#folding | Logs for 2018-02-02

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[00:25:39] -!- techman [techman!~tqefydzt@14.207.kjt.ug] has joined #folding
[00:25:41] <techman> irc.​techtronix.​net/6697 SSL REQUIRED ASK FOR TECHMAN IN #PARTY
[00:25:45] <techman> Techtronix is a multi-server network dedicated to supporting communities that are in the gaming and technology area. However, Techtronix is not limited to those community types.
[00:25:49] <techman> Techtronix has existed for over 4 years and will be celebrating its 5th year anniversary on July 23, 2018, the month and day is the day the network made its public launch (in beta). That being said, the network has existed for a fairly long amount of time and is very stable.
[00:25:53] <techman> If you're considering Techtronix as your IRC network of choice for hosting your community, come check it out!!
[00:25:57] <techman> Fnord666 Aphrodite Loggie exec cmn32480 Bytram paulej72 Deucalion
[00:25:57] -!- techman [techman!~tqefydzt@14.207.kjt.ug] has parted #folding
[00:37:50] -!- techman [techman!~swhxph@14.207.kjt.ug] has joined #folding
[00:38:02] <techman> irc.​techtronix.​net/6697 SSL REQUIRED ASK FOR TECHMAN IN #PARTY
[00:38:05] <techman> Techtronix is a multi-server network dedicated to supporting communities that are in the gaming and technology area. However, Techtronix is not limited to those community types.
[00:38:08] <techman> Techtronix has existed for over 4 years and will be celebrating its 5th year anniversary on July 23, 2018, the month and day is the day the network made its public launch (in beta). That being said, the network has existed for a fairly long amount of time and is very stable.
[00:38:13] <techman> If you're considering Techtronix as your IRC network of choice for hosting your community, come check it out!!
[00:38:18] <techman> Fnord666 Aphrodite Loggie exec cmn32480 Bytram paulej72 Deucalion
[00:38:18] -!- techman [techman!~swhxph@14.207.kjt.ug] has parted #folding
[00:53:28] <Bytram> ~folding-rank
[00:53:29] <exec> 07242
[01:03:36] -!- techmanspambot [techmanspambot!~nkmoyboe@78.24.mz.vyi] has joined #folding
[01:03:38] <techmanspambot> irc.​techtronix.​net/6697 SSL REQUIRED ASK FOR TECHMAN IN #PARTY
[01:03:42] <techmanspambot> Techtronix is a multi-server network dedicated to supporting communities that are in the gaming and technology area. However, Techtronix is not limited to those community types.
[01:03:46] <techmanspambot> Techtronix has existed for over 4 years and will be celebrating its 5th year anniversary on July 23, 2018, the month and day is the day the network made its public launch (in beta). That being said, the network has existed for a fairly long amount of time and is very stable.
[01:03:50] <techmanspambot> If you're considering Techtronix as your IRC network of choice for hosting your community, come check it out!!
[01:03:54] <techmanspambot> Fnord666 Aphrodite Loggie Deucalion paulej72 Bytram cmn32480 exec
[01:03:54] -!- techmanspambot [techmanspambot!~nkmoyboe@78.24.mz.vyi] has parted #folding
[09:16:02] <exec> current rank for team SoylentNews is 241
[22:49:54] <Bytram> ~folding rank
[22:49:57] <Bytram> ~folding-rank
[22:49:59] <exec> 07241