#folding-rank | Logs for 2020-04-17

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[00:58:56] <systemd> Rank: 10231 | WUs: 10124192 | Score: 101241230171 (10Fri Apr 17 00:13:14 GMT 2020)
[01:58:56] <systemd> Rank: 10231 | WUs: 10124237 | Score: 101242015273 (10Fri Apr 17 01:13:15 GMT 2020)
[02:58:56] <systemd> Rank: 10231 | WUs: 10124237 | Score: 101242015273 (10Fri Apr 17 02:13:25 GMT 2020)
[03:58:56] <systemd> Rank: 10231 | WUs: 10124237 | Score: 101242015273 (10Fri Apr 17 03:13:27 GMT 2020)
[04:58:56] <systemd> Rank: 10231 | WUs: 10124237 | Score: 101242015273 (10Fri Apr 17 04:13:39 GMT 2020)
[05:58:56] <systemd> Rank: 1023207↓ | WUs: 10124288 | Score: 101243040638 (10Fri Apr 17 05:13:48 GMT 2020)
[06:03:20] <chromas> nooo!!!
[06:58:56] <systemd> Rank: 10232 | WUs: 10124288 | Score: 101243040638 (10Fri Apr 17 06:13:55 GMT 2020)
[07:58:56] <systemd> Rank: 10232 | WUs: 10124288 | Score: 101243040638 (10Fri Apr 17 07:14:09 GMT 2020)
[08:06:51] -!- FatPhil [FatPhil!~luser@Soylent/Staff/Editor/FatPhil] has joined #folding-rank
[08:07:21] <chromas> Well you can still hit up the script manually
[08:58:56] <systemd> Rank: 10232 | WUs: 10124288 | Score: 101243040638 (10Fri Apr 17 08:14:14 GMT 2020)
[09:58:56] <systemd> Rank: 10232 | WUs: 10124350 | Score: 101243944762 (10Fri Apr 17 09:14:29 GMT 2020)
[10:58:56] <systemd> Rank: 10232 | WUs: 10124350 | Score: 101243944762 (10Fri Apr 17 10:14:36 GMT 2020)
[11:58:56] <systemd> Rank: 10232 | WUs: 10124350 | Score: 101243944762 (10Fri Apr 17 11:14:50 GMT 2020)
[12:58:56] <systemd> Rank: 10232 | WUs: 10124350 | Score: 101243944762 (10Fri Apr 17 12:15:05 GMT 2020)
[12:59:34] <Bytram> https://arstechnica.com
[12:59:54] <Bytram> =titles on
[13:21:40] <FatPhil> =titties on
[13:58:56] <systemd> Rank: 10232 | WUs: 10124409 | Score: 101244762234 (10Fri Apr 17 13:15:10 GMT 2020)
[14:01:59] <Bytram> chromas: if (score.current != score.previous) {print ranking stuff}
[14:02:45] <Bytram> My IRC client highlights a channel whenever something has been posted to it. No need to tell me that nothing has happened. Please?
[14:03:10] <Bytram> One can always do a manual, =folding-rank, if need be.
[14:03:53] <Bytram> That said... so glad you wrote it! Fills something I'd been wishing for... for years!
[14:58:56] <systemd> Rank: 10232 | WUs: 10124409 | Score: 101244762234 (10Fri Apr 17 14:15:18 GMT 2020)
[15:48:47] <chromas> Haha!
[15:58:56] <systemd> Rank: 10232 | WUs: 10124409 | Score: 101244762234 (10Fri Apr 17 15:15:27 GMT 2020)
[16:58:56] <systemd> Rank: 10232 | WUs: 10124409 | Score: 101244762234 (10Fri Apr 17 16:15:41 GMT 2020)
[17:58:56] <systemd> Rank: 1023307↓ | WUs: 10124471 | Score: 101245821199 (10Fri Apr 17 17:15:45 GMT 2020)
[18:58:56] <systemd> Rank: 10233 | WUs: 10124471 | Score: 101245821199 (10Fri Apr 17 18:15:59 GMT 2020)
[19:58:56] <systemd> Rank: 10233 | WUs: 10124471 | Score: 101245821199 (10Fri Apr 17 19:16:01 GMT 2020)
[20:08:22] -!- systemd has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[20:09:03] -!- systemd [systemd!~systemd@pid1] has joined #folding-rank
[20:51:17] <FatPhil> crank more numbers!
[20:51:55] <FatPhil> 7
[20:52:10] <FatPhil> 7
[21:07:11] <Bytram> Lucky 7?
[23:09:18] -!- systemd has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[23:09:30] -!- systemd [systemd!~systemd@pid1] has joined #folding-rank