#irpg | Logs for 2016-01-11

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[00:19:31] <NerdRPG> swiss [683/1310] has challenged cmn32480 [258/297] and taken them in combat! 0 days, 03:02:56 is removed from swiss's clock.
[00:19:31] <NerdRPG> swiss reaches next level in 1 day, 16:30:37.
[01:19:32] <NerdRPG> Idle RPG Top Players:
[01:19:32] <NerdRPG> arti, the level 92 wizard, is #1! Next level in 27 days, 11:46:12.
[01:19:32] <NerdRPG> CoolHand, the level 88 Chillaxer, is #2! Next level in 50 days, 03:56:06.
[01:19:32] <NerdRPG> swiss, the level 83 Computerer, is #3! Next level in 1 day, 15:30:36.
[01:19:32] <NerdRPG> swiss [1282/1310] has challenged NerdRPG [616/1311] and taken them in combat! 0 days, 07:54:07 is removed from swiss's clock.
[01:19:35] <NerdRPG> swiss reaches next level in 1 day, 07:36:29.
[02:14:07] -!- SirFinkus has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[02:14:29] -!- SirFinkus [SirFinkus!~SirFinkus@q-37-359-375-883.hsd6.wa.comcast.net] has joined #irpg
[02:14:31] <NerdRPG> SirFinkus, the level 73 Pessimist, is now online from nickname SirFinkus. Next level in 29 days, 18:08:03.
[02:19:32] <NerdRPG> stderr [31/599] has challenged CoolHand [802/996] and been defeated in combat! 23 days, 02:12:32 is added to stderr's clock.
[02:19:32] <NerdRPG> stderr reaches next level in 215 days, 12:37:06.
[02:29:09] <NerdRPG> stderr, arti, CoolHand, and swiss have been chosen by the ACLU to Locate and slay the beastly dragon foretold by the sages Aho and Ullman. Quest to end in 0 days, 14:22:02.
[03:19:32] <NerdRPG> SirFinkus [317/968] has challenged swiss [195/1310] and taken them in combat! 5 days, 22:36:37 is removed from SirFinkus's clock.
[03:19:32] <NerdRPG> SirFinkus reaches next level in 23 days, 18:26:28.
[04:19:32] <NerdRPG> Idle RPG Top Players:
[04:19:32] <NerdRPG> arti, the level 92 wizard, is #1! Next level in 27 days, 08:46:12.
[04:19:32] <NerdRPG> CoolHand, the level 88 Chillaxer, is #2! Next level in 50 days, 00:56:06.
[04:19:32] <NerdRPG> swiss, the level 83 Computerer, is #3! Next level in 1 day, 04:36:29.
[04:19:32] <NerdRPG> CoolHand [730/996] has challenged cmn32480 [280/297] and taken them in combat! 3 days, 12:03:55 is removed from CoolHand's clock.
[04:19:35] <NerdRPG> CoolHand reaches next level in 46 days, 12:52:11.
[05:19:32] <NerdRPG> SirFinkus [674/968] has challenged stderr [20/599] and taken them in combat! 4 days, 12:00:13 is removed from SirFinkus's clock.
[05:19:32] <NerdRPG> SirFinkus reaches next level in 19 days, 04:26:15.
[06:19:32] <NerdRPG> SirFinkus [0/968] has challenged NerdRPG [1172/1311] and been defeated in combat! 1 day, 21:56:37 is added to SirFinkus's clock.
[06:19:32] <NerdRPG> SirFinkus reaches next level in 21 days, 01:22:52.
[07:19:32] <NerdRPG> Idle RPG Top Players:
[07:19:32] <NerdRPG> arti, the level 92 wizard, is #1! Next level in 27 days, 05:46:12.
[07:19:32] <NerdRPG> CoolHand, the level 88 Chillaxer, is #2! Next level in 46 days, 09:52:11.
[07:19:32] <NerdRPG> swiss, the level 83 Computerer, is #3! Next level in 1 day, 01:36:29.
[07:19:32] <NerdRPG> SirFinkus [184/968] has challenged stderr [173/599] and taken them in combat! 3 days, 23:49:56 is removed from SirFinkus's clock.
[07:19:35] <NerdRPG> SirFinkus reaches next level in 17 days, 00:32:56.
[08:02:40] <NerdRPG> SirFinkus got tasked with fixing healthcare.gov. This terrible calamity has slowed them 2 days, 00:56:22 from level 74.
[08:02:40] <NerdRPG> SirFinkus reaches next level in 19 days, 00:46:10.
[08:14:38] <NerdRPG> swiss bought a 2nd hand Nokia N900 for $61. This wondrous godsend has accelerated them 0 days, 02:42:57 toward level 84.
[08:14:38] <NerdRPG> swiss reaches next level in 0 days, 21:58:26.
[08:19:32] <NerdRPG> stderr [578/599] has challenged CoolHand [175/996] and taken them in combat! 47 days, 08:39:21 is removed from stderr's clock.
[08:19:32] <NerdRPG> stderr reaches next level in 167 days, 21:57:45.
[09:19:32] <NerdRPG> CoolHand [86/996] has challenged SirFinkus [794/968] and been defeated in combat! 4 days, 15:11:13 is added to CoolHand's clock.
[09:19:32] <NerdRPG> CoolHand reaches next level in 50 days, 23:03:24.
[10:19:32] <NerdRPG> Idle RPG Top Players:
[10:19:32] <NerdRPG> arti, the level 92 wizard, is #1! Next level in 27 days, 02:46:12.
[10:19:32] <NerdRPG> CoolHand, the level 88 Chillaxer, is #2! Next level in 50 days, 22:03:24.
[10:19:32] <NerdRPG> swiss, the level 83 Computerer, is #3! Next level in 0 days, 19:53:32.
[10:19:32] <NerdRPG> CoolHand [602/996] has challenged SirFinkus [762/968] and been defeated in combat! 5 days, 02:12:20 is added to CoolHand's clock.
[10:19:35] <NerdRPG> CoolHand reaches next level in 56 days, 00:15:44.
[10:41:13] <NerdRPG> CoolHand bought a 2nd hand Nokia N900 for $164. This wondrous godsend has accelerated them 3 days, 08:38:02 toward level 89.
[10:41:13] <NerdRPG> CoolHand reaches next level in 52 days, 15:16:01.
[11:19:32] <NerdRPG> CoolHand [224/996] has challenged SirFinkus [752/968] and been defeated in combat! 5 days, 06:15:46 is added to CoolHand's clock.
[11:19:32] <NerdRPG> CoolHand reaches next level in 57 days, 20:53:28.
[12:19:31] <NerdRPG> stderr [493/599] has challenged swiss [171/1310] and taken them in combat! 33 days, 13:11:33 is removed from stderr's clock.
[12:19:31] <NerdRPG> stderr reaches next level in 134 days, 04:46:13.
[12:29:42] <NerdRPG> cmn32480, the Horndog, has attained level 30! Next level in 0 days, 14:18:29.
[12:29:42] <NerdRPG> cmn32480 [87/320] has challenged arti [91/979] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 01:51:36 is added to cmn32480's clock.
[12:29:42] <NerdRPG> cmn32480 reaches next level in 0 days, 16:10:05.
[12:30:03] <NerdRPG> SirFinkus's misdeeds have caught up with them. 0 days, 18:05:33 is added to their clock.
[12:30:03] <NerdRPG> SirFinkus reaches next level in 19 days, 14:24:20.
[13:19:32] <NerdRPG> Idle RPG Top Players:
[13:19:32] <NerdRPG> arti, the level 92 wizard, is #1! Next level in 26 days, 23:46:12.
[13:19:32] <NerdRPG> CoolHand, the level 88 Chillaxer, is #2! Next level in 57 days, 18:53:28.
[13:19:32] <NerdRPG> swiss, the level 83 Computerer, is #3! Next level in 0 days, 16:53:32.
[13:19:32] <NerdRPG> stderr [360/599] has challenged CoolHand [687/996] and been defeated in combat! 16 days, 02:22:20 is added to stderr's clock.
[13:19:35] <NerdRPG> stderr reaches next level in 150 days, 06:08:32.
[14:19:32] <NerdRPG> CoolHand [899/996] has challenged cmn32480 [4/320] and taken them in combat! 4 days, 01:00:44 is removed from CoolHand's clock.
[14:19:32] <NerdRPG> CoolHand reaches next level in 53 days, 16:52:44.
[15:19:32] <NerdRPG> stderr [369/599] has challenged swiss [131/1310] and taken them in combat! 30 days, 00:49:42 is removed from stderr's clock.
[15:19:32] <NerdRPG> stderr reaches next level in 120 days, 03:18:50.
[15:19:32] <NerdRPG> In the fierce battle, swiss dropped their level 206 Ray Kurzweil's direct retinal holoprojection unit! stderr picks it up, tossing their old level 174 Ray Kurzweil's direct retinal holoprojection unit to swiss
[16:05:03] -!- SirFinkus has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com]
[16:19:33] <NerdRPG> Idle RPG Top Players:
[16:19:33] <NerdRPG> arti, the level 92 wizard, is #1! Next level in 26 days, 20:46:11.
[16:19:33] <NerdRPG> CoolHand, the level 88 Chillaxer, is #2! Next level in 53 days, 14:52:43.
[16:19:33] <NerdRPG> swiss, the level 83 Computerer, is #3! Next level in 0 days, 13:53:31.
[16:19:33] <NerdRPG> swiss [997/1278] has challenged NerdRPG [913/1279] and taken them in combat! 0 days, 02:46:42 is removed from swiss's clock.
[16:19:36] <NerdRPG> swiss reaches next level in 0 days, 11:06:49.
[16:51:14] <NerdRPG> stderr, arti, CoolHand, and swiss have enriched the realm by completing their quest! 25% of their burden is eliminated.
[17:19:32] <NerdRPG> stderr [320/631] has challenged arti [252/979] and taken them in combat! 20 days, 16:59:58 is removed from stderr's clock.
[17:19:32] <NerdRPG> stderr reaches next level in 69 days, 07:52:05.
[18:19:32] <NerdRPG> swiss [787/1278] has challenged cmn32480 [179/320] and taken them in combat! 0 days, 00:27:09 is removed from swiss's clock.
[18:19:32] <NerdRPG> swiss reaches next level in 0 days, 06:00:54.
[19:19:31] <NerdRPG> Idle RPG Top Players:
[19:19:31] <NerdRPG> arti, the level 92 wizard, is #1! Next level in 20 days, 00:42:35.
[19:19:31] <NerdRPG> CoolHand, the level 88 Chillaxer, is #2! Next level in 40 days, 02:17:29.
[19:19:31] <NerdRPG> swiss, the level 83 Computerer, is #3! Next level in 0 days, 05:00:55.
[19:19:31] <NerdRPG> stderr [374/631] has challenged arti [824/979] and been defeated in combat! 9 days, 00:02:34 is added to stderr's clock.
[19:19:34] <NerdRPG> stderr reaches next level in 78 days, 05:54:40.
[20:19:31] <NerdRPG> stderr [90/631] has challenged CoolHand [290/996] and been defeated in combat! 9 days, 09:13:45 is added to stderr's clock.
[20:19:31] <NerdRPG> stderr reaches next level in 87 days, 14:08:25.
[21:19:31] <NerdRPG> arti [451/979] has challenged cmn32480 [182/320] and taken them in combat! 1 day, 09:30:34 is removed from arti's clock.
[21:19:31] <NerdRPG> arti reaches next level in 18 days, 13:12:01.
[22:13:13] -!- SirFinkus [SirFinkus!~SirFinkus@q-37-359-375-883.hsd6.wa.comcast.net] has joined #irpg
[22:13:16] <NerdRPG> SirFinkus, the level 73 Pessimist, is now online from nickname SirFinkus. Next level in 22 days, 18:01:53.
[22:19:31] <NerdRPG> Idle RPG Top Players:
[22:19:31] <NerdRPG> arti, the level 92 wizard, is #1! Next level in 18 days, 12:12:01.
[22:19:31] <NerdRPG> CoolHand, the level 88 Chillaxer, is #2! Next level in 39 days, 23:17:29.
[22:19:31] <NerdRPG> swiss, the level 83 Computerer, is #3! Next level in 0 days, 02:00:55.
[22:19:31] <NerdRPG> stderr [159/631] has challenged arti [225/979] and been defeated in combat! 11 days, 09:01:05 is added to stderr's clock.
[22:19:34] <NerdRPG> stderr reaches next level in 98 days, 21:09:30.
[22:51:16] <NerdRPG> stderr, arti, CoolHand, and swiss have been chosen by the EFF to quell the riot that has sprung up between Android-weenies and iPhone-weenies. Quest to end in 0 days, 22:34:47.
[23:19:31] <NerdRPG> CoolHand [479/996] has challenged NerdRPG [1233/1279] and been defeated in combat! 3 days, 23:49:44 is added to CoolHand's clock.
[23:19:31] <NerdRPG> CoolHand reaches next level in 43 days, 22:07:13.