#editorial | Logs for 2021-03-24

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[00:38:17] <Bytram> =g AIS chip
[00:38:17] <systemd> https://www.eetimes.com - Marine AIS chips make a splash | EE Times
[00:38:23] <Bytram> =g AIS ship
[00:38:24] <systemd> https://www.marinetraffic.com - MarineTraffic: Global Ship Tracking Intelligence | AIS Marine Traffic
[00:58:21] <Bytram> Fnord666: chromas: requerdanos: takyon: janrinok: Anybody here? I just subbed a time-sensitive story if anybody wants to take it.
[00:58:33] <Bytram> https://soylentnews.org
[00:58:35] <systemd> ^ 03Grounded 'Mega Ship' Blocking Suez Canal in Both Directions -- How Would You Get It Free?: SoylentNews Submission
[01:11:56] * Bytram updates Beg-o-Meter
[01:15:01] * Bytram notes a large subscription and sends an Admin-to-User thank you.
[01:20:28] <Bytram> message sent
[01:34:57] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[01:54:16] <Bytram> =asub https://www.washingtonpost.com
[01:54:19] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Lockheed, Northrop Clinch Massive Missile Defense Deals as Boeing is Passed Over" (15p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[02:07:43] <Bytram> https://www.vesselfinder.com
[02:07:44] <systemd> ^ 03EVER GIVEN Current position (Container Ship, IMO 9811000) - VesselFinder
[03:38:03] <Bytram> https://www.vesselfinder.com
[03:38:05] <systemd> ^ 03Ship photos - VesselFinder
[03:48:36] <Bytram> Fnord666: bling!
[03:52:04] <Bytram> Fnord666: Please include these two, immediately-preceding links if you run the story about the Suez Canal being blocked by a grounded super-sized container ship.
[03:55:22] <Bytram> afk
[04:06:19] <Bytram> that's gonna have to do it.
[04:06:32] <Bytram> Have a great night everyone!
[11:30:13] -!- progo has quit [Quit: http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.]
[11:30:24] -!- progo [progo!~quassel@lvjkf3.xen.prgmr.com] has joined #editorial
[11:34:18] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #editorial
[13:03:30] * Bytram updates Beg-o-Meter
[13:03:57] <Bytram> mysql> SELECT sum(payment_net), 100.0 * sum(payment_net) / 3500.00, max(ts), max(spid) FROM subscribe_payments WHERE ts > '2021-01-01' ;
[13:03:57] <Bytram> +------------------+------------------------------------+---------------------+-----------+
[13:04:11] <Bytram> | sum(payment_net) | 100.0 * sum(payment_net) / 3500.00 | max(ts) | max(spid) |
[13:04:13] <Bytram> +------------------+------------------------------------+---------------------+-----------+
[13:04:15] <Bytram> | 762.08 | 21.7737143 | 2021-03-24 12:09:20 | 1542 |
[13:04:17] <Bytram> +------------------+------------------------------------+---------------------+-----------+
[13:04:19] <Bytram> 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
[13:04:20] <Bytram> mysql>
[13:06:44] <Bytram> Completed!
[14:55:08] <Fnord666> =asub https://arstechnica.com
[14:55:09] <systemd> ^ 03Relativity Space printed its Terran 1 rocket’s second stage in a few weeks ( https://arstechnica.com )
[15:02:41] <Bytram> gtg; back in a few hours.
[15:25:02] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[19:19:14] -!- Subsentient has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[19:53:54] <Bytram> =asub https://www.cnbc.com
[19:53:57] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03The 11 Extremely Common Grammar Mistakes That Make People Cringe" (3p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[20:02:39] <Bytram> =asub https://www.cbsnews.com Real-time information is available at: https://www.vesselfinder.com
[20:02:42] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Massive Cargo Ship Turns Sideways, Totally Blocks Suez Canal" (18p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[20:18:28] <Bytram> =asub https://www.sciencedaily.com
[20:18:33] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Semiconductor Qubits Scale in Two Dimensions" (7p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[20:23:23] <Bytram> chromas: I manually subbed a story yesterday, and bot-subbed a follow-up just a short while ago, if you are interested. NOTE: ~10% of the entire world's ship traffic goes through the Suez canal! So long as it's blocked prices are going to rise and there will be follow-on issues for quite a while
[20:29:54] <chromas> hehe, toe truck
[20:30:09] <chromas> is that what you use to tow the line?
[20:31:05] <Bytram> lol
[20:32:12] <Bytram> chromas: I see you are looking at the sorely stuck ship story -- tyvm!
[20:33:15] <Bytram> Feel free to slide it up in the story queue -- I suspect it will get freed within a few hours.
[20:33:37] <Bytram> Feel free to slide it up in the story queue -- I suspect it (the ship) will get freed within a few hours.
[20:34:02] <Bytram> chromas++
[20:34:02] <Bender> karma - chromas: 201
[20:40:14] <chromas> was "toe truck" a pun?
[20:46:04] <Bytram> chromas: coulda been... I've honestly forgotten what I wrote. Am overdue for a nap after two too-short night's sleep
[20:50:22] * chromas moves melting glaciers, gives it a lame dept
[20:50:54] <Bytram> Oh, now I remember. That WAS a typo; good catch!
[20:51:47] <chromas> I figured there was a pun I missed but just in case, I just took it out :D
[20:51:55] <chromas> That weigh I can't be wrong
[20:51:56] <Bytram> np!
[20:58:21] <Bytram> 2nded
[20:58:26] <Bytram> naps++
[20:58:26] <Bender> karma - naps: 13
[20:58:37] <Bytram> chromas++ TYVM!!!
[20:58:37] <Bender> karma - chromas: 202
[20:58:40] <Bytram> laters
[21:12:41] <Bytram> https://www.imperial.ac.uk
[21:12:45] <systemd> ^ 03New result from the LHCb experiment challenges leading theory in physics
[22:30:42] <Bytram> pushed out a few stories -- time for a nap
[22:30:47] <Bytram> laters!
[22:52:11] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #editorial