#editorial | Logs for 2021-12-25

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[00:14:42] -!- inky has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[00:55:47] -!- inky [inky!~inky@81.17.yu.vq] has joined #editorial
[03:04:43] -!- inky has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[03:08:01] <Bytram> =yt https://youtu.be
[03:08:01] <systemd> https://youtube.com - Vacuum assisted solder stencil box V3 (05:28; 2,154 views; 👍64 👎[hidden by butthurt Google employees])
[03:12:39] -!- inky [inky!~inky@la06430.tor.shh.sh] has joined #editorial
[03:39:37] -!- Subsentient has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[03:39:37] -!- aqu4bot has quit [Quit: aqu4bot baking shutting down.]
[03:42:33] -!- aqu4bot [aqu4bot!~aqu4bot@pptdbxlc9.us] has joined #editorial
[03:43:20] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@pptdbxlc9.us] has joined #editorial
[12:11:19] -!- Subsentient has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[12:49:07] -!- inky has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[13:02:03] -!- inky [inky!~inky@pi3842081.ip-41-31-78.eu] has joined #editorial
[14:44:28] -!- inky has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[14:45:24] -!- inky [inky!~inky@g-289-635-772-193.NA.cust.bahnhof.se] has joined #editorial
[15:17:59] <Bytram> Heading out for a few hours to meet with some friends. Merry Christmas everybody!
[18:22:43] -!- aqu4bot has quit [Quit: aqu4bot baking shutting down.]
[18:22:56] -!- aqu4bot [aqu4bot!~aqu4bot@pptdbxlc9.us] has joined #editorial
[18:23:03] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@pptdbxlc9.us] has joined #editorial