#irpg | Logs for 2014-03-13

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[00:13:32] <idlerpg> bryn-IRCredible, mattie_p, and nobbis [320/905] have team battled quitte, kobach, and swiss [380/946] and lost! 0 days, 03:25:30 is added to their clocks.
[00:13:50] bspar_ is now known as bspar
[00:14:35] -!- mode/#irpg [+v bspar] by idlerpg
[00:14:35] <idlerpg> Kartoffelsuppe, the level 39 Great Nothing, is now online from nickname bspar. Next level in 1 day, 20:58:08.
[00:44:33] <idlerpg> Ingar's ISP upgraded the lines to their modem! Ingar's modem gains 10% of its effectiveness.
[00:57:52] -!- arthur has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[01:10:11] -!- arthur [arthur!~arthur@69-797-8-4.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #irpg
[01:17:58] <idlerpg> quitte, the tourist, has attained level 16! Next level in 0 days, 01:47:28.
[01:18:07] <idlerpg> gd_the_grey, the kleptomancer, has attained level 18! Next level in 0 days, 02:24:37.
[01:18:07] <idlerpg> gd_the_grey [55/153] has challenged pbnjoe [112/312] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 00:10:07 is added to gd_the_grey's clock.
[01:18:07] <idlerpg> gd_the_grey reaches next level in 0 days, 02:34:44.
[01:19:34] -!- arthur has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[01:26:26] <idlerpg> Ingar was attacked by a rabid cow. This terrible calamity has slowed them 0 days, 00:33:22 from level 27.
[01:26:26] <idlerpg> Ingar reaches next level in 0 days, 05:11:30.
[01:29:08] <idlerpg> pbnjoe, the pickpocket, has attained level 35! Next level in 1 day, 06:03:06.
[01:29:08] <idlerpg> pbnjoe [49/312] has challenged hka [166/311] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 02:06:13 is added to pbnjoe's clock.
[01:29:08] <idlerpg> pbnjoe reaches next level in 1 day, 08:09:19.
[02:03:49] <idlerpg> ragequit [250/329] has come upon SirFinkus [142/299] and taken them in combat! 0 days, 02:56:12 is removed from ragequit's clock.
[02:03:49] <idlerpg> ragequit reaches next level in 1 day, 09:46:26.
[02:45:48] -!- FoobarBazbot_ has quit [Quit: FoobarBazbot_]
[02:46:12] -!- FoobarBazbot_ [FoobarBazbot_!~FoobarBaz@66.249.jxj.hn] has joined #irpg
[02:47:17] <idlerpg> Idle RPG Top Players:
[02:47:17] <idlerpg> stderr, the level 42 I/O-stream, is #1! Next level in 1 day, 02:15:26.
[02:47:17] <idlerpg> xlefay, the level 42 warlord, is #2! Next level in 2 days, 22:46:41.
[02:47:17] <idlerpg> mattie_p, the level 42 Pointy-Haired Boss, is #3! Next level in 3 days, 19:03:41.
[02:47:20] <idlerpg> mrwizrd, the mage, has attained level 40! Next level in 2 days, 15:07:12.
[02:47:26] <idlerpg> mrwizrd [174/304] has challenged Ingar [209/248] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 04:25:06 is added to mrwizrd's clock.
[02:47:29] <idlerpg> mrwizrd reaches next level in 2 days, 19:32:18.
[03:05:28] <idlerpg> quitte, the tourist, has attained level 17! Next level in 0 days, 02:04:38.
[03:05:28] <idlerpg> quitte [88/128] has challenged FatPhil [75/368] and taken him in combat! 0 days, 00:12:27 is removed from quitte's clock.
[03:05:28] <idlerpg> quitte reaches next level in 0 days, 01:52:11.
[03:52:52] <idlerpg> gd_the_grey, the kleptomancer, has attained level 19! Next level in 0 days, 02:47:44.
[03:52:52] <idlerpg> gd_the_grey [66/154] has challenged swiss [187/504] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 00:11:44 is added to gd_the_grey's clock.
[03:52:52] <idlerpg> gd_the_grey reaches next level in 0 days, 02:59:28.
[03:56:25] -!- BaconTree has quit [Service unloaded.]
[03:56:25] -!- buttercake [buttercake!buttercake@services.] has joined #irpg
[03:56:25] -!- mode/#irpg [+o buttercake] by services.
[04:01:35] <idlerpg> int bought a faster computer. This wondrous godsend has accelerated them 0 days, 02:42:54 toward level 40.
[04:01:35] <idlerpg> int reaches next level in 0 days, 21:58:09.
[04:05:49] Hyperbolebot is now known as baconbutter
[04:18:51] -!- prospectacle [prospectacle!~b4c880f7@180.200.jji.ihy] has joined #irpg
[04:20:25] -!- prospectacle [prospectacle!~b4c880f7@180.200.jji.ihy] has parted #irpg
[04:33:15] <idlerpg> int [12/264] has come upon bryn-IRCredible [52/276] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 01:30:03 is added to int's clock.
[04:33:15] <idlerpg> int reaches next level in 0 days, 22:56:32.
[04:52:50] -!- mode/#irpg [+v FoobarBazbot_] by idlerpg
[04:52:50] <idlerpg> FoobarBazbot, the level 38 street samurai, is now online from nickname FoobarBazbot_. Next level in 0 days, 03:54:12.
[04:57:39] <idlerpg> quitte, the tourist, has attained level 18! Next level in 0 days, 02:24:37.
[05:16:07] -!- arti [arti!~arti@76.91.rir.gzz] has joined #irpg
[05:16:09] -!- mode/#irpg [+v arti] by idlerpg
[05:16:09] <idlerpg> arti, the level 41 wizard, is now online from nickname arti. Next level in 2 days, 06:31:36.
[05:24:34] <idlerpg> PingOfDeath, the Druid, has attained level 40! Next level in 2 days, 15:07:10.
[05:24:34] <idlerpg> PingOfDeath [113/416] has challenged ragequit [200/329] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 04:25:06 is added to PingOfDeath's clock.
[05:24:34] <idlerpg> PingOfDeath reaches next level in 2 days, 19:32:16.
[05:32:03] -!- NCommander has quit [Changing host]
[05:32:03] -!- NCommander [NCommander!~mcasadeva@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mcasadevall] has joined #irpg
[05:32:41] -!- mode/#irpg [+v NCommander] by idlerpg
[05:32:41] <idlerpg> NCommander, the level 41 System Administrator, is now online from nickname NCommander. Next level in 2 days, 13:43:26.
[05:47:18] <idlerpg> Idle RPG Top Players:
[05:47:18] <idlerpg> stderr, the level 42 I/O-stream, is #1! Next level in 0 days, 23:15:25.
[05:47:18] <idlerpg> xlefay, the level 42 warlord, is #2! Next level in 2 days, 19:46:40.
[05:47:18] <idlerpg> mattie_p, the level 42 Pointy-Haired Boss, is #3! Next level in 3 days, 16:03:40.
[06:05:01] baconbutter is now known as Kif
[06:37:55] <idlerpg> Ingar, the Stack Tracer, has attained level 27! Next level in 0 days, 09:09:58.
[06:37:55] <idlerpg> Ingar [146/248] has challenged quitte [134/142] and taken them in combat! 0 days, 00:38:29 is removed from Ingar's clock.
[06:37:55] <idlerpg> Ingar reaches next level in 0 days, 08:31:29.
[06:52:21] <idlerpg> gd_the_grey, the kleptomancer, has attained level 20! Next level in 0 days, 03:14:35.
[07:08:30] <idlerpg> kobach, gd_the_grey, and int [68/754] have team battled arachnist, arti, and mrwizrd [102/1044] and lost! 0 days, 00:35:41 is added to their clocks.
[07:22:16] <idlerpg> quitte, the tourist, has attained level 19! Next level in 0 days, 02:47:45.
[07:43:21] <idlerpg> Verily I say unto thee, the Heavens have burst forth and the blessed hand of God carried Kartoffelsuppe 0 days, 08:14:52 toward level 40.
[07:43:21] <idlerpg> Kartoffelsuppe reaches next level in 1 day, 05:14:33.
[07:56:47] <idlerpg> hka, the Shiv-Knight, has attained level 39! Next level in 2 days, 06:24:50.
[07:56:47] <idlerpg> hka [199/355] has challenged ragequit [292/329] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 03:48:32 is added to hka's clock.
[07:56:47] <idlerpg> hka reaches next level in 2 days, 10:13:22.
[08:47:03] <idlerpg> FoobarBazbot, the street samurai, has attained level 39! Next level in 2 days, 06:24:49.
[08:47:03] <idlerpg> FoobarBazbot [259/361] has challenged Ingar [58/248] and taken them in combat! 0 days, 03:48:32 is removed from FoobarBazbot's clock.
[08:47:03] <idlerpg> FoobarBazbot reaches next level in 2 days, 02:36:17.
[08:47:18] <idlerpg> Idle RPG Top Players:
[08:47:18] <idlerpg> stderr, the level 42 I/O-stream, is #1! Next level in 0 days, 20:15:25.
[08:47:18] <idlerpg> xlefay, the level 42 warlord, is #2! Next level in 2 days, 16:46:40.
[08:47:18] <idlerpg> mattie_p, the level 42 Pointy-Haired Boss, is #3! Next level in 3 days, 13:03:40.
[08:47:30] <idlerpg> SirFinkus, the Pessimist, has attained level 36! Next level in 1 day, 10:51:36.
[08:47:30] <idlerpg> SirFinkus [217/303] has challenged FatPhil [350/368] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 02:26:24 is added to SirFinkus's clock.
[08:47:30] <idlerpg> SirFinkus reaches next level in 1 day, 13:18:00.
[09:04:33] <idlerpg> FatPhil, the Bodger, has attained level 41! Next level in 3 days, 01:13:09.
[09:04:33] <idlerpg> FatPhil [138/373] has challenged quitte [57/145] and taken them in combat! 0 days, 05:07:31 is removed from FatPhil's clock.
[09:04:33] <idlerpg> FatPhil reaches next level in 2 days, 20:05:38.
[09:11:46] <idlerpg> Verily I say unto thee, the Heavens have burst forth and the blessed hand of God carried stderr 0 days, 12:54:07 toward level 43.
[09:11:46] <idlerpg> stderr reaches next level in 0 days, 06:56:51.
[09:13:01] -!- quitte_ [quitte_!~quitte@m3yg1vhet.dip8.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #irpg
[09:16:16] -!- quitte has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[09:24:29] <idlerpg> arti was bucked from a horse. This terrible calamity has slowed them 0 days, 05:02:19 from level 42.
[09:24:29] <idlerpg> arti reaches next level in 2 days, 07:25:38.
[09:48:50] quitte_ is now known as quitte
[10:00:52] <idlerpg> stderr, nobbis, Landon, and ragequit have blessed the realm by completing their quest! 25% of their burden is eliminated.
[10:18:17] -!- mattie_p has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[10:42:39] <idlerpg> gd_the_grey, the kleptomancer, has attained level 21! Next level in 0 days, 03:45:42.
[10:52:35] FoobarBazbot is now known as FoobarBazbot|afk
[11:13:22] <idlerpg> Landon is forsaken by their evil god. 0 days, 00:20:19 is added to their clock.
[11:13:22] <idlerpg> Landon reaches next level in 1 day, 10:12:28.
[11:24:35] -!- mode/#irpg [+v quitte] by idlerpg
[11:24:35] <idlerpg> quitte, the level 19 tourist, is now online from nickname quitte. Next level in 0 days, 00:57:43.
[11:29:43] -!- mrwizrd has quit [Quit: WeeChat 0.3.8]
[11:30:32] -!- mrmortal [mrmortal!~mrmortal@fzxodr.feralhosting.com] has joined #irpg
[11:31:30] mrmortal is now known as mrwizrd
[11:32:24] -!- mode/#irpg [+v mrwizrd] by idlerpg
[11:32:24] <idlerpg> mrwizrd, the level 40 mage, is now online from nickname mrwizrd. Next level in 2 days, 11:52:50.
[11:47:17] <idlerpg> Idle RPG Top Players:
[11:47:17] <idlerpg> stderr, the level 42 I/O-stream, is #1! Next level in 0 days, 02:49:23.
[11:47:17] <idlerpg> xlefay, the level 42 warlord, is #2! Next level in 2 days, 13:46:41.
[11:47:17] <idlerpg> mattie_p, the level 42 Pointy-Haired Boss, is #3! Next level in 3 days, 12:54:23.
[12:22:19] <idlerpg> quitte, the tourist, has attained level 20! Next level in 0 days, 03:14:35.
[12:41:49] -!- NCommander has quit [Excess Flood]
[12:41:51] -!- NCommander [NCommander!~mcasadeva@2600:3c00::gkjo:ggkm:vshr:juyz] has joined #irpg
[13:01:12] <idlerpg> swiss, the Computerer, has attained level 42! Next level in 3 days, 12:56:02.
[13:01:12] <idlerpg> swiss [294/504] has challenged bryn-IRCredible [23/276] and taken them in combat! 0 days, 06:47:40 is removed from swiss's clock.
[13:01:12] <idlerpg> swiss reaches next level in 3 days, 06:08:22.
[13:13:26] -!- idlerpg has quit [Quit: DIE 'oops' from xlefay]
[13:16:37] <stderr> Hello world!
[13:21:21] -!- NerdRPG [NerdRPG!NerdRPG@Soylent/Bot/Bender] has joined #irpg
[13:21:21] -!- mode/#irpg [+o NerdRPG] by buttercake
[13:21:27] <NerdRPG> Recognised 23 users on channel. Automatically logging in accounts: FatPhil, kobach, stderr, int, PingOfDeath, arti, FoobarBazbot, bryn-IRCredible, Nerdfest, xlefay, gd_the_grey, mrwizrd, swiss, hka, Landon, Ingar, Kartoffelsuppe, nobbis, ragequit, pbnjoe, quitte, SirFinkus, arachnist
[13:21:27] -!- mode/#irpg [+vvvv FatPhil] by NerdRPG
[13:21:27] -!- mode/#irpg [+vvvv Death] by NerdRPG
[13:21:27] -!- mode/#irpg [+vvvv Nerdfest] by NerdRPG
[13:21:27] -!- mode/#irpg [+vvvv swiss] by NerdRPG
[13:21:30] -!- mode/#irpg [+vvvv bspar] by NerdRPG
[13:21:33] -!- mode/#irpg [+vvv quitte] by NerdRPG
[13:21:36] <NerdRPG> xlefay, nobbis, swiss, and Landon have begun a quest, for the good of the realm. Quest to end in 0 days, 21:45:50.
[13:47:07] -!- mattie_p [mattie_p!~mattie_p@Soylent/Staff/Editor/mattiep] has joined #irpg
[13:47:36] -!- mode/#irpg [+v mattie_p] by NerdRPG
[13:47:36] <NerdRPG> mattie_p, the level 42 Pointy-Haired Boss, is now online from nickname mattie_p. Next level in 3 days, 12:54:23.
[13:48:59] -!- NerdRPG has quit [Quit: DIE 'update!' from xlefay]
[13:49:18] -!- NerdRPG [NerdRPG!NerdRPG@Soylent/Bot/Bender] has joined #irpg
[13:49:18] -!- mode/#irpg [+o NerdRPG] by buttercake
[13:49:24] <NerdRPG> Recognised 24 users on channel. Automatically logging in accounts: FatPhil, kobach, stderr, int, PingOfDeath, arti, FoobarBazbot, bryn-IRCredible, Nerdfest, xlefay, gd_the_grey, mrwizrd, mattie_p, swiss, hka, Landon, Ingar, Kartoffelsuppe, nobbis, ragequit, pbnjoe, quitte, SirFinkus, arachnist
[13:49:24] -!- mode/#irpg [+vvvv FatPhil] by NerdRPG
[13:49:24] -!- mode/#irpg [+vvvv Death] by NerdRPG
[13:49:24] -!- mode/#irpg [+vvvv Nerdfest] by NerdRPG
[13:49:27] -!- mode/#irpg [+vvvv mattie_p] by NerdRPG
[13:49:30] -!- mode/#irpg [+vvvv Ingar] by NerdRPG
[13:49:33] -!- mode/#irpg [+vvvv pbnjoe] by NerdRPG
[13:56:43] <NerdRPG> swiss [164/504] has come upon mattie_p [261/344] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 05:24:53 is added to swiss's clock.
[13:56:43] <NerdRPG> swiss reaches next level in 3 days, 10:46:09.
[13:56:49] <NerdRPG> swiss [166/504] has come upon mattie_p [243/344] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 05:47:37 is added to swiss's clock.
[13:56:49] <NerdRPG> swiss reaches next level in 3 days, 16:33:40.
[14:12:04] Kif is now known as toomanynicknames
[14:27:17] <NerdRPG> ragequit [159/329] has come upon bryn-IRCredible [175/276] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 01:03:16 is added to ragequit's clock.
[14:27:17] <NerdRPG> ragequit reaches next level in 0 days, 16:07:15.
[14:36:45] <NerdRPG> gd_the_grey, the kleptomancer, has attained level 22! Next level in 0 days, 04:21:49.
[14:45:01] <NerdRPG> stderr, the I/O-stream, has attained level 43! Next level in 4 days, 02:31:24.
[14:45:01] <NerdRPG> stderr [168/399] has challenged ragequit [229/329] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 06:53:47 is added to stderr's clock.
[14:45:01] <NerdRPG> stderr reaches next level in 4 days, 09:25:11.
[15:13:26] <NerdRPG> quitte [137/155] has come upon PingOfDeath [108/416] and taken them in combat! 0 days, 00:03:11 is removed from quitte's clock.
[15:13:26] <NerdRPG> quitte reaches next level in 0 days, 00:28:39.
[15:17:48] <NerdRPG> Ingar, the Stack Tracer, has attained level 28! Next level in 0 days, 10:37:58.
[15:17:48] <NerdRPG> Ingar [4/279] has challenged bryn-IRCredible [244/276] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 00:44:39 is added to Ingar's clock.
[15:17:48] <NerdRPG> Ingar reaches next level in 0 days, 11:22:37.
[15:25:56] -!- NerdRPG has quit [Quit: RESTART 'new updates, thx FatPhil!' from xlefay]
[15:25:58] -!- NerdRPG [NerdRPG!NerdRPG@Soylent/Bot/Bender] has joined #irpg
[15:25:58] -!- mode/#irpg [+o NerdRPG] by buttercake
[15:26:04] <NerdRPG> Recognised 24 users on channel. Automatically logging in accounts: FatPhil, kobach, stderr, int, PingOfDeath, arti, FoobarBazbot, bryn-IRCredible, Nerdfest, xlefay, gd_the_grey, mrwizrd, mattie_p, swiss, hka, Landon, Ingar, Kartoffelsuppe, nobbis, ragequit, pbnjoe, quitte, SirFinkus, arachnist
[15:26:04] -!- mode/#irpg [+vvvv FatPhil] by NerdRPG
[15:26:04] -!- mode/#irpg [+vvvv Death] by NerdRPG
[15:26:04] -!- mode/#irpg [+vvvv Nerdfest] by NerdRPG
[15:26:07] -!- mode/#irpg [+vvvv mattie_p] by NerdRPG
[15:26:10] -!- mode/#irpg [+vvvv Ingar] by NerdRPG
[15:26:13] -!- mode/#irpg [+vvvv pbnjoe] by NerdRPG
[15:37:04] -!- NCommander has quit [Changing host]
[15:37:04] -!- NCommander [NCommander!~mcasadeva@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mcasadevall] has joined #irpg
[15:40:51] -!- mode/#irpg [+v NCommander] by NerdRPG
[15:40:51] <NerdRPG> NCommander, the level 41 System Administrator, is now online from nickname NCommander. Next level in 2 days, 07:46:02.
[15:42:09] <NerdRPG> quitte, the tourist, has attained level 21! Next level in 0 days, 03:45:44.
[17:01:25] <NerdRPG> PingOfDeath got a comment moderated to +5 flamebait on SoylentNews. This wondrous godsend has accelerated them 0 days, 06:10:02 toward level 41.
[17:01:25] <NerdRPG> PingOfDeath reaches next level in 2 days, 01:53:55.
[18:22:12] <NerdRPG> bryn-IRCredible uninstalled all 6 toolbars from their browser. This wondrous godsend has accelerated them 0 days, 00:10:42 toward level 33.
[18:22:12] <NerdRPG> bryn-IRCredible reaches next level in 0 days, 02:22:10.
[18:24:27] <NerdRPG> FatPhil did 'emerge -u world' in his gentoo system. This terrible calamity has slowed him 0 days, 05:18:05 from level 42.
[18:24:28] <NerdRPG> FatPhil reaches next level in 2 days, 16:12:21.
[18:26:04] <NerdRPG> Idle RPG Top Players:
[18:26:04] <NerdRPG> stderr, the level 43 I/O-stream, is #1! Next level in 4 days, 05:44:18.
[18:26:04] <NerdRPG> xlefay, the level 42 warlord, is #2! Next level in 2 days, 07:16:23.
[18:26:04] <NerdRPG> mattie_p, the level 42 Pointy-Haired Boss, is #3! Next level in 3 days, 08:16:23.
[18:27:31] <NerdRPG> bryn-IRCredible [28/276] has come upon arti [268/359] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 00:09:34 is added to bryn-IRCredible's clock.
[18:27:31] <NerdRPG> bryn-IRCredible reaches next level in 0 days, 02:26:25.
[18:51:27] <NerdRPG> Seymore Cray thinks that with mattie_p's clever ideas he can push his cores to over 7.9 GHz, so advanced them 2 days, 11:05:20 toward level 43.
[18:51:27] <NerdRPG> mattie_p reaches next level in 0 days, 20:45:40.
[18:58:43] <NerdRPG> gd_the_grey, the kleptomancer, has attained level 23! Next level in 0 days, 05:03:43.
[19:27:53] <NerdRPG> quitte, the tourist, has attained level 22! Next level in 0 days, 04:21:51.
[19:27:53] <NerdRPG> quitte [26/200] has challenged mrwizrd [25/304] and taken them in combat! 0 days, 00:26:11 is removed from quitte's clock.
[19:27:53] <NerdRPG> quitte reaches next level in 0 days, 03:55:40.
[19:46:58] -!- quitte has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[19:55:03] FoobarBazbot|afk is now known as FoobarBazbot
[19:59:03] -!- quitte [quitte!~quitte@m3yg1vhet.dip8.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #irpg
[20:08:10] <NerdRPG> Kartoffelsuppe cancelled his LinkedIn account with extreme prejudice. This wondrous godsend has accelerated them 0 days, 01:41:49 toward level 40.
[20:08:10] <NerdRPG> Kartoffelsuppe reaches next level in 0 days, 15:16:24.
[20:51:18] -!- iWantToKeepAnon [iWantToKeepAnon!~6bcb8116@311-917-833-43.lightspeed.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #irpg
[20:53:53] <NerdRPG> bryn-IRCredible, the donkeysaurous, has attained level 33! Next level in 0 days, 22:20:01.
[20:53:53] <NerdRPG> bryn-IRCredible [271/276] has challenged FoobarBazbot [206/361] and taken them in combat! 0 days, 02:00:36 is removed from bryn-IRCredible's clock.
[20:53:53] <NerdRPG> bryn-IRCredible reaches next level in 0 days, 20:19:25.
[20:54:30] -!- iWantToKeepAnon has quit [Client Quit]
[21:07:18] toomanynicknames is now known as baaaacon
[21:26:06] <NerdRPG> Idle RPG Top Players:
[21:26:06] <NerdRPG> stderr, the level 43 I/O-stream, is #1! Next level in 4 days, 02:44:16.
[21:26:06] <NerdRPG> mattie_p, the level 42 Pointy-Haired Boss, is #2! Next level in 0 days, 18:11:01.
[21:26:06] <NerdRPG> xlefay, the level 42 warlord, is #3! Next level in 2 days, 04:16:21.
[21:34:21] <NerdRPG> FatPhil [28/373] has come upon Kartoffelsuppe [160/328] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 04:16:22 is added to FatPhil's clock.
[21:34:21] <NerdRPG> FatPhil reaches next level in 2 days, 17:18:49.
[21:43:23] <NerdRPG> int [119/264] has come upon Landon [238/332] and been defeated in combat! 0 days, 00:27:20 is added to int's clock.
[21:43:23] <NerdRPG> int reaches next level in 0 days, 06:57:54.
[21:43:32] <NerdRPG> stderr left his laptop on the back seat of his car while shopping. This terrible calamity has slowed them 0 days, 04:55:20 from level 44.
[21:43:32] <NerdRPG> stderr reaches next level in 4 days, 07:22:10.
[21:43:56] <NerdRPG> int [263/264] has come upon Landon [164/332] and taken them in combat! 0 days, 00:41:44 is removed from int's clock.
[21:43:56] <NerdRPG> int reaches next level in 0 days, 06:15:37.
[23:01:32] FoobarBazbot is now known as FoobarBazbot|afk
[23:07:59] kobach is now known as kobitch
[23:35:16] kobitch is now known as kobach
[23:36:29] <NerdRPG> xlefay has pushed kobach 6479 seconds toward level 42. kobach reaches next level in 0 days, 18:17:52.
[23:36:32] <NerdRPG> xlefay has pushed kobach 6479 seconds toward level 42. kobach reaches next level in 0 days, 16:29:50.
[23:52:01] <NerdRPG> nobbis, the wastrel, has attained level 41! Next level in 3 days, 01:13:08.
[23:52:01] <NerdRPG> nobbis [153/317] has challenged arachnist [2/381] and taken them in combat! 0 days, 07:19:18 is removed from nobbis's clock.
[23:52:01] <NerdRPG> nobbis reaches next level in 2 days, 17:53:50.