#editorial | Logs for 2020-04-20

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[00:04:21] <Bytram> w2? https://www.cnet.com
[00:04:22] <systemd> ^ 03Put this dual-monitor mount in your home office for just $78 ( https://www.cnet.com )
[02:37:58] <Fnord666> Bytram, you running with the pirate bay story?
[02:39:13] <Bytram> yes, just saved it. =)
[02:39:33] <Bytram> 2nding ustralia to Force Internet Giants to Pay Publishers
[02:40:33] * Bytram ywns
[02:40:39] * Bytram yawns
[02:40:39] * MrPlow flips a Skittle into Bytram's gaping mouth
[02:40:56] <Fnord666> =)
[02:41:47] <Fnord666> One of these days TMB is going to update that and it won't be a skittle any more. :D
[02:42:26] <Bytram> I struggled a bit with how to handle the Zoom bugs story. Finally decided strict enumeration with a strong set of links to prior coverage would suffice.
[02:42:51] <Bytram> otherwise, too much of a risk of exceeding fair use.
[02:43:24] <Bytram> You mean like a Rick Roll or a goats.ex pic?
[02:43:59] <Fnord666> Something like that
[02:44:11] <Fnord666> I thought the Zoom story looked ok.
[02:44:19] <Fnord666> 2nding torrent freak
[02:44:37] <Bytram> good too no!
[02:44:52] <Fnord666> I liked the enumeration of the dates
[03:30:21] <Bytram> =)
[03:30:40] <Bytram> I like enumeration of sheep. I'm knackered and heading to bed.
[03:30:48] <Bytram> Have a great night everybody!
[03:31:21] <Fnord666> Good night Bytram. Pleasant dreams
[03:32:22] <Bytram> Much appreciated! And the same to you, my friend!
[05:20:08] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[07:45:34] -!- NotSanguine has quit [Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de]
[09:19:53] -!- fyngyrz has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[09:20:29] -!- fyngyrz [fyngyrz!~fyngyrz@Soylent/Staff/Editor/fyngyrz] has joined #editorial
[09:20:29] -!- mode/#editorial [+v fyngyrz] by Hephaestus
[09:20:45] -!- fungus_ [fungus_!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #editorial
[09:21:20] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[11:56:57] -!- exec [exec!~exec@23.24.kp.ip] has joined #editorial
[11:56:57] -!- exec has quit [Changing host]
[11:56:57] -!- exec [exec!~exec@crutchys.brothel] has joined #editorial
[13:29:58] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #editorial
[13:35:42] <Bytram> AzumaHazuki: o/
[13:35:50] <AzumaHazuki> o/
[13:35:56] <AzumaHazuki> going off to work in ~10 minutes
[13:36:43] <Bytram> nod nod. best wishes to ya! You provide a valuable service and at the end of the day, many peoples lives are *better* thanks to you!
[13:39:12] <AzumaHazuki> eh...i'm not a nurse or anything
[13:39:34] <AzumaHazuki> but at least i'm making sure people get their blood thinners and metformin and stuff, so thanks *^^*
[13:42:48] <Bytram> I'm serious! Do not let thinking of who you are not detract from who you ARE and the good that you do!
[13:43:12] * AzumaHazuki is very glad not to be a nurse at a time like this, especially not back in her old hometown
[13:43:26] <Bytram> nod ndo
[13:46:45] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[13:58:24] <Bytram> story queue looks good (thanks guys!) Got some stuff to do. Laters!
[17:03:48] <janrinok> chromas, ping
[17:03:54] <chromas> ah oh
[17:03:57] <chromas> I mean pong
[17:04:25] <janrinok> is this link meant to be working: https://chromas.0x.no
[17:04:45] <chromas> yes
[17:04:47] <janrinok> I can get text but not JSON
[17:05:09] <chromas> I'm getting json
[17:05:11] <chromas> When did you try?
[17:05:20] <janrinok> perhaps I am being hamfisted as usual.
[17:05:28] <chromas> I did have a server burp earlier and I restarted the php-fpm a bit ago
[17:05:29] <janrinok> about 10 seconds ago
[17:05:32] <chromas> oh
[17:05:49] <janrinok> I've been trying for a couple of minutes
[17:06:21] <chromas> Does selecting JSON reutrn plain text or an error or?
[17:07:16] <janrinok> or nothing...
[17:07:37] <janrinok> just clears the url field and re-presents the page again
[17:08:09] <janrinok> and now error exec 1
[17:08:40] <janrinok> How can I steal your code if I can't get to it? ;)
[17:08:44] <chromas> error exec 1 should be failure on the extractor's part
[17:09:04] <janrinok> you mean 'me'
[17:10:28] <chromas> No, not me. You! :D
[17:11:52] <janrinok> ... and what is the direct link url to feedctl - I saw it the other day but cannot find it now
[17:12:28] <janrinok> ah, found it again
[17:12:32] <chromas> In the olden days you could pass in ?source to get the script source but I borked read permissions I guess
[17:12:49] <chromas> Yeah, just take off the xtractpr.php
[17:13:59] <janrinok> do you have a github for your projects?
[17:14:42] <chromas> Have account; haven't uploaded
[17:15:09] <janrinok> k, wouldn't mind having a peek when you do, if you don't mind that is...
[17:15:16] <chromas> I didn't wanna make people go blind :)
[17:15:20] <janrinok> lol
[17:15:43] <janrinok> you've seen my code! You'll be safe from me
[17:16:00] <janrinok> function over form
[17:16:10] <chromas> ooh, I should set up gitlab
[17:16:13] <janrinok> brb 5 mins
[17:18:36] <Bytram> hey guys.
[17:20:00] <Bytram> I'm terribly sorry, but today is "one of those days". I'm tapped out. Some minor stomach upset and I also need a mental health day. I may poke in on occasion, but no promises.
[17:21:02] <chromas> It's cool. I'll pitch in and let the other guys do the work
[17:21:25] <Bytram> As Alternate Editor-in-Chief, I hand the reigns to Fnord666 in my absence, and deputize janrinok in his stead to act on my behalf.
[17:23:22] <Bytram> I've been practicing safe distancing and all that, wear a face mask if I'm out-and-about, wash vigorously when I return, and, besides, I live alone: so it's not the SARS-CoV-2 virus, in case you wondering!
[17:24:07] <chromas> We'll sent the Gestapo in to hose you down and weld your door shut just in case.
[17:24:33] <chromas> Hope you feel better soon though
[17:24:35] <Bytram> I hope you understand and I apologize for leaving the load to the all-to-few of you. I like you guys too much, so I'll be returning as soon as I am able. =)
[17:24:50] <Bytram> thanks for that!
[17:25:16] * Bytram wanders off for a bite to eat and to head back to bed.
[17:25:24] <Bytram> laters!
[17:25:30] <janrinok> Bytram, take care of yourself and get well as soon as you can. We will still be here
[17:25:37] * chromas mails some of exec's classic, homemade gdays to Bytram's neighbor and tells them to stuff them into the drier at 2 in the morning.
[17:25:53] <janrinok> lol
[17:26:26] <Bytram> janrinok: will do, and I am doubly-troubled to know that you are already suffering under the load! Do take care of yourself!
[17:28:11] <Bytram> I've been putting in full-time job days here for the past several weeks and it apparently has caught up with me. Guess I'm still human after all. (I think that comes from a song =)
[17:28:15] <Bytram> ciao for now.
[17:28:58] * chromas offers a -$450-dollar raise.
[17:30:53] <janrinok> Fnord666, hey, it's your train set now! We will probably ignore you just as we ignore Bytram, and just as I was ignored before him!
[17:43:23] <chromas> Hm, apparently the source parameter has to have a value now, so ?source=whatever
[17:43:59] <chromas> Then for no reason, it decides "open_basedir restrictions are in effect" even though they weren't a minute ago
[17:46:03] <janrinok> it produces blank data which it believes is in JSON format - but that might be a problem of the link that I am providing to it (BBC). I'm just processing a couple of stories and will give it a more thorough test in a while
[17:47:05] <chromas> content-type in the http header then dies because it can't read the output
[17:47:16] <chromas> oh I dropped something
[17:47:24] <chromas> It sets the content-type in the http header then dies because it can't read the output
[19:27:43] <chromas> gitlab sucks. It just eats all the cpu doing nothing
[19:52:10] -!- fyngyrz_ [fyngyrz_!~fyngyrz@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #editorial
[19:52:10] -!- fungus_ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[19:52:10] -!- fyngyrz has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[19:52:56] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #editorial
[22:11:39] <Fnord666> janrinok Nice! I've always wanted a train set! Now which switch does what?
[22:12:35] <Fnord666> And thanks for queuing up some stories in the meantime.
[22:27:29] -!- carny has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[22:29:04] -!- carny [carny!~irc@rh063089.ip-239-357-395.net] has joined #editorial
[22:47:39] <Fnord666> =cite http://dx.doi.org
[22:47:41] <systemd> <p><b>Journal Reference</b><br/><b>Intracranial Effects of Microgravity: A Prospective Longitudinal MRI Study</b>, <cite>Radiology</cite> (DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/191413">191413</a>)</p>
[22:47:43] <exec> └─ 13Intracranial Effects of Microgravity: A Prospective Longitudinal MRI Study | Radiology
[23:01:16] <Fnord666> =decline
[23:01:16] <systemd> Thanks for submitting this story. It appears that no editor has yet selected this story to be run. At least a week has passed since the story was submitted, and if an editor was going to have selected it, they would likely have done so by now. It has, therefore, been removed from the submission queue.
[23:25:36] -!- systemd has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[23:29:40] -!- systemd [systemd!~systemd@pid1] has joined #editorial