#editorial | Logs for 2020-10-16

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[00:10:32] -!- Bytram_dewey_ has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[00:10:43] -!- Bytram_dewey_ [Bytram_dewey_!~a6b6fd23@82-150-584-018.mobile.uscc.com] has joined #editorial
[01:53:49] <Deucalion> Bytram_dewey_, systemd shouldn't be of concern if you have an NTFS formatted drive in an external USB housing attached to a PC / laptop booted with an Ubuntu live image (in Try mode). The drive partitions and contents should be available via whatever Ubuntu uses for a file explorer now. Presuming Bitlocker was not active on the old Win install.
[01:58:33] <Deucalion> Bytram_dewey_, also I'm happy to helpif you need a passwd reset or w/e to get access back to your Bytram ZNC account - or indeed setup a separate one for Bytram_dewey_ . Hexchat logs are plain text files per channel, I don't think they are OS specific format unless there is some oddness with the age old line end terminations i.e. CR vs CRLF - so should just be a case of copy them to the right location on the new install.
[02:33:34] <Bytram_dewey_> https://www.cell.com(20)30476-0?utm_source=EA
[02:33:37] <systemd> ^ 03Past Extinctions of Homo Species Coincided with Increased Vulnerability to Climatic Change ( https://www.cell.com(20)30476-0 )
[02:34:05] <Bytram_dewey_> =cite https://www.cell.com(20)30476-0
[02:34:06] <systemd> <p><b>Journal Reference</b>:<br/>Pasquale Raia. <b>Past Extinctions of Homo Species Coincided with Increased Vulnerability to Climatic Change</b>, <cite>One Earth</cite> (DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oneear.2020.09.007">10.1016/j.oneear.2020.09.007</a>)</p>
[02:49:24] <Bytram_dewey_> Picked up a new 1 TB SSD drive today to which I hope to backup my primary system... problem is, it would be connected as an external USB drive... and I've booted that machine from a USP stick. may need help tomorrow navigating how to identify drives, mounting same, and being absolutely sure I an copying from (and to) the correct drives!
[02:51:29] <Bytram_dewey_> This would be on a system running : #24-18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP
[02:51:43] <Bytram_dewey_> until then, it's time for sleep.
[02:51:51] <Bytram_dewey_> have a great night everybody!
[02:56:26] -!- Bytram_dewey_ has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[07:39:11] -!- SedBot has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[07:39:40] -!- systemd has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[07:39:40] -!- chromas has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[08:41:08] -!- SedBot [SedBot!~SedBot@603-724-736-251.res.spectrum.com] has joined #editorial
[08:41:22] -!- systemd [systemd!~systemd@pid1] has joined #editorial
[08:41:48] -!- chromas [chromas!~chromas@Soylent/Staph/Infector/chromas] has joined #editorial
[08:41:48] -!- mode/#editorial [+v chromas] by Hephaestus
[09:08:30] <janrinok> takyon, have you ever had anyone run your Soylent.usr.js successfully on a chrome based browser? I'm trying to get it running on Brave using tampermonkey but having no success at all. Now that might be a problem with my lack of understanding of tampermonkey but it is also telling me that there are code errors in the script. The script is identical to that running successfully under PaleMoon.
[09:09:17] <janrinok> that should be Soylent.user.js of course. I've tried both v12 and v14 but get the same problem with either.
[09:10:29] <janrinok> Any help or advice would be much appreciated.
[09:24:18] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #editorial
[09:45:16] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[09:48:40] -!- Bytram_dewey_ [Bytram_dewey_!~a6b6fa8e@475-088-465-499.mobile.uscc.com] has joined #editorial
[12:49:00] <Fnord666> janrinok I run takyon's script, v14, on chrome successfully on both Win10 and Mac OSX (whatever is the latest)
[13:14:48] <Bytram_dewey_> .
[13:15:48] <Bytram_dewey_> NOTE TO SELF: See prior log entries in #Soylent for this morning up until now.
[13:15:54] <Bytram_dewey_> .
[13:31:41] <janrinok> Fnord666, do you use TamperMonkey as the script manager?
[13:31:59] <Fnord666> yes
[13:31:59] <janrinok> ... and, if not, what do you use
[13:32:03] <janrinok> OK
[13:32:38] <Fnord666> v4.11
[13:33:22] <Fnord666> The script name is soylent upgrade
[13:33:31] <Fnord666> is that the same one you are referring to?
[13:35:43] <janrinok> Yep, I've currently got v12 installed but I've also tried v14
[13:36:23] <janrinok> It displays the buttons but they are all greyed out, which suggests that they are not active. None of them do anything
[13:36:26] <Fnord666> Just doublechecking
[13:37:28] <janrinok> the script is selected as active
[13:41:22] <janrinok> as I recall, I just had to drag it onto the page using GreaseMonkey and it just worked. TM doesn't seem to accept that option so I've had to install it from my server. A bit of a faff really
[13:48:02] <Fnord666> I think I just copied the script from takyon's pastebin, then started a new script in TM and replaced the contents
[13:48:32] <Fnord666> But that was at least a year ago so.....
[13:48:35] <janrinok> so did you rename the script?
[13:48:59] <Fnord666> It takes the name from the @name annotation within the script
[13:49:04] <janrinok> k
[13:49:38] <Fnord666> and the @match entries show what pages the script will be active on
[13:50:02] <janrinok> it wasn't helped this am when I couldn't even access the site to check on the scripts that takyon has written!
[13:50:05] <Fnord666> It's not active on the front page for instance
[13:50:23] <Fnord666> Yeah that'll slow things down
[13:52:11] <janrinok> my problem seems to be that it installs the buttons, but they are greyed out. The script is enabled but TM states that no scripts are running. So it has correctly identified the site and the elements within the page to install the buttons, but doesn't actually do anything
[13:54:22] <Fnord666> That's odd.
[13:54:41] <janrinok> I'm just trying your method to see if it makes any difference
[13:55:11] <Fnord666> Can't say that I've see nthat before
[13:56:17] <janrinok> nope... I must be missing something in TM but I can't find what it is
[13:57:21] <Fnord666> I see settings in TM to update the loggin level but I have no idea where it logs to
[14:01:36] <janrinok> PaleMoon cannot handle some parts of HTML5 so doesn't work on all sites so I have to upgrade my browser. I thought it would a small job but apparently not...
[14:02:29] <Fnord666> oof
[14:03:39] <janrinok> I'll have to try TM on othe browsers to see if this is Brave problem or not
[14:06:12] <janrinok> Ah, it seems to work on FF 81.0
[14:06:36] <janrinok> Now to install chromium to see if that copes
[14:10:09] <janrinok> But doesn't seem to work on chromium either (chromium is simply an unbadged chrome)
[14:11:39] <janrinok> so OK on FF, but not on Brave or Chromium/Chrome
[14:12:26] <janrinok> Fnord666, thanks for the assist - I'll have to do a lot more investigating it seems.
[14:24:20] <Fnord666> you're welcome
[15:15:17] -!- Bytram_dewey [Bytram_dewey!~a6b6fa8e@475-088-465-499.mobile.uscc.com] has joined #editorial
[15:16:20] * Bytram_dewey just queued up a quick synopsis of today's outage. Feel free to update/correct it. I really GTG, so I hope there were no glaring errors!
[15:16:56] <Bytram_dewey> TheMightyBuzzard: ^^^ feel free to update if you have any additional information -- thanks again for getting things back up and running!
[15:27:03] -!- Bytram_dewey_ has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[15:28:59] -!- Bytram_dewey has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[17:55:27] -!- Bytram_dewey_ [Bytram_dewey_!~a6b6fa8e@475-088-465-499.mobile.uscc.com] has joined #editorial
[18:00:07] <Bytram_dewey_> Deucalion: thanks for the info! I am aware the log files are plain text--I've often used grep on them to track down something I remembered seeing some time before.
[18:05:33] <Bytram_dewey_> Deucalion: also, there's a part of me that wants a bitwise clone of my existing windows drive. OTOH, trying to restore a file from a prior clone is what blew things up in the first place. Complicating matters, I think I have some files whose names are so long that they have run into problems when copying them... ISTR doing some renaming at some point, but I am not certain ATM that I tracked down *all* of them.
[18:10:49] <Bytram_dewey_> I am coming to the awareness, also, that having Ubuntu Mate on this box has added a complication on top of everything else I'm trying to do. I'm now wishing I had just stuck with plain Ubuntu... I am now toying with the idea of using my new 1 TB SSD for a fresh install of Ubuntu. I don't want to nuke *this* (Ubuntu Mate) drive just yet, because I have some things installed here and it *is* working atm. So,
[18:11:39] <janrinok> Bytram_dewey_, you only have to install ubuntu-desktop and uninstall MATE-desktop and it's done
[18:11:56] <Bytram_dewey_> janrinok: orly?
[18:12:07] <janrinok> underneath the desktop it is all ubuntu. MATE is only a desktop
[18:12:24] <Bytram_dewey_> what does that look like using apt?
[18:12:29] <Bytram_dewey_> K
[18:13:13] <janrinok> sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop
[18:13:24] <Bytram_dewey_> k
[18:13:42] <janrinok> you don't have to uninstall MATE, just select ubuntu as your desktop when you next log on, and that will become the default
[18:13:58] <Bytram_dewey_> O-O !!!
[18:14:29] <Bytram_dewey_> oh. wait. do I have to shutdown?
[18:14:40] <janrinok> nope
[18:15:17] <Bytram_dewey_> so... how do I "next logon"
[18:15:33] <janrinok> sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop, logout, at the login prompt select the ubuntu desktop
[18:15:56] <janrinok> are you talking about your installed systems or have you booted from a CD?
[18:15:58] <Bytram_dewey_> that's the command? "logout" ??
[18:16:17] <Bytram_dewey_> booted from SSD installed onto the laptop
[18:16:41] <janrinok> so why would rebooting cause you a problem?
[18:17:21] <janrinok> did you login giving a username and password?
[18:17:28] <Bytram_dewey_> not a problem, per se, but I finally got a bunch of things up and running in different windows
[18:17:33] <Bytram_dewey_> yes
[18:18:23] <janrinok> OK, well I would wait until you have finished with those windows then. You DO NOT reboot, but when you logout you will lose those windows although their contents will still remain unchanged
[18:19:03] <janrinok> solve 1 problem at a time
[18:19:17] <Bytram_dewey_> huh? if I lose the windows... and the contents remain unchanged... where do/did the contents go?
[18:20:06] <janrinok> you do not lose any configuration changes, but the windows will close. You can always reopen the windows again once you have logged back in but you will have to select what each of them is displaying again
[18:20:12] <Bytram_dewey_> IIUC, once I logout, and log back in, I should have an empty desktop... right?
[18:20:18] <janrinok> correct
[18:20:26] <Bytram_dewey_> ahhh, now I got ya.
[18:20:55] <janrinok> so if you have solved a problem under MATE desktop it will also be solved under Ubuntu desktop.
[18:21:34] <janrinok> you will not lose any of your work unless you haven't saved whatever you have edited in a window that you subsequently close
[18:22:11] <Bytram_dewey_> I sense it is a matter of the difference between file *contents* and how the UI presents interfaces for me to manipulate them?
[18:22:36] <janrinok> With Windows you have the desktop that MS have given you. With Linux you can choose from a number of desktops which only provide, as you say, the interface
[18:24:18] <Bytram_dewey_> nod nod... ISTR there bing a thing called presentation manager (or was that OS/2?) or something like that which windows presented as the UI. It *could* be replaced, but almost nobody ever did that.
[18:24:33] <Bytram_dewey_> s/bing/being/
[18:24:33] <SedBot> <Bytram_dewey_> nod nod... ISTR there being a thing called presentation manager (or was that OS/2?) or something like that which windows presented as the UI. It *could* be replaced, but almost nobody ever did that.
[18:25:06] <janrinok> I suspect that was OS/2 - doesn't ring a bell with me. There are literally dozens of desktops for linux
[18:26:18] <Bytram_dewey_> Program Manager? maybe? I am thinking back to the days of Win 3.1 / 3.11 / WfWG -- *maybe* win95, but that *feels* late to me
[18:26:35] <janrinok> dunno
[18:27:35] <janrinok> most distros that are based on Ubuntu simply change the desktop and the default applications that run on that desktop
[18:27:47] <Bytram_dewey_> doesn't really matter what it was called, but I definitely recall that it *could* be replaced and that preactically nobody ever did that except for something like Norton Ghost or something like that
[18:27:54] <Bytram_dewey_> k
[18:29:16] <janrinok> Linux is the opposite. People go to great lengths to configure the desktop to suit their needs and desires which is why they don't like using somebody else's computer. Like you, I have hundreds of scripts that I have integrated with my desktop and they behave just like every other program
[18:30:06] <Bytram_dewey_> note to self: ~/mnt/sandisk/PuTTY/keys
[18:33:09] <Bytram_dewey_> ^^^ copied to ~/Private/Putty/
[18:33:18] <janrinok> the desktop doesn't have to simply be a visual thing - some desktops are designed to do away with the mouse entirely and they provide a visual interface that is controlled entirely from the kbd - 'ratpoison' is one that springs to mind
[18:35:24] <Bytram_dewey_> CLI vs GUI vs any kind of combo of them...kinda like choosing an editor to manipulate a file? whether I use emacs or vi or ... I'm still modifyng the same underlying file
[18:36:33] <janrinok> well some desktops are more configurable than others - it depends on want you want your desktop to look and behave like
[18:37:15] <janrinok> but you are correct, the data and hardware that you are manipulating remain the same.
[18:37:24] <Bytram_dewey_> yep. I can customize eamcs in many ways, but it's still emacs unde the covers.
[18:37:56] <janrinok> which is why I don't think that MATE is getting in your way, but it may not be the desktop for you.
[18:38:32] <Bytram_dewey_> I can tweak window border sizes, for example, but that is something the UI presents to me as beimng configurable (or not)
[18:38:57] <Bytram_dewey_> other desktops may have only fixed sizes.
[18:40:10] <janrinok> which is why we often prefer the CLI - the underlying software is the same. If something can be configured under a desktop, then it can be configured from the CLI. But you will not be restricted to just the things that the desktop gives you.
[18:41:18] <Bytram_dewey_> it's just an attempt to minimize information overflow... trying to recover access to my windows files (scripts, emails, hexchat logs, etc. etc.) is primary, but going between a make desktop and a vanilla ubuntu desktop just eats up even more mental bandwith as I am trying to figure things out.
[18:41:22] <janrinok> you can configure your graphics driver to do anything you want (within reason). It is the desktop that is only showing you default resolutions.
[18:41:51] <Bytram_dewey_> ahh, got it.
[18:42:26] <Bytram_dewey_> just need to find the correct CLI program and incantation to make it happen.
[18:43:34] <janrinok> another desktop might show you the one you are searching for - but how do you know which desktop you need. Which is why learning the CLI can be the difference between a so-so linux experience and getting you machine to do EXACTLY what you want it to do
[18:44:28] <janrinok> windows CAN configure the resolution that you want - therefore it is configurable in software. Linux is software. It can be done
[18:44:44] <Bytram_dewey_> FYI when it comes to emacs, there are some things that I might do with the GUI, but I am a long-time fundamental mode (kbd driven) user
[18:46:32] <janrinok> Oh I know that. You understand what computers can do and you have invested heavily in getting Windows to behave as you want it to. It is a big step to change OS. But many of us were once Windows users and had to make the same decision. It is not easy but the long-term investment has been worth it to many of us
[18:47:29] <janrinok> But I am not underestimating the reluctance that you are experiencing particularly when something stops working.
[18:47:59] <Bytram_dewey_> fortunately (kinda) the majority of my customizations have been thru batch programs using gawk/sed/grep/tr/etc.
[18:49:07] <janrinok> I just got fed up of paying for MS software and all the programs that I used to install on it - OS, compilers, IDEs etc. It was costing me a bomb. Everything I now use is free and I can configure it to behave to suit my wishes
[18:50:22] <janrinok> But it is getting close to the witching hour for me. Any quick things I can help with before I go?
[18:50:31] <Bytram_dewey_> In many cases, I expect it will be much easier to port things over because MS's batch programs lack something as simple as I want to: echo 'somethign with " strnage & * ! chars in it'
[18:50:50] <Bytram_dewey_> yes...
[18:50:58] <Bytram_dewey_> disk duping
[18:51:17] <janrinok> specifically...?
[18:52:00] <Bytram_dewey_> dd /if= ??? /of=??? how do I 1) set size of each transfer (blksize?) and 2) get feedback according to progress?
[18:52:19] <Bytram_dewey_> if you know off the top of your head, that is.
[18:52:42] <chromas> bs=4096 status=progress
[18:52:49] <Bytram_dewey_> or is there a "better" way to do it?
[18:52:55] <Bytram_dewey_> chromas++ tx
[18:52:55] <Bender> karma - chromas: 176
[18:52:55] <janrinok> bs=4M or bs=27K or whatever you want
[18:53:11] <chromas> janrinok++ too
[18:53:11] <Bender> karma - janrinok: 101
[18:53:27] <chromas> I forgot about the lettres
[18:53:37] <Bytram_dewey_> janrinok++ thanks for all the help! best to S for me, and I hope you sleep well!
[18:53:38] <Bender> karma - janrinok: 102
[18:53:40] <janrinok> progress is as you say but the more progress you display the slower the transfer runs
[18:53:53] <Bytram_dewey_> nod nod
[18:54:01] <chromas> Good point. You can lower the progress update frequency by using huger blocks ;)
[18:54:12] <janrinok> zactly
[18:54:25] <janrinok> try bs=1G
[18:54:35] <Bytram_dewey_> IIRC. I max out at about 10 MB /sec
[18:54:54] <chromas> Do you have enough space for the disk image?
[18:54:57] <Bytram_dewey_> so, 1 GB sounds like a reasonable compromise
[18:55:08] <janrinok> well you choose your blocksize based on how often you want the progress to update
[18:55:40] <Bytram_dewey_> I picked up another Samsung EVO 860 1 TB drive just like all my other SSDs
[18:55:41] <janrinok> I rarely use progress - It will tell me when it has finished
[18:56:38] <Bytram_dewey_> tru dat, but /me likes an occasional blinkenlight
[18:57:10] <janrinok> don't forget that dd will copy unused disk space too - so it will copy the entire source drive
[18:57:12] <chromas> Are you copying to the ssd or to a file on the ssd?
[18:57:17] * Bytram_dewey_ misses seeing the front panel on a PDP/8, PDP/11, or IMSAI 8080
[18:57:35] <janrinok> gtg - cheers guys!
[18:57:48] <Bytram_dewey_> janrinok: thanks so much!
[18:58:53] <Bytram_dewey_> chromas: my instinct it do dupe everything... but trying to access a file on a backed up SSD made just that way is what got me into this pickle in the first place
[18:59:16] <chromas> Did you ever figure out if you booted from the backup ssd?
[18:59:44] <Bytram_dewey_> nope... that was the disk I was trying to restore a file from.
[19:00:06] <chromas> Yeah but if you booted with it plugged in, the puter might've tried booting it
[19:01:04] <Bytram_dewey_> well, it did not "see" the disk when I plugged it in with the system already booted. So,
[19:01:41] <Bytram_dewey_> I tried a hibernate and resume to see if that helped... and that is when, I think, I busted things.
[19:01:43] <chromas> if it booted from it, then it wouldn't show up as an extra disk; it'd be C
[19:02:02] <chromas> although then the internal SSD should've shown up as extra
[19:02:21] <chromas> Did you try again with it unplugged?
[19:02:31] <Bytram_dewey_> which I thought of, but date/time stamps on some files led me to belive it resumed from the original SSD
[19:02:39] * chromas asks, knowing Bytram_dewey_'s totally not tried all the permutations
[19:03:05] <Bytram_dewey_> yes.
[19:03:34] <Bytram_dewey_> shortly after that was when the BSODs started, IIRC
[19:03:48] <chromas> full reboot though?
[19:03:48] * Bytram_dewey_ grins
[19:04:23] <Bytram_dewey_> yes. I remember intercepting the POST to get to the BIOS
[19:05:23] * Bytram_dewey_ notes his stomach is growling and he has eaten nothing so far today... which started with our site being down.
[19:05:32] <Bytram_dewey_> chromas: you gonna be around for a while?
[19:06:03] <chromas> I think so
[19:06:07] <Bytram_dewey_> say in a half hour or so?
[19:06:33] <Bytram_dewey_> very much appreciate it! I really can't put off eating much longer,
[19:06:45] <Bytram_dewey_> biab, and thanks so much!
[19:46:47] * Bytram_dewey_ just did: sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop
[19:47:49] <Bytram_dewey_> am going to exit firefox, logout, and see if I get back to Ubuntu
[19:52:08] <chromas> Might be easier to grab a usb image for ubuntu mate so you don't have to go learn a new desktop
[19:52:24] -!- Bytram_dewey_ has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[19:53:55] <Fnord666> He was already not liking mate and was switching away from it.
[19:54:12] <chromas> So he's going to something worse? :D
[19:54:30] <chromas> I thought he just didn't like going between two desktop paradigms
[19:55:20] <Fnord666> Could be. He was switching to ubuntu-desktop I believe, whatever that is
[19:55:38] <chromas> guhnome 3
[19:55:43] <Fnord666> oh I see where you were going with it.
[19:56:03] <Fnord666> change desktops on the "other" computer
[19:57:34] <Fnord666> In Linux can you just do a dd to create a bootable USB drive once you have an image?
[19:57:45] <Fnord666> or is there a utility like rufus
[19:57:46] <Fnord666> ?
[19:58:09] <chromas> I think there are graphical utilities as well
[19:59:05] <Fnord666> I figured as much
[19:59:08] <chromas> most linux ISOs are hybrids though so they already have a bootloader for both USB and CD/DVD so you can just dd it (or cp even) to the thumb drive and boot
[19:59:56] <Fnord666> Which is kinda clever really
[20:23:01] -!- Bytram_dewey [Bytram_dewey!~a6b6fa8e@475-088-465-499.mobile.uscc.com] has joined #editorial
[20:24:58] <Bytram_dewey> I'm back, and it's "same as it ever was"
[20:26:10] <Bytram_dewey> I'm starting to wonder what DE is running here... it's a somewhat garish green background to the desktop
[20:26:38] <chromas> default ubuntu uses gnome 3 now
[20:26:42] <Bytram_dewey> multi-hued green triangles
[20:27:35] <chromas> That doesn't seem right. I thought their thing was orange and purple
[20:27:55] <Bytram_dewey> My next guess is Mint
[20:28:02] <chromas> that's a distro
[20:28:04] <Bytram_dewey> not sure how I can tell
[20:28:35] <chromas> is it this? https://oswallpapers.com
[20:28:58] <chromas> looks like that's the default for ubuntu mate
[20:29:02] <chromas> 17.10
[20:29:37] <Bytram_dewey> Under system tools on the menu, I see 3 different Mate utilities
[20:30:18] <Bytram_dewey> Mate Disk Usage Analyzer
[20:30:41] <Bytram_dewey> Mate System Analyzer
[20:30:43] <chromas> Are you running the installed Linux or the USB drive you were trying earlier?
[20:31:03] <Bytram_dewey> MATE Terminal
[20:31:11] <Bytram_dewey> installed
[20:31:30] <chromas> oh that makes sense, since you installed ubuntu mate :)
[20:31:51] <chromas> or installed mate after, not sure. I just remember you and janrinok discussing it
[20:32:52] <Bytram_dewey> I tried the sudo apt install that janrinok posted. Tried to logout. No joy. Ended up doing a power off and power back on... and here I am back where I started.
[20:33:16] <Bytram_dewey> (that JR suggestedc today)
[20:33:38] <chromas> When you get to the login screen there should be a combobox or something where you can change the desktop session
[20:34:16] <chromas> alternatively, you can grab an ubuntu mate iso and put that on your usb drive, then you'll still have matching desktops but it'll be mate instead of gnome 3 :)
[20:35:09] <Bytram_dewey> nod nod
[20:35:16] * Bytram_dewey yawns
[20:35:17] * MrPlow flips a Skittle into Bytram_dewey's gaping mouth
[20:35:42] <Bytram_dewey> I really apreciate your hanging around to help!
[20:36:02] <Bytram_dewey> Now that I finished breakfast, and there
[20:36:54] <Bytram_dewey> is rain coming down and I haven't really stopped since I woke up to find the site was down... I think a nap is due
[20:37:26] <Bytram_dewey> too tired to really concentrate and internalize what's coming through ATM.
[20:38:51] <Bytram_dewey> yeah, gonna have to throw in the towel and get some sleep soon.
[20:41:46] <Bytram_dewey> laters
[20:46:32] -!- Bytram_dewey has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]