#folding-rank | Logs for 2022-08-09

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[01:50:14] <systemd> Rank: 10388 | WUs: 10182,602 | Score: 103,697,374,417 (10Tue Aug 09 01:37:19 GMT 2022)
[04:50:14] <systemd> Rank: 10388 | WUs: 10182,606 | Score: 103,697,425,672 (10Tue Aug 09 04:37:48 GMT 2022)
[07:46:21] -!- Bytram has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[07:50:14] <systemd> Rank: 10388 | WUs: 10182,608 | Score: 103,698,016,418 (10Tue Aug 09 07:38:15 GMT 2022)
[07:51:02] -!- Bytram [Bytram!~Bytram@Soylent/Staff/Developer/martyb] has joined #folding-rank
[07:51:56] -!- ChanFix [ChanFix!ChanFix@ircservices.sylnt.us] has joined #folding-rank
[07:51:56] -!- mode/#folding-rank [+o ChanFix] by ircservices.sylnt.us
[07:51:56] -!- mode/#folding-rank [+o Bytram] by ChanFix
[07:51:56] <ChanFix> 1 client should have been opped.
[07:51:56] -!- ChanFix [ChanFix!ChanFix@ircservices.sylnt.us] has parted #folding-rank
[10:50:14] <systemd> Rank: 10388 | WUs: 10182,611 | Score: 103,698,043,655 (10Tue Aug 09 10:38:31 GMT 2022)
[13:50:14] <systemd> Rank: 10388 | WUs: 10182,617 | Score: 103,698,558,611 (10Tue Aug 09 13:39:01 GMT 2022)
[16:50:14] <systemd> Rank: 10388 | WUs: 10182,622 | Score: 103,698,872,484 (10Tue Aug 09 16:39:36 GMT 2022)
[19:50:14] <systemd> Rank: 10388 | WUs: 10182,627 | Score: 103,699,127,430 (10Tue Aug 09 19:40:15 GMT 2022)
[22:50:15] <systemd> Rank: 10388 | WUs: 10182,629 | Score: 103,699,254,111 (10Tue Aug 09 22:40:23 GMT 2022)