.
[01:54:01] <NerdRPG> arti reaches next level in 72 days, 16:43:28.
[02:19:32] <NerdRPG> cmn32480 [208/557] has challenged FatPhil [695/829] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 20:43:35 is added to cmn32480's clock.
[02:19:32] <NerdRPG> cmn32480 reaches next level in 8 days, 17:08:59.
[03:19:32] <NerdRPG> FatPhil [435/829] has challenged arti [324/1008] and taken them in combat! 13 days, 20:45:25 is removed from FatPhil's clock.
[03:19:32] <NerdRPG> FatPhil reaches next level in 46 days, 10:00:47.
[04:19:32] <NerdRPG> Idle RPG Top Players:
[04:19:32] <NerdRPG> arti, the level 95 wizard, is #1! Next level in 72 days, 14:17:56.
[04:19:32] <NerdRPG> CoolHand, the level 91 Chillaxer, is #2! Next level in 6 days, 12:30:35.
[04:19:32] <NerdRPG> swiss, the level 89 Computerer, is #3! Next level in 13 days, 12:37:34.
[04:19:32] <NerdRPG> cmn32480 [434/557] has challenged FatPhil [331/829] and taken him in combat! 1 day, 17:25:47 is removed from cmn32480's clock.
[04:19:35] <NerdRPG> cmn32480 reaches next level in 6 days, 21:43:12.
[04:56:02] <NerdRPG> FatPhil got demoted to the basement with a crappier coffee machine! FatPhil's level 270 genetically modified asian palm civet which shits perfect fresh coffee on demand loses 10% of its effectiveness.
[05:19:32] <NerdRPG> stderr [684/712] has challenged FatPhil [243/802] and taken him in combat! 5 days, 12:17:40 is removed from stderr's clock.
[05:19:32] <NerdRPG> stderr reaches next level in 22 days, 01:10:40.
[05:19:32] <NerdRPG> In the fierce battle, FatPhil dropped his level 243 genetically modified asian palm civet which shits perfect fresh coffee on demand! stderr picks it up, tossing their old level 30 coffee machine to FatPhil
[06:19:32] <NerdRPG> SirFinkus [651/1062] has challenged NerdRPG [23/1275] and taken them in combat! 1 day, 05:30:17 is removed from SirFinkus's clock.
[06:19:32] <NerdRPG> SirFinkus reaches next level in 4 days, 22:01:10.
[06:28:38] <NerdRPG> stderr got paid to consult on fixing healthcare.gov. This wondrous godsend has accelerated them 1 day, 02:24:04 toward level 78.
[06:28:39] <NerdRPG> stderr reaches next level in 20 days, 21:37:30.
[07:03:06] <NerdRPG> FatPhil dropped his laptop. This terrible calamity has slowed him 2 days, 07:30:51 from level 83.
[07:03:06] <NerdRPG> FatPhil reaches next level in 48 days, 13:48:04.
[07:19:31] <NerdRPG> Idle RPG Top Players:
[07:19:31] <NerdRPG> arti, the level 95 wizard, is #1! Next level in 72 days, 11:17:57.
[07:19:31] <NerdRPG> CoolHand, the level 91 Chillaxer, is #2! Next level in 6 days, 09:30:36.
[07:19:31] <NerdRPG> swiss, the level 89 Computerer, is #3! Next level in 13 days, 09:37:35.
[07:19:31] <NerdRPG> SirFinkus [343/1062] has challenged swiss [934/1274] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 14:02:32 is added to SirFinkus's clock.
[07:19:34] <NerdRPG> SirFinkus reaches next level in 5 days, 11:03:43.
[07:24:05] <NerdRPG> CoolHand installed NetBSD on their iPad. This wondrous godsend has accelerated them 0 days, 12:16:28 toward level 92.
[07:24:05] <NerdRPG> CoolHand reaches next level in 5 days, 21:09:34.
[07:36:42] <NerdRPG> swiss [1261/1274] has come upon arti [836/1008] and taken them in combat! 3 days, 01:54:29 is removed from swiss's clock.
[07:36:42] <NerdRPG> swiss reaches next level in 10 days, 07:25:55.
[08:19:31] <NerdRPG> stderr [431/925] has challenged cmn32480 [395/557] and taken them in combat! 2 days, 11:58:23 is removed from stderr's clock.
[08:19:31] <NerdRPG> stderr reaches next level in 18 days, 07:48:14.
[08:24:56] <NerdRPG> CoolHand got locked out of Google+. This terrible calamity has slowed them 0 days, 08:24:31 from level 92.
[08:24:56] <NerdRPG> CoolHand reaches next level in 6 days, 04:33:14.
[09:19:31] <NerdRPG> swiss [159/1274] has challenged NerdRPG [302/1275] and been defeated in combat! 1 day, 00:34:18 is added to swiss's clock.
[09:19:31] <NerdRPG> swiss reaches next level in 11 days, 06:17:24.
[10:19:31] <NerdRPG> Idle RPG Top Players:
[10:19:31] <NerdRPG> arti, the level 95 wizard, is #1! Next level in 72 days, 08:17:57.
[10:19:31] <NerdRPG> CoolHand, the level 91 Chillaxer, is #2! Next level in 6 days, 02:38:39.
[10:19:31] <NerdRPG> swiss, the level 89 Computerer, is #3! Next level in 11 days, 05:17:24.
[10:19:31] <NerdRPG> SirFinkus [465/1062] has challenged stderr [606/925] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 14:05:12 is added to SirFinkus's clock.
[10:19:34] <NerdRPG> SirFinkus reaches next level in 5 days, 22:08:55.
[11:19:31] <NerdRPG> stderr [881/925] has challenged arti [261/1008] and taken them in combat! 4 days, 04:27:53 is removed from stderr's clock.
[11:19:31] <NerdRPG> stderr reaches next level in 14 days, 00:20:21.
[12:19:33] <NerdRPG> cmn32480 [486/557] has challenged FatPhil [552/589] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 17:20:57 is added to cmn32480's clock.
[12:19:33] <NerdRPG> cmn32480 reaches next level in 7 days, 07:04:08.
[13:19:31] <NerdRPG> Idle RPG Top Players:
[13:19:31] <NerdRPG> arti, the level 95 wizard, is #1! Next level in 72 days, 05:17:57.
[13:19:31] <NerdRPG> CoolHand, the level 91 Chillaxer, is #2! Next level in 5 days, 23:38:39.
[13:19:31] <NerdRPG> swiss, the level 89 Computerer, is #3! Next level in 11 days, 02:17:24.
[13:19:31] <NerdRPG> CoolHand [293/1045] has challenged cmn32480 [233/557] and taken them in combat! 0 days, 17:14:14 is removed from CoolHand's clock.
[13:19:34] <NerdRPG> CoolHand reaches next level in 5 days, 06:24:25.
[14:19:33] <NerdRPG> arti [204/1008] has challenged FatPhil [48/589] and taken him in combat! 14 days, 10:27:35 is removed from arti's clock.
[14:19:33] <NerdRPG> arti reaches next level in 57 days, 17:50:20.
[15:19:31] <NerdRPG> SirFinkus [535/1062] has challenged cmn32480 [370/557] and taken them in combat! 0 days, 16:27:28 is removed from SirFinkus's clock.
[15:19:31] <NerdRPG> SirFinkus reaches next level in 5 days, 00:41:27.
[16:19:31] <NerdRPG> Idle RPG Top Players:
[16:19:31] <NerdRPG> arti, the level 95 wizard, is #1! Next level in 57 days, 15:50:22.
[16:19:31] <NerdRPG> CoolHand, the level 91 Chillaxer, is #2! Next level in 5 days, 03:24:25.
[16:19:31] <NerdRPG> swiss, the level 89 Computerer, is #3! Next level in 10 days, 23:17:24.
[16:19:31] <NerdRPG> stderr [72/925] has challenged SirFinkus [319/1062] and been defeated in combat! 1 day, 09:08:02 is added to stderr's clock.
[16:19:34] <NerdRPG> stderr reaches next level in 15 days, 04:28:23.
[17:06:00] <NerdRPG> FatPhil, arti, CoolHand, and cmn32480 have enriched the realm by completing their quest! 25% of their burden is eliminated.
[17:19:31] <NerdRPG> FatPhil [31/589] has challenged stderr [12/925] and taken them in combat! 6 days, 20:39:06 is removed from FatPhil's clock.
[17:19:31] <NerdRPG> FatPhil reaches next level in 29 days, 05:56:15.
[17:19:31] <NerdRPG> In the fierce battle, stderr dropped their Deathstation 3148 processor! FatPhil picks it up, tossing his old level 128 world's first actual quantum processor to stderr
[18:19:31] <NerdRPG> swiss [159/1274] has challenged NerdRPG [381/1275] and been defeated in combat! 1 day, 02:07:44 is added to swiss's clock.
[18:19:31] <NerdRPG> swiss reaches next level in 11 days, 23:25:08.
[19:19:31] <NerdRPG> Idle RPG Top Players:
[19:19:31] <NerdRPG> arti, the level 95 wizard, is #1! Next level in 43 days, 03:04:23.
[19:19:31] <NerdRPG> CoolHand, the level 91 Chillaxer, is #2! Next level in 3 days, 17:44:56.
[19:19:31] <NerdRPG> swiss, the level 89 Computerer, is #3! Next level in 11 days, 22:25:08.
[19:19:31] <NerdRPG> CoolHand [246/1045] has challenged cmn32480 [283/557] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 06:16:56 is added to CoolHand's clock.
[19:19:34] <NerdRPG> CoolHand reaches next level in 4 days, 00:01:52.
[20:19:31] <NerdRPG> SirFinkus [115/1062] has challenged CoolHand [884/1045] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 15:02:23 is added to SirFinkus's clock.
[20:19:31] <NerdRPG> SirFinkus reaches next level in 5 days, 10:43:50.
[21:19:31] <NerdRPG> arti [719/1008] has challenged NerdRPG [1152/1275] and been defeated in combat! 4 days, 07:18:26 is added to arti's clock.
[21:19:31] <NerdRPG> arti reaches next level in 47 days, 08:22:49.
[22:19:31] <NerdRPG> Idle RPG Top Players:
[22:19:31] <NerdRPG> arti, the level 95 wizard, is #1! Next level in 47 days, 07:22:49.
[22:19:31] <NerdRPG> CoolHand, the level 91 Chillaxer, is #2! Next level in 3 days, 21:01:52.
[22:19:31] <NerdRPG> swiss, the level 89 Computerer, is #3! Next level in 11 days, 19:25:08.
[22:19:31] <NerdRPG> FatPhil [475/609] has challenged arti [505/1008] and been defeated in combat! 3 days, 18:36:06 is added to FatPhil's clock.
[22:19:34] <NerdRPG> FatPhil reaches next level in 32 days, 19:32:21.
[23:06:03] <NerdRPG> SirFinkus, CoolHand, cmn32480, and swiss have been chosen by the EFF to quell the riot that has sprung up between Upstart-weenies and Systemd-weenies. Quest to end in 0 days, 15:46:35.
[23:19:32] <NerdRPG> SirFinkus [135/1062] has challenged stderr [711/905] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 14:03:01 is added to SirFinkus's clock.
[23:19:32] <NerdRPG> SirFinkus reaches next level in 5 days, 21:46:50.