#editorial | Logs for 2020-02-03

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[02:12:23] * RandomFactor isn't valid
[02:13:31] * RandomFactor test1
[03:25:56] <Bytram> chromas: Sorry for the delayed response. I *thought* that when I resumed from hibernation, the laptop would decider to use the built-in panel when the external display was turned off. Nope. Had to explicitly tell the lappy to *just* use the built-in panel (control panel). But it all worked out in the end.
[03:33:43] <chromas> There's also probably a shortcut combo on the keyboard
[03:33:59] <chromas> like Fn+F1 or something. The key should have an icon
[03:58:20] <Bytram> FatPhil: Sorry about the MojiBake! That was, indeed, from a tool I wrote that, unfortunately, wrote its output to a Windows CMD window which does *not* grok Unicode. My bad. I suppose I could have the tool write the results to a file which I could then display in an editor window (e.g. emacs or vi)
[04:17:58] <Bytram> have a good night everybody!
[04:41:06] <chromas> or downgrade to powershell
[05:27:38] <chromas> Looks like I herped a derp on the bot subs nicks.
[05:27:47] -!- systemd has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[05:28:27] -!- systemd [systemd!~systemd@0::1] has joined #editorial
[06:45:55] <chromas> On dev, the stories spiraldancing posted show nothing in the posted by block even though he's set to be the author
[06:45:58] * chromas blames tmb
[06:46:59] <carny> https://www.aljazeera.com
[06:46:59] <systemd> ^ 03China coronavirus outbreak: All the latest updates
[06:47:00] <exec> └─ 13China coronavirus outbreak: All the latest updates | China News | Al Jazeera
[06:47:27] <carny> The death toll in China from the deadly coronavirus outbreak that originated in the central city of Wuhan, rose to at least 361 on Monday, as the Philippines became the first country outside China to confirm a death from the infection.
[06:48:31] <carny> so yesterday was 304
[06:48:54] <carny> but that's only what the chinese government is admitting
[06:51:49] <chromas> Don't worry; the great firewall will keep it mostly in -ouse
[08:34:39] <janrinok> chromas - can you explain what 'mojibake' is, seeing that you have just 'fixed' it
[08:37:05] <chromas> Bytram added some stuff to the story but his script borked the unicode em dash because it apparently doesn't handle multibyte characters. What it did was turn the one character into multiple
[08:37:37] <chromas> But what made it extra special was that instead of multiple characters, it used multiple xml entities
[08:37:42] <janrinok> thanks - which story?
[08:38:01] <chromas> https://soylentnews.org
[08:38:02] <systemd> ^ 03upstart - SoylentNews User ( https://soylentnews.org )
[08:38:03] <exec> └─ 13- SoylentNews User
[08:38:26] <chromas> It wasn't in the original sub so I guess there's no way to look at it until Bytram comes along to show us his script output
[08:39:03] <janrinok> ~blame
[08:39:04] * exec points at Bytram
[08:39:12] <janrinok> sounds about right
[08:39:23] <chromas> So anyhow, mojibake is borked unicode I guess
[08:40:16] <chromas> From what I've seen, rehash usually just replaces what it can't handle with a question mark, so if you want to put notes or a poo glyph in the dept field you have to put in an xml entity
[08:40:34] <janrinok> I didn't see what the problem was before you fixed it, so there is not much to give me a clue
[08:41:17] <chromas> in the "Previously" block, the em dashes (—) were some other mess
[08:41:38] <janrinok> we should leave emojis out of the editors' bits. Just use them in subs/stories if they warrant it, IMHO
[08:41:41] <chromas> oh wait, it's in the editor's note
[08:41:53] * chromas just re-read FatPhil's message in #dev
[08:42:30] -!- spiraldancing [spiraldancing!~spiraldan@guox-44-64-34-18.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #editorial
[08:42:52] <chromas> "Grubhub Drivers Are Contractors&#226;&#8364;&#8221;Not Employees&#226;&#8364;&#8221;Judge Rules"
[08:42:52] <janrinok> ah yes, it is that wall of links that Bytram provided, I guess
[08:43:08] <chromas> where &#226;&#8364;&#8221; should be an em dash
[08:43:23] <chromas> (or a single &#8212;)
[08:43:29] spiraldancing is now known as SoyGuest85299
[08:43:38] -!- SoyGuest94542 has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[08:44:35] <janrinok> I usually try to make titles as simple as possible - remove all the UTF unless it is necessary for readability.
[08:45:05] <chromas> Sort of a weird outcome, but maybe going from extended ascii to unicode with a certain codepage would do it
[08:45:30] <chromas> Anyhow, I think it was a Bytram script that dunnit
[08:45:40] * chromas blames MS DOS
[08:48:17] -!- SoyGuest85299 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[08:48:33] <chromas> That's weird. I thought I put a note on the peanut allergy sub
[08:49:19] <janrinok> did you remember to update?
[08:49:32] <chromas> Must'ven't
[08:49:44] <chromas> now that I closed my tabs
[08:50:29] -!- spiraldancing [spiraldancing!~spiraldan@032n5432.nat.pool.telekom.hu] has joined #editorial
[08:51:29] spiraldancing is now known as SoyGuest42419
[08:51:34] <janrinok> ~tell spiraldancing have you got znc installed on your IRC - it allows you to remain logged in when you switch off and so you can see all that has happened while you were away. If you haven't, ask Deucalion to set it up for you.
[08:58:52] -!- spirald [spirald!~spiraldan@guox-44-64-34-18.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #editorial
[09:01:43] -!- SoyGuest42419 has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[12:16:55] <Bytram> .
[12:17:02] <janrinok> ..
[12:17:53] <Bytram> janrinok: chromas: Yes, it was my script, which I 'fessed up to about 8h18m ago. =)
[12:18:47] <janrinok> ... doesn't mean we can't blame you though
[12:18:57] <Bytram> cf: https://logs.sylnt.us
[12:18:58] <systemd> ^ 03#editorial | Logs for 2020-02-03 ( https://logs.sylnt.us )
[12:18:59] <exec> └─ 13#editorial | Logs for 2020-02-03
[12:19:04] <Bytram> ~blame
[12:19:05] * exec points at Bytram
[12:19:17] <janrinok> we've already done that for you ;(
[12:19:19] <Bytram> that's why we have bots to help us out!
[12:20:00] <janrinok> have you got another session with Az today/tonight?
[12:20:58] <Bytram> Not sure.
[12:21:31] <Bytram> I am due to be at work in 1h40m and will be there for at least 8h...
[12:22:05] <Bytram> Have not scheduled any specific time, but I do have tomorrow off, so will have time available then
[12:22:44] <janrinok> OK, if she turns up in the next 10 hours or so do you want me to help or would you rather I leave it for you?
[12:24:19] <Bytram> As much as I appreciate your offer of assistance, I think it best to not have too many cooks doing the training. Do follow along in the logs and feel free to msg me with any oversight or error you come across!
[12:24:38] <janrinok> np - I'll leave it to you
[12:25:09] <janrinok> time for me to have a nap
[12:25:23] <Bytram> hold on, I'm checking something...
[12:25:35] <janrinok> have a good day, don't work _too_ hard,..... I'm still here
[12:27:35] <Bytram> tx!
[12:27:47] * janrinok listens to the sounds of Bytram checking - perhaps he is making a plaid or something
[12:28:27] * janrinok is still holding, but will change hands...
[12:29:29] <chromas>
[12:29:42] <chromas> Wrote you a check; hope that helps.
[12:29:52] <janrinok> will it bounce
[12:31:02] <chromas> Maybe if you ctrl-scrollwheel over it
[12:32:12] <janrinok> of course not - that would be a cheque.... and that mark is a tick mark
[12:35:48] <chromas> Sounds like metricspeak
[18:36:26] <janrinok> =decline
[18:36:35] <janrinok> ~decline
[18:36:57] <janrinok> ~gday test
[18:36:58] * exec allegedly merges a trunk of soda with test
[19:56:38] <cmn32480> ~gday exec
[19:56:40] * exec fanatically runs the Installshield Wizard to set up a pair of hostility for exec
[21:05:34] -!- spirald has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[22:59:59] <Bytram> janrinok: it's =declined
[23:00:02] <Bytram> janrinok: it's =declined
[23:00:03] <Bytram> =declined
[23:00:03] <systemd> Thanks for submitting this story. It appears that no editor has yet selected this story to be run. At least a week has passed since the story was submitted, and if an editor was going to have selected it, they would likely have done so by now. It has, therefore, been removed from the submission queue.
[23:00:09] <Bytram> whereto? =declined
[23:00:16] <Bytram> heh
[23:00:30] <Bytram> whereto? http://feedproxy.google.com
[23:00:31] <systemd> ^ 03NASA solar probe smashes two wild space records as it gets closer to the sun ( https://www.cnet.com )
[23:02:41] <Bytram> whereto? https://blogs.nasa.gov
[23:02:42] <systemd> ^ 03Parker Solar Probe Reports Successful Record-Setting Fourth Close Encounter of the Sun – Parker Solar Probe
[23:02:43] <exec> └─ 13Parker Solar Probe Reports Successful Record-Setting Fourth Close Encounter of the Sun – Parker Solar Probe