#editorial | Logs for 2019-12-06

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[00:43:15] <Bytram> chromas: excellent!
[00:43:28] <Bytram> chromas++ TYVM!
[00:43:28] <Bender> karma - chromas: 109
[00:44:13] <chromas> It also tries to pull DOIs out of news articles and paste that type of block at the bottom but it still needs a bit o' work.
[00:47:34] <chromas> hm. JR's StoryBot collects stories automatically
[00:48:05] <chromas> I wonder how hard it'd be to make a bot command that takes a DOI and scans for news referencing it
[00:48:20] <chromas> and then submit automatically
[00:48:57] <Bytram> sorcerer's apprentice
[00:50:07] <Bytram> chromas: while you are here, I was wondering something
[00:50:12] <chromas> ah oh
[00:50:59] <Bytram> how hard would it be to change upstart's lead-in to something like this:
[00:51:12] <Bytram> <p class="byline"><a href="//soylentnews.org/~upstart/" title="soylentnews.org">upstart</a> writes in with a submission, via IRC, for chromas.</p>
[00:51:34] <chromas> I can do that
[00:51:43] <Bytram> uses up less vertical whitespace and places the emphasis on the *story* instead of the submitter.
[00:51:47] <chromas> That way you can delete the whole top part instead of just the one line
[00:51:52] <Bytram> yep
[00:52:02] <chromas> I think rehash takes the class out though
[00:52:02] <Bytram> Excellent!
[00:52:14] <Bytram> !grab chromas
[00:52:14] <Bender> Added quote 86
[00:52:18] <Bytram> ;)
[00:53:20] <chromas> on StoryBot subs I select from the top line after the name link to just after the one it put in just to preserve the class but it probably doesn't matter
[00:53:32] <chromas> (select and delete)
[00:54:04] <Bytram> I do similar, but to end up with what I pasted in here
[00:54:35] <chromas> oh I did a dum
[00:54:56] <chromas> Switch to editor, hunt around, can't find source file. Try to open it. See that it's the file I was already looking at
[00:55:40] <Bytram> happens to the best of us.
[00:55:51] <chromas> and sometimes to the rest of us
[00:55:57] * Bytram is working on a story right now.... here is the first line:
[00:55:57] <Bytram> <p class="byline"><a href="//soylentnews.org/~upstart/">upstart</a> writes in with a submission, via IRC, for chromas.</p>
[01:00:16] <chromas> I could also just put the irc nick in there and leave out the bot nick
[01:00:35] <Bytram> Hmmm, what would that look like?
[01:00:53] <chromas> TitsMcGee from IRC writes:
[01:00:55] <chromas> or whatever
[01:01:13] * Bytram ponders
[01:01:24] <chromas> it also used to put their nick in the user field so it shows up in the subs list
[01:01:29] <Bytram> should give credit where credit is due...
[01:01:51] <Bytram> I'd say keep it as it is.
[01:02:22] <chromas> (Brought to you by upstart; Patreon here, bitcoin wallet. SLAAP those Like and Subscribe buttons)
[01:02:49] <Bytram> If all they did was invoke a bot, I don't really think they should get just as much credit for a story as someone who has painstakingly submitted a complete story.
[01:03:01] <Bytram> I
[01:03:16] <Bytram> I'm thinking of the listings on: https://soylentnews.org
[01:03:29] <systemd> ^ 03SoylentNews: Hall of Fame
[01:03:51] <chromas> <p>$user was too lazy to write this up, but at least he tried, unlike most of you:</p>
[01:03:52] <chromas> :D
[01:04:06] <chromas> Showing users contempt is the way to go, right?
[01:04:11] <Bytram> *laughter*
[01:04:41] <Bytram> I don't really think that approach would be so helpful.
[01:05:00] <Bytram> something something bees honey vinegar something
[01:05:17] <Bytram> biab time to eat
[01:05:35] <chromas> Bees honey, vinegar and beta
[01:12:50] <chromas> Also swapping out all the string joins for a cleaner templatey thing while I'm at it
[01:13:18] <chromas> Why change the one since line when I can refactor the whole function?
[01:21:49] <Bytram> way to go!
[01:21:59] <Bytram> backups++
[01:21:59] <Bender> karma - backups: 3
[01:54:27] <chromas> Also built a pizza
[01:57:55] <Bytram> heh.
[01:58:07] <Bytram> catch this:
[01:58:10] <Bytram> whereto? http://feedproxy.google.com
[01:58:12] <systemd> ^ 03Bar gifts under that are chic and under $100 ( https://www.cnet.com )
[01:58:49] <Bytram> systemd: s/under//1
[02:03:12] <Bytram> =g jubilance m-w
[02:03:13] <systemd> https://www.merriam-webster.com - Jubilance | Definition of Jubilance by Merriam-Webster
[02:03:24] <Bytram> I *thought* so
[02:07:00] <Bytram> whereto? https://www.forbes.com
[02:07:01] <systemd> ^ 0330 Under 30 2020: Music ( https://www.forbes.com )
[02:07:05] <Bytram> whereto? https://www.forbes.com
[02:07:06] <systemd> ^ 0330 Under 30 2020: Music
[02:07:24] <Bytram> thank you.
[02:08:29] <Bytram> https://www.forbes.com
[02:08:30] <systemd> ^ 03Amy Allen ( https://www.forbes.com )
[02:29:21] <chromas> Was there a reason for using //soylentnews.org/* links instead of just /* ?
[02:29:34] <chromas> Maybe that was from the era of alternate domains
[02:34:10] <chromas> Bytram: I'm doing a couple test subs on dev. then I'll move it over. you can give input to the template if you want
[02:36:41] <chromas> hm, it's getting stuck on references
[03:56:52] <Bytram> I've got an extra early day at work tomorrow, and stayed up too late tonight. :/
[03:57:09] <Bytram> Have a great night everybody!
[03:57:42] <Bytram> whereto? https://go.theregister.co.uk
[03:57:43] <systemd> ^ 03If you want an example of how user concerns do not drive how software gets made, check out this Google-backed API ( https://www.theregister.co.uk )
[03:58:58] <Bytram> laters
[04:02:05] <chromas> I thought Windows 8+ was a pretty good example of that
[09:49:12] -!- Fnord666_ [Fnord666_!~4039920c@64.57.quj.nm] has joined #editorial
[09:49:31] <Fnord666_> good morning janrinok!
[10:02:19] -!- Fnord666_ has quit []
[10:53:52] <janrinok> ~tell Bytram S has gone into hospital, I have no other details regarding her condition. Unlikely to be contributing much in the next day or two.
[10:54:16] <janrinok> ~eds S has gone into hospital, I have no other details regarding her condition. Unlikely to be contributing much in the next day or two.
[11:13:33] <chromas> :(
[11:14:52] <Bytram> janrinok: Take care of S (and yourself!) we'll manage here.
[11:18:55] <Bytram> TheMightyBuzzard: Urg. MrPlow strips all kinds of things from a story submission? cf: https://soylentnews.org and https://www.zerohedge.com
[11:18:56] <systemd> ^ 03Subway Loses Lawsuit Against Journalists Who Discovered Chicken Strips Only 43% Actual Chicken
[11:18:57] <systemd> ^ 03Subway Loses Lawsuit Against Journalists Who Discovered Chicken Strips Only 43% Actual Chicken
[11:20:47] <chromas> Nah, that's what they put into the description meta tags
[11:35:22] <Bytram> k
[11:48:19] * Bytram has finished 2nding stories, and was able to get one pushed out so far.
[11:54:52] <Bytram> and that's another one. time for me to start getting ready for work.
[11:55:03] <Bytram> Have a great day everyone!
[14:00:37] <carny> =submit https://www.bleepingcomputer.com
[14:00:39] <systemd> Submitting "New Linux Vulnerability Lets Attackers Hijack VPN Connections"...
[14:01:01] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "New Linux Vulnerability Lets Attackers Hijack VPN Connections" (21 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[17:37:43] -!- CoolHand has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[18:00:21] -!- CoolHand [CoolHand!~CoolHand@Soylent/Staff/Editor/CoolHand] has joined #editorial
[18:00:21] -!- mode/#editorial [+v CoolHand] by Hephaestus
[21:33:24] -!- zippy has quit [Remote host closed the connection]