#editorial | Logs for 2021-01-02

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[01:07:50] <Bytram> =g "Observe yon plumed biped fine" "To activate its captivation,"
[01:07:51] <systemd> http://motd.ambians.com - Observe yon plumed biped fine To activate - Linux Songs Poems: 397
[02:10:10] <Bytram> =cite https://www.cambridge.org
[02:10:16] <systemd> <p><b>Journal Reference</b>:<br/>S. D. Scott, G. J. Kramer, E. A. Tolman, <em>et al</em>. <b>Fast-ion physics in SPARC | Journal of Plasma Physics | Cambridge Core</b> [open], <cite>Journal of Plasma Physics</cite> (DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/10.1017/S0022377820001087">10.1017/S0022377820001087</a>)</p>
[02:10:32] <Bytram> It worked??!!!!!
[02:15:50] <requerdanos> like magic almost
[02:17:43] <runaway1957> =submit https://www.msn.com
[02:17:44] <systemd> Submitting "Facebook ad integrity chief suddenly departs after controversies"...
[02:18:06] <systemd> βœ“ Sub-ccess! "03Facebook Ad Integrity Chief Suddenly Departs After Controversies" (26 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[02:22:51] <requerdanos> for the fusion story I meant to suggest the 10-years-away dept.
[02:23:08] <requerdanos> should it prove worthy to run
[02:23:28] <chromas> as an editor, you can stick a note on it
[02:23:45] <chromas> or delete and re-submit ;)
[02:29:50] <requerdanos> It's queued to run now, I'll leave it alone
[02:30:56] <chromas> if someone posted it without a dept, I think it's considered free real estate
[02:31:15] <requerdanos> I submitted it with =asub I think
[02:31:50] * chromas 2s it
[02:34:54] <requerdanos> :) Thanks
[02:36:58] <chromas> requerdanos++
[02:36:58] <chromas> Bytram++
[02:36:58] <chromas> Fnord666++
[02:36:58] <Bender> karma - requerdanos: 14
[02:36:58] <Bender> karma - bytram: 117
[02:36:58] <Bender> karma - fnord666: 194
[02:37:13] * chromas sets pings to stun
[02:38:47] <Bytram> requerdanos: empty dept line is fair game
[02:39:31] <requerdanos> i-shall-keep-that-in-mind-thanks
[02:40:31] <Bytram> =submit
[02:40:31] <systemd> Submit one or more links plus some text if you want
[02:41:11] <requerdanos> one or more? does it merge them or what?
[02:41:59] <Bytram> =submit from the subject-line-goes-here dept. https://example.com https://example.com +https://example.com/index3.html
[02:42:00] <systemd> Submitting "Example Domain"...
[02:42:22] <systemd> βœ“ Sub-ccess! "03Example Domain" (5 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[02:42:24] * Bytram is not certain how that will work out
[02:43:25] <requerdanos> I see. Nice touch, the + => also at
[02:43:35] <Bytram> bingo!
[02:43:56] <Bytram> any non-link text is included as-is.
[02:45:11] <Bytram> I find that including suggested dept text as I did here makes it stand out and easier for us eds to notice and make use of -- fits in with our natural flow-of-processing
[02:45:42] <requerdanos> well, sure, much more convenient that "oh, yeah, i meant to say so and so" on irc
[02:47:04] <chromas> If you don't use a + then it blockquotes the link
[02:47:31] <chromas> so =submut http://link http://link http://link will produce three blockquotes
[02:47:35] <chromas> or at least it'll try ;)
[02:47:48] <requerdanos> why does it <blockquote><div> instead of just <blockquote> ?
[02:48:15] <chromas> That's something the site does
[02:48:25] <requerdanos> oh, ok.
[02:48:36] <requerdanos> thought there was some magic semantic reason
[02:48:43] <chromas> Try adding a blockquote while editing a story and updating the preview and you'll see new divs added
[02:48:45] <Bytram> requerdanos: wish I knew. It's a soylentnews "thing". Best I an figure it out it's for CSS and formatting.
[02:49:04] <Bytram> chromas++ yuppers
[02:49:04] <Bender> karma - chromas: 185
[02:49:25] <chromas> The bot may be putting it in, too; I don't remember. But if it doesn't, then rehash will anyhow
[02:49:38] <Bytram> yes, on the latter
[02:49:38] <chromas> also rehash cleans up the bot's subs a little
[02:50:14] <Bytram> s/the bot's/all/
[02:50:38] <chromas> in the phpoo script, you may have noticed extraneous <p>s but once submitted, rehash fixes it :D
[02:51:10] <requerdanos> like a black box full of magic working with a second black box full of magic.
[02:51:20] <requerdanos> got to be careful with stuff like that.
[02:52:51] <Bytram> I dunno, when I preview a bot sub, I often see near the top: <p><p>text... (i.e. doubled P tags before the first (blockquoted) text
[02:53:04] <Bytram> =g magic more magic
[02:53:05] <systemd> http://catb.org - A Story About 'Magic'
[02:53:24] <chromas> oh, hm. I thought they were nuked; maybe it depends on the story
[02:54:02] <Bytram> otoh, I suspect that if I left it in there, and hit preview, SN would clean out the dupe
[02:54:03] <chromas> The proper fix is to insert a new black box in the middle
[02:54:21] <chromas> black-box-as-a-service
[02:54:23] <requerdanos> of course, one of the black boxes is much, much bigger and more full of arcane wizardry than the other
[02:54:30] <Bytram> chromas: you mean a... wormhole?
[02:54:47] <chromas> =g /dev/null as a service
[02:54:48] <systemd> https://devnull-as-a-service.com - Home - /dev/null as a Service
[02:55:35] <Bytram> if a wormhole connects black holes, then a wormbox would connect black boxes, right?
[02:56:07] <Bytram> =g "wormbox"
[02:56:07] <systemd> https://wormbox.ca - Wormbox.ca: Red Wiggler Compost Worms and Worm Farms - #1 ...
[02:56:15] <Bytram> lol
[03:02:37] <Bytram> it's sleepy time for me.
[03:02:46] <Bytram> Have a great night everybody!
[03:02:54] <requerdanos> good night.
[04:12:13] -!- runaway1957 has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[05:27:05] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #editorial
[14:10:42] <Bytram> requerdanos: I've left this up for you; feel free to delete it when you are done with it: https://soylentnews.org
[14:10:44] <systemd> ^ 03Example Domain: SoylentNews Submission
[14:11:41] <requerdanos> the example from last night?
[14:13:00] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[14:15:47] <Bytram> yes... on second thought, if you wanted, you could promote it to a story and mark it NOT display so you could refer back to it later!
[14:16:31] <requerdanos> well, I can refer to it as a submission
[14:17:36] <Bytram> nod nod; or repeat the experiment, or try new ones =)
[14:19:02] <requerdanos> to bad there's not =devsubmit and =devasub
[14:19:28] <requerdanos> not wishlisting, just sayin'.
[14:19:54] <Bytram> =[a]sub --dev ... ?
[14:21:54] <Bytram> that would be extremely helpful for training purposes
[14:22:20] <requerdanos> oh, got some new volunteers do you?
[14:24:04] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #editorial
[14:27:45] <Bytram> break time; afk
[15:03:44] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[15:06:50] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #editorial
[16:20:59] <Bytram> =yt she works hard for the money
[16:21:00] <systemd> https://youtube.com - She Works Hard For The Money (05:21; 4,717,799 views; πŸ‘52,909 πŸ‘Ž4,196)
[16:21:10] <Bytram> =g she works hard for the money
[16:21:11] <systemd> https://www.youtube.com - Donna Summer - She Works Hard For The Money
[16:22:50] <Bytram> =yt Donna Summer She Works Hard For The Money
[16:22:52] <systemd> https://youtube.com - She Works Hard For The Money (05:21; 4,717,828 views; πŸ‘52,909 πŸ‘Ž4,196)
[16:23:15] <Bytram> =yt Donna Summer She Works Hard For The Money "09ZSKE38lTU"
[16:23:17] <systemd> https://youtube.com - Donna Summer - She Works Hard For The Money (05:21; 9,691,028 views; πŸ‘62,403 πŸ‘Ž1,876)
[16:57:48] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[17:07:27] <requerdanos> =cite https://doi.org
[17:07:28] <systemd> <p><b>Journal Reference</b>:<br/><b>Redirecting</b>, <cite></cite> (DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anthro.2020.102797">10.1016/j.anthro.2020.102797</a>)</p>
[17:08:01] <requerdanos> =cite 10.1016/j.anthro.2020.102797
[17:08:02] <systemd> <p><b>Journal Reference</b>:<br/><b>Redirecting</b>, <cite></cite> (DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anthro.2020.102797">10.1016/j.anthro.2020.102797</a>)</p>
[17:09:48] <Bytram> requerdanos: This DOI cannot be found in the DOI System. Possible reasons are:
[17:10:06] <Bytram> from: https://doi.org
[17:10:07] <systemd> ^ 03Error: DOI Not Found
[17:10:28] <requerdanos> the link, https://doi.org
[17:10:29] <systemd> ^ 03Redirecting ( https://linkinghub.elsevier.com )
[17:10:39] <requerdanos> does resolve to the abstract in question
[17:11:02] <Bytram> Elsevier--
[17:11:02] <Bender> karma - elsevier: -3
[17:12:09] <Bytram> =cite
[17:12:09] <systemd> Generate a block of HTML for citing an article. Takes DOIs and URLs. Template:
[17:12:10] <systemd> ${authors}<b>${title}</b>${access}, <cite>${journal}</cite> (DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/${doi}">${doi}</a>)
[17:13:11] <requerdanos> <p><b>Journal Reference</b>:<br/><b>Antonis Bartsiokas, Juan-Luis Arsuaga</b>, Hibernation in hominins from Atapuerca, Spain half a million years ago, <cite>L'Anthropologie</cite> (DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anthro.2020.102797">10.1016/j.anthro.2020.102797</a>)</p>
[17:13:49] <Bytram> Antonis Bartsiokas, Juan-Luis Arsuaga...
[17:13:54] <Bytram> well done!
[17:13:59] <Bytram> gtg phone
[17:15:34] <requerdanos> technically should be <b> around title, not authors.
[17:44:36] <requerdanos> is it common to promote a story to main page with the comment "no thanks" ? asking out of curiosity
[17:44:50] <Fnord666> It depends.
[17:45:06] <Fnord666> Each editor has their own take on a story
[17:45:27] <Fnord666> Is it common? No. But it does happen.
[17:45:40] <Fnord666> BTW good afternoon everyone!
[17:46:53] <requerdanos> just curious because everyone weighing in on the particular story said "no thanks" yet there it is. I kind of like it, but not enough to have a say one way or the other I guess
[17:47:08] <Fnord666> Which one?
[17:47:20] <requerdanos> uber for therapy
[17:47:39] <Fnord666> Oh I changed my mind on that one after reading more of the source article
[17:48:03] <Fnord666> I thought I cleaned up the notes section but I guess not
[17:48:17] <requerdanos> no worries, just trying to avoid a front page oops
[17:48:29] <requerdanos> oops in the notes doesn't count
[17:48:44] <Fnord666> No problem. Thanks for bringing it up. Better safe than sorry.
[17:49:33] <Fnord666> It's an interesting story that actually has two stories within it.
[17:50:20] <requerdanos> I found it interesting as well, and work and enthusiasm clearly went into the submission. Thanks to the submitter, ari-something.
[17:50:21] <Fnord666> Ari focused on one aspect of the story but there's another part that I wasn't sure how to bring out.
[17:51:15] <Fnord666> I probably should have submitted my own submission about the article, focusing on the second point to see if anyone wanted to merge it in.
[17:51:18] <Fnord666> Oh well.
[17:54:04] <Fnord666> At any rate, Happy New Year to all!!!!
[17:54:28] <requerdanos> Happy New Year, health and prosperity.
[17:54:50] <Fnord666> Excellent sentiment.
[17:57:00] <Fnord666> Coffee++
[17:57:00] <Bender> karma - coffee: 123
[18:51:23] <Bytram> Fnord666: Ping?
[18:51:39] <Fnord666> pong
[18:52:11] <Bytram> I 2nded this story: https://soylentnews.org
[18:52:12] <systemd> ^ 03backSlash 18:52:11 = 18:52:11 GMT
[18:52:17] <Bytram> see my note.
[18:52:30] <Bytram> https://soylentnews.org
[18:52:32] <systemd> ^ 03The Problem with β€˜Uber for Therapy’ - SoylentNews
[18:52:55] <Fnord666> Got it.
[18:53:02] <Fnord666> I wasn't sure what to do with it
[18:53:24] <Bytram> "the story continues:"
[18:53:26] <Bytram> ??
[18:53:43] <Fnord666> The line, as submitted is disingenuous.
[18:54:08] <Fnord666> They don't work for Uber and they aren't "shrinks"
[18:54:11] <Bytram> =g define disingenuous
[18:54:11] <systemd> https://www.merriam-webster.com - Disingenuous | Definition of Disingenuous by Merriam-Webster
[18:54:34] <Fnord666> I like your recommendation
[18:54:46] <Fnord666> Let's go with that.
[18:54:49] <Bytram> go for it!
[18:55:29] <Fnord666> Will do
[18:55:44] <Bytram> obliged!
[18:56:01] <Bytram> Or any other wording you like, of course!
[18:56:44] <Fnord666> Updated
[18:57:01] <Bytram> clicky
[18:58:44] * Bytram updated editor notes to reflect this discussion.
[19:00:19] <Fnord666> Thanks!
[19:00:32] * requerdanos munches the delicious popcorn
[19:00:38] <Fnord666> LUL
[19:01:51] <Bytram> is there any other kind of popcorn?
[19:02:27] <Fnord666> Yes. Air popped popcorn. Only suitable for stringing on Christmas trees and packaging filler.
[19:02:44] <requerdanos> some people microwave their popcorn, where it can scorch. I take the air popped popcorn and pour butter and salt on it, redeeming it.
[19:03:35] <chromas> You don't deep dry your popcorn?
[19:03:55] <requerdanos> yeah the air popper dries it pretty deeply.
[19:04:09] <Fnord666> I have spritzed it with olive oil then sprinkled on a cayenne blend.
[19:04:13] <chromas> hue
[19:04:35] <Fnord666> chromas: I have used a whirl-pop with bacon grease in the past. Does that count.
[19:04:37] <Fnord666> ??
[19:04:47] <chromas> A little
[19:05:01] <requerdanos> I have gone thru several hot-oil poppers but they tend to die on me
[19:05:10] <Bytram> bare kernels in a wire basket over a wood fire up at camp.
[19:05:22] <Fnord666> The whirly pop got converted to a coffee roasting setup though
[19:06:10] <Bytram> requerdanos: So, before agreeing to join staff here, you'd already been reading the comments on the site?
[19:06:12] <Fnord666> Bytram: We had one of those when I was a kid. Made popcorn in the fireplace. Or occasionally a torch. It was touch and go
[19:06:39] <requerdanos> something like that.
[19:06:53] <Bytram> indeed! best to let some go unpopped than risk burning those that had.
[19:07:18] <Fnord666> There was about 5 seconds difference.
[19:07:30] <Bytram> That went along with hot dogs on sticks as well as marshmallows
[19:07:37] <Bytram> sounds about right!
[19:10:39] <Bytram> Barometer has stopped falling and is on the rise. Finally!
[19:12:34] <Bytram> =yt https://youtu.be
[19:12:35] <systemd> https://youtube.com - Harry Styles - Treat People With Kindness (Official Video) (03:22; 7,245,410 views; πŸ‘1,339,967 πŸ‘Ž5,394)
[19:12:55] * Bytram wonders if Amy Allen was in on this one?
[19:14:22] <Bytram> strange dimensions! 1280x466, 1920x700???
[19:15:22] <Fnord666> I was going to say that it is odd, but it's actually even!
[19:15:47] <Bytram> LOL!
[19:15:58] <Bytram> Yeah, no Amy :(
[19:16:18] <Bytram> Oh, did you ever get that other CD? Neptune?
[19:16:31] <chromas> You guys haven't seen the new ultrawide phones and monitors?
[19:17:03] <Bytram> wider than UHD?
[19:17:42] <Fnord666> No I never did.
[19:17:48] <chromas> uhd is still regular hd width
[19:18:08] <Bytram> =g resolution UHD
[19:18:09] <systemd> https://www.cnet.com - TV resolution confusion: 1080p, 2K, UHD, 4K, 8K, and what they all ...
[19:18:10] <Fnord666> What's the new "standard" chromas >
[19:18:23] <Fnord666> What's the new "standard" chromas ?
[19:18:34] <chromas> well there's 12k now
[19:18:54] <chromas> but also for monitors, I dunno if there's a standard but I've seen 21:9
[19:19:11] <chromas> and don't you reduce that, mister!
[19:19:33] <Fnord666> Anyone got a LCD( ) function handy?
[19:20:01] <chromas> for example, https://www.amazon.com
[19:20:18] <chromas> No! You take that query back right now
[19:20:50] <chromas> oh wait, I thought facebook was LCD
[19:28:40] <Bytram> Huh! That New Harry Styles song is a bit bubblegum-ish, but kind of catchy, too. /me is pleasantly surprised!
[19:29:29] <chromas> is that a real person?
[19:29:47] <chromas> I thought Harry styles was a character from a macaroni western
[19:30:34] <Bytram> real person, from IIRC New Direction boy band (from a while ago).
[19:30:41] <Fnord666> I thought it was a YouTube channel for barbers
[19:30:57] <Bytram> =w Harry Styles
[19:30:58] <systemd> Harry Edward Styles (born 1 February 1994) is an English singer, songwriter, and actor. His musical career began in 2010 as a solo contestant on the British - https://en.wikipedia.org
[19:31:09] <requerdanos> "One Direction"
[19:31:19] <chromas> was that the purity ring group?
[19:31:23] <chromas> =yt south park purity ring
[19:31:24] <systemd> https://youtube.com - Jonas Brothers Get Owned By Mickey Mouse (South Park) (02:04; 2,188,343 views; πŸ‘35,612 πŸ‘Ž608)
[19:31:29] <chromas> ah, same thing
[19:31:43] <Bytram> heh, that IS his real name: Harry Edward Styles
[19:32:37] <Bytram> "Aside from music, he is also known for his flamboyant fashion, and is the first man to appear solo on the cover of Vogue magazine."
[19:32:51] <chromas> if you listen to AC⚑DC through a diode, does it sound like One Direction?
[19:41:36] <Bytram> ^_^__^__^
[19:41:46] <Bytram> thought so! https://en.wikipedia.org(Harry_Styles_song)
[19:41:47] <systemd> ^ 03Adore You (Harry Styles song) - Wikipedia
[19:41:58] <Bytram> co-written by Amy Allen =)
[19:51:03] <requerdanos> My Day: An aristarchus sub literally made it in before one of mine by virtue of being better.
[19:55:38] <chromas> Everybody makes misteaks
[19:56:11] <chromas> ari's is that he sometimes accidentally makes a decent sub ;)
[19:56:26] <requerdanos> I thought it was quite good, yeah
[20:06:06] * Bytram notes his 4G connection is currently downloading from YT at ~40 KiB/sec
[20:06:46] <Bytram> and slowing... 33 KiB/sec, now
[20:07:33] * chromas notes 4G is the Communism of Gs
[20:07:53] * chromas gives Bytram another G
[20:07:54] <Bytram> dropped to 30, restarted, spiked up to ~400K, and is back to 45
[20:08:43] <chromas> is the spike due to traffic shaping or because the packets were still coming in and resuming just emptied the buffer?
[20:09:22] <Bytram> sustained 150K now
[20:10:41] <Bytram> seems like initial connection is given priority for a few seconds at full speed, then drops down as it becomes apparent it is a longer download connection
[20:11:06] <Bytram> heh, now at 500-600K!
[20:11:26] <requerdanos> I have a nice 4G hotspot. It beats the heck out of having nothing, but that's the nicest thing I can really say about it.
[20:11:49] * Bytram uses his phone as a wireless hotspot
[20:11:54] * chromas rubs requerdanos 4G spot
[20:12:04] <requerdanos> yeah, that never helps
[20:12:44] * Bytram rubs a gold lamp and dreams of jeanie
[20:12:56] <Bytram> =g I dream of Jeanie
[20:12:57] <systemd> https://en.wikipedia.org - I Dream of Jeannie - Wikipedia
[20:13:05] * chromas wriggles her nose
[20:13:13] <Bytram> well, I was pretty close on spelling!
[20:14:30] <requerdanos> somehow I am picturing tabitha and not samantha doing that nose wiggle thing
[20:14:44] <chromas> that's why I had to wriggle it for her
[20:14:49] * Bytram thinks back to when he had a 40 MB hard drive, partitioned as 32 MB and 4 MB because of DOS' limitations
[20:15:54] <Bytram> 1 minute download at 500 KiB/sec would have filled the drive!
[20:17:59] <Bytram> s/drive/main partition/
[20:17:59] <SedBot> <Bytram> 1 minute download at 500 KiB/sec would have filled the main partition!
[20:19:58] <chromas> the rest would only take a few extra seconds, so close enough
[20:20:28] <Bytram> tru dat