#editorial | Logs for 2020-05-09

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[00:09:47] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #editorial
[00:42:09] <Bytram> =submity https://www.sciencedaily.com
[00:42:25] <Bytram> =submit https://www.sciencedaily.com
[00:42:26] <systemd> Submitting "Virgin birth has scientists buzzing: Researchers discover a gene in honey bees that causes virgin birth"...
[00:42:47] <systemd> ✓* Sub-ccess! "08Virgin Birth Has Scientists Buzzing: Researchers Discover a Gene in Honey Bees That Causes Virgin Bi" (11 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[00:51:33] <Bytram> Fnord666: !!
[00:52:32] <Fnord666> Bytram!!
[00:52:43] <Bytram> how ya doin?
[00:53:35] <Fnord666> Good. Yourself?
[00:53:51] <Bytram> better, now that the site seems to be stable again!
[00:54:15] <Fnord666> I must have missed the excitement
[00:54:42] <Bytram> lucky ewe!!
[00:55:21] <Bytram> we were bouncing for a bit, then down for about an hour, and then finally came up for good.
[00:55:41] <Bytram> I posted a story about it to keep the community informed.
[00:56:03] <Bytram> still waiting for a post mortem from Linode
[00:56:13] <Fnord666> I did see the story but didn't see any impact.
[00:57:12] <Bytram> lost IRC for a stretch
[00:57:26] <Bytram> well, at least *I* lost IRC for a while
[00:57:51] <Bytram> could be a misconfiguration on my part
[00:58:55] <Fnord666> hmm. I did seem to be missing backlog when I connected to the bouncer
[00:59:00] <Bytram> thankfully. it happened enough in the early going of the site that I knew places to look for Linode status https://linode.statuspage.io
[00:59:01] <systemd> ^ 03Linode Status
[00:59:24] <Fnord666> gonna have to link that one
[00:59:27] <Bytram> because the bouncer couldn't see anything then, either.
[00:59:58] <Bytram> and, I had IP addresses for all our servers, so I could ping all of those
[01:01:17] <Fnord666> I should probably round those up too, although there's little I could do except watch
[01:04:40] <Fnord666> finally got around to setting up pi-hole at home
[01:07:12] <Bytram> email coming
[01:08:03] <Fnord666> k
[01:08:22] <Bytram> I think we have at least 3 gentoo servers now, but too tired to go nail down the details atm.
[01:08:39] <Bytram> Still, should get you a good jump on things. =)
[01:08:56] <Bytram> good on the Pi-Hole, too.
[01:09:19] <Bytram> been meaning to maybe get one for myself.
[01:09:36] <Fnord666> interesting thst staff.soylentnews.org shows up in the authority section for the site
[01:09:48] <Fnord666> I expected to only see linode name servers
[01:11:31] <Bytram> yeah, I think that *might* be set up by another site admin's DNS, so in case Linode goes sideways, we can still repoint things. look at the TTL (if I'm reading it right)
[01:12:52] <Bytram> trying to fix DNS issues, remotely, cannot be remotely enjoyable.
[01:13:14] <Fnord666> No I would expect not
[01:14:32] <Bytram> either drive quickly or carry a long stick
[01:14:59] <Bytram> sorry to so terribly trample that famous quote
[01:15:04] <Fnord666> I know just enough about DNS to know that I don't know anything about it
[01:15:30] <Bytram> I know just enough more so that I can cause *REAL* damage!
[01:15:51] SoyGuest84984 is now known as NCommander
[01:15:56] -!- NCommander has quit [Changing host]
[01:15:56] -!- NCommander [NCommander!~mcasadeva@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mcasadevall] has joined #editorial
[01:16:11] <Bytram> I even updated our DNS a couple times for our Let's Encrypt cert updates
[01:16:23] <Fnord666> nice
[01:16:47] <Fnord666> you need to supply IP addresses for let's encrypt certs?
[01:19:06] <Bytram> nope update DNS entries with challenge text to confirm you are you... well, if you can update DNS records, you have enough damage making capability, might as well let you install certs, too.
[01:19:29] <Bytram> hand wavy, but you get the idea
[01:20:59] <Bytram> my right arm is still sore, so I think I'm gonna give it a break and call it a night. Thanks for all the stories you posted and congrats on reaching another posting milestone!
[01:21:03] <Fnord666> Ah yes. I forgot about adding certain types of records to DNS for authentication
[01:21:11] <Bytram> https://soylentnews.org
[01:21:12] <systemd> ^ 03SoylentNews: Authors
[01:21:27] <Fnord666> woo hoo!
[01:21:45] <Bytram> lucky us!
[01:21:50] <Fnord666> Congrats on breaking 8500 yourself!
[01:22:05] <Bytram> HTH
[01:22:57] <Fnord666> I'll dig arounds and see what else is story worthy in the queue
[01:22:59] <Bytram> And all I wanted to be able to do was to fix typos and grammatical errors that made it to the front page!!
[01:23:15] <Fnord666> That's how they lure you in....
[01:23:50] <Bytram> with the pandemic, and the approach of the "silly season" aka summer vacation, less "solid" news tends to get posted.
[01:24:35] <Bytram> nah, I volunteered and pestered them until they let me paint that fence!
[01:24:37] <Fnord666> unless your into misinformation and conspiracy theories
[01:25:24] <Bytram> I see no need to add any unnecessary complexity into things
[01:26:03] <Fnord666> already complex enough?
[01:26:24] <Fnord666> make things as simple as they can be and no simpler?
[01:27:32] <Bytram> Einstein?
[01:28:50] <Fnord666> I believe so
[01:29:04] <Fnord666> probably badly misquoted tho
[01:29:17] <Fnord666> It's Friday eve after all
[01:29:19] <Bytram> Das Stimt!
[01:30:54] <Fnord666> Nolite te bastardes carborundorum is my new favorite "latin" phrase
[01:31:21] <Bytram> Wenn Man auf Deutsh scriebst und leute auf English transliteieren, ist es nict Gut!
[01:32:33] <Bytram> we quote a German who wrote and spoke in German... in English.
[01:33:01] <Bytram> have a good night!
[01:33:56] <Fnord666> you too and pleasant dreams!
[01:34:41] <Bytram> thanks! Same to ewe!
[01:34:45] <Bytram> ;)
[01:35:02] <Bytram> Same to yew!
[01:35:12] <Bytram> There, mulch better!
[01:35:19] <Bytram> ttfn
[02:33:34] <Fnord666> =discard
[02:33:38] <Fnord666> =decline
[02:33:39] <systemd> Thanks for submitting this story. It appears that no editor has yet selected this story to be run. At least a week has passed since the story was submitted, and if an editor was going to have selected it, they would likely have done so by now. It has, therefore, been removed from the submission queue.
[03:40:34] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[04:41:06] -!- Cascade [Cascade!~drinkme@HonestlyNotaBot/Cascade] has joined #editorial
[07:41:13] -!- systemd has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[07:41:24] -!- systemd [systemd!~systemd@pid1] has joined #editorial
[07:46:09] -!- systemd has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[07:46:19] -!- systemd [systemd!~systemd@pid1] has joined #editorial
[07:53:17] -!- systemd has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[07:53:24] -!- systemd [systemd!~systemd@pid1] has joined #editorial
[07:54:40] -!- systemd has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[08:11:33] -!- systemd [systemd!~systemd@pid1] has joined #editorial
[10:52:49] <Bytram> =sub https://www.nytimes.com
[10:52:52] <systemd> Submitting "Nearly 20,000 Georgia Teens Are Issued Driver’s Licenses Without a Road Test"...
[10:53:13] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Nearly 20,000 Georgia Teens are Issued Driver’s Licenses Without a Road Test" (31 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[10:56:10] SoyGuest32973 is now known as cosurgi
[10:56:13] -!- cosurgi has quit [Changing host]
[10:56:13] -!- cosurgi [cosurgi!~cosurgi@Soylent/Staff/Misc/cosurgi] has joined #editorial
[14:53:56] * Bytram updated the Beg-o-Meter just passed 60% of our $3500 goal for the first half of the year
[18:27:02] -!- systemd has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[18:27:17] -!- systemd [systemd!~systemd@pid1] has joined #editorial
[18:35:39] -!- systemd has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[18:39:24] -!- systemd [systemd!~systemd@pid1] has joined #editorial
[21:18:15] <Bytram> =g little richard 87
[21:18:17] <systemd> https://www.cnn.com - Little Richard dies: Flamboyant rock legend was 87 - CNN
[21:18:36] <Bytram> =g little richard 87 -cnn
[21:18:37] <systemd> https://www.nytimes.com - Little Richard, Flamboyant Wild Man of Rock 'n' Roll, Dies at 87 - The ...
[21:29:20] <Bytram> =g little richard 87 -cnn -nytimes
[21:29:21] <systemd> https://www.tmz.com - Little Richard Dead at 87
[21:29:59] <Bytram> =sub https://www.cnn.com +https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/09/arts/music/little-richard-dead.html +https://www.tmz.com/2020/05/09/little-richard-dead-died-87-rock-music/ +https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/05/rock-roll-pioneer-richard-dies-aged-87-200509165517537.html
[21:41:40] <chromas> =bug =submit gets stuck sometimes
[21:41:43] <systemd> 👍 https://phab.zeroindex.org
[21:42:06] <chromas> Now I have a reminder to ignore :)
[21:43:19] <Bytram> =bug
[21:43:19] <systemd> Submit bug request: =bug <string>
[21:43:31] <Bytram> how do I list what bugs are known?
[21:43:41] <chromas> not implemented
[21:43:59] <Bytram> :: laughter ::
[21:44:04] * chromas should look into the api for that
[21:44:12] <Bytram> bugs check in but they don't check out!
[21:44:14] <chromas> there's a page though
[21:45:01] <Bytram> is the page undocumented, too?
[21:45:05] <Bytram> ;)
[21:45:15] <chromas>
[21:45:27] <Bytram> Ahh, eye si!
[21:45:52] <chromas> https://phab.zeroindex.org
[21:45:54] <systemd> ^ 03⚓ Query: Open Tasks
[21:46:24] <Bytram> maniphest destiknee?
[21:47:12] <chromas> Yep. It's mine now. All mine.
[21:48:01] * Bytram gets a pick and shovel
[21:48:27] <Bytram> and a lamp so he doesn't get eaten by a grue.
[22:19:24] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #editorial