#editorial | Logs for 2021-01-23

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[00:13:40] -!- progo has quit [Quit: http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.]
[00:13:48] -!- progo [progo!~quassel@lvjkf3.xen.prgmr.com] has joined #editorial
[01:57:16] <Bytram> http://rss.cnn.com
[01:57:17] <systemd> ^ 03Husband’s forgetfulness nets Bono couple $1 million ( https://www.kait8.com )
[02:15:54] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #editorial
[02:25:45] <Bytram> whereto? https://youtu.be
[02:25:47] <systemd> ^ 03Transporter-1 Mission ( https://www.youtube.com )
[02:25:57] <Bytram> https://www.youtube.com
[02:25:58] <systemd> ^ 03Transporter-1 Mission
[02:26:03] <Bytram> https://www.youtube.com
[02:26:04] <systemd> ^ 03Transporter-1 Mission
[03:33:46] <Bytram> Bytram's bed beckons... bye bye!
[03:34:00] <Bytram> have a great night everybody!
[04:58:07] <Bytram> https://variety.com
[04:58:08] <systemd> ^ 03Variety
[05:14:00] <Bytram> https://www.foxnews.com
[05:14:00] <systemd> ^ 03Mira Furlan, 'Lost' and 'Babylon 5' actress, dead at 65
[05:26:57] <Bytram> https://t.co
[05:26:58] <systemd> ^ 03https://twitter.com/FurlanMira/status/1352421126496894976/photo/1
[06:07:58] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[06:08:39] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #editorial
[06:21:17] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[06:23:23] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #editorial
[06:38:20] <Bytram> one more try for sleeping
[06:41:48] <AzumaHazuki> good luck
[14:53:25] <requerdanos> =cite https://journals.aps.org
[14:53:27] <systemd> <p><b>Journal Reference</b>:<br/>Luca Comisso, Felipe A. Asenjo. <b>Magnetic reconnection as a mechanism for energy extraction from rotating black holes</b>, <cite>Physical Review D</cite> (DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.103.023014">10.1103/PhysRevD.103.023014</a>)</p>
[14:58:46] * Bytram is feeling under the weather today. Nothing major, just tired and a queasy stomach. (Didn't help to be woken early in the AM with leg cramps.) Story queue looks in good shape for today(!) Think I'll try and make the best of it and take the day off.
[14:59:04] <Bytram> =eds ^^^
[14:59:04] <systemd> ^ Editor ping for Bytram, chromas, cmn32480, CoolHand, FatPhil, Fnord666, fyngyrz, janrinok, mrpg, n1, nick, spiraldancing, takyon
[15:00:53] <Bytram> chromas: Pls add requerdanos ^^^ and I have not seen cmn32480, n1, nick, or spiraldancing doing any editing in a lonnng time.
[15:01:13] <Bytram> laters
[17:53:10] SoyGuest11741 is now known as cosurgi
[17:53:13] -!- cosurgi has quit [Changing host]
[17:53:13] -!- cosurgi [cosurgi!~cosurgi@Soylent/Staff/Misc/cosurgi] has joined #editorial
[20:03:54] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]