#editorial | Logs for 2022-01-22

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[00:41:39] * Bytram 2nds: ( https://soylentnews.org )
[00:42:15] * Bytram 2nds: ( https://soylentnews.org )
[00:42:34] <Bytram> =enable titles
[00:42:34] <systemd> k
[00:48:00] * Bytram 2nds: ( https://soylentnews.org )
[01:08:39] * Bytram 2nds: ( https://soylentnews.org )
[01:15:07] <Bytram> chromas: Why does systemd not want to display titles?
[01:15:32] * Bytram 2nds: ( https://soylentnews.org )
[01:15:36] <Bytram> https://soylentnews.org
[01:15:38] <systemd> ^ 03backSlash 01:15:37 = 01:15:37 GMT
[01:15:59] <Bytram> better, but okay.
[01:25:20] <Bytram> 2nding completed!
[02:08:07] -!- mrpg [mrpg!~Thunderbi@Soylent/Staff/Editor/mrpg] has joined #editorial
[02:08:07] -!- mode/#editorial [+v mrpg] by Hephaestus
[02:08:45] -!- mrpg has quit [Client Quit]
[02:42:43] <Bytram> =submit https://www.the-scientist.com
[02:43:03] <Bytram> https://www.the-scientist.com
[02:43:04] <systemd> ^ 03How the Gut Differentiates Artificial Sweeteners from Sugars
[02:47:33] <Bytram> chromas: any idea why the =submit did not seem to work?
[06:19:46] -!- GhostofAristarchus [GhostofAristarchus!~a516eec8@165.22.wjg.jzv] has joined #editorial
[06:30:07] <GhostofAristarchus> =submit Not a Joke https://www.vanityfair.com
[06:30:09] <systemd> ✓* Sub-ccess! "08Florida Advances Bill That Would Ban Making White People Feel Bad About Racism, and No, That’s Not" (11p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[06:31:15] <GhostofAristarchus> =asub https://news.yahoo.com
[06:31:23] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03The Problem With Joe Rogan…and White Boys" (80p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[06:33:48] <GhostofAristarchus> #submit https://fstoppers.com
[06:33:49] <MrPlow> Submitting. There is a mandatory delay, please be patient.
[06:34:14] <MrPlow> Submission successful. https://soylentnews.org
[06:34:53] <GhostofAristarchus> =submit Wouldn't you, too? https://mississippitoday.org
[06:34:55] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Every Black Mississippi Senator Walked Out as White Colleagues Voted to Ban Critical Race Theory" (32p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[06:35:41] <GhostofAristarchus> =asub News Corp, needs checking. https://nypost.com
[06:35:43] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Terrifying Moment Giant Great White Shark Tries to Smash Through Divers’ Cage" (14p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[06:47:14] <GhostofAristarchus> =submit https://www.nytimes.com
[06:47:24] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Little River County, Arkansas Covid Case and Risk Tracker" (106p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[07:01:14] <GhostofAristarchus> =asub https://kotaku.com
[07:01:16] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Call of Duty QA Testers Form Activision Blizzard’s First Union" (1p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[07:10:16] <GhostofAristarchus> =submit White Samoans (non-girl scout) https://www.rollingstone.com
[07:10:18] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Proud Boy Brawler 'Tiny' Toese Jailed on Felony Charges in Washington State" (22p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[07:17:29] <chromas> Bytram: While CTCP actions (/me command) are just regular messages with extra junk, the bot others them and oppresses them as subhumanal messages, so they activate a different event, which isn't hooked to the title part
[07:59:40] <GhostofAristarchus> =submit https://www.reuters.com
[07:59:43] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Judge Orders Detention for Oath Keeper Charged With U.S. Capitol Riot Sedition" (22p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[08:05:15] <GhostofAristarchus> =asub Oh, noes, cancellation! https://www.axios.com
[08:05:19] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Exclusive: YouTube Shuts Down Two Oath Keepers Channels" (2p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[08:17:44] <GhostofAristarchus> =submit Mimas for all! https://www.nytimes.com
[08:17:48] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03An Ocean May Lurk Inside Saturn’s ‘Death Star’ Moon" (22p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[08:22:41] <GhostofAristarchus> #submit https://www.engadget.com
[08:22:42] <MrPlow> Submitting. There is a mandatory delay, please be patient.
[08:23:07] <MrPlow> Submission successful. https://soylentnews.org
[08:23:17] <GhostofAristarchus> karma
[08:23:49] <GhostofAristarchus> #karma
[08:23:58] <GhostofAristarchus> =karma
[08:27:13] -!- GhostofAristarchus has quit []
[08:54:34] <chromas> Someone's got an Oathkeepers boner
[11:15:15] <Runaway1956> someone has been taking Oathkeeper's boners?
[12:12:31] -!- inky has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[13:25:40] -!- inky [inky!~inky@104.219.sgs.qqs] has joined #editorial
[15:10:06] <chromas> yes
[15:28:43] -!- inky has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[17:25:51] -!- inky [inky!~inky@194.32.mio.vny] has joined #editorial