#editorial | Logs for 2022-03-04

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[00:38:19] -!- inky has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[03:24:39] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #editorial
[08:50:42] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[12:39:16] -!- inky [inky!~inky@0.tor-exit.neelc.org] has joined #editorial
[12:48:56] -!- inky has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[12:59:46] -!- inky [inky!~inky@94.102.mg.p] has joined #editorial
[15:20:42] <janrinok> =submit https://arstechnica.com
[15:20:44] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Low on Gas: Ukraine Invasion Chokes Supply of Neon Needed for Chipmaking" (23p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[17:38:43] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #editorial
[17:55:03] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[18:06:18] -!- inky has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[18:24:39] -!- inky [inky!~inky@45.128.prw.liq] has joined #editorial
[19:19:15] <Bytram> =eds As tempting as it is to "say" more, I suggest we try to keep to at most one Russia/Ukraine per day. Of course, that excludes breaking news like an invasion or nuclear attack. --Bytram
[19:19:15] <systemd> ^ Editor ping for Bytram, chromas, FatPhil, Fnord666, fyngyrz, janrinok, mrpg, requerdanos, takyon
[20:24:16] <Bytram> Maybe so something like what we did for COVID-19 in the first few months -- have a round-up story? Thoughts? Ideas?
[20:24:32] <Bytram> s/s/d/
[20:24:32] <SedBot> <Bytram> Maybe do something like what we did for COVID-19 in the first few months -- have a round-up story? Thoughts? Ideas?
[21:41:48] -!- inky has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[21:43:52] -!- inky [inky!~inky@94.102.ok.uj] has joined #editorial