#editorial | Logs for 2020-09-12

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[00:45:32] <Bytram> whereto? https://arstechnica.com
[00:45:34] <systemd> ^ 03Judge in Theranos fraud case orders 14-hour psychological test for Holmes ( https://arstechnica.com )
[01:42:22] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #editorial
[01:47:06] <Bytram> =asub https://arstechnica.com
[01:47:08] <systemd> Submitting "Judge in Theranos fraud case orders 14-hour psychological test for Holmes"...
[01:47:30] <systemd> βœ“ Sub-ccess! "03Judge in Theranos Fraud Case Orders 14-hour Psychological Test for Holmes" (11 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[01:48:17] <AzumaHazuki> o/
[01:48:37] <Bytram> o/
[01:48:44] * Bytram yawns
[01:48:44] * MrPlow flips a Skittle into Bytram's gaping mouth
[01:49:21] <AzumaHazuki> I wish this would happen: "We have found defendant to have antisocial personality disorder. In addition to the normal penalties, we are adding that she may never hold any position above "retail peon" ever again because fuck that noise"
[01:51:05] <Bytram> up early to be ready when maintenance came over with a new fridge and to repair my bathroom sink. New fridge is great except freeze section is barely hlaf the size of the old one, and the sink (actually, the faucet) was irreparable, so they put in a newone.
[01:51:13] <Bytram> lol
[01:51:51] <Bytram> leg is improving, but I'm still tiring easily.... to be expected, I guess.
[01:52:05] <AzumaHazuki> yeah...be good to yourself :<
[01:52:09] <Bytram> Gonna try to push out one more story and then head for bed.
[01:52:27] <AzumaHazuki> do you like bone broth? if you have a pressure cooker you can make some from soup bones in 2 hours or so
[01:52:46] <Bytram> thanks bunches for your sharing your knowledge and expertise.
[01:52:48] <AzumaHazuki> the collagen and proteins, and the specific amino acids, may be useful to heal skin and connective tissue
[01:52:49] <Bytram> no, thanks.
[01:52:53] <AzumaHazuki> LOL
[01:53:09] <AzumaHazuki> oh...i got that job :)
[01:53:22] <Bytram> as the French would say, "bone chewer"
[01:53:23] <AzumaHazuki> less than 6 hours from interview to offer, holy shit. i start 12 october
[01:53:38] <Bytram> YAY! I think... do yu still want it?
[01:53:43] <AzumaHazuki> good lord yes
[01:54:00] <AzumaHazuki> 2 months' training during the day shift, then sweet sweet nightshift goodness from then on
[01:54:36] <Bytram> just beware: "An expectation is a pre-arranged resentment."
[01:55:10] <AzumaHazuki> right
[01:55:16] <AzumaHazuki> i'm being realistic about this
[01:55:41] <Bytram> Willingness and openmindedness, otoh, seem to be capable of meeting most challenges.
[01:55:48] <AzumaHazuki> but come on...going from chain pharmacies where i make minimum wage working 6 and 7 day workweeks just to get 40 hours jumping all over the damn city, to this?
[01:55:51] <AzumaHazuki> huge step up
[01:56:11] <Bytram> Maybe toss in some honesty, too. (It is what it IS, not what I imagined it to be)
[01:57:10] <Bytram> Not in my area of experience, so don't know first-hand. in that case, sounds like a very nice improvemnt.
[01:57:13] <AzumaHazuki> right. i know better than to have expectations too out there. i have done inpatient before though
[01:57:24] <AzumaHazuki> and this felt immediately better than the other time
[01:57:46] <Bytram> hope it works out for you... and that your neighbors are quiet enough during the day.
[01:57:53] <AzumaHazuki> me too, LOL
[01:58:25] * AzumaHazuki will be getting earplugs, a sleep mask, blackout drapes, and one of those "plays wind/sea sounds and also you can put some lavender oil in it" things
[01:59:06] <Bytram> Just remember that, for the vast majority of them, everybody works during the DAY and sleeps at NIGHT; why should I have to be quiet?
[01:59:43] <AzumaHazuki> because a size 7 mens' workboot so far up the arse it lands in one's grandfather's last meal often offends? :D
[01:59:49] * AzumaHazuki loves her some boy shoes
[01:59:57] <Bytram> good girl! I wouldn't dream (ha!) of trying to sleep w/o earplugs and eyemask
[02:00:26] <Bytram> yeah, I think you'd get pretty good odds on that one
[02:00:55] <Bytram> okay... time for me to start winding down. Congratulations and good luck!
[02:01:10] <AzumaHazuki> thanks :) hope you sleep really well
[02:01:31] <Bytram> likewise, tx!
[02:07:34] <Bytram> yeah, this is not working. just finished dinner and am getting really drowsy. think I'll go along with it and head to bed.
[02:07:45] <Bytram> have a great igt eerybody!
[02:07:50] <Bytram> oi!
[02:08:09] <Bytram> have a great night everybody! (that's better)
[02:35:42] -!- systemd has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[02:50:32] <chromas> I misread that as Godfather's last meal and it made me think of pizza
[02:50:43] * chromas now desires pizza
[04:02:23] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[05:13:24] -!- systemd [systemd!~systemd@pid1] has joined #editorial
[07:32:08] -!- RandomFactor has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[11:12:45] <Bytram> https://static1.squarespace.com
[11:13:18] <Bytram> https://www.oregonlaws.org
[11:13:18] <systemd> ^ 03ORS 659A.400 - Place of public accommodation defined - 2020 Oregon Revised Statutes
[11:15:07] <Bytram> https://arstechnica.com
[11:15:08] <systemd> ^ 03How does a Sturgis-sized crowd affect COVID-19? It’s complicated ( https://arstechnica.com )
[14:37:48] -!- RandomFactor [RandomFactor!~IceChat9@629-71-065-58.lightspeed.tukrga.sbcglobal.net] has joined #editorial
[16:46:54] <Bytram> =yt 6r-WSSbKUC8
[16:46:55] <systemd> https://youtube.com - Dune Trailer #1 (2020) | Movieclips Trailers (03:15; 715,329 views; πŸ‘21,344 πŸ‘Ž553)
[16:48:20] <Bytram> =g Dune
[16:48:20] <systemd> https://en.wikipedia.org(novel) - Dune (novel) - Wikipedia
[16:49:58] <Bytram> https://www.youtube.com
[16:50:00] <systemd> ^ 03Dune (1984/2020) side-by-side comparison (trailer #1)
[17:27:42] <Bytram> =g governor of Virginia
[17:27:43] <systemd> https://www.governor.virginia.gov - Governor of Virginia: Virginia Governor Ralph Northam
[17:46:05] <Bytram> =g Endocrinology aromatase
[17:46:05] <systemd> https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov - Endocrinology and hormone therapy in breast cancer: Aromatase ...
[17:46:23] <Bytram> =g Endocrinology aromatase September
[17:46:24] <systemd> https://academic.oup.com - Diverse functions of aromatase: O-deethylation of 7-ethoxycoumarin ...
[17:46:54] <Bytram> =g Endocrinology journal
[17:46:55] <systemd> https://academic.oup.com - Endocrinology | Oxford Academic
[17:47:13] <Bytram> =g journal of Endocrinology
[17:47:13] <systemd> https://joe.bioscientifica.com - Journal of Endocrinology
[17:47:50] <Bytram> =g "Journal of Endocrinology" "aromatase"
[17:47:50] <systemd> https://eje.bioscientifica.com - Association between gynecomastia and aromatase (CYP19 ...
[17:48:29] <Bytram> =g "Journal of Endocrinology" "aromatase" testosterone estrogen
[17:48:29] <systemd> https://eje.bioscientifica.com - Diminished androgen and estrogen receptors and aromatase levels ...
[17:48:41] <Bytram> =g "Journal of Endocrinology" "aromatase" testosterone estrogen September
[17:48:42] <systemd> https://academic.oup.com - Endocrinology | Oxford Academic
[17:50:00] <Bytram> =g Northwestern "Journal of Endocrinology" "aromatase" testosterone estrogen
[17:50:00] <systemd> https://jme.bioscientifica.com - Aromatase expression and regulation in breast and endometrial ...
[17:55:27] <Bytram> =g Bulun aromatase
[17:55:28] <systemd> https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov - aromatase inhibitors for the treatment of endometriosis: a review
[17:55:49] <Bytram> =g Bulun Zhao aromatase
[17:55:49] <systemd> https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov - Aromatase, breast cancer and obesity: a complex interaction
[17:56:12] <Bytram> =g Bulun Zhao Northwestern aromatase
[17:56:13] <systemd> https://www.scholars.northwestern.edu - Aromatase, breast cancer and obesity: A complex interaction ...
[17:56:23] <Bytram> =g Bulun Zhao Northwestern aromatase -cancer
[17:56:24] <systemd> https://www.scholars.northwestern.edu - Glucocorticoid-induction of hypothalamic aromatase via its brain ...
[17:56:49] <Bytram> =g Bulun Zhao Northwestern aromatase -cancer testosterone
[17:56:50] <systemd> https://www.scholars.northwestern.edu - Shift from androgen to estrogen action causes abdominal muscle ...
[17:57:26] <Bytram> =g Bulun Zhao Northwestern aromatase -cancer testosterone male
[17:57:27] <systemd> https://www.scholars.northwestern.edu - Shift from androgen to estrogen action causes abdominal muscle ...
[18:32:40] <Bytram> =g rural electrification plan
[18:32:41] <systemd> https://en.wikipedia.org - Rural electrification - Wikipedia
[18:52:30] <Bytram> That's enough stories pushed out for now -- going out to get some sunshine while it's still nice out. Laters!
[23:59:36] <Bytram> ~blame