#editorial | Logs for 2019-12-04

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[00:28:30] <Bytram> whereto? https://soylentnews.org
[00:28:35] <systemd> ^ 03Google Fires Four Staffers After Protest, Accusing Them of Data Security Breaches - SoylentNews
[00:55:01] * Bytram has had a long and full day. Stuffed the story queue for a while. Now off to bed and, hopefully, to catch up on the short night I had last night.
[00:55:12] <Bytram> have a great night everybody!
[01:00:27] <Fnord666> Good night Bytram!!
[02:30:02] -!- carny has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[02:32:52] -!- carny [carny!~irc@82.221.nrj.jqv] has joined #editorial