#editorial | Logs for 2019-12-13

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[00:52:49] <Bytram> chromas: like I said, "I dunno if the editor interface allows that to go through". Just meant as a heads-up that <cite> *might* not work, not that I thought it would not work. ISTM that in editing a story, things are far less restrictive compared to, say, submitting a comment or a journal entry.
[00:54:11] <Bytram> Actually, I expect there is a very strong chance it *will* go through.
[00:54:16] <Bytram> whereto? http://feedproxy.google.com
[00:54:17] <systemd> ^ 03Watch nonprofit The Ocean Cleanup show off its horrifying haul of plastic trash ( https://www.cnet.com )
[00:54:18] <exec> └─ 13Nonprofit The Ocean Cleanup shows off its horrifying plastic trash haul - CNET
[00:54:19] <exec> └─ 13Nonprofit The Ocean Cleanup shows off its horrifying plastic trash haul - CNET
[00:56:44] <chromas> <cite> works. I've put it in manually a few times :)
[00:57:05] <Bytram> Ahhh! Good to know! Thanks a bunch!
[00:57:08] <chromas> it does get eaten when there's nothing inside though, which the bot does sometimes
[00:57:25] <Bytram> now, whether or not everybody's browser supports it or not...
[00:57:27] <Bytram> ;
[00:57:31] <Bytram> ;)
[02:54:14] <Bytram> the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak...
[02:54:42] * Bytram wanders off to bed
[11:43:03] <Bytram> =g correct horse battery staple
[11:43:03] <systemd> https://correcthorsebatterystaple.net - Correct Horse Battery Staple | Generate Secure Memorable ...
[11:43:08] <exec> └─ 13Correct Horse Battery Staple | Generate Secure Memorable Passwords
[11:43:37] <Bytram> =g correct horse battery staple xkcd
[11:43:38] <systemd> https://xkcd.com - Password Strength - xkcd
[11:43:39] <exec> └─ 13xkcd: Password Strength
[11:47:14] <Bytram> Fnord666++ Again I'm obliged for your pushing out stories last night!
[11:47:14] <Bender> karma - fnord666: 123
[11:47:49] * Bytram was able to push out a couple, but needs to get ready to head to work.
[11:48:03] <Bytram> have a great day everyone!
[13:16:25] <FatPhil> juice jacking story effectyively dupes https://soylentnews.org
[13:16:27] <systemd> ^ 03LA Warns of ‘Juice-Jacking’ Malware, but Admits It Has No Cases - SoylentNews
[13:16:28] <exec> └─ 13LA Warns of ‘Juice-Jacking’ Malware, but Admits It Has No Cases - SoylentNews
[16:13:53] -!- carny has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[16:13:57] -!- carny [carny!~irc@46.165.ugu.riv] has joined #editorial
[20:43:57] -!- chromas has quit [Quit: chromas]
[20:44:14] -!- chromas [chromas!~chromas@Soylent/Staff/Editor/chromas] has joined #editorial
[20:44:14] -!- mode/#editorial [+v chromas] by Hephaestus
[20:46:56] <carny> =submit reminder that you should have already closed down your facebook account and moved your friends to soylentnews blogs. https://www.theregister.co.uk from the your-security-is-our-highest-priority dept
[20:46:57] <systemd> Submitting "Valuable personal info leaks from Facebook – not Zuck selling it, someone stealing hard drive of staff data"...
[20:46:58] <exec> └─ 13Valuable personal info leaks from Facebook – not Zuck selling it, someone stealing hard drive of staff data • The Register
[20:47:19] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "Valuable Personal Info Leaks From Facebook – Not Zuck Selling It, Someone Stealing Hard Drive of S" (11 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[20:47:21] <exec> └─ 13Valuable Personal Info Leaks From Facebook – Not Zuck Selling It, Someone Stealing Hard Drive of Sta: SoylentNews Submission
[20:49:07] <chromas> Muh valuable shitposts being stolen?
[20:59:32] <carny> this time it's employee data
[21:00:34] <carny> but they sell your data to everyone they can so what's the difference?
[21:01:02] <chromas> money
[21:01:26] <chromas> Also, to be faiirrrrr, they don't sell my data; they sell my demographic
[21:01:50] <carny> they sell everything they can
[21:02:32] <carny> go apply for a loan at a big bank and see how they ask you to confirm your facebook id
[21:02:54] <carny> they're running your facebook profile just like they run your credit score now
[21:04:34] <chromas> Coca Cola doesn't need to know I'm a six-foot trannysauraus who's into mariachi metal; they just need to know that six-foot trannysaurauses who're into mariachi metal also drink their swill
[21:05:37] <carny> no but if they had a business reason to target you all the way down to a demographic of 1 facebook would let them do it
[21:06:01] <carny> they say that they only sell aggregated data but that's a lie
[21:06:39] <carny> you can't use social graph data to calculate interest rates on personal loans without targeting the individual
[21:12:45] <chromas> well that's different. pulling your profile directly isn't what they sell. that's free
[21:13:49] <chromas> and they only started pretending to care about that after people got butthurt over Trump's campaign doing a smaller scale version of what Obama's did
[21:19:13] <carny> i'm not talking about banks looking at your facebook page and seeing that you made a post about mariachi metal
[21:19:38] <carny> i'm talking about access to whatever data facebook has on you
[21:19:49] <carny> the more they pay the more they get
[21:21:08] <carny> facebook ai has a pretty good idea if you're drinking beer in that photo
[21:21:09] <chromas> Hm. Haven't heard about that
[21:21:40] <carny> and if you're doing a kegstand that will definitely affect your credit worthiness
[23:50:59] <Bytram> whereto? https://www.reddit.com
[23:51:02] <systemd> ^ 03r/kde - Google bans Falkon and Konqueror browsers! Probably other niche browsers too. ( https://www.reddit.com )
[23:51:02] <exec> └─ 13Google bans Falkon and Konqueror browsers! Probably other niche browsers too. : kde
[23:51:05] <exec> └─ 13Google bans Falkon and Konqueror browsers! Probably other niche browsers too. : kde
[23:52:17] <Bytram> whereto? https://www.reddit.com
[23:52:20] <systemd> ^ 03r/kde - Google bans Falkon and Konqueror browsers! Probably other niche browsers too. ( https://www.reddit.com )
[23:52:21] <exec> └─ 13Google bans Falkon and Konqueror browsers! Probably other niche browsers too. : kde
[23:52:23] <exec> └─ 13Google bans Falkon and Konqueror browsers! Probably other niche browsers too. : kde
[23:54:02] <Bytram> whereto? https://go.theregister.co.uk
[23:54:03] <systemd> ^ 03And now for this evening's space weather report. We've got a hotspot of satellite-wrecking 'killer electrons' in the outer Van Allen belt... ( https://www.theregister.co.uk )
[23:54:04] <exec> └─ 13And now for this evening's space weather report. We've got a hotspot of satellite-wrecking 'killer electrons' in the outer Van Allen belt... • The Register
[23:54:05] <exec> └─ 13And now for this evening's space weather report. We've got a hotspot of satellite-wrecking 'killer electrons' in the outer Van Allen belt... • The Register
[23:55:51] <chromas> re b& konqueror, they've had a block on using oauth from the kde pim stuff for awhile. I had to switch to imap authentication for mail
[23:56:42] * Bytram yawns
[23:56:42] * MrPlow flips a Skittle into Bytram's gaping mouth