#editorial | Logs for 2020-10-15

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[00:29:56] -!- Bytram_dewey_ [Bytram_dewey_!~a6b6f82d@42-145-084-013.mobile.uscc.com] has joined #editorial
[00:35:06] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[01:13:01] <Bytram_dewey_> When it rains, it pours. Now when I try to boot that laptop, it brings up the logon page, I select a userID, then enter a password, and almost immediately after *that*, I receive a BSOD.
[01:19:41] <Bytram_dewey_> whereto? https://www.bbc.com
[01:19:42] <systemd> ^ 03Nobel Peace Prize: UN World Food Programme wins for efforts to combat hunger
[01:38:26] <Bytram_dewey_> was able to 2nd the stories that Fnord666 pushed out, and pushed out 3 more stories. Have subbed a story that just needs to be pushed out if anyone wants it ( https://soylentnews.org ).
[01:38:29] <systemd> ^ 03Death by Black Hole: Astronomers Spot Flare from "Spaghettification" of Star: SoylentNews Submission
[01:38:54] <Bytram_dewey_> it has been a VERY full day -- heading to bed.
[01:39:13] <Bytram_dewey_> have a good night everybody!
[01:39:17] -!- Bytram_dewey_ has quit []
[03:22:40] <Fnord666> Bytram - I added a "hat tip" to c0lo for the irc submission of the AITA story and deleted the submission from the queue
[03:44:55] <Fnord666> =submit https://www.zdnet.com https://www.securityweek.com https://youtu.be
[03:45:01] <systemd> Submitting "Google warns of severe 'BleedingTooth' Bluetooth flaw in Linux kernel"...( 1 modified urls; https://www.youtube.com )
[03:45:23] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Google Warns of Severe 'BleedingTooth' Bluetooth Flaw in Linux Kernel" (21 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[09:23:58] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #editorial
[09:47:07] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[11:39:40] SoyGuest90332 is now known as cosurgi
[11:39:46] -!- cosurgi has quit [Changing host]
[11:39:46] -!- cosurgi [cosurgi!~cosurgi@Soylent/Staff/Misc/cosurgi] has joined #editorial
[11:59:32] -!- Bytram_dewey_ [Bytram_dewey_!~a6b6fd7f@886-912-346-375.mobile.uscc.com] has joined #editorial
[12:01:39] <Bytram_dewey_> Fnord666: Thanks so much for the hat tip to c0lo and purging the old story -- am trying to make do with my phone... and a linux (Mate) pc that has none of my links or SN-related tools.
[12:03:47] * Bytram_dewey_ approaches a learning cliff with some trepidation and cautious optimism
[12:20:26] <janrinok> go for it!
[12:30:18] * Bytram_dewey_ dons his somewhat perforated parachute
[12:30:29] <Bytram_dewey_> janrinok: !!
[12:30:34] <Fnord666> Bytram!!
[12:30:46] <Fnord666> janrinok!!
[12:31:12] <Bytram_dewey_> yeah, so IRL things have come up that have me tied up for morning and prolly well into pm
[12:31:34] <Bytram_dewey_> takyon++ thanks for the easy-to-push-out subs
[12:31:34] <Bender> karma - takyon: 128
[12:31:46] <Bytram_dewey_> Fnord666: !!
[12:32:15] <Bytram_dewey_> Fnord666: thanks bunches for the stories you pushed out last night!
[12:32:50] <Fnord666> :) np
[12:33:32] * Bytram_dewey_ feels like he is walking through a nettle-strewn landscape, naked... and is hoping he does not run out of Bandaids!
[12:33:45] <Fnord666> ok to swap the positioning of the top two stories so that we don't have space stories back to back?
[12:33:56] <Bytram_dewey_> sure
[12:33:57] <Fnord666> and ouch!!!
[12:34:13] <Bytram_dewey_> make them front-to-front, instead!
[12:34:16] <Bytram_dewey_> ;)
[12:34:21] <Bytram_dewey_> lol
[12:35:40] <Bytram_dewey_> Mate will only grant me 1920x1080 on this 4K monitor (GPU limitation) but windows allowed a custom 2200x1200 or so
[12:36:36] * Bytram_dewey_ wonders how he will get everything set up over here, such as Hexchat
[12:37:08] <Bytram_dewey_> or, something mundane like a printer
[12:37:57] <Bytram_dewey_> yeah, I know, plug it in and see what happens.... but that's how I got *here* in the first place!
[12:40:10] <Fnord666> You plugged in a printer and your computer failed to boot?
[12:40:28] <Bytram_dewey_> nope
[12:40:52] <Bytram_dewey_> had a bitwise copy of my c: drive I made a while ago
[12:41:37] <Bytram_dewey_> was trying to boot it on Luey months ago, if you might recall
[12:41:46] <Fnord666> I know one of the things I dislike intensely is setting up a new computer to the way that I like it.
[12:42:14] <Bytram_dewey_> I remembered a program I'd written and later deleted (didn't recognize the name at first)
[12:43:03] <Bytram_dewey_> decided to try and copy it from the backup (in lewey -- how DO you spell that?
[12:43:12] <Fnord666> This sounds bad
[12:43:44] <Bytram_dewey_> pulled the drive, put in USB external housing, plugged it into my long-term Windows box...
[12:43:58] <Bytram_dewey_> which promptly seemed to ignore the drive.
[12:44:24] <Bytram_dewey_> nothing presented when I did: start \
[12:44:40] <Bytram_dewey_> and then looked at what was hanging off "My Computer"
[12:44:58] <Bytram_dewey_> maybe plug-n-play issue?
[12:45:07] <Bytram_dewey_> hibernate
[12:45:13] <Bytram_dewey_> power on
[12:45:51] <Bytram_dewey_> now Windows claimed I had a possible counterfeit copy of windows; pls enter Product(?) key
[12:46:13] <Bytram_dewey_> could still get around but many things were missing
[12:46:21] <Bytram_dewey_> shut it down
[12:46:53] <Bytram_dewey_> (out of an abundance of caution)
[12:47:04] <Bytram_dewey_> tried to boot it later to get exact message and to copy some files
[12:47:11] <Bytram_dewey_> picked user
[12:47:15] <Bytram_dewey_> entered password
[12:47:27] <Bytram_dewey_> barely a second letter got BSOD
[12:47:49] <Bytram_dewey_> back to login screen
[12:47:53] <Bytram_dewey_> pucked user
[12:47:58] <Bytram_dewey_> entered pwd
[12:48:04] <Bytram_dewey_> another BSOD
[12:48:12] <Bytram_dewey_> powered off
[12:48:16] <Bytram_dewey_> and here we are
[12:48:49] <Bytram_dewey_> drive on that PC has an SSd with ~550 GB of files
[12:49:20] <Bytram_dewey_> and only a 10 MB/s USB port... backups are painful
[12:50:08] <janrinok> Bytram_dewey_, you can set any custom resolution you want to set - but you probably haven't got time for it now!
[12:50:38] <janrinok> if you get bored (no chance!) look up xrandr for details
[12:50:53] <Bytram_dewey_> thinking to get a cheap external hard disk (spinnner) and copy everything from the SSD to the spinner...
[12:51:01] <Fnord666> Did you try booting in safe mode?
[12:51:35] <Bytram_dewey_> or, just pull the drive and have some back it up for me
[12:51:35] <Fnord666> same result? BSOD?
[12:51:39] <Bytram_dewey_> nope
[12:52:05] <Bytram_dewey_> thought it best to have a solid backup before I try to make any more fixes!
[12:52:30] <Fnord666> gotcha. Are you booting from a USB/CD now into Linux?
[12:53:45] <Bytram_dewey_> from SSD:
[12:53:46] <Fnord666> on that machine I mean. Or are you on a different machine?
[12:53:48] <Bytram_dewey_> Linux E6410-001 5.3.0-40-generic #32~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Mon Feb 3 14:05:59 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
[12:53:58] <Bytram_dewey_> this is a different machine
[12:54:07] <Fnord666> ah, ok.
[12:54:20] <Bytram_dewey_> good question!
[12:54:48] <Bytram_dewey_> is most helpful to have spare systems... I have another, working laptop, too.
[12:55:23] <janrinok> ... or learn how to use linux and not have to worry about product codes ;)
[12:55:37] <Bytram_dewey_> OTOH, I really need a single place where the master copy of all files reside.
[12:56:06] <Fnord666> janrinok++
[12:56:06] <Bender> karma - janrinok: 99
[12:56:28] <Bytram_dewey_> yeah... tempting -- 'cept I do not know of any Income Tax programs that run on Linux
[12:56:54] <Bytram_dewey_> and most tech jobs deman windows knowledge... but
[12:57:33] <Bytram_dewey_> that said, I'm far from current on Latest version of windows or office or...
[12:57:46] <janrinok> we will have this discussion when you are not fighting fires.... The solution is remarkably simple but not helpful at the moment to you, so I will shut up.
[12:58:35] * Bytram_dewey_ is just trying to figure out short term priorities / needs atm
[12:58:40] <janrinok> your version is not old - it is still fully supported for another 3 years
[12:59:00] <Bytram_dewey_> Linux, yeah good to know
[12:59:19] <Bytram_dewey_> windows? 7 Pro x64 (Yes, I know)
[13:01:25] <Bytram_dewey_> "If you really want to understand something, try explaining it to someone else" -- thanks for the help!!!!!!!!!
[13:01:51] <Bytram_dewey_> need a break -- my brain is full!
[13:02:21] <Fnord666> ttyl. I need to go also. All Hands meeting is wrapping up. :)
[13:03:21] <Bytram_dewey_> any suggestions on how to setup hexchat here to mimic my old setup (I don't even know where to start) would be appreciated!
[13:04:56] <Bytram_dewey_> so, yes, I have no backscroll in IRC and can only see backscroll on channels where Loggie is present -- as you can see from my nick that also limits what channels I can even get to. :(
[13:05:02] <Bytram_dewey_> laters!
[13:05:36] <Fnord666> sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gwendal-lebihan-dev/hexchat-stable
[13:05:48] <Fnord666> sudo apt update && sudo apt install hexchat
[13:12:36] <Bytram_dewey_> Oops... I already did: sudo apt install hexchat
[13:13:09] <Fnord666> https://wiki.soylentnews.org
[13:13:11] <systemd> ^ 03ZNC - SoylentNews
[13:13:59] <Bytram_dewey_> Oh, yeah. I remember doing that at 0400 one AM being guided thru step-by-step by Deucalion
[13:14:16] <Bytram_dewey_> a few years ago
[13:14:52] <Bytram_dewey_> have huge log files on my old pc that I need to recover, too.
[13:15:16] <Bytram_dewey_> One thing leads to another (dependency hell)
[13:15:55] <Fnord666> It always does
[13:16:01] <Bytram_dewey_> how do I remove my current (new) hexchat install?
[13:16:11] <janrinok> why do you have to remove it?
[13:16:40] <janrinok> "sudo apt remove hexchat"
[13:16:42] <Bytram_dewey_> shouldn't I?
[13:16:53] <Bytram_dewey_> k
[13:17:11] <janrinok> well if the existing version is still current it should work. What dependancy hell are you having?
[13:17:42] <janrinok> it is probably only asking if you want to install all the security fixes since you last updated it
[13:17:48] <Fnord666> I do wish hexchat had a "copy" option in the network list
[13:18:04] <janrinok> that would be useful!
[13:18:14] <Bytram_dewey_> Fnord666: what does *that* version of hexchat (the ppa) get me that he mainline (sudo apt install hexchat) is lacking?
[13:18:43] <janrinok> have you access to your system config file for your previous hexchat?
[13:19:03] <Fnord666> I would just stick with what you have if you already have it installed.
[13:19:17] <Bytram_dewey_> trying to get to all my existing config files... they are all on my windows PC that pluescreens right now
[13:19:36] <Bytram_dewey_> s/p/b/
[13:19:36] <SedBot> <Bytram_dewey_> trying to get to all my existing config files... they are all on my windows PC that bluescreens right now
[13:19:50] <Fnord666> The one I gave you is from the hexchat repository so the latest and greatest build rather than waiting until it hits the main repo
[13:20:01] <janrinok> so would I. But if you must update, boot your windows computer using a linux disk, and copy all your config files to a thumbdrive or whatever. You don't need to run windows to read the disk
[13:20:31] <Bytram_dewey_> and, if I fire up hexchat with ZNC here, I would prefer to keep the logs from before and append new stuff to them
[13:21:14] * janrinok better shut up again - probably not helping
[13:21:37] <Bytram_dewey_> janrinok: is kind of what I was thinking: top priority is to get a copy of the windows SSD onto other media that I can then work from.
[13:22:14] <Bytram_dewey_> thereafter *only( work from the *copy*
[13:22:31] <janrinok> makes sense
[13:23:03] <Fnord666> I agree. Boot linux from a live DVD/CD, attach an external drive, then copy files from the SSD to the external
[13:23:52] <Fnord666> where external drive = spinning rust, SSD or even thumbdrive
[13:23:54] <Bytram_dewey_> issue is it has been a whiile since I tried something like that on linux... so I recall I need to list devices somehow, and also do a mount of something... and all my logs of your prior explanations are convensiently stored on my old windows bos!
[13:24:27] <Bytram_dewey_> s/bos/box/
[13:24:27] <SedBot> <Bytram_dewey_> issue is it has been a whiile since I tried something like that on linux... so I recall I need to list devices somehow, and also do a mount of something... and all my logs of your prior explanations are convensiently stored on my old windows box!
[13:24:34] <Fnord666> Your desktop will have a file explorer just like windows. Drives should automount.
[13:24:35] <janrinok> hexchat is particularly easy - just overwrite the new default config with your old config and restart hexchat. Exactly as it was before the crash
[13:24:50] <Bytram_dewey_> (those are the kinds of "dependencies" I was talking about)
[13:25:10] <Bytram_dewey_> kewel, good to know!
[13:25:44] <Fnord666> includin external drives when you connect them.
[13:26:00] <Bytram_dewey_> okay... first things first... gotta get a load of laundy done before I head out at lunchtime.
[13:26:06] <janrinok> lol
[13:26:16] <Bytram_dewey_> 1.) how to I list all drives?
[13:26:20] <Fnord666> It's good to have priorities
[13:26:31] <Bytram_dewey_> 2.) how do I get access to files on them
[13:26:36] <janrinok> I wish I lived closer to you, I/we could have this done by the time you get home!
[13:26:44] <Fnord666> ^^^^^^
[13:26:57] <Bytram_dewey_> 3.) how do I verify the drive actually is the one I think it is?
[13:27:12] <Bytram_dewey_> janrinok++ thanks SO much!
[13:27:12] <Bender> karma - janrinok: 100
[13:27:40] <Bytram_dewey_> Fnord666++ Yu guys are the *best*
[13:27:40] <Bender> karma - fnord666: 181
[13:27:46] <Fnord666> 1. In the file explorer you will have something like "This PC". When you select it you should see all of the drives.
[13:28:02] <Bytram_dewey_> how about kbd commands?
[13:28:17] <Bytram_dewey_> lsd?
[13:28:31] <Bytram_dewey_> really gtg -- back in ~5-10 mntes
[13:28:40] <Fnord666> That's probably where your cheatsheets came from
[13:28:41] <janrinok> the odd lsd tab might be useful - but don't overdo it
[13:28:51] <Fnord666> :)
[13:29:12] <janrinok> if the computer talks to you or pulls faces you have had too much
[13:30:41] <Fnord666> lol
[13:36:06] <Bytram_dewey_> lol!
[13:36:33] <janrinok> ;))
[13:37:10] <Bytram_dewey_> martyb@E6410-001:~$ ls -l /dev/sd* brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 0 Oct 14 20:27 /dev/sda brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 1 Oct 14 20:27 /dev/sda1 martyb@E6410-001:~$
[13:37:45] <Bytram_dewey_> ugh copy/paste seems to work differently, here
[13:38:01] <janrinok> have you booted from a CD or are you just at your command prompt?
[13:38:09] <Bytram_dewey_> command promt
[13:38:32] <janrinok> so you are not on your windows computer?
[13:38:35] <Bytram_dewey_> and... all my emacs customizations are back over there, too
[13:38:47] <Bytram_dewey_> correct. Windows box is powered down.
[13:39:37] <janrinok> we suggested that you boot your WINDOWS computer from a LINUX CD, so that it boots into linux
[13:39:59] <janrinok> you can then use linux to access your windows files without actually starting windows itself
[13:40:12] <janrinok> doesn't matter how old the CD is - any will do
[13:40:17] <Bytram_dewey_> nod nod.. am practicing over here
[13:40:21] <Bytram_dewey_> k
[13:41:14] <Bytram_dewey_> also got to remember to check/update bios to set order of boot media... and how to access the BIOS
[13:41:48] <janrinok> F10 , F12 or delete key during boot works on many machines
[13:42:10] <Bytram_dewey_> Hmmm, for some readon I was thinking F7
[13:42:23] <janrinok> could be - there is no golden rule
[13:43:14] <Bytram_dewey_> well, I am going to need backup media... means a trip to BestBuy or Staples, but BB has price match, so I'll prolly to \that
[13:43:17] <Fnord666> It should show on the screen during boot
[13:43:30] <Fnord666> the hotkey I mean.
[13:43:55] <Bytram_dewey_> 'cept I have "fastboot" activated so no boot menu... it just skips ahead withthe default
[13:43:56] <janrinok> I agree, but one of mine has stopped doing that recently and I haven't a clue why...
[13:45:48] <janrinok> I think it has decided that if I don't remember by now there is no point in telling me again...
[13:46:06] <Fnord666> https://www.maketecheasier.com
[13:46:06] <systemd> ^ 03What Windows' "Fast Startup" Does, and How to Disable It - Make Tech Easier
[13:47:13] * Bytram_dewey_ tries to remember where his boot media is
[13:47:36] <Fnord666> disregard. That is if you can get into wondows to start with.
[13:48:37] <Bytram_dewey_> F12: onetime boot menu
[13:49:45] <janrinok> I've just read that and, while I can see its uses, it does also cause several problems - which could stop us from accessing the SSD, if I have read it correctly...
[13:49:58] * Bytram_dewey_ waits while it is "Preparing one-time boot menu"
[13:50:18] <Fnord666> I think you can disable fast boot in the BIOS menu if you can get to it.
[13:50:34] <janrinok> ... if not, bugger!
[13:50:51] <Bytram_dewey_> at BIOS!
[13:51:40] <Bytram_dewey_> boot order: diskette, USB storage drvice, CD/DVD, Internal HDD (IRRT)
[13:51:44] <Bytram_dewey_> yays!
[13:52:25] * Bytram_dewey_ does not even have a diskette drive
[13:52:56] <janrinok> I'll glue one to this IRC comment - let me know when it gets there
[13:53:07] <Bytram_dewey_> let's see what kind of stuff is on that USB stick... I hope it is bootable!
[13:54:00] * Bytram_dewey_ waits ... thinks you may need to use *super* glue!
[13:54:20] * Bytram_dewey_ contnues to wait for laptop to exit BIOS menu
[13:55:14] <Bytram_dewey_> Intel (R) Matric Storage Manager option ROM v8.0.0.1039 ICH9M-E
[13:55:55] <Bytram_dewey_> Copyright(C) 2003-08 Intel Coporation. All Rights Reserved.
[13:56:11] * Bytram_dewey_ continues to wait
[13:56:17] <janrinok> I haven't a clue what we are watching happen....?
[13:56:33] <Fnord666> yeah booting from USB is not a fast operation
[13:56:35] <Bytram_dewey_> I assume it is the boot process
[13:57:02] <Bytram_dewey_> or, maybe, the bios is updating itself....
[13:57:18] <janrinok> oooh - that could be good for a laugh
[13:57:31] <Fnord666> Does your USB device have any blinkenlights?
[13:57:47] <Bytram_dewey_> at least the blue LED on the USB stick is ... pulsing
[13:57:52] <Fnord666> janrinok yeah what could possibly go wron with that?
[13:58:04] <Fnord666> s/wron/wrong/
[13:58:04] <SedBot> <Fnord666> janrinok yeah what could possibly go wrong with that?
[13:58:21] <janrinok> I'm keeping my eyes closed...
[13:58:35] <Fnord666> hope your not driving...
[13:58:49] <Bytram_dewey_> though slower, booting from CD ROM does have the advantage of immediate feedback
[13:58:49] <janrinok> no, but you will have to type louder please
[13:59:30] <Fnord666> oh, you have the usb drive with the silent read/write heads! Nice!
[13:59:37] <janrinok> Bytram_dewey_, ... for some values of immediate
[13:59:45] <Bytram_dewey_> it was an upgrade
[14:00:18] * Bytram_dewey_ keeps looking at the wrong corner of the screen to check the time.
[14:00:48] <Bytram_dewey_> still waiting... I suspect at this rate it will never boil!
[14:00:58] <janrinok> are we in BIOS, Windows boot, or Linux boot?
[14:01:01] * Fnord666 stops watching it.
[14:01:15] <Bytram_dewey_> what I typed is what I know
[14:01:28] <janrinok> ah, clear as mud then
[14:02:04] <Bytram_dewey_> I do not dare interrupt... might be safer staying in this grying pan
[14:02:06] <janrinok> as long as you don't see any magic smoke escaping, I'm going to assume this is good
[14:03:55] <janrinok> how big was the USB drive in storage terms?
[14:04:06] * Bytram_dewey_ remebers those days... first IBM compatible I boult came with base unit, additional RAM chips, and a box with the ST-251 40 MB HH hard disk and cables in a box with instructions that were somewhat, but not entirely, unlike English
[14:05:13] <janrinok> I've still got a 5MB hard drive in my man cave - my first ever hard drive
[14:05:21] <Bytram_dewey_> I dunno. 4 GB? 8 GB? 16?
[14:05:36] <Fnord666> janrinok - 5.25", full height?
[14:05:37] <Bytram_dewey_> 5 1/4 ir 8" ??
[14:05:39] <janrinok> is it still blinkenlights?
[14:05:48] <Bytram_dewey_> yes
[14:06:38] <Bytram_dewey_> I'm going to step away doe ~5 minutes and thtr should cause it to note my absence and start boting immediately.
[14:06:39] <janrinok> 8" I think - but it is in a huge box/case with a ribbon cable attached and I don't remember when I last looked inside
[14:07:08] <Bytram_dewey_> and it won't do anything until then, if course,
[14:07:20] <Bytram_dewey_> even the threat of leaving is not helping...
[14:07:52] <Bytram_dewey_> I guess I will actually have to "step away from the keyboard"
[14:08:06] <Bytram_dewey_> bac in ~5 minutes
[14:08:35] <Fnord666> This all assumes whatever USB he is trying to boot from actually has a bootable image on it.
[14:10:36] <Fnord666> although normally if it wasn't marked bootable it would have just gone down the list to the SSD.
[14:11:39] <Fnord666> s/it wasn't/the USB wasn't/
[14:11:39] <SedBot> <Fnord666> although normally if the USB wasn't marked bootable it would have just gone down the list to the SSD.
[14:14:05] <Bytram_dewey_> k
[14:14:48] <Bytram_dewey_> prolly wrong stick. moving clothes to dryer, if not up will power down and try a different stick.
[14:14:55] <Bytram_dewey_> afk 5 minutes
[14:15:16] <janrinok> just waiting for the nurse to arrive so I will be in/out for the next 15 minutes or so
[14:15:55] * janrinok is just making an excuse to disown his involvement with whatever is about to happen on Bytram_dewey_'s computer
[14:17:49] <janrinok> if it restarts with 'Do You Want To Play A Game' I will claim that I was never here
[14:19:05] <Bytram_dewey_> lol
[14:19:09] <Bytram_dewey_> no joy
[14:19:15] <Bytram_dewey_> power off
[14:19:29] <Bytram_dewey_> pulls old USB stick
[14:19:44] <Bytram_dewey_> inserts new one
[14:19:47] <Bytram_dewey_> power on
[14:19:51] * janrinok wonders if the BIOS is now in an unknown state....?
[14:20:20] <Bytram_dewey_> much different
[14:20:35] <Bytram_dewey_> got past INTEL copyright
[14:20:36] <janrinok> is that different good or different bad?
[14:20:39] <Bytram_dewey_> see ubuntu loading
[14:20:47] <janrinok> ah, goodish then
[14:20:50] <Bytram_dewey_> different good
[14:21:17] <Bytram_dewey_> is offering to install. I think not!
[14:21:40] <Bytram_dewey_> "Try Ubuntu" or "Install Ubuntu"
[14:21:45] * Bytram_dewey_ clicks Try
[14:21:48] <janrinok> good choice
[14:22:18] <Bytram_dewey_> helps to use the corrent mouse
[14:22:38] <Bytram_dewey_> s/n/c/
[14:22:38] <SedBot> <Bytram_dewey_> helps to use the correct mouse
[14:23:06] <janrinok> I couldn't decide whether that was going to be current or correct
[14:23:35] <Bytram_dewey_> is why I currented myself!
[14:23:50] <janrinok> )
[14:24:19] <Bytram_dewey_> still on same Ubunto menu, but cursor changed to show it was "doing something"
[14:24:22] <Bytram_dewey_> ahhh!
[14:24:35] <Bytram_dewey_> briefly saw desktop
[14:24:40] <Bytram_dewey_> tadah!
[14:30:06] <janrinok> nurse!
[14:33:06] <Bytram_dewey_> k
[14:33:23] <Bytram_dewey_> allright I can gegt to a terminal
[14:33:45] <Bytram_dewey_> ls -l /dev/sd*
[14:33:48] <Bytram_dewey_> shows:
[14:34:01] <Bytram_dewey_> /dev/sda
[14:34:03] <Bytram_dewey_> /dev/sda1
[14:34:11] <Bytram_dewey_> /dev/sdb
[14:34:13] <Bytram_dewey_> /dev/sdb1
[14:34:15] <Bytram_dewey_> /dev/sdb2
[14:39:09] <Bytram_dewey_> now the joys of doing things with systemd in the way.
[14:41:56] <janrinok> try blkid - it should tell you how each drive is formatted to confirm that you have the correct drive
[14:42:08] <Bytram_dewey_> k
[14:42:25] <janrinok> brb 5
[14:44:32] <Bytram_dewey_> thanks so much for all the help!
[14:44:53] <Bytram_dewey_> at this point, I really need to go.
[14:45:55] * Bytram_dewey_ powers down old windows box
[14:47:43] <Bytram_dewey_> and... I;m gonna be gone for a stretch. Will try to check in, but I might not be back for a while. Hard to tell. Might be well over 3 hours for this machine... will try also to push out stories using my phone
[14:47:48] <Bytram_dewey_> .
[14:48:54] <Bytram_dewey_> Fnord666: janrinok: Unless someone grabbed it alredy, there should be a ready-to-go sub about spaghettification available to push out that I subbed a day or two ago as "martyb"
[14:49:00] <Bytram_dewey_> really gtg
[14:53:51] -!- Bytram_dewey_ has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[15:43:46] <Fnord666> I've queued up stories through tomorrow morning EDT
[15:51:37] <Fnord666> including the above one ^^^^^^
[17:58:31] <chromas> Fnord666++
[17:58:31] <Bender> karma - fnord666: 182
[22:32:31] -!- Bytram_dewey_ [Bytram_dewey_!~a6b6fd23@82-150-584-018.mobile.uscc.com] has joined #editorial
[22:32:57] <Bytram_dewey_> =cite https://stm.sciencemag.org
[22:33:02] <systemd> <p><b>Journal Reference</b>:<br/>David Chen, Josephine Y. Wu, Kelsey M. Kennedy, <em>et al</em>. <b>Tissue engineered autologous cartilage-bone grafts for temporomandibular joint regeneration</b> [$], <cite>Science Translational Medicine</cite> (DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/10.1126/scitranslmed.abb6683">10.1126/scitranslmed.abb6683</a>)</p>
[22:51:15] -!- systemd has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[22:51:49] -!- systemd [systemd!~systemd@pid1] has joined #editorial