#editorial | Logs for 2020-04-03

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[00:14:19] <Bytram> chromas: Looks like you've been deserted.
[00:25:15] <Bytram> whereto? https://youtu.be
[00:25:16] <systemd> ^ 03Folding@Home Project - Long-Term Team Points Production Chart Race! ( https://www.youtube.com )
[00:25:16] <exec> └─ 13Folding@Home Project - Long-Term Team Points Production Chart Race! - YouTube
[00:37:47] -!- FatPhil has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[00:38:24] -!- FatPhil [FatPhil!~luser@22-653-047-30.dyn.estpak.ee] has joined #editorial
[00:39:24] FatPhil is now known as SoyGuest61202
[00:45:23] SoyGuest61202 is now known as FatPhil
[00:45:26] -!- FatPhil has quit [Changing host]
[00:45:26] -!- FatPhil [FatPhil!~luser@Soylent/Staff/Editor/FatPhil] has joined #editorial
[00:45:26] -!- mode/#editorial [+v FatPhil] by Hephaestus
[01:29:28] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #editorial
[02:25:36] <Bytram> ~arthur https://arstechnica.com
[02:25:38] <exec> └─ 13Security tips every teacher and professor needs to know about Zoom, right now | Ars Technica
[02:25:39] <exec> 1024 stories loaded
[02:25:40] <exec> attempting to submit story: "Security tips every teacher and professor needs to know about Zoom, right now"
[02:26:10] <exec> submission successful - https://soylentnews.org
[02:26:16] <exec> 1024 stories loaded
[02:27:40] <Bytram> whereto? http://feedproxy.google.com
[02:27:41] <systemd> ^ 0310 free Zoom alternative apps for video chats ( https://www.cnet.com )
[02:50:35] <Bytram> =g spacex starship production line
[02:50:36] <systemd> https://space.stackexchange.com - Why create a production line for the SpaceX Starship? - Space ...
[02:50:48] <Bytram> =g spacex starship production line -stackexchange
[02:50:49] <systemd> https://www.teslarati.com - SpaceX borrows Tesla's tent factory strategy for new Starship ...
[02:50:59] <Bytram> =g spacex starship production line -stackexchange -teslarati
[02:51:00] <systemd> https://www.space.com - SpaceX's latest Starship prototype passes big tank pressure test ...
[02:51:12] <Bytram> =g spacex starship production line -stackexchange -teslarati ars
[02:51:13] <systemd> https://arstechnica.com - Inside Elon Musk's plan to build one Starship a week—and settle Mars
[02:59:30] <Bytram> =g nasa logo wikipedia
[02:59:31] <systemd> https://en.wikipedia.org - NASA insignia - Wikipedia
[03:34:35] -!- SoyCow8162 [SoyCow8162!~d8c4e185@925-300-434-342.ubr6.dyn.lebanon-oh.fuse.net] has joined #editorial
[03:34:39] <SoyCow8162> =submit https://arstechnica.com
[03:34:40] <exec> └─ 13Frontier prepares for bankruptcy, regrets failure to install enough fiber | Ars Technica
[03:34:40] <systemd> Submitting "Frontier prepares for bankruptcy, regrets failure to install enough fiber"...
[03:34:53] <SoyCow8162> ~arthur https://arstechnica.com
[03:35:02] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Frontier Prepares for Bankruptcy, Regrets Failure to Install Enough Fiber" (14 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[03:35:05] <SoyCow8162> =submit https://arstechnica.com
[03:35:07] <exec> └─ 13Activision has a First Amendment right to use Humvees in Call of Duty | Ars Technica
[03:35:07] <systemd> Submitting "Activision has a First Amendment right to use Humvees in Call of Duty"...
[03:35:17] <SoyCow8162> =submit https://arstechnica.com
[03:35:19] <exec> └─ 13$12.8 billion Juul investment broke the law, FTC suit says | Ars Technica
[03:35:19] <systemd> Submitting "$12.8 billion Juul investment broke the law, FTC suit says"...
[03:35:28] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Activision Has a First Amendment Right to Use Humvees in Call of Duty" (7 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[03:35:29] <SoyCow8162> =submit https://arstechnica.com
[03:35:31] <exec> └─ 13America’s COVID-19 testing has stalled, and that’s a big problem | Ars Technica
[03:35:31] <systemd> Submitting "America’s COVID-19 testing has stalled, and that’s a big problem"...
[03:35:40] <SoyCow8162> =submit https://arstechnica.com
[03:35:41] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03$12.8 Billion Juul Investment Broke the Law, FTC Suit Says" (9 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[03:35:42] <systemd> Submitting "T-Mobile, Sprint took a risk by finishing merger without Calif. approval"...
[03:35:42] <exec> └─ 13T-Mobile, Sprint took a risk by finishing merger without Calif. approval | Ars Technica
[03:35:53] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03America’s COVID-19 Testing Has Stalled, and That’s a Big Problem" (20 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[03:36:04] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03T-Mobile, Sprint Took a Risk by Finishing Merger Without Calif. Approval" (15 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[03:37:35] <Bytram> SoyCow8162: thanks for the subs!
[03:37:54] * Bytram was just looking at the Juul story on Ars!
[03:45:13] <SoyCow8162> Enjoy
[03:48:52] <SoyCow8162> =sub https://www.theverge.com
[03:48:53] <exec> └─ 13Jeff Bezos’ space company is pressuring employees to launch a tourist rocket during the pandemic - The Verge
[03:48:53] <systemd> Submitting "Jeff Bezos’ space company is pressuring employees to launch a tourist rocket during the pandemic"...
[03:49:15] <Bytram> =g Lost in Space
[03:49:16] <systemd> https://en.wikipedia.org(2018_TV_series) - Lost in Space (2018 TV series) - Wikipedia
[03:49:16] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Jeff Bezos’ Space Company is Pressuring Employees to Launch a Tourist Rocket During the Pandemic" (30 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[03:49:20] <Bytram> away
[03:49:49] <SoyCow8162> =submit https://www.theverge.com
[03:49:51] <exec> └─ 13Amazon executives privately insulted a warehouse worker, then attacked him on Twitter - The Verge
[03:49:51] <systemd> Submitting "Amazon executives privately insulted a warehouse worker, then attacked him on Twitter"...
[03:50:13] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Amazon Executives Privately Insulted a Warehouse Worker, Then Attacked Him on Twitter" (25 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[03:50:24] <SoyCow8162> =submit https://www.theverge.com
[03:50:26] <exec> └─ 13New York finally legalizes electric bikes and scooters - The Verge
[03:50:26] <systemd> Submitting "New York finally legalizes electric bikes and scooters"...
[03:50:40] <SoyCow8162> =submit https://www.theverge.com
[03:50:41] <exec> └─ 13Automated tool can find 100 Zoom meeting IDs per hour - The Verge
[03:50:42] <systemd> Submitting "Automated tool can find 100 Zoom meeting IDs per hour"...
[03:50:47] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03New York Finally Legalizes Electric Bikes and Scooters" (10 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[03:51:03] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Automated Tool Can Find 100 Zoom Meeting IDs Per Hour" (13 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[03:53:24] <SoyCow8162> =submit https://www.theverge.com
[03:53:25] <systemd> Submitting "How to make your own yeast for baking"...
[03:53:26] <exec> └─ 13How to make your own yeast for baking - The Verge
[03:53:47] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03How to Make Your Own Yeast for Baking" (17 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[03:54:19] <SoyCow8162> =submit https://www.theverge.com
[03:54:21] <systemd> Submitting "eBay is waiving seller fees for new businesses to help shuttered retailers move online"...
[03:54:22] <exec> └─ 13eBay is waiving seller fees for new businesses to help shuttered retailers move online - The Verge
[03:54:43] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03eBay is Waiving Seller Fees for New Businesses to Help Shuttered Retailers Move Online" (7 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[03:55:17] <Fnord666> =submit https://www.theverge.com
[03:55:19] <systemd> Submitting "Amazon stops selling N95 and surgical masks to public"...
[03:55:23] <exec> └─ 13Amazon stops selling N95 and surgical masks to public - The Verge
[03:55:37] <SoyCow8162> =submit https://www.theverge.com
[03:55:38] <systemd> Submitting "Campus is closed, so college students are rebuilding their schools in Minecraft"...
[03:55:40] <exec> └─ 13Campus is closed, so college students are rebuilding their schools in Minecraft - The Verge
[03:55:40] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Amazon Stops Selling N95 and Surgical Masks to Public" (8 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[03:56:00] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Campus is Closed, So College Students are Rebuilding Their Schools in Minecraft" (18 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[03:56:02] <SoyCow8162> =submit https://www.theverge.com
[03:56:03] <systemd> Submitting "Everlane customer experience workers say they were illegally laid off"...
[03:56:03] <exec> └─ 13Everlane customer experience workers say they were illegally laid off - The Verge
[03:56:25] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Everlane Customer Experience Workers Say They Were Illegally Laid Off" (16 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[04:07:53] -!- SoyCow8162 has quit []
[04:27:16] <Bytram> ~arthur https://phys.org
[04:27:18] <exec> └─ 13Direct human ancestor Homo erectus is older than we thought
[04:27:19] <exec> 1023 stories loaded
[04:27:20] <exec> attempting to submit story: "Direct human ancestor Homo erectus is older than we thought"
[04:27:50] <exec> submission successful - https://soylentnews.org
[04:27:56] <exec> 1022 stories loaded
[04:37:33] <Bytram> https://arstechnica.com
[04:37:34] <systemd> ^ 03MongoDB’s field-level encryption protects private data
[04:37:34] <exec> └─ 13MongoDB’s field-level encryption protects private data—even from DBAs | Ars Technica
[05:29:18] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[11:03:19] <Bytram> whereto? http://feedproxy.google.com
[11:03:20] <systemd> ^ 03Deep-sea rocks on Earth spark new hope for finding life on Mars ( https://www.cnet.com )
[12:34:24] <Bytram> ~arthur https://medicalxpress.com
[12:34:26] <exec> └─ 13Coronavirus cases are growing exponentially: Here's what that means
[12:34:26] <exec> 782 stories loaded
[12:34:27] <exec> story not found
[12:35:20] <Bytram> =submit from the so-much-time-wasted-by-those-who-do-not-understand-exponential-growth dept. https://medicalxpress.com
[12:35:22] <exec> └─ 13Coronavirus cases are growing exponentially: Here's what that means
[12:35:22] <systemd> Submitting "Coronavirus cases are growing exponentially: Here's what that means"...
[12:35:37] <Bytram> =submit https://www.cnet.com
[12:35:38] <systemd> Submitting "Deep-sea rocks on Earth spark new hope for finding life on Mars"...
[12:35:38] <exec> └─ 13Deep-sea rocks on Earth spark new hope for finding life on Mars - CNET
[12:35:43] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Coronavirus Cases are Growing Exponentially: Here's What That Means" (31 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[12:36:00] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Deep-sea Rocks on Earth Spark New Hope for Finding Life on Mars" (11 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[12:42:13] <Cascade> Muh exponents. I predict that by next month, we'll have over nine trillion cases.
[12:44:19] * Cascade fills in for ari and Zuma in the mocking dept. whiel they're out
[13:15:09] <janrinok> ~gday Cascade
[13:15:11] * exec metrosexually instantiates dinner with a side of toaster leavins for Cascade
[13:15:15] <janrinok> ~gday Bytram
[13:15:16] * exec headily a Ziploc bag of Christmas cards HODL Bytram
[13:15:40] <Cascade> ~gday janrinok
[13:15:41] * exec furiously hucks a boot of Hershey's cocoa at janrinok
[13:15:51] <Cascade> Mmm, toaster leavins
[13:16:23] <janrinok> I'm glad you like them, - I don't even know what they are!
[13:16:42] <janrinok> are they the bits in a toaster?
[13:20:10] <Cascade> Yeah. Crumbs.
[13:20:16] <Cascade> =yt toaster leavins
[13:20:17] <systemd> https://youtube.com - Al coming from work (3:15)
[13:20:38] <janrinok> I now consider myself a slightly wiser man
[13:22:15] <Cascade> Not seeing it in the clip so far
[13:22:18] <Cascade> youtube--
[13:22:18] <Bender> karma - youtube: -1
[15:30:54] <Bytram> ~gday janrinok
[15:30:55] * exec brazenly pesters a wide load of boiled dog with janrinok
[15:30:56] <Bytram> ~gday c
[15:30:57] * exec amazingly pukes a gigabyte of fake news on c
[15:31:01] <Bytram> ~gday chromas
[15:31:02] * exec refreshingly launches dinner with a side of pink taco toward chromas
[15:32:46] <Bytram> rain--
[15:32:46] <Bender> karma - rain: -1
[15:35:01] <chromas> tacos++
[15:35:01] <Bender> karma - tacos: 1
[15:35:07] <chromas> ~g'day Bytram
[15:35:09] * exec whole-heartedly reticulates a snatched purse full of rune stones for Bytram
[15:36:17] <Bytram> how ya doin?
[15:37:42] <chromas> Regular
[15:37:45] <chromas> er, normal
[15:38:01] <Bytram> isn't that a setting on a washing machine?
[15:40:52] <chromas> Yes but I live in Washing ton so it's okay
[15:43:01] <Bytram> the rainy one or the crazy one? Or is there a difference?
[15:44:37] <chromas> It's both, but mostly in the one corner
[15:47:01] <Bytram> Cornered, again? Drat!
[15:47:37] <Bytram> back in 5 or so
[15:59:25] * Bytram has some work to do on his sense of time
[16:36:43] <Bytram> =g Chiral superconductivity in heavy-fermion metal UTe
[16:36:44] <systemd> https://www.nature.com - Chiral superconductivity in heavy-fermion metal UTe 2 | Nature
[17:33:05] -!- carny has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[17:33:30] -!- carny [carny!~irc@46.165.ugu.riv] has joined #editorial
[19:08:31] <chromas> Not a single note on any subs. No doubles, either
[22:03:47] -!- PowellDean [PowellDean!~68f6df85@104.246.omj.tkx] has joined #editorial
[22:10:12] <carny> =submit from the some-of-us-said-this-at-the-beginning dept. http://feedproxy.google.com
[22:10:14] <systemd> Submitting "CDC says we all should wear face coverings to avoid spreading virus"...( 1 modified urls; https://www.cnet.com )
[22:10:36] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03CDC Says We All Should Wear Face Coverings to Avoid Spreading Virus" (11 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[22:12:30] <carny> i don't think anyone can read that article and not realize that they have been lied to all along
[22:13:49] <carny> and anyone who's not a moron should also realize that n95 respirators give more protection than plain cloth
[22:20:36] <PowellDean> Trump has ordered 3M to stop selling the N95s outside of the US. So...the mantra for 2+ years has been "Buy from us! Buy from us!" yet in a crisis, the mantra changes to "You can't have any of our stuff"
[22:21:23] <PowellDean> There will be repercussions
[22:22:00] <chromas> They should've thought of that and bought some before the crisis
[22:22:09] <chromas> Oh I edited out my :) oops
[22:27:51] <chromas> Suite!
[22:28:01] <chromas> I stole the rare takyon sub
[23:00:20] -!- PowellDean has quit [Quit: Web client closed]