#editorial | Logs for 2021-01-12

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[01:11:13] -!- aristarchus [aristarchus!~5f8fc3ce@95.143.nyg.pmq] has joined #editorial
[01:16:46] <aristarchus> =sumbit https://edition.cnn.com
[01:18:23] <aristarchus> =submit https://edition.cnn.com
[01:18:26] <systemd> Submitting "FBI warns 'armed protests' being planned at all 50 state capitols and in Washington DC"...( 1 modified urls; https://www.cnn.com )
[01:18:48] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03FBI Warns 'Armed Protests' Being Planned at All 50 State Capitols and in Washington DC" (6p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[01:28:28] -!- aristarchus has quit []
[01:57:20] <Bytram> http://feeds.mashable.com
[01:57:21] <systemd> ^ 03Parler left its content, even deleted posts, out in the open ( https://mashable.com )
[01:58:17] <AzumaHazuki> the freest speech, lol. so free it's unguarded
[02:03:41] <Bytram> Reverse-engineered the app that runs on a mobile device, as well as noticing pics were stored with a simple naming scheme, like: pic000001, pic000002, ...
[02:04:04] <Bytram> will be brought over to the internet archive
[02:05:31] <AzumaHazuki> no one ever accused these revanchist idiots of technicla prowess. or opsec. or knowing one end of a server from another
[02:05:34] <Bytram> better, content that was "deleted" wasn't really. Was just *flagged* that it was deleted.
[02:05:51] <AzumaHazuki> well, sure, just like how any respectable filesystem does it :D
[02:06:16] <Bytram> apparently was still accessible if you came for it in the right way.
[02:06:51] <Bytram> nod nod. /me thinks back to sing Norton Utilities to undelete files on DOS.
[02:07:09] <Bytram> s/ s/ us/
[02:07:09] <SedBot> <Bytram> nod nod. /me thinks back to using Norton Utilities to undelete files on DOS.
[02:07:43] <AzumaHazuki> i've done some forensic-level data recovery on working but corrupted HDDs using Photorec
[02:08:00] <AzumaHazuki> that tool just dumps individual blocks with no regard to the underlying FS and then tries to figure out where the files are
[02:08:11] <Bytram> lots of fun playing with a hex editor on the FAT table.
[02:09:19] * AzumaHazuki grinds teeth a bit, still remembers way too many customers going "okay honey now can i speak to the repair person?"
[02:09:32] <Bytram> give me time and enough data samples and I can usually reverse-engineer how data is stored, accessed, etc.
[02:10:16] <requerdanos> You should offer your services to BTRFS victims.
[02:11:52] <Bytram> it's like my greeting someone new and exchanging a handshake. To look at me, I'm no athlete, but it was fn to see how many times I'd feel that "power grip" coming in, and I could match tit-for-tat. The looks on some of the faces was priceless.
[02:12:37] <Bytram> Not any more of course, now it hurts to type. :(
[02:14:30] <Bytram> http://feedproxy.google.com
[02:14:31] <systemd> ^ 03Best 4K TV for 2021: LG, Vizio, Sony and TCL compared ( https://www.cnet.com )
[02:33:40] <requerdanos> =cite 10.1016/j.matdes.2020.109297
[02:33:41] <systemd> <p><b>Journal Reference</b>:<br/><b>Redirecting</b>, <cite></cite> (DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matdes.2020.109297">10.1016/j.matdes.2020.109297</a>)</p>
[02:33:47] <requerdanos> Something not right there
[02:40:31] <Bytram> requerdanos: do you have the full DOI url?
[02:40:55] <requerdanos> yes, https://doi.org
[02:40:57] <systemd> ^ 03Redirecting ( https://linkinghub.elsevier.com )
[02:41:18] <Bytram> ahhh, elsevier! Pbbbt!
[02:41:38] <Bytram> =cite https://linkinghub.elsevier.com
[02:41:39] <systemd> <p><b>Journal Reference</b>:<br/><b>Redirecting</b>, <cite></cite> (DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0264127520308339">https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0264127520308339</a>)</p>
[02:42:25] <Bytram> =cite
[02:42:25] <systemd> Generate a block of HTML for citing an article. Takes DOIs and URLs. Template:
[02:42:25] <systemd> ${authors}<b>${title}</b>${access}, <cite>${journal}</cite> (DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/${doi}">${doi}</a>)
[02:50:26] <Bytram> requerdanos: Here ya go!
[02:50:33] <Bytram> <p><b>Journal Reference</b>:<br/>Ippei Maruyama, Jiří Rymeš, Abudushalamu Ailia, <em>et al</em>. <b>Long-term use of modern Portland cement concrete: The impact of Al-tobermorite formation</b> <cite>Materials & Design</cite> (DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matdes.2020.109297">10.1016/j.matdes.2020.109297</a>
[02:52:01] <requerdanos> gracias.
[02:52:12] -!- progo [progo!~47bb22da@ynym-28-589-79-303.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined #editorial
[02:52:13] <Bytram> day nada
[02:55:49] <Bytram> =asub https://go.theregister.com
[02:55:50] <systemd> Submitting "That's it. It's over. It's really over. From today, Adobe Flash Player no longer works. We're free. We can just leave"...
[02:56:12] <systemd> ✓* Sub-ccess! "08That's It. It's Over. It's Really Over. From Today, Adobe Flash Player No Longer Works. We're Free. " (15p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[02:59:21] <Bytram> =asub https://go.theregister.com
[02:59:22] <systemd> Submitting "Dems to ISPs: You're not gonna hike broadband prices, slap restrictions on folks in a pandemic, are you?"...
[02:59:44] <systemd> ✓* Sub-ccess! "08Dems to ISPs: You're Not Gonna Hike Broadband Prices, Slap Restrictions on Folks in a Pandemic, are " (14p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[03:00:28] <Bytram> =asub https://www.cnet.com
[03:00:30] <systemd> Submitting "CES 2021: Autonomous racing is coming to Indianapolis with the Indy Autonomous Challenge"...
[03:00:52] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03CES 2021: Autonomous Racing is Coming to Indianapolis With the Indy Autonomous Challenge" (5p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[03:03:54] <Bytram> http://feedproxy.google.com
[03:03:55] <systemd> ^ 03Catepillar's autonomous mega-trucks work 24 hours so humans don't have to ( https://www.cnet.com )
[03:04:09] <requerdanos> sounds safe.
[03:08:04] <Bytram> =yt https://youtu.be
[03:08:05] <systemd> https://youtube.com - Let's talk mining: Caterpillar and saving the world - CES Livestream (23:25; 728 views; 👍21 👎0)
[03:08:28] <progo> actually the job of those trucks is fairly simple and stupid if you don't get sleepy or distracted isn't it?
[03:13:27] <Bytram> mostly, but there are operations optimizations to be aware of. Repeating the exact same as other vehicles creates a rut that can slow things down. The again, terrain matters,= -- is it faster to take a mostly level cut somewhat roundabout route, or a route with more wills and turns?
[03:17:45] <progo> good points
[03:19:10] <Bytram> man, I *am* tired; that typing was awful!
[03:20:29] <progo> I seem to have cycles of terrible full speed text chat typing versus not bad
[03:20:46] <Bytram> that does it. I'm knackered and heading to bed. Have a great night everybody!
[03:21:27] <requerdanos> Good night :) Peace
[03:23:01] -!- progo has quit []
[03:23:04] <Bytram> thanks so much for all you've done for the site. And if I don't mess my guess, your Trump story should be in the top 5 commented stories tomorrow!
[03:23:54] -!- progo [progo!~quassel@lvjkf3.xen.prgmr.com] has joined #editorial
[04:01:03] -!- runawayXXXX [runawayXXXX!~c8191696@200.25.gv.koy] has joined #editorial
[04:03:51] <runawayXXXX> =submit from the Fifth-column dept. https://edition.cnn.com
[04:03:55] <systemd> Submitting "2 Capitol Police officers suspended and at least 10 more under investigation for alleged roles in riot"...( 1 modified urls; https://www.cnn.com )
[04:04:16] <systemd> ✓* Sub-ccess! "082 Capitol Police Officers Suspended and at Least 10 More Under Investigation for Alleged Roles in Ri" (6p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[04:15:35] <runawayXXXX> =submit from the Plushies-and-hoodies-denied dept. https://finance.yahoo.com
[04:15:42] <systemd> Submitting "Amazon to remove QAnon products from platform after U.S. Capitol siege"...
[04:16:03] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Amazon to Remove QAnon Products From Platform After U.S. Capitol Siege" (2p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[05:15:51] <runawayXXXX> =submit https://www.axios.com
[05:15:52] <systemd> Submitting "What Peter Thiel got wrong about Donald Trump"...
[05:16:14] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03What Peter Thiel Got Wrong About Donald Trump" (1p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[05:28:44] -!- runawayXXXX has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[05:56:47] <chromas> =cite https://www.sciencedirect.com
[05:56:48] <systemd> <p><b>Journal Reference</b>:<br/><b>Long-term use of modern Portland cement concrete: The impact of Al-tobermorite formation</b> [open], <cite>Materials &amp; Design</cite> (DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matdes.2020.109297">10.1016/j.matdes.2020.109297</a>)</p>
[06:00:41] <chromas> so they have an interstitial "security service to protect itself from online attacks"
[06:01:10] <chromas> which is stuffed with embedded base64 junk for some reason
[14:48:56] <Bytram> =asub https://www.bbc.co.uk
[14:49:00] <systemd> Submitting "Covid: 2020 saw most excess deaths since World War Two"...( 1 modified urls; https://www.bbc.com )
[14:49:07] <Bytram> chromas: who is "they"?
[14:49:22] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Covid: 2020 Saw Most Excess Deaths Since World War Two" (23p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[14:52:31] <Bytram> =asub https://arstechnica.com
[14:52:33] <systemd> Submitting "Jared Mauch didn’t have good broadband"...
[14:52:55] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Jared Mauch Didn’t Have Good Broadband" (20p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[14:57:22] <Bytram> =asub from the don't-smoke-'em-if-you-got-'em dept. https://medicalxpress.com
[14:57:27] <systemd> Submitting "Groundbreaking research could provide key to kicking smoking habit for good"...
[14:57:49] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Groundbreaking Research Could Provide Key to Kicking Smoking Habit for Good" (18p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[14:59:23] <Bytram> teamwork++
[14:59:23] <Bender> karma - teamwork: 266
[15:00:00] <Bytram> =g link:http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41589-020-00712-3
[15:00:00] <systemd> [0 results]
[15:00:10] <Bytram> http://dx.doi.org
[15:00:13] <systemd> ^ 03A cytochrome c is the natural electron acceptor for nicotine oxidoreductase ( https://www.nature.com )
[15:00:33] <Bytram> =g link:https://www.nature.com/articles/s41589-020-00712-3
[15:00:34] <systemd> https://www.nature.com - A cytochrome c is the natural electron acceptor for nicotine ...
[15:45:30] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
[17:58:22] <requerdanos> as story spacing is ~2.5 hrs / ~4.75 hrs (nice round numbers) according to the /topic, why not trend towards story schedule times that end in "0" or "5"?
[18:55:03] <Fnord666> Ok that Idaho ISP story is just .........
[18:55:37] <requerdanos> well phrased indeed.
[18:57:02] <requerdanos> Bonus: You can read the story here as a comment. https://soylentnews.org
[18:57:03] <systemd> ^ 03SoylentNews Comments | Dems to ISPs: You're Not Gonna Hike Broadband Prices, Restrict Folks in a Pandemic, are You? ( https://soylentnews.org )
[18:59:19] <janrinok> I've never tried to separate stories to any degree of accuracy. I've always used the spacing as a guide and pick a time near to the expected one. The main reason is that we don't (didn't) want stories to be released predictably. I know that Bytram has a script or something that calculates the next release exactly - I just wet finger it...
[19:00:03] <requerdanos> makes sense.
[19:00:53] <janrinok> if the rate is 5 stories per day then does it matter how accurate the spacing is as long as it is kept in the ballpark?
[19:01:14] <requerdanos> No, it doesn't.
[19:02:41] <janrinok> it all goes out of the window anyway if we have a Breaking News, the site has a minor crash, or we miss a slot.
[19:04:18] <requerdanos> thus my phrasing "trend towards." It's just easier to mentally add the interval to times with minutes ending in 0 or 5.
[19:04:45] <requerdanos> others may be better at time-math than I, and not have this problem :)
[19:06:05] <janrinok> I don't even both to round to 0 or 5. xx18, xx20 or xx23 are all more than close enough for me.
[19:06:18] <janrinok> bother*
[19:07:52] <janrinok> I simply don't bother to edit the last digit on the release time.
[19:08:48] * janrinok might have been making somebody angry for a few years now, but nobody ever said anything :)
[19:08:48] <requerdanos> That sounds like an intelligently lazy approach I could get behind.
[19:09:11] <janrinok> makes the maths a bit easier too
[19:11:24] <janrinok> as an aside for UK En versus US En. Math is an abbreviation for mathematica and maths is an abbreviation for mathematicus. They have slightly different meanings in latin.... But who cares...?
[19:13:04] <requerdanos> in practice, they seem to refer to essentially the same thing.
[19:13:53] <janrinok> nowadays they do
[19:15:20] <Fnord666> I usually add in the interval then + or - some random small amount for story spacing.
[19:15:58] <Fnord666> It's just in a spreadsheet.
[19:16:25] <Fnord666> I feed it the most recent story time and it does the rest.
[19:16:39] <janrinok> I'll bet that no two editors do it the same way!
[19:16:51] <Fnord666> probably not.
[19:17:05] <requerdanos> I have figured scribbled all over my desk, probably 50% of my doodled notes are calculating story times
[19:17:09] <Fnord666> and also not really important I don't think as long as we are all in the same ballpark
[19:17:23] <Fnord666> LOL.
[19:17:25] <janrinok> 'zactly
[19:17:58] <Fnord666> When I don't have the spreadsheet handy the right margin of my currents notes page is that same column of story ctime calculations
[19:18:04] * Bytram *had* a script that calculated new time based on an existing date/time stamp, a provided delta, and then added a random delta e.g. SN_next 2021-01-12 13:45:00 140 4 would add 2h20m to the supplied date/time and then would add an additional [-4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4] minutes to *that*
[19:18:35] <Bytram> that was on my now extinct windows system.
[19:18:36] <Fnord666> There you go. Another approach!
[19:18:41] <janrinok> have you still not got your scripts working?
[19:19:54] <Bytram> hell no! It's all I can do to get foundational stuff into a routine now.
[19:20:12] <Bytram> like email
[19:21:43] <Bytram> mostly have browser working okay, hexchat, youtube-dl, and ssh, too.
[19:24:17] <Bytram> the scripts were mostly windows .BAT files calling on windows utilities and a smattering of ported unix tools (grep, sed, gawk, wget, ls, etc.)
[19:26:14] <Bytram> =asub https://www.sciencedaily.com
[19:26:20] <systemd> Submitting "Rotten egg gas could guard against Alzheimer's disease"...
[19:26:42] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Rotten Egg Gas Could Guard Against Alzheimer's Disease" (12p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[19:26:42] <Bytram> =asub https://www.sciencedaily.com
[19:26:43] <systemd> Submitting "Quasar discovery sets new distance record"...
[19:27:05] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Quasar Discovery Sets New Distance Record" (15p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[19:29:01] * Bytram needs to head out in a couple hours... think I'll take a nap before then. :)
[19:39:24] <chromas> Bytram: they = sciencedirect.com
[20:12:23] <janrinok> Bytram, just a thought. You have 2 lappies running Linux I think. Set one up to begin emails from now on, and use the second to work out how to recover your earlier emails. Once you have worked out what you want to copy, what format it is in, etc, it will be a 'relatively' simple task to merge your older emails with your current emails so creating one consolidated list.
[23:21:10] <requerdanos> =cite 10.1038/s41563-020-00863-7
[23:21:12] <systemd> <p><b>Journal Reference</b>:<br/>Selvaraj Veerapandian, Woosun Jang, Jae Bok Seol, <em>et al</em>. <b>Hydrogen-doped viscoplastic liquid metal microparticles for stretchable printed metal lines</b>, <cite>Nature Materials</cite> (DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/10.1038/s41563-020-00863-7">10.1038/s41563-020-00863-7</a>)</p>