#github | Logs for 2017-11-15

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[21:33:28] -!- alaswoha [alaswoha!~fl@179.54.hk.wz] has joined #github
[21:33:30] <alaswoha> Hello there. we have done some deep investigation to this IRC and we have concluded that it is full of niggers. Please report to #freenode at irc.freenode.net to dispute this claim. Thank you.
[21:33:32] <alaswoha> Hello there. we have done some deep investigation to this IRC and we have concluded that it is full of niggers. Please report to #freenode at irc.freenode.net to dispute this claim. Thank you.
[21:33:33] <alaswoha> Hello there. we have done some deep investigation to this IRC and we have concluded that it is full of niggers. Please report to #freenode at irc.freenode.net to dispute this claim. Thank you.
[21:33:34] <alaswoha> Hello there. we have done some deep investigation to this IRC and we have concluded that it is full of niggers. Please report to #freenode at irc.freenode.net to dispute this claim. Thank you.
[21:33:36] <alaswoha> Hello there. we have done some deep investigation to this IRC and we have concluded that it is full of niggers. Please report to #freenode at irc.freenode.net to dispute this claim. Thank you.
[21:33:38] -!- alaswoha [alaswoha!~fl@179.54.hk.wz] has parted #github