#editorial | Logs for 2020-05-10

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[03:23:42] <Bytram> looks like upstart got lazy with a gizmodo article and quit after the first paragraph? https://soylentnews.org
[03:23:43] <systemd> ^ 03the Battle Between Google Engineer James Damore and Google is Over: SoylentNews Submission
[03:25:09] <chromas> their html is incredibly retarded
[03:25:40] <Fnord666> I might as well jump into the story too. Everyone else is gawking at it
[03:25:43] <chromas> Empty comments and other random junk in the middle of their sentences. Probably their scrapey-bot 5000 deafeater
[03:26:12] <Bytram> gnawed gnawed!
[03:26:35] <Bytram> yep... it's fugly all right
[03:26:40] <chromas> I should make janrinok's scraper available to the bot
[03:26:49] <chromas> since I have a copy
[03:27:18] <Fnord666> of which version?
[03:27:26] <Bytram> Was using in on your web page. Your boz just got the first P.'
[03:27:59] <Bytram> storybot got the whle story, and a whole bunch of jst, too.
[03:28:09] <chromas> 5
[03:28:52] <Bytram> neswcat came out clean, but got none of the URLs
[03:29:47] <chromas> Yeah it doesn't export any tags
[04:27:04] <Fnord666> =declined
[04:27:05] <systemd> Thanks for submitting this story. It appears that no editor has yet selected this story to be run. At least a week has passed since the story was submitted, and if an editor was going to have selected it, they would likely have done so by now. It has, therefore, been removed from the submission queue.
[04:40:06] <Bytram> good night everybody
[04:40:14] <Fnord666> good night Bytram
[04:40:14] <Bytram> \/quit
[06:01:16] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[07:52:46] SoyGuest86719 is now known as FatPhil
[07:52:51] -!- FatPhil has quit [Changing host]
[07:52:51] -!- FatPhil [FatPhil!~luser@Soylent/Staff/Editor/FatPhil] has joined #editorial
[07:52:51] -!- mode/#editorial [+v FatPhil] by Hephaestus
[08:16:21] <janrinok> Bytram, I've suggested a minor change to your meta story - see editors notes.
[14:36:57] <Bytram> janrinok: thanky!
[14:53:05] <Bytram> Please reread.
[14:53:12] <Bytram> Reminder, the indicated amount (e.g. $20.00 for one year) is [NOT?-- SEE EDITORS NOTE--JR] a minimum for that duration.
[14:53:31] <Bytram> is a *minimum* for that duration.
[14:54:33] <Bytram> I will rewrite to give an explicit example of overriding the default. =)
[15:47:44] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #editorial
[16:13:51] <Bytram> ~blame
[16:14:09] <Bytram> yeah, no bot... just checking.
[16:14:16] <Bytram> =list
[16:14:22] <Bytram> =help
[16:14:22] <systemd> acontribute, asub, asubmit, cite, contribute, doi, rehashctl, sedctl, sub, submit
[16:15:06] <Bytram> hhmmmm, looks lime it got trimmed?
[16:22:59] <Bytram> Fnord666: !!
[16:23:20] <Fnord666> Bytram!
[16:23:37] <Bytram> lol
[16:24:02] * Bytram is trying to push out meta and mom sotry for net slot
[16:24:56] <Fnord666> I have merged all of the Ferguson Model stories and m weeding it down now
[16:25:59] <Bytram> oh? Nice!
[16:26:15] <Bytram> looks like I have some rescheduling to do.
[16:27:34] <Fnord666> why's that?
[16:28:03] <Fnord666> I'm planning on the Ferguson story for 8am UK or thereabouts since it is most relevant there
[16:30:15] <Fnord666> oh, I see
[16:44:07] <Bytram> =)
[16:45:27] <Bytram> Figured I might as well lead off the story with a wish for a happy Mother's Day, and then realized I needed to reschedule to make it happen.
[16:46:23] <Bytram> If you get a change, I'd appreciate a review to make sure I didn't something out out. ;)
[16:47:19] <Bytram> Fnord666: ^^^ https://soylentnews.org
[16:47:20] <systemd> ^ 03upstart - SoylentNews User ( https://soylentnews.org )
[16:47:42] <Bytram> 2nding systemd
[16:48:14] <Fnord666> looking at it now
[16:48:21] <Bytram> thanks!!!!!!
[16:54:09] <janrinok> Bytram, so if somebody wants to give you $10 for a year, because that is all they have to give you, are you going to refuse it?
[16:54:39] <Bytram> Not *me*, but that is what the code *does*
[16:56:28] <janrinok> I think that sends the wrong message. On the one hand we are saying that we recognise that people might not have much money and they should spend it locally, but then saying that unless they want to give us at least $20 for a year we don't want it?
[16:56:49] <Bytram> $4.00 for a month
[16:57:55] <janrinok> If it were me being asked under those rules I would say - I'll not bother contributing at all then, I still keep my username etc...
[16:58:50] <Bytram> I'm deep into reviewing a story... give me a couple minutes and I'll actually try and see what happens.
[17:00:05] <janrinok> No problem - it has already been discussed and decided. I just hadn't realised that there is a minimum contribution that we will accept ever.
[17:00:13] <Fnord666> Bytram finished reviewing the Mom's day story. Cleaned up a few typos but that's it
[17:00:29] <Bytram> kewel. tx!
[17:05:12] <Bytram> =g NFS
[17:05:13] <systemd> https://en.wikipedia.org - Network File System - Wikipedia
[17:07:07] <janrinok> we had Mothers Day on Mar 14 for the UK, and June 7th in France - but Happy Mothers' Day if it is appropriate wherever you are!
[17:08:03] <Bytram> somehow I guessed that might happen!
[17:08:09] <Bytram> =g OOM
[17:08:09] <systemd> https://en.wikipedia.org - Out of memory - Wikipedia
[17:08:45] <janrinok> just look at which bot you used ;)
[17:11:08] <Bytram> I don't get it?
[17:11:28] <janrinok> you are editing the systemd story and googled OOM using systemd bot
[17:12:16] <Bytram> oh. doh!
[17:12:21] <Bytram> =)
[17:12:37] <janrinok> it might tell you lies....
[17:14:14] <Bytram> =yt "tell me lies" fleetwood mac
[17:14:15] <systemd> https://youtube.com - Fleetwood Mac - Little Lies (live 2015) (04:12)
[17:14:28] <Bytram> ;(
[17:16:09] <Bytram> from a "Private Browsing" window (i.e. as an AC), I see:
[17:16:10] <Bytram> Duration and price: Choose a subscription duration and set the price you wish to pay for it. Defaults are the minimum for that duration but you can support SoylentNews even more, if you'd like to, by increasing the amount.
[17:16:10] <Bytram> 30 Day: USD 180 Day: USD 365 Day: USD
[17:16:26] <Bytram> ugh
[17:16:47] <Bytram> 30 day $4.00
[17:16:56] <Bytram> 180 day $12.00
[17:17:16] <Bytram> 265 day $20.00
[17:17:21] <janrinok> I never knew we had minimums
[17:17:28] <Bytram> 365 day $20.00 Gak!
[17:17:43] <Bytram> yep
[17:17:54] <Bytram> right from the beginning
[17:17:56] <janrinok> 265 days in prolly an imperial year
[17:18:45] <janrinok> ... or perhaps I had just forgotten
[17:19:32] <Bytram> I was in the room when matt_ mrcoolbp NCommander and I were hashing it all out.
[17:20:53] <Bytram> First attempt did NOT go ever well with the community -- too complicated. Second try, IIRC (with some tweaking) got us "here"
[17:22:39] <Bytram> tired and sore
[17:22:42] <Bytram> break time
[17:26:59] <janrinok> Not sure how much time I will have in the week coming. Lockdown rules change tomorrow and S has a long list of outstanding appointments which begin tomorrow morning.
[17:30:25] <Bytram> janrinok: thanksfor the heads up; best wishes and thoughts to you!!!!!!!!
[17:30:36] <Bytram> hang in there!
[17:33:16] * Bytram stayed up way too late last night. taking a nap.
[17:33:23] <Bytram> laters!!