#editorial | Logs for 2020-12-23

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[02:36:14] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[02:46:42] <Bytram> requerdanos: Your name in lights =) https://wiki.soylentnews.org
[02:46:43] <systemd> ^ 03Editors - SoylentNews ( https://wiki.soylentnews.org )
[02:47:38] <requerdanos> Awesome; thanks
[02:51:16] * Bytram notices we has more monies -- updates Beg-o-Meter; $1855.05 (53.0% of $3500 goal) last SPID = 1490
[03:23:47] <Bytram> =cite https://www.int-res.com
[03:23:52] <systemd> Error: Couldn't find any details
[03:24:04] <Bytram> oh, it's a pdf... nvm
[03:24:30] <chromas> it does have a doi string though
[03:24:42] <chromas> just need to integrate pdf2text or something
[03:26:03] <chromas> =cite 10.3354/esr01096
[03:26:11] -!- systemd has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[03:26:13] <chromas> frowns
[03:26:22] <Bytram> oops
[03:26:47] -!- systemd [systemd!~systemd@pid1] has joined #editorial
[03:28:23] <Bytram> =cite https://www.int-res.com
[03:28:28] <systemd> Error: Couldn't find any details
[03:28:36] <Bytram> better!
[03:29:29] <Bytram> =cite https://doi.org
[03:29:53] -!- systemd has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[03:33:28] <chromas> using up all the memory I guess
[03:33:42] -!- systemd [systemd!~systemd@pid1] has joined #editorial
[03:35:00] <Bytram> =cite
[03:35:00] <systemd> Generate a block of HTML for citing an article. Takes DOIs and URLs. Template:
[03:35:00] <systemd> ${authors}<b>${title}</b>${access}, <cite>${journal}</cite> (DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/${doi}">${doi}</a>)
[03:35:10] <Bytram> =cite https://doi.org
[03:35:22] -!- systemd has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[03:35:43] <chromas> yep; getting a sigkill
[03:35:57] <Bytram> =blame
[03:36:07] -!- systemd [systemd!~systemd@pid1] has joined #editorial
[03:36:50] <chromas> I guess =cite bypasses the checks the titler has to filter out the non-htmls
[03:37:17] <Bytram> =blame
[03:37:17] * systemd points at Bytram
[04:08:21] <Bytram> =cite https://www.nature.com
[04:08:23] <systemd> <p><b>Journal Reference</b>:<br/>V. E. Hamilton, C. A. Goodrich, A. H. Treiman, <em>et al</em>. <b>Meteoritic evidence for a Ceres-sized water-rich carbonaceous chondrite parent asteroid</b>, <cite>Nature Astronomy</cite> (DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/10.1038/s41550-020-01274-z">10.1038/s41550-020-01274-z</a>)</p>
[04:08:28] <Bytram> yay!
[04:17:45] <Fnord666> clunks
[05:01:10] <Bytram> =cite https://www.thelancet.com(20)32705-7/fulltext
[05:01:12] <systemd> <p><b>Journal Reference</b>:<br/>Robin Gorna. <b>Long COVID guidelines need to reflect lived experience</b>, <cite>The Lancet</cite> (DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(20)32705-7">10.1016/S0140-6736(20)32705-7</a>)</p>
[05:24:45] <Bytram> =asub https://arstechnica.com
[05:24:47] <systemd> Submitting "Let’s Encrypt comes up with workaround for abandonware Android devices"...
[05:25:09] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Let’s Encrypt Comes Up With Workaround for Abandonware Android Devices" (10 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[05:32:43] <Bytram> https://soylentnews.org
[05:32:45] <systemd> ^ 03Let’s Encrypt Will Stop Working for Older Android Devices - SoylentNews
[08:31:41] <Bytram> have a great night eveybody!
[12:35:46] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #editorial
[13:27:17] <Bytram> whereto? <Skittles> [CNN.Top.Stories] - The President combined his bombshell over the Covid relief bill with a play that revealed his hope of disrupting Biden's presidency - https://www.cnn.com
[13:27:20] <systemd> ^ 03Trump goes on a rampage with pardons, veto threats and Covid denial
[13:28:01] <Bytram> whoops, wrong link
[13:28:03] <AzumaHazuki> federal prison
[13:28:06] <AzumaHazuki> that's where to
[13:28:13] <Bytram> whereto? http://feedproxy.google.com
[13:28:14] <systemd> ^ 03The best cheap laptops you don't have to wait a month for ( https://www.cnet.com )
[13:34:14] <Bytram> whereto? https://assoc-redirect.amazon.com
[13:34:36] <Bytram> whereto? https://www.amazon.com
[13:48:42] <janrinok> Bytram!!
[13:48:53] <Bytram> janrinok: !!
[13:49:03] <janrinok> how's things?
[13:49:03] <Bytram> Happy Holidays!
[13:49:35] <janrinok> same to you! Not much different here though - just the 2 of us.
[13:49:36] <Bytram> good, all-in-all, thanks for asking; and you? or would you prefer PM?
[13:49:43] <janrinok> pm
[13:49:48] <Bytram> k
[13:58:04] <requerdanos> good morning
[14:03:06] <janrinok> bonjour requerdanos !
[14:03:14] <requerdanos> salut.
[14:03:37] <janrinok> fortunately I don't have to be able to pronounce your name on IRC!
[14:03:55] <requerdanos> There's a funny story about that name, but I don't remember it
[14:04:00] <janrinok> lol
[14:05:17] <janrinok> what part of the world / TZ are you located?
[14:05:35] <requerdanos> I'm in North Carolina, which is Eastern Standard Time
[14:05:59] <requerdanos> A nice coastal beach community here near Calabash, NC
[14:07:02] <janrinok> I'll have to break out Google Maps to find that...
[14:07:35] <requerdanos> there's a little squiggle where north carolina sticks out from the NC/SC border, and it's in the little squiggle.
[14:09:47] <requerdanos> Where be you? UTC+1 says the wiki, but that covers a huge swath of earth
[14:10:55] <janrinok> I'm in NW France although I am a Brit who moved here quite a few years ago and I am now staying as we are well established in the village
[14:13:04] <requerdanos> I wish you much success in your transplantation.
[14:13:31] <Bytram> he's been there as long as I've known him, so that
[14:13:40] <Bytram> is 6.5+ years
[14:13:54] <requerdanos> growing those funny-looking French roots by now
[14:14:11] <Bytram> wee!
[14:14:18] <Bytram> ;^)
[14:14:35] <Bytram> See! I *do* know a little French!
[14:15:03] <requerdanos> I couldn't live in France if they require you to be literate in French; the only things I can really say in french involve how I don't speak it, and how I speak English and Spanish
[14:15:48] <requerdanos> of course, in french, it sounds like silky-smooth poetry
[14:16:11] <requerdanos> Je suis desoleé; je ne parle pas français. C'est dommage, mais c'est vrai.
[14:16:25] <Bytram> merci (thanks), bien venue (welcome), au revoir (bye), ern der toi (1, 2, 3), and Haw Haw Haw!
[14:17:34] <Bytram> A problem with French is that when they are swearing at you, you can't tell!
[14:18:41] <Bytram> break time for me, too
[14:25:28] <janrinok> I've been here 14 years and, as I rediscovered yet again this morning, still have quite the hang of how the French use their bloody language!
[14:27:16] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[14:42:23] <Bytram> sack ray blue!
[14:42:33] <Bytram> :)
[14:42:38] <requerdanos> yer a french scholar and a gentleman
[14:42:57] <Bytram> marse see!
[14:43:01] <Bytram> mare see!
[14:43:13] <Bytram> oh, sorry, mare sea!
[14:43:31] <requerdanos> day knot uh.
[14:43:43] <Bytram> LOL!
[14:44:35] <Bytram> Buenos dias is good day; buenos tardis is good evening; and buenos nachos is good snack!
[14:45:37] <requerdanos> you also do Spanish, I see
[14:45:56] <Bytram> grassy ass!
[14:46:25] <requerdanos> know eye day kay.
[14:47:54] <Bytram> sorrt, too subtle; I didn't get that one
[14:48:03] <Bytram> s/t/y/
[14:48:03] <SedBot> <Bytram> sorry, too subtle; I didn't get that one
[14:50:45] <requerdanos> "No hay de qué" is roughly "nothing of it", a variant you're welcome
[14:53:05] <Bytram> like: de nada?
[14:53:21] <requerdanos> a remix of that, yes
[14:57:47] <Bytram> obrigato!
[14:57:54] <Bytram> danke
[14:57:58] <Bytram> specebo
[14:58:19] <Bytram> djing kwea
[14:58:36] <Bytram> teshekur ederim
[14:58:41] <Bytram> mersi
[14:58:57] <Bytram> s/s/c/
[14:58:57] <SedBot> <Bytram> merci
[14:59:09] <requerdanos> I can only identify four of those six.
[14:59:14] <Bytram> ef charizo
[14:59:47] <requerdanos> okay, five of seven
[14:59:48] <Bytram> gan oon
[14:59:56] <Bytram> ah koon
[15:00:10] <Bytram> cap kum crap
[15:00:17] <Bytram> shia shia
[15:00:23] <janrinok> I can't tell whether they are attempts at foreign words or your usual level of typing skill
[15:00:33] <requerdanos> heh I am at 6/11
[15:00:38] <Bytram> shukria
[15:00:52] <Bytram> shukran
[15:01:39] <Bytram> kam sa hah me dah
[15:02:23] <janrinok> gtg - nurses approaching!
[15:02:51] <Bytram> janrinok: Good to "see" you!
[15:02:52] <requerdanos> peace
[15:04:00] <Bytram> urakoze!
[15:09:20] <Bytram> AHA! salamat!
[15:10:28] <Bytram> darn! still missing a few... once knew 20+ ways to say thank you.
[15:10:55] <requerdanos> well, that's sixteen so far, seventeen if you count the "gracias" earlier on
[15:11:12] <requerdanos> I guess eighteen if you count english, also
[15:11:51] <requerdanos> impressive that you include russian and greek, despite their non-latin native alphabets
[15:12:10] <Bytram> and another: hwalla -- serbian
[15:13:59] * Bytram taught himself to read some ancient greek; prolly at the vocabulary level of a 5-year old
[15:14:29] <requerdanos> yeah, but the ancient greek 5-year-old knows his grammar solidly
[15:14:37] <Bytram> but don't ask me to write any of it! Much better at recognition than at recall
[15:15:00] <Bytram> gnawed gnawed!
[15:15:32] <requerdanos> I have had the experience of having small children explain finer points of grammar to me when I was learning Spanish. Humbling. "Kids, don't run!" "No, you say it like this..."
[15:16:04] <Bytram> asante! (swahili)
[15:16:14] <requerdanos> that's twenty, but who's counting
[15:17:27] <requerdanos> asante looks like "to health", salamat looks like "peace", maybe some cognates to grab onto
[15:17:32] <Bytram> toda' (hebrew)
[15:17:51] <Bytram> agreed
[15:18:26] <Bytram> tack (Swedish)
[15:19:44] <Bytram> doh! grazi! (Italian)
[15:21:10] * Bytram worked retail for many years -- large international community -- made a huge difference to be able, unprompted, and only by listening to conversations between guests to identify the language and thank them in their native tongue.
[15:23:23] * Bytram has traveled to a few countries in Europe, trying to struggle with an unfamiliar language -- struggling to find the words -- to hear someone say "I speak English" was *such* a relief! I never forgot that feeling. What a gift to be able to pass that along, even in a very small way, to someone else!
[15:23:42] <requerdanos> agreed.
[15:25:37] <Bytram> urk! Lost track of the time. Gotta get going; will be afk for a while but will check in briefly before I need to leave until until early evening.
[15:25:50] <requerdanos> ok. a good day to you.
[15:26:07] <Bytram> so nice chatting with you and getting to know you better!
[15:26:39] <Bytram> Also, many thanks for the stories you pushed out... woo hoo!
[15:26:47] <Bytram> ciao for now.
[15:29:07] <Bytram> blogodaria (Bulgaria)
[15:29:14] <Bytram> There, I think that's it!
[15:29:23] <Bytram> this time for sure~!
[16:26:12] <Bytram> and my time has come... laters!
[22:53:57] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #editorial