#editorial | Logs for 2021-01-03

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[00:48:51] -!- systemd has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[00:49:14] -!- systemd [systemd!~systemd@pid1] has joined #editorial
[01:57:19] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #editorial
[02:29:43] -!- runawayxxxx [runawayxxxx!~45a91213@69.169.qj.og] has joined #editorial
[02:44:28] <runawayxxxx> =submit from Philosopher-kings dept https://aeon.co
[02:44:30] <systemd> Submitting "When philosopher met king: on Plato’s Italian voyages – Nick Romeo & Ian Tewksbury"...
[02:44:51] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03When Philosopher Met King: on Plato’s Italian Voyages – Nick Romeo & Ian Tewksbury" (2 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[03:13:06] -!- runawayxxxx has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[18:22:22] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[18:25:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> Bytram, requerdanos, Fnord666: your vacation's over, site's up again =P
[18:26:04] <requerdanos> and the queue's about dried up. my, my.
[18:35:20] <requerdanos> Speaking of bytram, Fnord666, et. al., who's around?
[18:36:33] <requerdanos> slightly delaying story cadense to allow 10-15 minutes for a second on a posted story
[18:37:28] <requerdanos> I can spell, just not today?
[18:55:12] <janrinok> I'm around
[18:55:55] <requerdanos> well, it's live now but could still use a second look.
[18:56:03] <janrinok> k
[18:58:16] <janrinok> I'm happy to 2nd it as it is, unless you have a particular reservation about something?
[18:58:46] <requerdanos> My reservation stems from being a brand-new editor. If you have no objection to it as-is, then that's how it should run.
[18:59:13] <janrinok> ... and don't worry about hitting an exact story cadence - I don't think our community sit there and time the release of each story ;)
[18:59:55] <janrinok> 2nd'ed - and if Bytram doesn't like it we are both wrong!
[19:00:01] <requerdanos> Yeah I just wanted to schedule it for some time later than "the moment of pressing save"
[19:00:20] <janrinok> you can go in and change the time again if you wish
[19:00:34] <requerdanos> it
[19:00:49] <janrinok> .... except it has already gone live. Remember the No Display option if you have reservations
[19:01:23] <requerdanos> if I have any specific reservations, I will cheerfully (learn to) use no display to good effect.
[19:02:03] <janrinok> np - I'll be surprised if anyone other than an editor even notices anything different
[19:02:54] <requerdanos> the site was down longer than the customary interval between stories, so it becomes the de-facto interval.
[19:03:26] <janrinok> yep - you can't argue with real world events that don't play to our own rules
[19:05:39] <requerdanos> thanks for the assistance and advice.
[19:05:49] <janrinok> np - enjoy the rest of your day!
[19:06:00] <requerdanos> you too.
[19:06:04] <janrinok> thx
[19:06:40] * janrinok is celebrating yet another birthday - and for those that follow memes, it is a nice one
[19:07:36] <requerdanos> Joyeux anniversaire.
[19:07:47] <janrinok> thx again
[19:18:47] * requerdanos :: afk ::
[23:06:45] -!- Bytram_phone [Bytram_phone!~a6b6f91a@28-196-534-063.mobile.uscc.com] has joined #editorial
[23:08:49] <Bytram_phone> any eds here? Fuselage story has a typo, cant load source story on my phone.
[23:09:21] <Bytram_phone> can someone pls chk?
[23:10:29] <Bytram_phone> either it needs [sic] or correction of a copy/paste error.
[23:11:43] <Bytram_phone> fnord666 requerdanos ^^^
[23:13:57] <Bytram_phone> i should be back in 90 minutes or so, otherwise.
[23:14:42] <Bytram_phone> https://soylentnews.org
[23:14:43] <systemd> ^ 03- SoylentNews User ( https://soylentnews.org )
[23:15:42] <Bytram_phone> gtg. laters!
[23:15:55] -!- Bytram_phone has quit []
[23:50:53] <requerdanos> looking
[23:53:26] <requerdanos> the odd phraseology is in the original article
[23:57:14] <requerdanos> added [sic] after the phrase