#editorial | Logs for 2020-01-28

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[00:03:36] * Bytram yawns
[00:03:36] * MrPlow flips a Skittle into Bytram's gaping mouth
[00:04:20] <Bytram> <a href="https://phys.org/archive/27-01-2020/
[00:04:22] <exec> └─ 13Phys.org | Archive 27/01/2020
[00:25:57] <Bytram> =cite http://dx.doi.org
[00:26:00] <systemd> <p><b>Spin current from sub-terahertz-generated antiferromagnetic magnons</b>, <cite>Nature</cite> (DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/doi:10.1038/s41586-020-1950-4">doi:10.1038/s41586-020-1950-4</a>)</p>
[00:26:01] <exec> └─ 13Error: DOI Not Found
[00:31:50] <Bytram> =g chromia
[00:31:51] <systemd> https://chromia.com - Chromia
[00:31:53] <exec> └─ 13Chromia
[00:31:59] <Bytram> =g chromia wikipedia
[00:32:00] <systemd> https://tfwiki.net(G1) - Chromia (G1) - Transformers Wiki
[00:32:02] <exec> └─ 13Chromia (G1) - Transformers Wiki
[00:32:18] <Bytram> -transformers
[00:32:24] <Bytram> =g chromia wikipedia -transformers
[00:32:25] <systemd> https://en.wikipedia.org(III)_oxide - Chromium(III) oxide - Wikipedia
[00:32:27] <exec> └─ 13Chromium(III) oxide - Wikipedia
[00:42:05] <Bytram> =notes
[00:42:05] * systemd ♩♪♫♬🎜🎝🎵🎶
[01:20:07] <Bytram> =cite http://dx.doi.org
[01:20:09] <systemd> <p><b>Characterizing Colonization Patterns of Clavibacter michiganensis During Infection of Tolerant Wild Solanum Species</b>, <cite>Phytopathology</cite> (DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/PHYTO_09190329R">PHYTO_09190329R</a>)</p>
[01:20:11] <exec> └─ 13Characterizing Colonization Patterns of Clavibacter michiganensis During Infection of Tolerant Wild Solanum Species | Phytopathology™
[01:20:11] <exec> └─ 13Page Not Found
[01:51:40] <chromas> =submit https://www.nytimes.com
[01:51:42] <exec> └─ 13Have a Search Warrant for Data? Google Wants You to Pay - The New York Times
[01:51:42] <systemd> Submitting "Have a Search Warrant for Data? Google Wants You to Pay"...
[01:52:04] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Have a Search Warrant for Data? Google Wants You to Pay" (26 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[01:52:06] <exec> └─ 13Have a Search Warrant for Data? Google Wants You to Pay: SoylentNews Submission
[01:55:53] <chromas> Bytram: which notes did you put into the Detection of VHF story's dept?
[01:55:58] * chromas needs to know to put them back in
[01:57:57] <Bytram> chromas: 🎜🎝
[01:58:09] <Bytram> both at the beginning, and at the end.
[01:58:16] <Bytram> both notes, in both places.
[01:58:44] <chromas> ah
[01:58:50] <Bytram> choo!
[01:59:15] <chromas> rehash doesn't seem to like four-byte characters
[01:59:43] <Bytram> I know I tested them...
[01:59:57] <chromas> It replaces them with question marks upon saving, but not previewing. The trick is to put in the xml entities, but they get converted on 2nding so they have to be replaced again
[02:00:50] <Bytram> but now that you mention it, ISTR there was one more step (a change to the database?) that TMB needed to do, and put off. Not certain, mind you.
[02:01:04] <Bytram> knod gnawed
[02:01:28] <Bytram> what is the entity for them?
[02:01:43] <Bytram> =g Unicode 🎜
[02:01:43] <chromas> &#127900;&#127901;
[02:01:44] <systemd> https://www.compart.com - “🎜” U+1F39C Beamed Ascending Musical Notes Unicode Character
[02:01:47] <exec> └─ 13“🎜” U+1F39C Beamed Ascending Musical Notes Unicode Character
[02:01:53] <Bytram> =g Unicode 🎝
[02:01:53] <chromas> I should stick those in the notes macro
[02:01:54] <systemd> https://emojipedia.org - 🎝 Beamed Descending Musical Notes Emoji
[02:01:56] <exec> └─ 13🎝 Beamed Descending Musical Notes Emoji
[02:02:37] <Bytram> =g Unicode 🎝 -emojipedia
[02:02:37] <systemd> https://www.fileformat.info - Unicode Character 'BEAMED DESCENDING MUSICAL NOTES' (U+ ...
[02:02:39] <exec> └─ 13Unicode Character 'BEAMED DESCENDING MUSICAL NOTES' (U+1F39D)
[02:02:49] <Bytram> there we go!
[02:07:26] * Bytram yawns
[02:07:27] * MrPlow flips a Skittle into Bytram's gaping mouth
[02:21:04] <chromas> =cite https://www.nature.com
[02:21:07] <exec> └─ 13303 See Other
[02:21:14] <chromas> fpos
[02:21:41] <Bytram> That's about three too many yawns... heading to bed. Have a great night everybody!
[02:22:38] <Bytram> chromas: there are three subs I submitted that should be easy to push out to the main story queue, if you are interested.
[02:23:03] <Bytram> and... this time for sure!
[05:16:14] -!- CoolHand has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[06:05:50] -!- RandomFactor has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[06:07:08] -!- RandomFactor [RandomFactor!~IceChat9@629-71-065-58.lightspeed.tukrga.sbcglobal.net] has joined #editorial
[06:53:36] -!- CoolHand [CoolHand!~CoolHand@Soylent/Staff/Editor/CoolHand] has joined #editorial
[06:53:36] -!- mode/#editorial [+v CoolHand] by Hephaestus
[08:18:14] -!- SoyCow7701 [SoyCow7701!~89537ac2@346-09-648-115.starry-inc.net] has joined #editorial
[08:18:51] <SoyCow7701> Please don't run "Glaciers predicted to be melt by 2020 didn't". It was posted as a journal entry. Thx.
[08:19:05] -!- SoyCow7701 [SoyCow7701!~89537ac2@346-09-648-115.starry-inc.net] has parted #editorial
[13:28:06] -!- spiraldancing has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[13:32:47] -!- spiraldancing [spiraldancing!~spiraldan@guox-44-64-34-18.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #editorial
[13:33:47] spiraldancing is now known as SoyGuest16599
[13:36:57] SoyGuest16599 is now known as spiraldancing
[16:00:04] <Bytram> =cite http://dx.doi.org
[16:00:07] <systemd> <p><b>Pro-efferocytic nanoparticles are specifically taken up by lesional macrophages and prevent atherosclerosis</b>, <cite>Nature Nanotechnology</cite> (DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/doi:10.1038/s41565-019-0619-3">doi:10.1038/s41565-019-0619-3</a>)</p>
[16:00:09] <exec> └─ 13Error: DOI Not Found
[16:08:04] <Bytram> whereto? http://feedproxy.google.com
[16:08:06] <systemd> ^ 03Wienermobile gets pulled over, and fans relish the jokes ( https://www.cnet.com )
[16:08:08] <exec> └─ 13Wienermobile gets pulled over, and fans relish the jokes - CNET
[16:49:29] * cmn32480 considers a hotel with rubber rooms and jackets that buckle in the back.
[16:51:32] <Bytram> Trust me, you'd better order take out... institutional food is, at best, occasionally, somewhat, edible.
[16:52:08] <chromas> that's just part of the weight loss program
[16:52:52] <Bytram> LOL!
[16:52:58] <chromas> you can't overeat if you've lost your appetite. roll-safe.jpg
[16:53:19] <Bytram> good point.
[16:54:38] <Bytram> Hey, if any of you are interested in a new 1080p monitor... here are a couple in the $65 to $80 range: https://www.cnet.com
[16:54:39] <cmn32480> sadly, my appetite is not somethign that gets lost easily
[16:54:39] <systemd> ^ 03An incredibly good deal on an incredibly good 22-inch monitor: Just $65 ( https://www.cnet.com )
[16:54:41] <exec> └─ 13This 22-inch Sceptre HDMI monitor just hit an all-time-low $65 - CNET
[16:55:00] <Bytram> Speaking of which, I should prolly eat something soon.
[18:10:58] <Bytram> =cite http://dx.doi.org
[18:11:02] <exec> └─ 13A role for triglyceride lipase brummer in the regulation of sex differences in Drosophila fat storage and breakdown
[18:11:04] <systemd> <p><b>A role for triglyceride lipase brummer in the regulation of sex differences in Drosophila fat storage and breakdown</b>, <cite>PLOS Biology</cite> (DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.3000595">10.1371/journal.pbio.3000595</a>)</p>
[18:11:06] <exec> └─ 13Error: DOI Not Found
[18:13:45] <Bytram> =g fruit flies like
[18:13:46] <systemd> https://en.wikipedia.org - Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana - Wikipedia
[18:13:48] <exec> └─ 13Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana - Wikipedia
[18:15:49] <Bytram> =g University of British Columbia
[18:15:50] <systemd> https://www.ubc.ca - The University of British Columbia
[18:15:52] <exec> └─ 13The University of British Columbia
[18:27:45] <Bytram> =cite https://doi.org
[18:27:46] <systemd> <p><b>Error: DOI Not Found</b>, <cite></cite> (DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/"></a>)</p>
[18:27:47] <exec> └─ 13Error: DOI Not Found
[18:27:48] <exec> └─ 13Page Not Found
[18:27:53] <Bytram> hrmmm
[18:28:16] <Bytram> =cite https://www.nature.com
[18:28:19] <exec> └─ 13303 See Other
[18:28:23] <Bytram> lol
[18:28:27] <Bytram> https://www.nature.com
[18:28:28] <systemd> ^ The Red Sea Deep Water is a potent source of atmospheric ethane and propane
[18:28:30] <exec> └─ 13303 See Other
[18:28:41] <Bytram> =cite https://www.nature.com
[18:28:45] <exec> └─ 13303 See Other
[20:01:48] -!- spiraldancing has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[22:34:54] <Bytram> =submit https://schmidt.eas.gatech.edu
[22:34:56] <systemd> Submitting "First look under Thwaites Glacier and Kamb Ice Stream"...
[22:34:57] <exec> └─ 13First look under Thwaites Glacier and Kamb Ice Stream
[22:35:18] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03First Look Under Thwaites Glacier and Kamb Ice Stream" (31 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[22:35:20] <Bytram> =submit https://www.bbc.co.uk
[22:35:21] <exec> └─ 13First Look Under Thwaites Glacier and Kamb Ice Stream: SoylentNews Submission
[22:35:23] <exec> └─ 13Burnout: 'Sick and tired of feeling sick and tired' - BBC News
[22:35:23] <systemd> Submitting "'Sick and tired of feeling sick and tired'"...( 1 modified urls; https://www.bbc.com )
[22:35:26] <exec> └─ 13Burnout: 'Sick and tired of feeling sick and tired' - BBC News
[22:35:45] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03'Sick and Tired of Feeling Sick and Tired'" (36 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[22:35:47] <exec> └─ 13'Sick and Tired of Feeling Sick and Tired': SoylentNews Submission
[22:37:16] <Bytram> =submit https://medicalxpress.com
[22:37:18] <exec> └─ 13How five short intentions can help people recovering from depression stay on track
[22:37:18] <systemd> Submitting "How five short intentions can help people recovering from depression stay on track"...
[22:37:37] <Bytram> ~arthur https://www.sciencedaily.com
[22:37:39] <exec> └─ 13Combined prenatal smoking and drinking greatly increases SIDS risk -- ScienceDaily
[22:37:40] <exec> 675 stories loaded
[22:37:41] <exec> story not found
[22:37:41] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03How Five Short Intentions Can Help People Recovering From Depression Stay on Track" (14 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[22:37:44] <exec> └─ 13How Five Short Intentions Can Help People Recovering From Depression Stay on Track: SoylentNews Submission
[22:38:22] <Bytram> =submit https://www.sciencedaily.com
[22:38:23] <systemd> Submitting "Combined prenatal smoking and drinking greatly increases SIDS risk"...
[22:38:23] <exec> └─ 13Combined prenatal smoking and drinking greatly increases SIDS risk -- ScienceDaily
[22:38:45] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Combined Prenatal Smoking and Drinking Greatly Increases SIDS Risk" (7 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[22:38:47] <exec> └─ 13Combined Prenatal Smoking and Drinking Greatly Increases SIDS Risk: SoylentNews Submission
[22:38:59] <Bytram> =submit https://www.sciencedaily.com
[22:39:01] <systemd> Submitting "Local water availability is permanently reduced after planting forests"...
[22:39:01] <exec> └─ 13Local water availability is permanently reduced after planting forests -- ScienceDaily
[22:39:22] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Local Water Availability is Permanently Reduced After Planting Forests" (8 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[22:39:24] <exec> └─ 13Local Water Availability is Permanently Reduced After Planting Forests: SoylentNews Submission
[22:40:33] <Bytram> =submit https://www.sciencedaily.com
[22:40:34] <systemd> Submitting "Opioid dependence found to permanently change brains of rats"...
[22:40:34] <exec> └─ 13Opioid dependence found to permanently change brains of rats -- ScienceDaily
[22:40:56] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Opioid Dependence Found to Permanently Change Brains of Rats" (8 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[22:40:57] <exec> └─ 13Opioid Dependence Found to Permanently Change Brains of Rats: SoylentNews Submission
[22:40:59] <Bytram> =submit https://www.sciencedaily.com
[22:41:01] <systemd> Submitting "Solving a biological puzzle: How stress causes gray hair: Scientists uncover link between the nervous system and stem cells that regenerate pigment"...
[22:41:02] <exec> └─ 13Solving a biological puzzle: How stress causes gray hair: Scientists uncover link between the nervous system and stem cells that regenerate pigment -- ScienceDaily
[22:41:22] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "08Solving a Biological Puzzle: How Stress Causes Gray Hair: Scientists Uncover Link Between the Nervou" (23 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[22:41:24] <exec> └─ 13Solving a Biological Puzzle: How Stress Causes Gray Hair: Scientists Uncover Link Between the Nervou: SoylentNews Submission
[22:42:33] <Bytram> =submit https://www.sciencedaily.com Also at <a href="https://arstechnica.com/science/2020/01/planned-nuclear-storage-material-could-decay-faster-than-expected/">Ars Technica</a>
[22:42:35] <systemd> Submitting "Current model for storing nuclear waste is incomplete: Study finds the materials -- glass, ceramics and stainless steel -- interact to accelerate corrosion"...
[22:42:35] <exec> ├─ 13Current model for storing nuclear waste is incomplete: Study finds the materials -- glass, ceramics and stainless steel -- interact to accelerate corrosion -- ScienceDaily
[22:42:35] <exec> └─ 13ars | Ars Technica
[22:42:51] <chromas> that's gonna make two blockquotes
[22:42:57] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "08Current Model for Storing Nuclear Waste is Incomplete: Study Finds the Materials -- Glass, Ceramics " (15 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[22:42:59] <exec> └─ 13Current Model for Storing Nuclear Waste is Incomplete: Study Finds the Materials -- Glass, Ceramics : SoylentNews Submission
[22:43:02] <chromas> use +url for see-alsos :)
[22:43:15] <chromas> or also-ats
[22:43:42] <Bytram> Isn't that what I did? Oops! I *intended* to!
[22:43:49] <Bytram> ~blame
[22:43:50] * exec points at Bytram
[22:44:52] * chromas adds moar undocumented features
[22:45:01] <Bytram> =submit https://www.sciencedaily.com
[22:45:02] <systemd> Submitting "Parkinson's disease may start before birth: Stem cell study finds malfunctioning brain cells in patients who were diagnosed before age 50; researchers test potential new treatment"...
[22:45:03] <exec> └─ 13Parkinson's disease may start before birth: Stem cell study finds malfunctioning brain cells in patients who were diagnosed before age 50; researchers test potential new treatment -- ScienceDaily
[22:45:24] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "08Parkinson's Disease May Start Before Birth: Stem Cell Study Finds Malfunctioning Brain Cells in Pati" (12 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[22:45:26] <exec> └─ 13Parkinson's Disease May Start Before Birth: Stem Cell Study Finds Malfunctioning Brain Cells in Pati: SoylentNews Submission
[22:47:24] <chromas> ~ignore systemd
[22:47:24] <exec> exec set to ignore systemd
[22:47:32] <chromas> oh; didn't think that would work
[22:48:07] <Bytram> let's find out...
[22:48:11] <Bytram> =submit https://www.theregister.co.uk
[22:48:12] <systemd> Submitting "Wave goodbye: DigitalOcean decimates workforce as co-founder reveals lack of profitability, leadership turmoil"...
[22:48:13] <exec> └─ 13Wave goodbye: DigitalOcean decimates workforce as co-founder reveals lack of profitability, leadership turmoil • The Register
[22:48:34] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "08Wave Goodbye: DigitalOcean Decimates Workforce as Co-founder Reveals Lack of Profitability, Leadersh" (19 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[22:48:56] <Bytram> Looks like it worked!
[22:49:30] <chromas> Sweet. Without those extra hits, SN will save literally hundredths of a cent per month
[22:49:45] * chromas doesn't actually know the cost
[22:50:19] <Bytram> Nah, we usually use less that 1/100% of our available bandwidth each month, IIRC
[22:50:49] <chromas> oh, lemme just ssh in and do some torrenting
[22:52:44] <Bytram> brb
[22:57:03] <Bytram> chromas: as of this moment: "277GB Used, 33723GB Remaining, 34000GB Quota" or about 8/10 of 1%
[22:57:23] <chromas> is that per month?
[22:57:35] <Bytram> As of today, this month
[22:58:00] <chromas> We need to start hosting images and stuff
[22:58:09] <chromas> to get the subscribers' money's worth, ya know
[22:59:33] <Bytram> We may have the excess bandwidth available, but accessing and sending pictures and/or videos puts a load on memory and on the CPU.
[23:05:18] <Bytram> whereto? http://feedproxy.google.com
[23:05:19] <systemd> ^ 03Oscars 2020: All five live-action shorts are strong, but this beauty deserves to win ( https://www.cnet.com )
[23:09:34] <Bytram> https://www.youtube.com
[23:09:35] <systemd> ^ THE NEIGHBORS' WINDOW Trailer | TIFF 2020 - YouTube
[23:09:36] <exec> └─ 13THE NEIGHBORS' WINDOW Trailer | TIFF 2020 - YouTube
[23:42:48] <Bytram> =join #dev