#editorial | Logs for 2020-09-03

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[00:02:26] <Bytram> =yt "Amy Allen - Difficult (Official Music Video)"
[00:02:26] <Bytram> =yt "Amy Allen - Queen of Silver Linings (Official Music Video)"
[00:02:27] <systemd> https://youtube.com - Amy Allen - Difficult (Official Music Video) (03:45; 895,571 views; 👍2,711 👎115)
[00:02:28] <systemd> https://youtube.com - Amy Allen - Queen of Silver Linings (Official Music Video) (03:40; 1,542,438 views; 👍4,189 👎295)
[00:10:48] <Bytram> Well! That was... interesting. Just blew up Pale Moon while trying to selectively allow scripts(I have NoScript installed) on https://www.theguardian.com
[00:10:50] <exec> └─ 13Whatever floats your boat? Scientists defy gravity with levitating liquid | Science | The Guardian
[00:10:50] <systemd> ^ 03Whatever floats your boat? Scientists defy gravity with levitating liquid
[00:36:02] <Bytram> =asub https://arstechnica.com
[00:36:04] <exec> └─ 13Meet GW190521—a black-hole merger for the record books | Ars Technica
[00:36:10] <systemd> Submitting "Meet GW190521—a black-hole merger for the record books"...
[00:36:30] <Bytram> =asub https://arstechnica.com
[00:36:32] <exec> └─ 13SpaceX targets another Starlink launch Thursday to continue record pace | Ars Technica
[00:36:32] <systemd> Submitting "SpaceX targets another Starlink launch Thursday to continue record pace"...
[00:36:32] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Meet GW190521—a Black-hole Merger for the Record Books" (20 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[00:36:54] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03SpaceX Targets Another Starlink Launch Thursday to Continue Record Pace" (7 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[00:42:02] <Bytram> http://www.youtube.com
[00:42:04] <systemd> ^ 03Starlink Mission ( https://www.youtube.com )
[00:45:37] <Bytram> =yt http://www.youtube.com
[00:45:38] <systemd> https://youtube.com - SpaceX Starlink Launch | LIVE (00; 0 views; 👍51 👎0)
[00:47:02] <Bytram> That's... interesting. No views so far, and 51 thumbs-ups! Must really, really like the SpaceX logo!
[00:47:35] <Bytram> break time
[01:24:35] <Bytram> =cite https://doi.org
[01:24:38] <systemd> <p><b>Journal Reference</b>:<br/><b>GW190521: A Binary Black Hole Merger with a Total Mass of $150\text{ }\text{ }{M}_{\ensuremath{\bigodot}}$</b> [open], <cite>Physical Review Letters</cite> (DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.101102">10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.101102</a>)</p>
[01:24:38] <exec> └─ 13Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 101102 (2020) - GW190521: A Binary Black Hole Merger with a Total Mass of $150\text{ }\text{ }{M}_{\ensuremath{\bigodot}}$
[01:26:32] <Bytram> chromas: ^^^ fun with MathJax in the title... gonna replace it with "Solar Masses"
[01:27:11] <Bytram> Hey, even better!
[01:27:14] <Bytram> =cite https://doi.org
[01:27:18] <systemd> <p><b>Journal Reference</b>:<br/><b>Properties and Astrophysical Implications of the 150 M ⊙ Binary Black Hole Merger GW190521 - IOPscience</b>, <cite>The Astrophysical Journal Letters</cite> (DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/10.3847/2041-8213/aba493">10.3847/2041-8213/aba493</a>)</p>
[01:28:08] <Bytram> "M ⊙"
[01:29:39] <chromas> M<sub>⊙</sub>
[01:29:52] <chromas> #smake R. Abbott et al.
[01:29:52] * MrPlow smakes R. Abbott et al. upside the head with teal deer
[01:30:09] <Bytram> nah, it was doing what it was told.
[01:30:46] <Bytram> 2nd journal was more user-agent friendly... used Unicode instead of "active content"
[01:31:53] <Bytram> It's why we try to 2nd all stories, stuff slips through. many eyes make for shallow[er] bugs. or something like that.
[01:34:06] <chromas> They should've just put the symbols in. Browsers don't do mathjax either
[01:34:29] <Bytram> agreed. is why I changed the story title as I did.
[01:35:06] <Bytram> am having a little trouble trying to load the 2nd journal article...
[01:35:43] <Bytram> ah, my bad.
[01:37:12] <Bytram> chromas: take a look at the list of authors for this one: https://iopscience.iop.org
[01:37:15] <systemd> ^ 03Properties and Astrophysical Implications of the 150 M ⊙ Binary Black Hole Merger GW190521 - IOPscience
[01:39:44] <chromas> That's pretty large. Probably needs to cull the list just for copyright concerns :)
[01:40:02] <chromas> But also they managed to get the actual ⊙ symbol in there, I see.
[01:40:28] <Bytram> prolly a nearly complete list of who's who in this... heavy subject
[01:40:40] <Bytram> yep, Unicode++
[01:40:54] <chromas> So really it's APS' fault
[01:40:56] <chromas> #smake APS
[01:40:56] * MrPlow smakes APS upside the head with yo mama's testicles
[01:41:28] <Bytram> I wonder if APS has any apps?
[01:41:54] <Bytram> APS's apt apps!
[01:42:49] <chromas> and maybe an appointment for an apartment
[01:42:57] <chromas> APS' apt apt apt apps
[01:46:54] <Bytram> AParrently
[01:46:56] <Bytram> =yt "Amy Allen - Difficult (Official Music Video)"
[01:46:56] <Bytram> =yt "Amy Allen - Queen of Silver Linings (Official Music Video)"
[01:46:57] <systemd> https://youtube.com - Amy Allen - Difficult (Official Music Video) (03:45; 897,235 views; 👍2,715 👎115)
[01:46:58] <systemd> https://youtube.com - Amy Allen - Queen of Silver Linings (Official Music Video) (03:40; 1,542,461 views; 👍4,189 👎295)
[01:47:51] <Bytram> only (!!) ~3K more to reach 900K views... go Amy go!
[01:48:10] <Bytram> =yt "Amy Allen - Difficult (Official Music Video)"
[01:48:11] <systemd> https://youtube.com - Amy Allen - Difficult (Official Music Video) (03:45; 897,235 views; 👍2,715 👎115)
[01:49:56] <Bytram> She is due to have something else released any day/hour. (Could be another Single, or it could even be an entire album.)
[01:59:53] <Bytram> =g site:https://www.apple.com/itunes/ "Amy Allen"
[01:59:54] <systemd> [0 results]
[02:00:09] <Bytram> =g site:https://www.apple.com/itunes "Amy Allen"
[02:00:10] <systemd> [0 results]
[02:00:19] <Bytram> =g iTunes "Amy Allen"
[02:00:20] <systemd> https://music.apple.com - ‎Amy Allen on Apple Music
[02:01:03] <Bytram> yeah, no. wrong Amy Allen. (there's more than one)
[02:01:26] <Bytram> =g iTunes "Amy Allen" -386642195
[02:01:27] <systemd> https://music.apple.com - ‎Amy Allen on Apple Music
[02:01:59] <Bytram> AHA! *That* is the one!
[02:15:03] -!- systemd has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[02:20:18] -!- systemd [systemd!~systemd@pid1] has joined #editorial
[02:20:33] <Bytram> systemd: WB!
[02:22:40] <systemd> and Warner Brothers to you doo, Bytram
[02:23:08] <Bytram> I tawt I taw a puddy tat!
[02:23:34] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #editorial
[02:23:37] <Bytram> =g Amy Allen
[02:23:38] <systemd> https://www.amyallenmusic.com - The Official website of Amy Allen
[02:23:47] <Bytram> =g Amy Allen Wikipedia
[02:23:47] <systemd> https://en.wikipedia.org - The Dead Files - Wikipedia
[02:24:03] <Bytram> =g Amy Allen singer songwriter Wikipedia
[02:24:04] <systemd> https://en.wikipedia.org(songwriter) - Amy Allen (songwriter) - Wikipedia
[02:24:12] <Bytram> =w Amy Allen singer songwriter Wikipedia
[02:25:26] <Bytram> chromas: ^^^ how hard would it be to add something like this? Instead of searching Google, have "=w $arg" search Wikipedia
[02:27:15] <chromas> not very
[02:27:42] <chromas> =g site:soylentnews.org wikipedia.org
[02:27:43] <systemd> https://soylentnews.org - Films to Watch During a Pandemic: SoylentNews Submission
[02:30:16] <Bytram> Umm, I'd like to be able to look up $foo on Wikipedia using =w $foo
[02:30:30] <Bytram> Wikipedia has a search function
[02:30:33] <chromas> yeah
[02:30:45] <chromas> I just need to go look up the mediawiki api and put it in
[02:30:57] <chromas> I'm just being thilly
[02:31:01] <Bytram> chromas++
[02:31:01] <Bender> karma - chromas: 171
[02:31:04] <Bytram> hold on...
[02:32:50] <Bytram> GET https://en.wikipedia.org
[02:32:51] <systemd> ^ 03Foobar - Wikipedia ( https://en.wikipedia.org )
[02:32:52] <exec> └─ 13Foobar - Wikipedia
[02:33:31] <Bytram> GET https://en.wikipedia.org
[02:33:33] <systemd> ^ 03Bar - Wikipedia ( https://en.wikipedia.org )
[02:33:34] <exec> └─ 13Bar - Wikipedia
[02:33:46] <Bytram> GET https://en.wikipedia.org
[02:33:47] <systemd> ^ 03bazz - Search results - Wikipedia ( https://en.wikipedia.org )
[02:33:49] <exec> └─ 13bazz - Search results - Wikipedia
[02:34:38] <Bytram> Ohhh, what if end up on a disambiguation page? I guess, just return that page?
[02:34:51] <chromas> https://www.mediawiki.org
[02:34:52] <systemd> ^ 03MediaWiki API result - MediaWiki
[02:34:53] <exec> └─ 13MediaWiki API result - MediaWiki
[02:35:12] <chromas> s/mediawiki/en.wikipedia/
[02:35:14] <exec> <chromas> https://www.en.wikipedia.org
[02:37:59] <Bytram> clicky
[02:38:15] <Bytram> https://www.en.wikipedia.org
[02:38:31] <Bytram> "Pale Moon can't find the server at www.en.wikipedia.org."
[02:38:54] <Bytram> https://en.wikipedia.org
[02:38:55] <systemd> ^ 03MediaWiki API result - Wikipedia
[02:38:56] <exec> └─ 13MediaWiki API result - Wikipedia
[02:39:45] <chromas> oh I didn't notice the www. part
[02:40:11] <Bytram> HTH!
[02:40:23] <Bytram> https://en.wikipedia.org
[02:40:24] <systemd> ^ 03MediaWiki API result - Wikipedia
[02:40:26] <exec> └─ 13MediaWiki API result - Wikipedia
[02:43:32] <Bytram> whereto? http://feedproxy.google.com
[02:43:33] <systemd> ^ 03The moon is rusting and Earth is to blame ( https://www.cnet.com )
[02:43:34] <exec> └─ 13The moon is rusting and Earth is to blame - CNET
[02:46:08] <Bytram> =blame
[02:46:08] * systemd points at Bytram
[02:46:15] <Bytram> :D
[02:52:19] <Bytram> =asub https://arstechnica.com
[02:52:20] <exec> └─ 13SpaceX seeks FCC broadband funds, must prove it can deliver sub-100ms latency | Ars Technica
[02:52:20] <systemd> Submitting "SpaceX seeks FCC broadband funds, must prove it can deliver sub-100ms latency"...
[02:52:42] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03SpaceX Seeks FCC Broadband Funds, Must Prove It Can Deliver Sub-100ms Latency" (14 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[02:54:05] <chromas> The API returns a pageid value but not the URL or anything
[02:54:23] <chromas> I can append the id to another url but it wouldn't be as pretty
[02:54:52] <Bytram> couldn't make it easy, could they?
[02:55:13] <Bytram> maybe try appending the ego?
[02:57:24] <chromas> https://en.wikipedia.org
[02:57:26] <systemd> ^ 03Amy Allen (songwriter) - Wikipedia
[02:57:27] <exec> └─ 13Amy Allen (songwriter) - Wikipedia
[02:57:59] <Bytram> Neat!
[02:58:02] <Bytram> Hmmm....
[02:58:05] <Bytram> whereto? https://en.wikipedia.org
[02:58:06] <systemd> ^ 03Amy Allen (songwriter) - Wikipedia
[02:58:07] <exec> └─ 13Amy Allen (songwriter) - Wikipedia
[03:02:17] <Bytram> =yt "Amy Allen - Difficult (Official Music Video)"
[03:02:18] <systemd> https://youtube.com - Amy Allen - Difficult (Official Music Video) (03:45; 898,146 views; 👍2,722 👎115)
[03:03:56] <Bytram> bah. Getting late. Better start heading to bed
[03:04:08] <Bytram> Have a great night everybody!
[03:04:23] <Bytram> =w 'Amy Allen"
[03:04:27] <Bytram> =w "Amy Allen"
[04:07:25] <chromas> Of course, wp search snippets are full of html
[04:54:59] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[11:01:20] <Bytram> =yt "Amy Allen - Difficult (Official Music Video)"
[11:01:21] <systemd> https://youtube.com - Amy Allen - Difficult (Official Music Video) (03:45; 904,427 views; 👍2,740 👎115)
[11:01:22] <Bytram> =yt "Amy Allen - Queen of Silver Linings (Official Music Video)"
[11:01:23] <systemd> https://youtube.com - Amy Allen - Queen of Silver Linings (Official Music Video) (03:40; 1,542,558 views; 👍4,189 👎295)
[13:05:02] <Bytram> .
[13:05:14] <Bytram> =eds
[13:05:14] <systemd> ^ Editor ping for Bytram, chromas, cmn32480, CoolHand, FatPhil, Fnord666, fyngyrz, janrinok, mrpg, n1, nick, spiraldancing, takyon
[13:07:18] <Bytram> =eds There's a code update that I am unable to get to testing because I have to spend time keeping the story queue filled. I'd appreciate any help you can give over the next few days to push out stories. Can you please help?
[13:07:18] <systemd> ^ Editor ping for Bytram, chromas, cmn32480, CoolHand, FatPhil, Fnord666, fyngyrz, janrinok, mrpg, n1, nick, spiraldancing, takyon
[13:57:58] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #editorial
[16:28:27] <RandomFactor> Good idea. There are Monsters John! Monsters from the ID.
[18:37:33] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[20:41:23] -!- carny has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[21:45:43] -!- carny [carny!~irc@31.220.p.nnn] has joined #editorial
[23:51:39] <Bytram> whereto? http://feedproxy.google.com
[23:51:40] <systemd> ^ 0316-year-old racer Chloe Chambers sets Guinness slalom record in Porsche 718 Spyder - Roadshow ( https://www.cnet.com )
[23:51:41] <exec> └─ 1316-year-old racer Chloe Chambers sets Guinness slalom record in Porsche 718 Spyder - Roadshow