#editorial | Logs for 2021-01-24

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[00:07:21] <Bytram> =asub https://www.icrar.org ( via: https://www.sciencedaily.com )
[00:07:25] <systemd> Submitting "Record-breaking laser link could help us test whether Einstein was right - ICRAR"...
[00:07:47] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Record-breaking Laser Link Could Help Us Test Whether Einstein Was Right - ICRAR" (53p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[00:09:52] <Bytram> =seen chromas
[00:10:02] <Bytram> =last chromas
[00:10:08] <Bytram> ~last chromas
[00:10:19] <Bytram> #last chromas
[00:10:47] <Bytram> !last chromas
[00:11:02] <Bytram> %last chromas
[00:11:12] <requerdanos> I would guess #seen for mrplow
[00:11:23] <Bytram> #seen chromas
[00:11:23] <MrPlow> [2021-01-23 23:08:59] #soylent <chromas> FatPhil: need to go to a proper review source: https://www.youtube.com
[00:11:35] <Bytram> requerdanos++ TYVM!
[00:11:35] <Bender> karma - requerdanos: 23
[00:13:03] * Bytram just rebooted his laptop to allow updates to get installed -- figured while I was in a little-memory-used condition, might be worth taking another try at getting hibernate to work.
[00:22:14] <Bytram> this seems to be the command(?): sudo systemctl hibernate
[00:27:37] <Bytram> Well, the screen went black, blinked once or twice, and a few seconds went completely black and the laptop powered off; waited about 30 seconds, pressed the power button, and came back to a blank desktop -- none of the previously-running programs were restored. =(
[00:57:56] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #editorial
[01:02:47] <Bytram> AzumaHazuki: o/
[01:02:53] <AzumaHazuki> o/
[01:03:03] <Bytram> how was your day?
[01:03:32] <AzumaHazuki> mostly unremembered. i've had all sorts of odd fever dreams thanks to that vaccine but the worst effects are over
[01:03:37] <AzumaHazuki> overall, no worse than a flu shot
[01:03:55] <Bytram> good to hear!
[01:04:53] * Bytram remembers one flu shot set me back on my heels for a day; most others were nothing to speak of except for a little soreness at the injection site.
[01:05:58] <AzumaHazuki> same here. MMR, tetanus, the first corona shot, nothing. flu shots knock me out for an entire day and make me stupid for a week
[01:06:24] * Bytram is old-er, but not old enough, and has some not-bad-enough pre-existing conditions to make catching COVID worse, but not enough to move me up in the queue
[01:07:12] <Bytram> so would that be a... week moment? ;^)
[01:07:23] <Bytram> ba dum tish!
[01:20:56] <Bytram> whereto? https://threatpost.com
[01:20:57] <systemd> ^ 03Discord-Stealing Malware Invades npm Packages
[01:23:06] <Bytram> =g CursedGrabber
[01:23:06] <systemd> https://blog.sonatype.com - CursedGrabber strikes again: Sonatype spots new malware ...
[01:24:04] <Bytram> https://blog.sonatype.com
[01:24:05] <systemd> ^ 03CursedGrabber strikes again: Sonatype spots new malware campaign against Software Supply Chains
[01:28:40] <AzumaHazuki> someone tell runaway sour grapes make shit w(hi)ine 9_9
[01:28:44] <AzumaHazuki> he's shitting up the forum again
[01:49:03] <Bytram> crap. once in a while I type /close when I meant /quit -- /me lost #soylent for a few hours. Time to see what Loggie has
[01:55:04] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[02:04:02] * Bytram has no idea what AzumaHazuki was talking about. Looked at: https://logs.sylnt.us AND https://logs.sylnt.us and did not notice anything egregious.
[02:04:50] <Bytram> but I have noticed I am getting very sleepious
[02:05:27] <Bytram> have a great night everybody!
[03:49:13] <requerdanos> perhaps the journal entry about evil warmongering president biden?
[06:00:04] -!- aristarchus [aristarchus!~6b961ebd@107.150.js.ink] has joined #editorial
[06:32:20] <aristarchus> =submit
[06:32:20] <systemd> Submit one or more links plus some text if you want
[06:32:24] <aristarchus> =submit https://scitechdaily.com
[06:32:26] <systemd> Submitting "Dissecting the Anatomy of Planetary Nebulae Using the Hubble Space Telescope"...
[06:32:48] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Dissecting the Anatomy of Planetary Nebulae Using the Hubble Space Telescope" (10p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[06:36:20] <aristarchus> =submit from the Arizona-Captain-America-Republican-Civil-War dept. https://www.npr.org
[06:36:21] <systemd> Submitting "Arizona Republicans Censure Party Leaders At Odds With Trump"...
[06:36:43] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Arizona Republicans Censure Party Leaders at Odds With Trump" (17p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[06:40:16] <aristarchus> =submit from the Morons-on-Parade-and-Twitter dept. https://www.rawstory.com
[06:40:17] <systemd> Submitting "Capitol rioter charged with threat to assassinate AOC does not seem too smart"...
[06:40:39] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Capitol Rioter Charged With Threat to Assassinate AOC Does Not Seem Too Smart" (2p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[07:00:13] -!- aristarchus has quit []
[07:26:25] -!- halibut has quit [Quit: Need to swim deep to avoid a shark ...]
[07:36:36] -!- halibut [halibut!~halibut@2001:468:d01:mr:tvu:rpjp:hkzp:mwzz] has joined #editorial
[12:35:23] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #editorial
[12:41:37] <requerdanos> =cite 10.1016/j.chempr.2020.12.026
[12:41:38] <systemd> <p><b>Journal Reference</b>:<br/><b>Redirecting</b>, <cite></cite> (DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chempr.2020.12.026">10.1016/j.chempr.2020.12.026</a>)</p>
[13:32:45] <Bytram> =g black hole picture
[13:32:46] <systemd> https://www.nasa.gov - Black Hole Image Makes History; NASA Telescopes Coordinate ...
[13:33:54] <Bytram> https://www.nasa.gov
[13:33:55] <systemd> ^ 03Black Hole Image Makes History; NASA Telescopes Coordinate Observation ( https://www.nasa.gov )
[13:43:21] <Bytram> =g site:soylentnews.org "black" "hole" "image"
[13:43:22] <systemd> https://soylentnews.org - Event Horizon Telescope Team Releases First Image of a Black Hole
[13:57:48] <Bytram> FWIW, just got a crash report for: marco 1.24.0-1ubuntu1
[13:57:59] <Bytram> =g mate marco
[13:58:00] <systemd> https://github.com - mate-desktop/marco: MATE default window manager - GitHub
[15:59:22] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[18:36:33] <Bytram> =asub https://www.aljazeera.com
[18:36:34] <systemd> Submitting "US passes 25m COVID cases, over a quarter of world’s infections"...
[18:36:56] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03US Passes 25m COVID Cases, Over a Quarter of World’s Infections" (28p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[23:55:48] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #editorial