#editorial | Logs for 2020-12-24

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[00:10:07] <Bytram> teamwork++
[00:10:07] <Bender> karma - teamwork: 257
[00:10:13] <Bytram> requerdanos++
[00:10:13] <Bender> karma - requerdanos: 6
[01:30:18] <Bytram> Beg-o-Meter updated
[02:04:05] <Bytram> hereto? v
[02:04:09] <Bytram> hereto? https://spectrum.ieee.org
[02:04:10] <systemd> ^ 03Full Page Reload
[02:04:14] <Bytram> lol
[02:09:42] <Bytram> =g TENGWAR
[02:09:43] <systemd> https://en.wikipedia.org - Tengwar - Wikipedia
[02:10:10] <Bytram> =g TENGWAR the exciting new game without any rules
[02:10:11] <systemd> https://en.wikipedia.org - Tengwar - Wikipedia
[02:10:26] <Bytram> =g the exciting new game without any rules
[02:10:26] <systemd> http://flannelofthemonth.blogspot.com - TEGWAR - The Exciting Game Without Any Rules - Rule 19 Blog
[02:10:57] <Bytram> =g "the exciting game without any rules" star trek
[02:10:58] <systemd> https://en.wikipedia.org(film) - Bang the Drum Slowly (film) - Wikipedia
[02:11:15] <Bytram> =g "the exciting game without any rules" "star trek"
[02:11:16] <systemd> https://nymag.com - Who Is NYSE CEO John Thain? -- New York Magazine - Nymag
[02:24:24] <requerdanos> Is friday the weekend-cadence day?
[02:24:50] <chromas> I think it's usually starting ad midnight utc
[02:25:07] <requerdanos> I mean because it's a holiday
[02:25:07] <Bytram> requerdanos: has not been decided
[02:25:10] <requerdanos> ok thanks
[02:26:50] <Bytram> DoH! The 25th is on a Friday. It's a holiday (in most places), so it will be one for us. Weekend cadence it is!
[02:26:57] <Bytram> requerdanos: ^^^
[02:27:19] <requerdanos> Thank you.
[02:27:31] <Bytram> =yt does anyone really know what time it is?
[02:27:32] <systemd> https://youtube.com - Chicago - Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is? (04:35; 4,270,927 views; πŸ‘22,640 πŸ‘Ž1,338)
[02:32:46] <chromas> wow it's holiday already. who keeps taking all the time away?
[02:34:57] <AzumaHazuki> bloody snowstorm tomorrow...
[02:35:04] <AzumaHazuki> going to be so much fun to walk to and from work in
[02:35:53] <chromas> See if you can do it backwards, uphill both ways, just like grandpa used to do
[02:36:09] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[02:37:26] <Bytram> sounds like the storm I had a few days ago. this one coming up on christmas looks to be ab all-rain event for me; well over an inch of rain expected
[02:37:49] <Bytram> s/b/n/
[02:37:49] <SedBot> <Bytram> sounds like the storm I had a few days ago. this one coming up on christmas looks to ne ab all-rain event for me; well over an inch of rain expected
[02:37:55] <Bytram> s/b/n/2
[02:37:55] <SedBot> <Bytram> sounds like the storm I had a few days ago. this one coming up on christmas looks to be an all-rain event for me; well over an inch of rain expected
[12:31:18] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #editorial
[14:45:53] <requerdanos> Bytram, ping?
[14:47:39] <Bytram> requerdanos: pong!
[14:49:03] <requerdanos> observation, checking a box by a related story seems to have no effect.
[14:50:21] <Bytram> which story? Got a linky?
[14:51:07] <requerdanos> Oracle Google Antitrust, want the edit link?
[14:51:17] <Bytram> pls
[14:51:23] <requerdanos> https://soylentnews.org
[14:51:25] <systemd> ^ 03backSlash 14:51:24 = 14:51:24 GMT
[14:51:49] <requerdanos> hmm, I would think systemd would see "nothing to see here, move along"
[14:52:43] <Bytram> IIRC, it has low level privs so that it can do exactly that for us
[14:53:54] <Bytram> RHS of that page, I see these Slashboxes: Signoffs. Attached Files. Related Links.
[14:55:33] <requerdanos> I see that, but it's the two related stories that I was stumped by
[14:55:45] <Bytram> Still undercaffeinated... Now I think I know what you may be getting at. What did you select as a "Related Story" and how?
[14:56:28] <Bytram> or... what link are yo seeing that you did not expect?
[14:56:58] <requerdanos> "Google's antitrust case..." and "Google Reportedly Could...", by ticking their respective boxes under related. Nothing happened. I am getting a dim memory here actually that you already mentioned this.
[14:58:00] <requerdanos> yep, page 2, "checkboxes are a no-op. :/"
[14:58:03] <Bytram> IIRC, this is something different. Won't see it until story goes live.
[14:58:21] <Bytram> I lied a little there.
[14:58:22] <requerdanos> whew, that takes some faith.
[14:58:42] <Bytram> Two columns in that section
[14:59:02] <requerdanos> so, you can invisibly mark stories as related, no way to proofread, but works great when the story is released to the main site?
[14:59:34] <Bytram> The Ignore column, seems to be a no-op (but I never really investigated it or used it -- feel free to play with it and report back!)
[14:59:39] <requerdanos> because if so, that answers my question and I am cool with that.
[15:00:15] <Bytram> do you have any pending changes that meed saving?
[15:00:19] <Bytram> *need
[15:00:39] <Bytram> if so, save 'em and I will edit tte story
[15:00:53] <requerdanos> No, i am out of it now
[15:00:53] <Bytram> *the story, even
[15:00:55] <Bytram> k
[15:02:37] <Bytram> okaaaay....
[15:03:38] * Bytram tried duplicating tab, then in that copy click all stories as being related, then hit preview -- saw no apparent difference.
[15:04:12] <Bytram> So that confirms my earlier assertion, as least from the *editing* perspective
[15:04:25] <Bytram> So, what could we do next?
[15:04:29] <requerdanos> that's kind of what I saw. Makes me wonder if all the "related story" links are handcrafted/
[15:04:49] <Bytram> keep thinking
[15:05:30] <requerdanos> I am perhaps having thought failure
[15:05:39] <Bytram> is there someplace else we could try this?
[15:05:46] <requerdanos> I tried it three or four different ways then punted.
[15:05:55] <Bytram> aka dev server
[15:06:35] <requerdanos> try on dev server, huh.
[15:07:11] <Bytram> https://dev.soylentnews.org
[15:07:13] <systemd> ^ 03Dev.SN: Dev.SN &hearts; developers
[15:07:38] <Bytram> https://dev.soylentnews.org
[15:07:39] <systemd> ^ 03Dev.SN Submissions
[15:08:37] <Bytram> https://dev.soylentnews.org
[15:08:38] <systemd> ^ 03Testing Parsing_C_Is_Literally_Undecidable_2013.htm: Dev.SN Submission
[15:09:12] * Bytram clicks first 4 of 5 links as related
[15:09:36] <Bytram> preview
[15:09:46] <Bytram> save
[15:10:02] <Bytram> edits again: https://dev.soylentnews.org
[15:10:03] <systemd> ^ 03- Dev.SN User ( https://dev.soylentnews.org )
[15:10:55] <Bytram> next to Relese Time clicks the "[ ] Fastforward" checkbox
[15:11:17] <Bytram> clicks [update] button
[15:11:39] <Bytram> reloads dev main page: https://dev.soylentnews.org
[15:11:40] <systemd> ^ 03Dev.SN: Dev.SN &hearts; developers
[15:11:44] <requerdanos> yeah, I am still seeing "no effect"
[15:12:30] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[15:12:50] <Bytram> at first glance, that is what I am seeing, too.
[15:12:52] <requerdanos> maybe i should switch from diet pepsi to coffee
[15:13:33] <Bytram> while viewing that story, clicked the _edit_ link
[15:13:33] <requerdanos> now when i click to edit that story none of the relateds are checked
[15:13:53] <Bytram> I was going to say the same thing,
[15:14:06] <Bytram> seems to have answered out question.
[15:14:25] <Bytram> Now do be aware that dev != prod
[15:15:12] <Bytram> there are some new things rolled out for testing there and there may be ad hoc change made to prod that are not back-ported to dev.
[15:15:51] <requerdanos> of note, fnord's https://soylentnews.org
[15:15:52] <systemd> ^ 03Let’s Encrypt Comes Up With Workaround for Abandonware Android Devices - SoylentNews
[15:16:44] <requerdanos> or yours, I guess. Those links are manually crafted to previous stories.
[15:18:15] <Bytram> this is somewhat irksome because I *do* recall seeing some kind of related stories links in the past
[15:23:52] <Bytram> maybe it is only displayed when there are comments?
[15:25:00] <requerdanos> That seems farfetched?
[15:25:15] <Bytram> did not seem to work.
[15:25:23] <Bytram> trying to select related again
[15:27:36] <Bytram> nope
[15:28:34] <Bytram> even tried refreshing after selecting each one of the layout choices. (flat, no comments, TOS, TNG)
[15:29:03] <Bytram> whelp ... that was fun
[15:29:21] <Bytram> need to get ready for the day; afk for a bit
[15:29:34] <requerdanos> ok. thanks for the effort/time
[20:50:29] * Bytram wander in for a bit and puts another log on the fire
[22:31:13] -!- carny has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[22:35:34] -!- carny [carny!~irc@51.77.thi.oq] has joined #editorial
[22:56:09] <Bytram> requerdanos: HTH!
[22:57:47] <requerdanos> ?
[22:58:44] <chromas> "happy to help"
[22:59:33] <chromas> or maybe heart-to-heart
[23:00:32] <requerdanos> "hope this helps" perhaps?
[23:01:36] <Bytram> requerdanos: you nailed it on the first try :)
[23:01:50] <Bytram> =yt highway to hell
[23:01:51] <systemd> https://youtube.com - AC/DC - Highway to Hell (Official Video) (03:28; 168,227,861 views; πŸ‘1,162,331 πŸ‘Ž31,285)
[23:08:45] <requerdanos> =yt n_gtGfAail4
[23:08:46] <systemd> https://youtube.com - The Heimatdamisch: Highway to Hell (AC/DC) (04:09; 2,276,020 views; πŸ‘26,939 πŸ‘Ž1,124)
[23:17:27] <Bytram> chromas: ping
[23:17:36] <chromas> pong
[23:17:44] <Bytram> quick question, if I may?
[23:17:49] <chromas> ah oh
[23:18:10] <Bytram> I recall we set the a cache pressure(?) down way low...
[23:18:24] <chromas> swappiness
[23:18:30] <Bytram> can't remember how to check or to set it back to normal (60% IIRC)
[23:18:42] <Bytram> yeah, that one!
[23:18:50] <chromas> if you didn't put it into a file then it resets on next boot
[23:19:28] <Bytram> I currently suspend/restore after each session -- no reboots yes
[23:19:31] <chromas> the virtual file to check is /proc/sys/vm/swappiness
[23:19:32] <Bytram> *yet
[23:19:43] <chromas> you can cat it
[23:19:48] <chromas> cat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness
[23:19:49] <Bytram> cat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness
[23:20:05] <chromas> mewo
[23:20:21] <chromas> s/(.)(.)/\2\1/3
[23:20:31] <Bytram> sudo cat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness
[23:20:33] <chromas> s/(.)(.)/\2\1/2
[23:20:33] <SedBot> <chromas> meow
[23:20:35] <Bytram> returns:
[23:20:36] <Bytram> 1
[23:20:48] <chromas> So it's still the way you set it
[23:21:01] <Bytram> was i correct is should default to 60?
[23:21:07] <chromas> You can write 60 to if you want default
[23:21:11] <chromas> yeah
[23:21:14] <Bytram> kth
[23:21:18] <Bytram> ktx
[23:21:27] <chromas> Is hybernating still working?
[23:21:37] <chromas> khybernating
[23:21:52] <chromas> dunno why I always think it has a "y"
[23:22:15] <Bytram> we did not get that far, but...
[23:22:45] <Bytram> sudo echo 60> /proc/sys/vm/swappiness
[23:22:45] <Bytram> bash: /proc/sys/vm/swappiness: Permission denied
[23:23:11] <chromas> The sudo applies to echo and not the redirection (stuff after > )
[23:23:43] <Bytram> emacs to the rescue
[23:23:44] <chromas> So you can either involve other commands like tee or whatever or just become root to run it
[23:23:53] <chromas> oh yeah you can probably do that to
[23:24:26] <Bytram> confirmed with cat; changes was usccessful
[23:24:37] <Bytram> *successful even
[23:25:11] <Bytram> IIRC you were going to D/L Ubuntu Mate, play with it a bit, and then get back to me
[23:25:32] <Bytram> or I was going to ping you or somethin
[23:26:13] <chromas> oh whoops
[23:26:22] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #editorial
[23:26:28] <chromas> I got regular ubuntu with the guhnome 3 with it's 6-foot-high titlebars
[23:26:52] <Bytram> kinda like what I'm seeing, too
[23:27:01] <chromas> also it's weird that ubuntu doesn't seem to have the virtualbox drivers installed by default
[23:27:53] <chromas> seriously though, the whole point of combining the menu and stuff into the titlebar is to save vertical space, but then they just make the whole thing so much taller
[23:28:04] <Bytram> might it just be my particular system and/or config?
[23:28:39] <chromas> Did you start with Ubuntu Mate or did you install regular Ubuntu and then install Mate after?
[23:28:43] <Bytram> it acctually did work a time or two way back when, but then failed to respond
[23:29:24] <chromas> oh you're probably talking about hibernation
[23:30:02] <Bytram> mate 18(?) and upgraded (I think) to Release 20.04.1 LTS (Focal Fossa) 64-bit
[23:30:04] <Bytram> yes
[23:30:20] <Bytram> yes, it was an upgrade
[23:31:02] <Bytram> Started from Mate, upgraded in place to newer version
[23:32:31] <chromas> oh yeah, so you needed to put in a kernel parameter so it knows where to look for the swapped out data when it resumes
[23:33:13] <chromas> What you wanna do is edit your /etc/default/grub
[23:33:57] <chromas> You'll find a line like GRUB=CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"
[23:34:26] * Bytram looks at power management preferences... do nothing, blank screen, suspend, shutdown
[23:34:35] <chromas> in the end of the quoted string, add in a space and then resume=/swapfile
[23:34:55] <chromas> if I remember the name of your swapfile correctly. If I don't then change it as appropriate
[23:35:51] <chromas> oh I mean "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT". NO "=" in there at the beginning
[23:37:07] <Bytram> GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"
[23:37:07] <Bytram> GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=""
[23:37:31] <chromas> I'm not sure of the difference between the two lines but I've only ever seen the _DEFAULT one being used
[23:38:40] <chromas> Anyhow, that's the parameters that the bootloader (grub2) passes into the kernel at boot
[23:39:48] <Bytram> so I now have:
[23:39:48] <Bytram> GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" resume=/swapfile
[23:40:13] <chromas> sorry, I meant put the resume=/swapfile on the left side of the quotation mark
[23:40:20] <chromas> inside the quotes
[23:40:43] <Bytram> GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash resume=/swapfile"
[23:40:50] * chromas nods
[23:40:52] <Bytram> ^^^ like that?
[23:42:13] <Bytram> okay, here are all of the lines that are NOT commented out:
[23:42:23] <Bytram> PASTE_BEGIN
[23:42:25] <Bytram> GRUB_DEFAULT=0
[23:42:25] <Bytram> GRUB_TIMEOUT_STYLE=hidden
[23:42:25] <Bytram> GRUB_TIMEOUT=0
[23:42:25] <Bytram> GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian`
[23:42:25] <Bytram> GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash resume=/swapfile"
[23:42:26] <Bytram> GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=""
[23:42:29] <Bytram> PASE_END
[23:42:42] <chromas> Looks like you named your swapfile swap1 I think, so change "swapfile" to "Swap1"
[23:43:04] <chromas> It just needs to match the filename
[23:43:09] <requerdanos> careful, Swap1 and swap1 are different files
[23:43:19] <chromas> oops, you're right
[23:43:24] <chromas> Chromas--
[23:43:24] <Bender> karma - chromas: 181
[23:43:27] <chromas> requerdanos:++
[23:43:31] <chromas> requerdanos++
[23:43:31] <Bender> karma - requerdanos: 7
[23:45:12] <Bytram> so for completeness' sake for this bit of log file, how do I list my swap?
[23:46:10] * requerdanos votes `cat /proc/swap`
[23:46:59] * chromas tacks on an "s"
[23:47:00] * requerdanos more correctly votes `cat /proc/swaps`
[23:47:06] <Bytram> sudo cat /proc/swaps
[23:47:06] <Bytram> Filename Type Size Used Priority
[23:47:26] <chromas> that's weird
[23:47:29] <Bytram> ugh, eaten by IRC (tm)
[23:47:29] <chromas> try lsblk
[23:48:30] <chromas> I'm pretty sure we left you with at least your swap partition running
[23:51:26] <Bytram> PASTE_BEGIN
[23:51:36] <Bytram> udo cat /proc/swaps
[23:51:36] <Bytram> Filename Type Size Used Priority
[23:51:36] <Bytram> /dev/dm-1 partition 999420 933816 -2
[23:51:36] <Bytram> /swap1 file 16777212 192680 -3
[23:51:40] <Bytram> PASTE_END
[23:53:09] <Bytram> .
[23:53:13] <Bytram> so now I have:
[23:53:15] <Bytram> GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash resume=/swap1"
[23:53:35] <Bytram> look good?
[23:54:36] <Bytram> 5-ish minute break
[23:56:19] <chromas> Looks good. So then execute a sudo update-grub
[23:56:33] <chromas> Then, ass uming no errors, reboot and tmb's your uncle
[23:58:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> noresume ftw