#irpg | Logs for 2015-10-04

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[00:03:04] -!- SirFinkus has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[00:51:13] <NerdRPG> FatPhil [822/863] has challenged CoolHand [929/1166] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 05:14:21 is added to FatPhil's clock.
[00:51:13] <NerdRPG> FatPhil reaches next level in 2 days, 00:53:59.
[01:10:00] -!- SirFinkus [SirFinkus!~SirFinkus@q-37-359-375-883.hsd6.wa.comcast.net] has joined #irpg
[01:10:03] -!- mode/#irpg [+v SirFinkus] by NerdRPG
[01:10:03] <NerdRPG> SirFinkus, the level 70 Pessimist, is now online from nickname SirFinkus. Next level in 5 days, 16:11:38.
[01:51:13] <NerdRPG> arti [771/1057] has challenged swiss [138/787] and taken them in combat! 0 days, 09:40:06 is removed from arti's clock.
[01:51:13] <NerdRPG> arti reaches next level in 1 day, 14:40:24.
[02:51:13] <NerdRPG> Idle RPG Top Players:
[02:51:13] <NerdRPG> arti, the level 89 wizard, is #1! Next level in 1 day, 13:40:24.
[02:51:13] <NerdRPG> CoolHand, the level 85 Chillaxer, is #2! Next level in 18 days, 15:59:27.
[02:51:13] <NerdRPG> swiss, the level 80 Computerer, is #3! Next level in 12 days, 17:37:21.
[02:51:13] <NerdRPG> arti [785/1057] has challenged SirFinkus [250/1073] and taken them in combat! 0 days, 06:24:16 is removed from arti's clock.
[02:51:16] <NerdRPG> arti reaches next level in 1 day, 07:16:08.
[03:51:13] <NerdRPG> CoolHand [1143/1166] has challenged NerdRPG [22/1194] and taken them in combat! 3 days, 17:23:53 is removed from CoolHand's clock.
[03:51:13] <NerdRPG> CoolHand reaches next level in 14 days, 21:35:34.
[04:51:14] <NerdRPG> arti [230/1057] has challenged CoolHand [29/1166] and taken them in combat! 0 days, 06:08:47 is removed from arti's clock.
[04:51:14] <NerdRPG> arti reaches next level in 0 days, 23:07:21.
[04:51:14] <NerdRPG> In the fierce battle, CoolHand dropped their 1.8TB hard disk! arti picks it up, tossing their old 1.4TB hard disk to CoolHand
[05:51:14] <NerdRPG> Idle RPG Top Players:
[05:51:14] <NerdRPG> arti, the level 89 wizard, is #1! Next level in 0 days, 22:07:20.
[05:51:14] <NerdRPG> CoolHand, the level 85 Chillaxer, is #2! Next level in 14 days, 19:35:33.
[05:51:14] <NerdRPG> swiss, the level 80 Computerer, is #3! Next level in 12 days, 14:37:20.
[05:51:14] <NerdRPG> SirFinkus [652/1073] has challenged NerdRPG [293/1194] and taken them in combat! 1 day, 02:18:06 is removed from SirFinkus's clock.
[05:51:17] <NerdRPG> SirFinkus reaches next level in 4 days, 09:12:24.
[06:51:14] <NerdRPG> FatPhil [274/863] has challenged arti [874/1059] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 05:08:52 is added to FatPhil's clock.
[06:51:14] <NerdRPG> FatPhil reaches next level in 2 days, 00:02:50.
[07:51:14] <NerdRPG> CoolHand [658/1163] has challenged FatPhil [528/863] and taken him in combat! 2 days, 19:10:57 is removed from CoolHand's clock.
[07:51:14] <NerdRPG> CoolHand reaches next level in 11 days, 22:24:36.
[08:51:15] <NerdRPG> Idle RPG Top Players:
[08:51:15] <NerdRPG> arti, the level 89 wizard, is #1! Next level in 0 days, 19:07:19.
[08:51:15] <NerdRPG> CoolHand, the level 85 Chillaxer, is #2! Next level in 11 days, 21:24:35.
[08:51:15] <NerdRPG> swiss, the level 80 Computerer, is #3! Next level in 12 days, 11:37:19.
[08:51:15] <NerdRPG> arti [592/1059] has challenged SirFinkus [665/1073] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 01:54:43 is added to arti's clock.
[08:51:18] <NerdRPG> arti reaches next level in 0 days, 21:02:02.
[09:51:15] <NerdRPG> swiss [132/787] has challenged SirFinkus [301/1073] and been defeated in combat! 1 day, 05:51:43 is added to swiss's clock.
[09:51:15] <NerdRPG> swiss reaches next level in 13 days, 16:29:02.
[10:51:15] <NerdRPG> FatPhil [575/863] has challenged CoolHand [678/1163] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 05:17:08 is added to FatPhil's clock.
[10:51:15] <NerdRPG> FatPhil reaches next level in 2 days, 01:19:57.
[11:51:13] <NerdRPG> Idle RPG Top Players:
[11:51:13] <NerdRPG> arti, the level 89 wizard, is #1! Next level in 0 days, 18:02:04.
[11:51:13] <NerdRPG> CoolHand, the level 85 Chillaxer, is #2! Next level in 11 days, 18:24:37.
[11:51:13] <NerdRPG> swiss, the level 80 Computerer, is #3! Next level in 13 days, 14:29:04.
[11:51:13] <NerdRPG> FatPhil [752/863] has challenged swiss [679/787] and taken them in combat! 0 days, 09:39:59 is removed from FatPhil's clock.
[11:51:16] <NerdRPG> FatPhil reaches next level in 1 day, 14:40:00.
[12:32:56] <NerdRPG> SirFinkus reseated their RAM chips! SirFinkus's RAM gains 10% of its effectiveness.
[12:51:15] <NerdRPG> SirFinkus [690/1079] has challenged arti [925/1059] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 11:47:05 is added to SirFinkus's clock.
[12:51:15] <NerdRPG> SirFinkus reaches next level in 4 days, 13:59:28.
[13:14:54] <NerdRPG> FatPhil, arti, CoolHand, and swiss have completed their journey! 25% of their burden is eliminated.
[13:51:13] <NerdRPG> CoolHand [698/1163] has challenged NerdRPG [25/1200] and taken them in combat! 1 day, 18:01:52 is removed from CoolHand's clock.
[13:51:13] <NerdRPG> CoolHand reaches next level in 7 days, 00:07:31.
[14:28:57] -!- stderr [stderr!~pohol@GetOffMyLawn/stderr] has joined #irpg
[14:29:40] -!- mode/#irpg [+v stderr] by NerdRPG
[14:29:40] <NerdRPG> stderr, the level 75 I/O-stream, is now online from nickname stderr. Next level in 8 days, 00:18:22.
[14:30:52] <NerdRPG> SirFinkus [979/1079] has come upon stderr [572/629] and taken them in combat! 0 days, 19:29:58 is removed from SirFinkus's clock.
[14:30:52] <NerdRPG> SirFinkus reaches next level in 3 days, 16:49:53.
[14:51:13] <NerdRPG> Idle RPG Top Players:
[14:51:13] <NerdRPG> arti, the level 89 wizard, is #1! Next level in 0 days, 10:52:28.
[14:51:13] <NerdRPG> CoolHand, the level 85 Chillaxer, is #2! Next level in 6 days, 23:07:31.
[14:51:13] <NerdRPG> swiss, the level 80 Computerer, is #3! Next level in 10 days, 02:12:43.
[14:51:13] <NerdRPG> CoolHand [289/1163] has challenged stderr [278/629] and taken them in combat! 1 day, 06:04:57 is removed from CoolHand's clock.
[14:51:16] <NerdRPG> CoolHand reaches next level in 5 days, 17:02:34.
[15:51:13] <NerdRPG> swiss [198/787] has challenged FatPhil [554/863] and been defeated in combat! 1 day, 02:31:59 is added to swiss's clock.
[15:51:13] <NerdRPG> swiss reaches next level in 11 days, 03:44:42.
[16:51:13] <NerdRPG> stderr [32/629] has challenged CoolHand [93/1163] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 22:47:37 is added to stderr's clock.
[16:51:13] <NerdRPG> stderr reaches next level in 8 days, 20:44:29.
[17:51:13] <NerdRPG> Idle RPG Top Players:
[17:51:13] <NerdRPG> arti, the level 89 wizard, is #1! Next level in 0 days, 07:52:28.
[17:51:13] <NerdRPG> CoolHand, the level 85 Chillaxer, is #2! Next level in 5 days, 14:02:34.
[17:51:13] <NerdRPG> swiss, the level 80 Computerer, is #3! Next level in 11 days, 01:44:42.
[17:51:13] <NerdRPG> arti [559/1059] has challenged FatPhil [117/863] and taken him in combat! 0 days, 01:29:46 is removed from arti's clock.
[17:51:16] <NerdRPG> arti reaches next level in 0 days, 06:22:42.
[18:51:13] <NerdRPG> arti [809/1059] has challenged SirFinkus [452/1079] and taken them in combat! 0 days, 00:54:51 is removed from arti's clock.
[18:51:13] <NerdRPG> arti reaches next level in 0 days, 04:27:51.
[19:14:55] <NerdRPG> FatPhil, arti, SirFinkus, and swiss have been chosen by the EFF to quell the riot that has sprung up between JSP-weenies and ASP-weenies. Quest to end in 0 days, 16:06:42.
[19:51:14] <NerdRPG> swiss [592/787] has challenged NerdRPG [961/1200] and been defeated in combat! 1 day, 02:22:28 is added to swiss's clock.
[19:51:14] <NerdRPG> swiss reaches next level in 12 days, 02:07:10.
[20:23:53] <NerdRPG> stderr [181/629] has come upon SirFinkus [743/1079] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 20:55:10 is added to stderr's clock.
[20:23:53] <NerdRPG> stderr reaches next level in 9 days, 14:06:59.
[20:51:14] <NerdRPG> Idle RPG Top Players:
[20:51:14] <NerdRPG> arti, the level 89 wizard, is #1! Next level in 0 days, 02:27:50.
[20:51:14] <NerdRPG> CoolHand, the level 85 Chillaxer, is #2! Next level in 5 days, 11:02:33.
[20:51:14] <NerdRPG> swiss, the level 80 Computerer, is #3! Next level in 12 days, 01:07:09.
[20:51:14] <NerdRPG> stderr [539/629] has challenged SirFinkus [472/1079] and taken them in combat! 1 day, 15:02:32 is removed from stderr's clock.
[20:51:17] <NerdRPG> stderr reaches next level in 7 days, 22:37:06.
[21:51:14] <NerdRPG> swiss [292/787] has challenged stderr [83/629] and taken them in combat! 2 days, 03:51:41 is removed from swiss's clock.
[21:51:14] <NerdRPG> swiss reaches next level in 9 days, 20:15:28.
[22:51:14] <NerdRPG> CoolHand [141/1163] has challenged SirFinkus [717/1079] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 12:54:15 is added to CoolHand's clock.
[22:51:15] <NerdRPG> CoolHand reaches next level in 5 days, 21:56:48.
[23:19:02] <NerdRPG> arti, the wizard, has attained level 90! Next level in 81 days, 04:21:59.
[23:19:02] <NerdRPG> arti [621/1059] has challenged CoolHand [757/1163] and been defeated in combat! 9 days, 17:48:14 is added to arti's clock.
[23:19:02] <NerdRPG> arti reaches next level in 90 days, 22:10:13.
[23:51:15] <NerdRPG> Idle RPG Top Players:
[23:51:15] <NerdRPG> arti, the level 90 wizard, is #1! Next level in 90 days, 21:38:03.
[23:51:15] <NerdRPG> CoolHand, the level 85 Chillaxer, is #2! Next level in 5 days, 20:56:47.
[23:51:15] <NerdRPG> swiss, the level 80 Computerer, is #3! Next level in 9 days, 18:15:27.
[23:51:15] <NerdRPG> CoolHand [889/1163] has challenged SirFinkus [1033/1079] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 14:05:40 is added to CoolHand's clock.
[23:51:18] <NerdRPG> CoolHand reaches next level in 6 days, 11:02:27.