#editorial | Logs for 2021-07-15

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[00:18:38] <Bytram> calling it early tonight -- have a great one everybody!
[07:44:02] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[14:21:53] -!- inky [inky!~inky@45.95.sgw.ir] has joined #editorial
[14:59:55] -!- inky has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[15:13:30] -!- inky [inky!~inky@185.191.wkl.gzq] has joined #editorial
[15:38:03] -!- inky has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[15:49:31] -!- inky [inky!~inky@tvr-lskj.vrij-heid.nl] has joined #editorial
[18:45:00] -!- inky has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[18:50:37] -!- inky [inky!~inky@94.142.qsx.zz] has joined #editorial
[19:28:07] -!- inky has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[19:52:03] -!- inky [inky!~inky@blx-xqgb-27.svea.net] has joined #editorial
[23:55:08] <Bytram> =asub https://www.cnn.com
[23:55:12] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Dozens Killed as Severe Flooding Hits Europe" (6p) -> https://soylentnews.org