#folding | Logs for 2016-07-21

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[00:03:26] -!- chromas [chromas!~chromas@0::1] has joined #folding
[07:38:57] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #folding
[11:56:09] -!- exec has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[12:05:43] -!- exec [exec!~exec@23.24.kp.ip] has joined #folding
[12:05:43] -!- exec has quit [Changing host]
[12:05:43] -!- exec [exec!~exec@crutchys.brothel] has joined #folding
[12:46:35] -!- crutchy has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[12:59:46] -!- exec has quit [Quit: dafuq]
[13:15:36] -!- exec [exec!~exec@23.24.kp.ip] has joined #folding
[13:15:36] -!- exec has quit [Changing host]
[13:15:36] -!- exec [exec!~exec@crutchys.brothel] has joined #folding
[14:15:22] <exec> current rank for team SoylentNews is 555
[19:51:03] <Bytram> heh... 555? back-in-the-day, I remember that being the chip number for a programmable interval timer
[23:15:22] <exec> current rank for team SoylentNews is 554